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5.0 is killing PVP


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This forum has been largely ignored since not long after launch. People have tried constructively posting, begging, pleading, cajoling and crying. There is only one constant - tumbleweeds. We really only post in this forum for the entertainment value and to talk amongst ourselves.


Quite frankly I'm surprised a little cargo cult religion hasn't sprung up here. :D


They listen to be fair they just don't interact with the forum when they use an idea...you just see it spring up a couple years later and generally less cool than the forum version.....Rocket out comes to mind....

Edited by Soljin
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Honestly the gear needs to stay in PvP per 5.0...what they need to do is level the playing field for WZs via a preset stat template for each class or a Bolster of some sort.


If you completely remove gear from PvP then you completely cut it off from the rest of the game......PvP needs to produce CXP for gearing and to advance players that do PvE along with PvP.


If you are able to load into a WZ with a Stat preset based on your discipline this would solve the gearing problem...just have a few templates for each class favoring Alacrity vs. Crit. vs power etc....Player chooses the template they want to load in with and you have a level playing field.....Everyone using one of three stat templates....


Something like this would remedy the PvP gear deficit issue while still allowing PvP/PvE mix players to advance their gear for PvE and World PvP.


Basically everything stays the same but your gear is over written by a generic template for WZ's......


No idea who to credit this idea to...Its not mine just don't recall the first time I read about it.


Good point, I was thinking more for myself then the community as a whole. Removing gear would isolate PvP. I might have no need for gear but others do.

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Isolating PvP from gear certainly wouldn't be unprecedented in MMOs, and would probably encourage more people to queue. At this point it absolutely couldn't hurt.


I don't know if it would. The gear barrier for entry in PvP has been low for a while.


I think eliminating gear would make the quality of games better, but anyone who wants to play PvP has already given it go.


They are trying to market this game for players to try a bit of all game types. That is all they can do with very little new endgame content.

Edited by mhobin
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In 5.0 only PvP daily and weekly quest will grant you command points not every WZ or Arena. They said best way to lvl-up would be Master PvE content and Ranked but in order to complete Ranked daily and weekly you need to win so it's already disadvantage for PvP people and will bring even more wintrading to ranked. Also gearing up in Ranked isn't an option as you already need the best gear to participate in Ranked.
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In 5.0 only PvP daily and weekly quest will grant you command points not every WZ or Arena. They said best way to lvl-up would be Master PvE content and Ranked but in order to complete Ranked daily and weekly you need to win so it's already disadvantage for PvP people and will bring even more wintrading to ranked. Also gearing up in Ranked isn't an option as you already need the best gear to participate in Ranked.


I missed the bit where they said it doesn't include points for just doing the WZs. That really sucks. I hate pve stuff, especially as it's so easy and repetitive after you mastered dynamic pvp.

Basically making pvpers play pve is not the way to make them stay. This is now the reverse of what they did to the pve guys when they made them pvp to get pve stuff. And we all know how well that turned out. When will the Bioware Devs learn from their "own" mistakes. I'm sure they're performance reviews aren't based on customer satisfaction.

If this gearing thing allows casual pve guys to jump ahead of me in gear for pvp, I'm going to be rightly pissed. I only pvp and I do many hours every day. If some fly by night casual pver can out gear me for the only part of the game I play, then that will put the nail in the coffin for me.

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The point is: there are many,many people out there, with jobs,kids, family,pvp fans, that can only play 2-3 hours a daily...u cant force them to play pve other then the story mode! They dont want to play PVE.If u ask me, the average age of the players is around 27-30 years old, people that dont have time to spend countless hour doing raids,ops,looooong S&V and TfB. Now they pobably they will spam Tobboro Courtyard,8sm,8hm,16 sm,16 hm, maybe Nim.... Till now, i was doing my wz dailies ,weeklies and in few days gain full gear ready to augment and jump in ranked.From now on..... Edited by Klaus
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Isolating PvP from gear certainly wouldn't be unprecedented in MMOs, and would probably encourage more people to queue. At this point it absolutely couldn't hurt.



It may not be unprecedented but the current MMO's that are doing well have integrated PvE and PvP gear not removed it.....I can think of two both of which are better known for PvP than this game.

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In 5.0 only PvP daily and weekly quest will grant you command points not every WZ or Arena. They said best way to lvl-up would be Master PvE content and Ranked but in order to complete Ranked daily and weekly you need to win so it's already disadvantage for PvP people and will bring even more wintrading to ranked. Also gearing up in Ranked isn't an option as you already need the best gear to participate in Ranked.


Where did this get said? I never came across Dailies and weeklies only giving CXP for WZs....

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In 5.0 only PvP daily and weekly quest will grant you command points not every WZ or Arena. They said best way to lvl-up would be Master PvE content and Ranked but in order to complete Ranked daily and weekly you need to win so it's already disadvantage for PvP people and will bring even more wintrading to ranked. Also gearing up in Ranked isn't an option as you already need the best gear to participate in Ranked.


I think I heard this before from their live stream but do not know for sure. if this is the case; I'm pretty much done wit the game for sure, whether I enjoy it or not.

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What is happening is that Bioware realized that the new content they are bringing with expacks is not sufficient. Story is very easy content without difficulty and can not retain players by itself alone. So they have to retain players with something else than story, they don't have the means to do a lot more flashpoints and operations, so their fix for this is to raise the grind level for acquiring gear. That means that you player will have to work a lot harder to get the same gear as before the expack. This explains why they operated a step back from the previous system, returning to an RNG one for gearing. Re actualizing old content through grind. Less content, more grinding is the price to have a single player story in this game. This also explains why, they wiped out pvp commendations. Changing how gearing works hallowed them to wipe out what you earned by pvping. They don't want you to be full gear as soon as the expack goes live, They want you to work again . They gave you some credits to compensate, And that's all.



I bought 2 months of subscription in october, but since the preview of 5.0 gearing I lost all will to log in game and continue to pvp. As far as I am concerned, my reaction is to not renew my subscription for december-january.


Sorry for my gibbering, English is not my native language, but I had to post something to explain What I understood from 5.0.

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Where did this get said? I never came across Dailies and weeklies only giving CXP for WZs....


I think it was not an official info. It still subject of change but I don't think they will change only daily weekly reward for PvP. Because rewards not only for PvP are linked to dailes, also Galactic Starfighter reward is only for dailies, Operations is for weekly. As I see FP and Chapters and Uprisings are not linked to daily or weekly quest.

Edited by ajiehblr
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Heck, I'm an utter Debbie Downer on this whole new system, but even I don't think they'd be silly enough to make only dailies and weeklies award CXP heh. That would be... epic.


And you also get them in Ranked wins too. But if you don't win, You don't get any CXP.

In the pug queue, you have zero control over your teams. We'll end up getting farmers, undergeared and unqualified pvpers in our teams. You may end up doing 20 matches and losing everyone because of noobs.

The other side effect of this, which I'm amazed the Ranked community is raging all over the forums about, is that it will totally destroy ledgitmate ranked players ratings.


So yeah, they are definitely silly enough to do what they are doing, more than silly, down right stupid. They should be made to wear Mong helmets from now on.

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What? *IS* killing? It isn't even out yet! I'd accept (with suitable reasoned arguments and a bit of evidence) *WILL* kill, because it's in the future, but not *IS* killing.


It is killing because pvpers are already leaving because they see no reason to hang around now. They're all off trying new games to replace this one.

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just remembered...how about repairs? money for repairs? pvp gear didnt need repairs, only pve one! but now?if u want to jump from a fp to wz u must repair gear first i guess...


Doesn't pvp gear break too when using it in pve right now? If so, I don't see the difference

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The difference is...as pvp-er i dont do pve! now i will be forced to!


I won't be doing any pve. If that becomes a major requirement for me to play and enjoy pvp, then I'm gone for sure.


At least if pvp gear got slightly damaged outside of pvp, it was extremely easy to repair.

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It is killing because pvpers are already leaving because they see no reason to hang around now. They're all off trying new games to replace this one.
Most of my friends are thinking the same . I decided to give ot a chance thou. The good part is that if most of hardcore pvp-ers are leaving, i will rule the regs, i will be the king of noobs :))))))) It will be very funny to see :D:)))))))))
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yup I see 5.0 doing the following


1)large organized groups will control pvp

2)it will be primarily pve groups

3)crafting was is and always will be controlled by large guilds and they will gear themselves and roll the competition

4)win trading will increase not decrease

5)afk will increase..conquest points conquest points conquest points

6)as the small dwindling group of honest pvpers realize this has happened, finally it will die

7)once the organized groups have eliminated all competition, the queue pops will slow down shrink and finally stop..this time for good.

8)this will then drive the pve groups to shrink, contract and guilds will finally break.

9)once BIoware realizes what they did, they'll try to roll it back

10) it wont work and the board will close shop. Congratulations to the idiots who pissed away 200 million dollars.

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I'm mostly upset by this change because it means that all of the credits used to remove PvP components from their shells and on to Adaptive armor goes to waste.


On top of that, any real money spent to unlock 'war hero' crystals in collections go to waste as well.


I'm not looking forward to booting up SWTOR after the 5.0 patch and seeing my PvP characters with zero armor and zero crystals. Do we know what the substitute for PvP components will even be? Will characters who spent real money on war hero crystals to get them unlocked be reimbursed? I doubt it, but what will we get instead?


While I appreciate that removing expertise will make the game a lot less messy, because it's Bioware (who are under EA), any players who invested in this previous game mechanic are very likely not going to get compensation for what they lose after 5.0


So, yeah :C

Edited by ShiraBliss
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With no point to PVP in 5.0 I really think its going to completely kill pvp . I would give it 4 mouths. A reward system keeps players shooting for the next level weather its pleasant or not . I'll try it but i don't think there will be much reason to pvp anymore in 5.0. :rak_03: At least with the current system you had points to show for it..
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