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So, HOW MANY of you guys will continue playing after the first free month has passed?


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Honestly the only people that wont are the people that never wanted to from the start. You have alot of WoW fanbois that just want this game to fail and that means they they leave they will and frankly let them.



I would rether play a game witha 250,000 poeple that want to be here and play the game. The over a million with the never ending complaints cause they are still in love the POS WoW game.

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I'm in for the long term. The game already exceeds my expectation and is a hell of a lot of fun. I fully expect that over the next several months it will only get better and better and I look forward to seeing where it all goes over time. A few years down the road I get to be one of those old cranky guys that starts every one of his pontifications with, "Well I have played for X years now; in since open beta, so..."
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Just curious! Not trolling or anything.


But I am absolutely curious who will still subscribe and who will still not!


And try to be at least sincere :)



p.s. I am for sure!


cancelled this morning both me and my wife, we find the gameplay a joke compared to games like WoW and Rift. Nice story, good graphics but thats it.

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Subbed for Six months, if the game has lost its appeal by then i`l quit when my payed time is up.


But those 6 will give me the time to play my chars to the end of their story.


I just wonder what Bioware has in mind after that time..


If folks can reach 50 in a damn short time, it wont take them that much time to finish the class story me thinks.. and then?

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The game has a lot of potensial but it also has a lot of things that lack in this game too, people can say as much they want that this game is new, but taken into account that this is a AAA game with the biggest budged ever, then yes the game is lacking, and it does hurt the game.

You have buggs that is from early Beta, buggs that is gamebraking for classes, bugs that makes classes unplayable at Lvl 50. Bugs that is known about.

Yes it is new, but it all comes down to how EA and BioWare handles this problems and how they improve the game.

The game as it is today is almost the same game as it was in late Beta. There are no changes and the buggs are the same. For crying out loud, this is release. The game should not be the same as Beta verson.


Maybe Ill play, maybe not. It all depends on how EA and BW handles the game. If I reach 50 (I follow the storry and do not race to get to 50 asap. I have still 20 LvLs left) before they fix the Bounty Hunter bug, I will leave the game and play something ells.

Why should I reroll because they can’t fixe 1 simple bug that destroys a whole classes ability to participate in end game. If they can’t fix that in the year of 2012, then they wont care much about the community at all.


IMO a companies interaction with community is as important as the game it self. It is important for me to know that the company has the interest of the community over money. That they want to make the best possible game for the money, not drain the community for as much money they can.

Edited by Mamono
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I'm loving the game so far and I believe at this point I'm in it for the long haul. Havent had this much fun playing an mmo since early SWG or vanilla WoW. Its been a long time since I looked forward to logging into a game and thats a good sign for me.


How it all eventually works out depends on BW and EA. I hope they can fix the bugs and add content at a reasonable pace.

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cancelled this morning both me and my wife, we find the gameplay a joke compared to games like WoW and Rift. Nice story, good graphics but thats it.


Funny, my wife and I are keeping our subscriptions because the game has kept our attention far better than WoW has, and we've played since launch.


Dunno what WoW and Rift you two are playing, but it's definitely not what's currently available.

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