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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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I agree that 50's or at least 45-50 need a seperate bracket. I played a lot of pvp at 20 with my Commando, and went face to face with the mirror BH and In one move I was at full life to 10% life in huttball, then dead in the next shot he gave me. I tried running around him, using my attacks that don't root me, and getting out of his LOS to try and kite and heal myself a little to maybe stand a chance but to no avail. His gear made a huge difference. My attacks barely brought his life bar down by 10% and in that time I was dead. My CC's only helped me to run away, if I stayed there and unloaded an attack on him, the damage was negligible. The bolstering only made me powerful enough to face him alone and I could slap him in the face and he retaliated with kicks to the junk.
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I eat level 50s :) Play them in their zone that isnt comfortable. Take them away from what they know ;).


For Example.. i've taken down sages by force pushing them into a pit in huttball and charged after them. Making them panic thinking they have to get away as quick as possible. Not knowing i've already eyed up the speed boost and cut off their route to the free healing pick up :D


So what do you do in Alderaan?


Kncoking someone of a cliff is not the same as beating them.

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Wrong. That's not what I said at all, please learn to readingcomprehension,k?


The developers are using bolster as a means of lumping every player of every level into the same teaparty. If they plan to do this then the playing field should ideologically be reasonably equal. Not exactly the same, but ballpark. Otherwise what is the point of lower levels playing in Warzones at all if they're going to be annihilated in every fight? Where's the incentive for them?


If the devs want to continue to have everyone in the same field, the mechanic needs to operate in a way that allows 50s some advantage but allow the levelling characters to remain competetive. Otherwise whats the point at all for someone who is still levelling to participate in warzones? They get destroyed by the enemy and likely derided by their higher level team mates for bringing the team down. Does that sound like an inclusive, rewarding game system to you?


The only time my low level (again, level 16) has ever been berated was by a couple of elitists BEFORE THE GAME EVEN STARTED. After they finished QQing and left, it turned out that our team didn't do bad at all. We lost, but we came very very close.


In fact, it's quite the contrary. I've actually been COMPLIMENTED on my ability to play to my strengths in PVP. I've even gotten quite a few MVP votes. Not bad for a low level. I've also had some higher levels give me a part in a strategy BEFORE the game started, and we'd gone on to win.


Sure, I can't take a level 40+ on my own and I'm fully aware of that. But I know how to handle them. I'll usually have help nearby, or I'll call out the inc to my team. You know, those other players that are PLAYING ON MY SIDE. This all works really, really well.


So yeah, level doesn't have much to do with it. There's no level requirement for the most important abilities of all: the chat function and using your brain.

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I absolutely agree that communication and teamwork are of the utmost importance. I've participated in 20-30 groups beating 50 premades due to good teamwork, no doubt.


But from my perspective as a level 32 it doesn't change that there needs to be an incentive for me as a levelling player and an incentive for the high levels to engage in PvP, and as more people hit 50 the incentive for levelling players is being eroded because it is more and more difficult for them to make a contribution.

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Teamplay is a part of it? Indeed it is. Noone says otherwise.

But with 4, even just two pvp geared lvl 50's, how does low lvl's performing excellent teamplay work? Honostly?

Teamplay doesn't make them immortal. Pvp geared lvl 50's can still just run over them. And can still just run through the fire in hutball etc etc. How does teamplay work when a pvp geared lvl 50 can 3 - even 2 shot one?

And plz notice, I'm not talking about just a loner lvl 50 in a wz, cause sure, if that is the case, u can team up and take him down. Not easiely, but u can.


But yes, if complaining about fighting vs premades of 50's with pvp gear and 50-75% more hp than me, single hitting 2-3k harder than me (i'm 42) then yes, I am whining.

I like to pvp. I like having a good time pvp'ing. Getting crushed so easily be a team of high lvl pvp'ers ruin the pvp fun.


And don't give me some lame reply like go lvl or stop pvp'ing

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Teamplay is a part of it? Indeed it is. Noone says otherwise.

But with 4, even just two pvp geared lvl 50's, how does low lvl's performing excellent teamplay work? Honostly?

Teamplay doesn't make them immortal. Pvp geared lvl 50's can still just run over them. And can still just run through the fire in hutball etc etc. How does teamplay work when a pvp geared lvl 50 can 3 - even 2 shot one?

And plz notice, I'm not talking about just a loner lvl 50 in a wz, cause sure, if that is the case, u can team up and take him down. Not easiely, but u can.


But yes, if complaining about fighting vs premades of 50's with pvp gear and 50-75% more hp than me, single hitting 2-3k harder than me (i'm 42) then yes, I am whining.

I like to pvp. I like having a good time pvp'ing. Getting crushed so easily be a team of high lvl pvp'ers ruin the pvp fun.


And don't give me some lame reply like go lvl or stop pvp'ing


In Huttball, knock the carriers off the ledges and force them to pass to a lower level player or if they refuse, keep whittling them down to dead.


In Turrets, train them away from the turret (they'll chase, they ALWAYS do), have a teammate grab the turret. Then keep interrupting when they try to take it back.


In whatever that other one is called, see turrets.


It's been done several times. It's not impossible.

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Well, in that case my cover pulse is bugged or can be resisted. Because 50%+ of the times I use on lvl 50 it doesn't work.

Sure I can make someone chase me, and maybe even make him follow me long enough so that someone have time to cap turret - and that is presuming he doesn't leave a m8/ m8's at turret. And most ppl prefer to kill enemies at turret before trying to cap it. Cause ofc ppl do everything to interrupt ppl busy capping


But it isn't just so easy as u try to make it sound. Possible? Probably. But yet, I haven't been in a wz where we were able to beat premade with 4 lvl 50 pvp geared - even tho I know tacs and what to do like u say.

High lvl guildies doing premades and fully pvp geared aren't stupid, u know?

Edited by Wbuller
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Well, in that case my cover pulse is bugged or can be resisted. Because 50%+ of the times I use on lvl 50 it doesn't work.

Sure I can make someone chase me, and maybe even make him follow me long enough so that someone have time to cap turret - and that is presuming he doesn't leave a m8/ m8's at turret. And most ppl prefer to kill enemies at turret before trying to cap it. Cause ofc ppl do everything to interrupt ppl busy capping


But it isn't just so easy as u try to make it sound. Possible? Probably. But yet, I haven't been in a wz where we were able to beat premade with 4 lvl 50 pvp geared - even tho I know tacs and what to do like u say.

High lvl guildies doing premades and fully pvp geared aren't stupid, u know?


It's not supposed to be easy and it isn't. The whole point of the WZs is to complete a set objective by working as a team. Most of the QQing on this forum is because someone wants an "easy mode".


Premades are going to be tough whether they're 50 or not. Premades are premades. They do have an advantage and rightfully so. However, there's nothing keeping you from joining or creating a premade of your own.


I don't have the link, but there's a video somewhere of a mid-level premade just rocking the WZs. No complaints about gear, no complaints about level 50s, just straight up working together to beat the odds.


Easy? No. Possible? Oh hell yes.

Edited by ZombieMeerkat
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Lol, I find ur reply quite funny. Talking about it's not supposed to be easy n stuff. And indeedm ur pretty damn right it's not - not easy for low lvl's vs pvp geared 50's.

But wait, how about the 50 pvp'ers? As hard as it is for low lvl's vs those, so damn much easier is it for them.


U honestly think I'm QQ'ing because I want an 'easy mode'? Plz read my posts again then.


(plz notice the keyword in my posts - 50 PVP'ERS. Those with the 50-75% hp advantage, with the 3k higher hit than ur highest hit advantage and those who can 2-3 shot one, - not fresh lvl 50's with average gear and hp's just like u)


And yes, ofc premades have an advantage. And of course should dedicated players have such an advantage - anyone can have that. I find nothing wrong with that.

But what u basicly are saying are that it is alright to give them a double advantage - an 'easy mode' one might say


As to ur video, I'm sure ur right. And that's cool. But as i might have noticed in my previous post, I 'QQ' about the huge advantege high lvl pvp geared ppl get.

I bet their odds would have been pretty damn different if they were up against 19k hp juggernaughts, 18k operatives etc etc. Ppl who -despite how well they work together - could 3 shot them.

Edited by Wbuller
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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill


Or you can start leveling?


No one is stopping you from attaining level 50.

Stop queuing and pay your dues. Every MMO has a right of passage. Its like becoming a man. That right of passage is called leveling. Get to it.

Edited by Furyofwar
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What if ppl enjoy pvp more than lvl'ing? U rather prevent ppl from doing something they enjoy instead of balancing the pvp just a tiny bit?


If i didn't know better, wait I don't, I'd say you are one of those who prefer ganking low lvl's instead of actually facing a little challenge?

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill


The title says it all.

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I also agree. While I still love the pvp and still play. I can tell a big diffrence between even a lvl 49 player and a 50. I currently have 2 chars one level 24 and one level 27. Im taking my time enjoying crafting, all the missions and voice overs, Mostly pvp though.


However as teams get more the one or two 50s on a team it coming to the point where I die during the frist stun, or they steam roll past me because my damage to them is negligible, and as I said before this is not a skills issue or a team issue because its not the case aginst a level 49 player.


I understand you cant split the 50s apart now because theres not a big enough pool for them to get matches. But could you please make it soon.

Edited by Corechamber
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SWTOR pvp is brought to you by the same people that made WAR pvp. It was never intended to be competitive, and they will not do anything in the near future to fix the current problems with pvp.


Their plans for pvp are set for the next few months and beyond. They are going to give you some more WZ maps, small balance changes, and maybe even fix some of the open world pvp rewards, but what you have now is what you will probably have for the next 6 - 12 months.

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Awe, look at all of these PvEers complain that their bad at PvP. How cute.. in kind of a pitiful way... If you die in WZs it's cuz your bad at PvP. I don't have your problems. Quit whining and L2Play


You never die in WZ's? Cause if you do then this applies to you also.

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nonumbersallowed, I take it u haven't even bothered to read the posts in this forum?


Well, allow me to quote one reply. It can be found on page 16:


''I'm a rank 45 level 50 with 15k hp. I kill non-50's with ease. I feel bad when my group of 50's queue up and there isn't even 1 50 on the other team. It's a slaughter to say the least. A complete joke....


...Put in brackets and cross server warzones. There is no server rivalry that you so quoted. It's us 50's looking at level 10s-40's pathetically try to win. They can only throw themselves against us like marshmellows on a brick wall. I can literally stand still and press 1 button over and over again and anyone under level 50 will die. A level 49 might take me to 40% health. A level 20 will get me to 90% health. It's just so broken.


Fix this. ''



Either ur telling me the person writing this is lying. Well, u might have more exp doing bg's vs high lvl pvp ppl than me, but I'll try and say; the post isn't a lie.


So, it's skill vs ppl who need to l2play that makes it possible for one to ''stand still and press 1 button over and over again and anyone under level 50 will die''?

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill


If you are not closing in on 50 by now you really don't need to be PvPing.


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i dont understand why 99% of mmo's make pvp armor that gives insane damage buff/reduction in pvp... it's just wrong, so those who're good just stomps the newbs/bads harder when they dont need it in the first place? i had a fantastic time in rift from 10-49, then boom, everyone else were unkillable, that's when i quit, because they took what felt like 50% less damage and dealt the same amount of damage to you. evil circle, can't win, no loot. pve wasn't much fun because you were only allowed into raids if you had the best gear :/
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Awe, look at all of these PvEers complain that their bad at PvP. How cute.. in kind of a pitiful way... If you die in WZs it's cuz your bad at PvP. I don't have your problems. Quit whining and L2Play


Oh look its a level 50 BH or SI.....

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