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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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Just to clarify, this includes the armorings that hold the set bonus correct? So we can remove the armorings and put that in legacy gear as well? (side note, you guys should change the name of "mod" to something else like "refinement" or something like that, so when you say mods, you mean everything, and it's not confusing (especially given you released the gear for DVL that did not have removable armorings.

Will the set bonus be stackable with the 4.0 set bonuses?


I expect this question to get dodged. The DvL armor is a new thing, right? There hasn't been armor like that before? How can we possibly assume that the new stuff won't be like it? If it wasn't like that, if it was the old way, then it would completely defeat the point of making the gear BoP and making the GC level character based instead of legacy based.


No, there's absolutely no way the Armoring/Barrel/Hilt is moddable on the new gear. Not as it stands now anyway.

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I'll take a crack at these!

  • The gear will be bind on pickup, currently the other items in the crates (such as cosmetic items, etc) are bind on equip.

Will it be possible to leave the crates in the 'stash' and open them on another character/class?

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Will it be possible to leave the crates in the 'stash' and open them on another character/class?


They have said that the crates are an actual item you'll get in your inventory that are BoP, AND that GC level is character based, not legacy based or account based. So while they haven't specifically addressed this, I think it's pretty likely that, no, you won't be able to send the closed crate to another character.

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They're modded... so logically, pull the mods out and put them into transferrable legacy gear like usual.


Yes, common logic would dictate that could be 1 answer.


Another logical answer is that the gear now carries not only a 240 tier (for example), but has a Command Rank 50 requirement (again for example).


This has all been done before in other games and the gear requirement changed from simply being level capped and able to wear endgame gear, to also requiring you to have earned a particular number of levels in the "additional leveling tier."

So to put into SWTOR terms 224 tier gear also carries a level requirement of 65 currently. I cannot share my full 224 set earned on my Sage with my Sorc that I leveled to 50 in the DvL event because of the level requirement. Command Rank is basically an additional leveling system, requiring you to gain additional levels on top of the current level cap to be eligible for rewards. The new tiers of gear could, very easily be 240 with a level requirement of CR50.


This is an important question to have an official answer on. Speculation, educated guesses and what some folks feel is "logical" unfortunately isn't good enough.

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This is an important question to have an official answer on. Speculation, educated guesses and what some folks feel is "logical" unfortunately isn't good enough.


They have dodged the specifics of this question twice now. I doubt we'll see a straightforward answer or that the answer is going to be something anyone but the devs is happy with.

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Eric, I'd like this question answered as well.




As I understand how the gearing system works, it seems the following very problematic situation is possible:


Even with the most diligent and consistent gameplay, it is entirely possible with very poor luck that I could spend all of 5.0 collecting gear and never receive that final set bonus piece I need.


Even with disintegrating repeated pieces, the next gear drop from a crate is still random (within your advanced class), therefore it is likely I could consistently miss out on a crucial piece of gear. Please let me know if there is some safeguard in the system so that this does not occur. If this is in fact how the system will operate, that seems like a very serious design flaw that does not reward player effort at all!


Thanks for answering!

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I think that we really need Eric or someone on the dev team to answer this simple question:


"Why would you go back to AND expand on a system that has failed utterly in the past?"


Because that's what this is. This is PvP bags from Launch all over again. Those failed, big time. EVERYONE hated them. And yet they're being brought back and applied universally to everything. W...T...F? Seriously, this question NEEDS an answer.

The answer is invariably, WoW (the most successful MMO ever) is doing the same thing. Be glad you don't have those legendary upgradable weapons that you have a chance to get the correct paths to upgrade it, like WoW does.

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Soooo let's say I'm marauder. The gear drop is totally random so if I'm not luck enough gearing up might take months or even more. Also it is not based on discipline so I can get bonus set for Carnage when I'm playing Anni. Are You seroius? This is by far the stupidest idea I've ever seen.
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Bioware the biggest problem with this blog is not the RNG part (yes it's annoying but no more so than heroic gear is right now), but the fact that you left out the most important information, how long is it likely to take a player to get to the top rank (and indeed in a position to get the highest gear).


If the answer to this is for example 10 hm ops then it's annoying but not the end of the world, but if the answer to this is still going to be weeks then that is a little unacceptable and a big f' off to players, who will need weeks to get back to the same position that they are curremtly in.


So do you have numbers from testing you can share about how fast cxp levelling is and just how substantial is substantial when it comes from the higher gains from harder content.

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I'll take a crack at these!

  • It is based on Advanced Class, not Discipline.


So, Eric, Can you please be specific. We not only need to rely on RNG to get our gear meaning we can get 3 belts in a row, we may get healing gear when we are DPS? or DPS gear when we are Tanks?


How can you expect nothing but the outrage you are seeing here on the forums?

Edited by FtWorthJim
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Bioware the biggest problem with this blog is not the RNG part (yes it's annoying but no more so than heroic gear is right now), but the fact that you left out the most important information, how long is it likely to take a player to get to the top rank (and indeed in a position to get the highest gear).


If the answer to this is for example 10 hm ops then it's annoying but not the end of the world, but if the answer to this is still going to be weeks then that is a little unacceptable and a big f' off to players, who will need weeks to get back to the same position that they are curremtly in.


So do you have numbers from testing you can share about how fast cxp levelling is and just how substantial is substantial when it comes from the higher gains from harder content.


No, the RNG is terrible. (Hey you advanced a level here's your RNG crate with tank set bonus on it, Wait, your not interested in tanking? Well try again next level maybe you will have better luck.)

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I'll take a crack at these!

  • It is based on Advanced Class, not Discipline.
  • The gear will be bind on pickup, currently the other items in the crates (such as cosmetic items, etc) are bind on equip.
  • Currently, the end-game gear that comes from crates is moddable so you can add/remove the mods.

Hello Eric,


as already mentioned by others the system is flawed from start as pure DPS AC will gear up twice as fast as AC split between DPS and Heal or Tank. A mitigation would be to base the loot on the discipline a player is specced when opening a crate.


Now I guess you guys know about the walking surprise bags in MMO.

In case, let me recap briefly: studies have proven MMO players are hooked by the surprise bags they get from killing mobs. So while having RNG is indeed smart, there's a very important point that seems forgotten: the (random) reward has to be immediate.


As such when you delay the reward moving into thresholds/ranks/tiers you loose much of the appeal to keep players hooked.


The mitigation for using such system is: certainty. Players will be willing to grind provided the loot is specific or that they can indeed choose what will be their reward.

So far the best system in place is tokens. Reputation can also be used but it's lacking the more physical part that helps players weight and feel how much they have yet.


Another issue is making gear bind on pickup, as player really appreciate to mix gear from different types. For example my BH is "disguised as a Jedi Knight while doing PvP. Does that gives me an edge? Certainly not. Usually PUBs have a tendency to focus on me when disguised like this. Is it fun doing so? Hell yeah! And it's great immersion wise for RP purposes too.



Personally I'm not against changes and I can certainly see a couple of improvement in the new direction. Although if you don't address those two specific issues you are driving into the wall and you'll have a hard time turning back.

Edited by Deewe
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I see a LOT of people looking for ways to turn this sow into a silk purse (stupid droid). Sadly, it's just a sow.


NO, you likely can't mod Armoring/Hilt/Barrel. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


NO, you can't get items specifically for your Discipline. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


NO, you can't get specific item slots with any regularity or guarantee. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


NO, you can't share the important parts of the gear across guilds/alts. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


Basically, if you're reading this thread and you have a question, stop. Ask yourself this:


Does the way I want my question to be answered result in the system, as established currently, being meaningless? Does the "positive" answer I am hoping for stop me from having to grind endlessly on every single character I want to get gear on? Does it alleviate some of the tedium of the system? Does it give me any choice in what loot I receive or how I use that loot? Is the prefered answer to my question a net positive for any type of player, at all, even a little?


If you find that you can answer yes to any of the above, then the answer to your question is almost certainly not the answer you'd like it to be. In short, unless this system is changed dramatically from what has been presented, expect to be disappointed in every conceivable way when this goes live.

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You work more hours, you get more pay. If you don't put in the time and effort, you don't deserve the same recompense as someone who did.


The differences don't even need to be that major, but there has to be something to show for the added effort. It's like making one person pay 50 million to buy a guildship,but than only charging someone else 5 million for a guildship. It simply isn't fair.


So if I work in a factory for ABC company and make $15/hour and you work for GM and make $20/hour, are you willing to give me $100/week to make things fair? After all, I might work just as hard as you (given my experience in union factories their jobs are actually easier).


If you bought T-bone steaks last week for $12/lb and I got them on sale for $8/lb this week, is that unfair?


I thought raiders allegedly did it for the 'challenge', not for carrots.

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I thought raiders allegedly did it for the 'challenge', not for carrots.


Ahahahahaha. There may be some in it for the challenge, but they tend to be highly motivated to capture server firsts and flit from game to game. The majority are just out for the best reward/time ratio even if it means brain numbing content. Just look how popular 4-man Heroic runs are for the x4 bonus credits... this is content that is trivial solo!

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