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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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I have to wonder if the developers realize what this means to raid teams?


One thing I see is that Marauders and Snipers will probably be "devaluated" with this expansion. The reason is because they only fill 1 role (DPS). I can see progression teams preferring classes that can fill multiple roles like PowerTech that can be Tank or DPS. If a raid team needs a different composition, those players with Marauders/Snipers will have to place "twice" as hard/long to level up a second character. Guilds can no longer help gear up these players by doing a quick SM/HM run and then going into NiM content. Guilds wont want to wait for 30 days for them to level enough Command points to build the second character. Where a PT can just level the 1 character and get both sets of gear.


Well, and even that will be a struggle if they get too many "duplicates" and have to keep leveling just to finish 1 set.


Wont be a lot be faster to gear up a sniper/slinger or marauder/sentinel than any other AC ?

I mean, it can get really aggravating grinding **** for your tank and then keep getting dps bracers.....


ugh, I won't decide anything until I see it, but this RNG garbage might be it...:confused:

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Does anyone know if this is toon or legacy based (with something official)?

Because it's a right slap in the face if it's toon-based, since they just made us grind out alts.

Also, is this gear still moddable or stuck to the toon? Legacy out of the box?


I'm super glad I didn't buy that big stack of cartel coins yet, I'll probably unsub because of this nonsense. Between this and other changes it looks like they're punishing people who want a challenge. Now every tom dick and harry will be able to grind out the best gear. No more "well, he's got set bonus 220's" as a way to tell if someone's probably a good player.


Looking forward to a slightly re-skinned wings of the architect in an upcoming pack !

It's been a good run guys.

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I wonder at what point these "raiders" are going to get it through their skulls, they're no longer the center of the universe. Most of the changes I've seen so far are both welcoming and refreshing for someone who no longer has the time or the desire to raid on a consistent basis. Full speed ahead, Eric and co. I'll continue to show my support via my subscription and the cartel market with these upcoming changes.


Awww. Poor guy still hasn't got his taun taun. Don't worry one day some one will run you through df and get you your taun taun

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one way they can do it too, is have the sm ops not drop anything and then have expert and master ops have drop the best gear.


its all about points...sm gives you say 30 points per boss..hm gives you 50 points per boss...master(nim) gives you 70 points per boss. yo can get to the same total, sm will just take a lot longer. you will trade the points for command levels. a sm raider can get to the same command level as a nim raider eventually. question is, will they retain op lockouts. will raiders do their lockouts and be stuck while pvpers run wzs over and over and be at max well before any raider gets half way?

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This makes zero sense except to apease cry baby solo pro's. If you can't do NiM raids then you dont need NiM gear. This is the dumbest thing to ever hit an MMO. Bioware already holds the record for dumbest thing to hit an MMO so i don't see the point.
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Does anyone know if this is toon or legacy based (with something official)?

Because it's a right slap in the face if it's toon-based, since they just made us grind out alts.

Also, is this gear still moddable or stuck to the toon? Legacy out of the box?


The system is toon based, there is some suggestion that the boxes will be toon based in that they'll contain gear for the toon it drops on. However the contents go into a command stash like the cartel item stash which I think will be legacy based which suggest items can be shared between toons, although if the gear is toon based then there's not much point sharing except to the same advanced class.

Edited by Morrolan
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This makes zero sense except to apease cry baby solo pro's. If you can't do NiM raids then you dont need NiM gear. This is the dumbest thing to ever hit an MMO. Bioware already holds the record for dumbest thing to hit an MMO so i don't see the point.


If you don't have NiM gear, you have to be able to do NiM content to get NiM gear, so you can do NiM content? That tautology still doesn't make sense to me.

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Will OP Group finder still be in rotation and will the hardest HM Operations give out more "points" compared to Eternity Vault and Karraga's Palace?


I ask about EV and KP because they are very much at a different difficulty level in comparison to the other raids and would be quickly used to farm Hard Mode Op points and most likely be the most popular choices.


pvp will be the farm of choice. there are no lockouts and you can do it all week long over and over and over

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Sorry but most of the changes sound horrible. Me and several of my guild mates are dreading this change. I feel bad that prepaid 6 months in advance. I won't pay for an inferior game. Take some lessons from Blizzard when they lost millions of their players. Did anyone think of making a petition for EA/Bioware to stop trying to destroy the game?
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People who cant beat NiM content have no right (or reason for that matter) to have NiM gear. I look back at the early game and seeing people with NiM level gear and viewing them as awesome skilled players that i look up to, with the last expansion it has already been too easy to get NiM level gear making it easy enough for almost anyone to be able to get it, making it not an achievement at all, which reduces the value of earning NiM level gear, now you are adding a system where everyone and their great grandmother will have NiM level gear eventually,


lol just finished a tactical in my lvl 30ish commando where there was a lvl 65 sage dps with 224 set screaming get the bosss off me! (we were all dps no one had taunt)

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I have been playing swtor since beta. This is probably going to be the thing that drives me away. This is the worst possible idea you have EVER come up with and I STRONGLY URGE you to reconsider. You are going to ruin the raiding aspect of this game and that is the only reason some of us play right now. PLEASE RECONSIDER or you are going to kill this game even deader than it already is.
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If you don't have NiM gear, you have to be able to do NiM content to get NiM gear, so you can do NiM content? That tautology still doesn't make sense to me.


Its a progression thing. To get into NiM modes you should have farmed all the HM gear. Makes sense right. Doing fp's shouldn't award you NiM gear. Cause then you skip the SM ops and HM ops progression.


So if you aren't concerned about doing NiM why should you be concerned agout getting the gear? Its just jealousy that solo pro's dont get rewarded the same gear that raiders do. Even though they put in a fraction of the effort. They don't learn their rotations, stat priorities, or the fights. And now they will get rewarded for it. Not that i care what gear they get if they aren't raiding. Has no effect on me. Just sad this game screwed over all the people who do put in the effort by making it stupid

Edited by OneHit
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lol just finished a tactical in my lvl 30ish commando where there was a lvl 65 sage dps with 224 set screaming get the bosss off me! (we were all dps no one had taunt)


Ya tacticals. Another stupid idea that killed progression in this game. Ya lets throw 4 random roles together cause that teaches you nothing

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Does Command crates drops include Legacy gear, like the Locked supply crates do? If not, does that also mean that Locked supply crates are staying in the game? With the new changes, will we still have the option to add the specific Command gear parts to our existing legacy armor set's?



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