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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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To level to rank 100 you need approximately 60k experience. Starting from 200-300 and getting to 700-800. For reference a gsf win gives 45.


Do you want the thread to be wiped? Because that's how you get the thread wiped :)


5 to 10 GSF matches per level, then. (30-120 minutes of play time, exclusive of queue time)


I'd hope that an Op grants GXP in proportion then - around 400 GXP per run for SM, and more in proportion to difficulty level chosen.

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Do you want the thread to be wiped? Because that's how you get the thread wiped :)


5 to 10 GSF matches per level, then. (30-120 minutes of play time, exclusive of queue time)


I'd hope that an Op grants GXP in proportion then - around 400 GXP per run for SM, and more in proportion to difficulty level chosen.


No, Op gives 40

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You will still get gear from all of the normal sources pre-70. Flashpoint bosses, Mission drops, etc. The only exception is that you can no longer get gear for Commendations. The planetary vendors which sold mods for Commendations will now do so for credits instead.




That's actually kind of cool.

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I realize that I'm likely a minority in this, but I'm personally (and admittedly a bit selfishly) pleased by the spirit of these changes. It's still a little too early to talk about the execution, I think...though the random nature of the Command Crates in particular makes me leery, but I digress.


When I play SWtOR I more often than not have to take rather frequent AFK breaks, so committing to long group content is very difficult. I never want to be 'that guy,' if you catch my meaning. As a result, The vast majority of the time I'm soloing or occasionally duoing with a friend. High-grade gear was pretty much always out of reach for me because of that. The idea that I can commit time doing things I'm already doing anyway (and hopefully some interesting new ones) and get end-game gear that isn't bottom rung is really nice.


Admittedly, I'm firmly in their solo-player demographic that this past year has largely catered to. I'm also one of the few that's happy about repeatable chapters. Sure, the gameplay in most of KotFE was boring as sin, but there were some really cool story moments that I'd love to experience again on my mains since they're fleshed out in my head. Chapter 2, for example. There's not much going on gameplay-wise in that chapter, but I loved the atmosphere of it. Here's hoping KotET is more fun to actually play, though.


These changes are great for me, but I do really feel for the Ops runners. I can sympathize with the feeling they must have as the main reward for doing their favored activity is largely swept out from under them. Even if new Operations are announced, while I do think the people who enjoy Operations for the challenge will want to run them for the shiny new content alone...but repeating, frequent runs? I really can't see it. They may get to the destination faster, but it's just a matter of time. And grouping can be fun, but it's also a project compared to soloing, that's for sure.


So it's a bit conflicting for me. I did hope that soloists or even duos would eventually get a way to earn higher-grade end-game gear in one way or another (at least radiant crystals), but given the precedent the game has always set for getting that gear it's inevitable that the Ops players would feel slighted. It's pretty easy to see why, even as a party gaining with the new way of doing things in 5.0. So I supposed I'm pleased, but it's a bit bittersweet since I absolutely understand the complaints from players who don't share my situation and tastes.

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A few side questions:


*If crystals/commendations are going away to be replaced by the new crates, what about all the non-gear item that we can currently buy with them? This includes all sorts of items. What will the system be for max level characters getting access to them.'


*What is happening to the shells of gear currently bought with crystals/comms? Will they be randomly dropped in crates. I am thinking of pvp items in particular. Some of the outfits are pretty cool.


*Is gear going to still be modable with armoring, mods, etc?


Edit: What happens with the crystal/comms being phased out and the items it currently buys is important to know asap. This way we know whether to horde them (ie if they give a boost in the new system) or to quickly pick up items we are loosing easy access to.

Edited by divinecynic
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I really like the idea of making top-level gear available for all play-styles, especially because Ops and Ranked WZs will still give them at significantly higher rates. That seems like a good approach to let everyone get invested while still rewarding the most challenging content.


Only thing I'm iffy on is the complete abandonment of Comms for purely RNG-based drops. The crates replacing the boss gear drops is fine -that's the same outcome in a different packaging- but my understanding is that Comms were introduced specifically so that even if you personally didn't get a drop on a run, you'd still get to feel like you were progressing towards getting something useful out of it. Taking that element out feels like a step backwards in terms of design evolution.


Overall I like more than I dislike about what's been presented so far, but am still in wait-and-see mode as to whether I think the final result will really be a net improvement.

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More random stuff ?


Can you at least introduce a new npc that buy them at a fair price ? So when I open 10 crates I can sell those 10 gloves that I already have...


I aint krishna . But this RNG is giving me nothing but gloves and boots and belt . Pffff


You know what they really should have--a vendor on fleet that sells a "universal gear token". So, you trade in 5 pieces of 208 (or whatever) gear that you don't need, and you get one token that buys you one piece of 208 gear that you really do need.


That way you can choose to gamble (by disintegrating the gear) or you can just wait until you get your guaranteed piece.

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Hey folks,


One of the things we talked a bit about on the stream is that there are gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. This thread is meant to give you a few more details on some of the things that will be happening in KOTET, along with being a place that I can address questions or concerns you have with these changes. First, here are the details on how gearing will work at level 70:



Hi Eric,


I've been playing the game since launch, joined a guild around 1.2 and have been leading that guild since 2.0 with close to 100 subscribers, even on low content period.


I've been running the same raid team with very few rotation since 2.0. We've succeeded where a lot of other groups have not : we had fun, we weren't elitist and yet we cleared every nightmare bosses except The Council. We are 7/10 on Hardmare because we could only allocate one evening (2.5 hours) a week to raid together and could not dedicate the time on Revan or M&B+C, or by the time we were there, we didn't have the time to work the strat.


All the raid groups(5) in my guild are built like this, one evening a week... we call it casually hardcore.


Last month, my group went on a Hiatus, a few groups in my guild are on the same status. Some of us were close to a burnout facing the lack of new content. We all agreed we needed a break to recharge our batteries for the new content... if any.


Between 12-16 of my guildies PvP every friday night from 11pm till 4am. Unless 8 man ranked team comes back, forget this loot system for them too... they will hate it


This new loot change and lack of new raid is the nail in the coffin for the casually hardcore raiders and casual PvPers.


By now, if you have a minimum of intelligence required to read English, you can understand my message loud and clear. My only remaining suggestion : Find a new job because there won't be a community to manage next year.


I don't get it... you are slowly killing one of the best MMO on the market.


p.s. this system is perfect for group finder... but not for fixed team...

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Not thrilled, but I am mostly concerned about our symbiotic relationship with free/preferred players and subscribers. It's definitely drawing stricter lines and closes opportunities for free/preferred players. I hope this does not crush the swtor community because as a guild officer and subscriber I depend on my non sub guild mates to have fun.



I have some questions


1.) Is the new Command Rank Legacy or per character?


2.) Who will be able to craft the non-set bonus gear for free/preferred players?

Does someone just need the resources and craft skill? Are the resources rare?

Or does someone with a command rank high enough and appropriate craft skill have to get a schematic or RE these non-set bonus armor pieces?


3.) Is the only requirement for wearing the higher rank gear level? Or does Command Rank effect this ability to equip armor?


4.) The question so many are asking, Is the new Command Rank crate gear moveable in Legacy gear? Considering Ear, implants and relics stay the same and can not be movable.

Edited by Lorsic
Trying to keep the questions precise and short
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I have to wonder if the developers realize what this means to raid teams?


One thing I see is that Marauders and Snipers will probably be "devaluated" with this expansion. The reason is because they only fill 1 role (DPS). I can see progression teams preferring classes that can fill multiple roles like PowerTech that can be Tank or DPS. If a raid team needs a different composition, those players with Marauders/Snipers will have to place "twice" as hard/long to level up a second character. Guilds can no longer help gear up these players by doing a quick SM/HM run and then going into NiM content. Guilds wont want to wait for 30 days for them to level enough Command points to build the second character. Where a PT can just level the 1 character and get both sets of gear.


Well, and even that will be a struggle if they get too many "duplicates" and have to keep leveling just to finish 1 set.

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I wonder at what point these "raiders" are going to get it through their skulls, they're no longer the center of the universe. Most of the changes I've seen so far are both welcoming and refreshing for someone who no longer has the time or the desire to raid on a consistent basis. Full speed ahead, Eric and co. I'll continue to show my support via my subscription and the cartel market with these upcoming changes.
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  • Once you hit level 70, the source of end-game gear will be Command Crates from Galactic Command.
  • Gear will no longer drop from bosses as all gear will come from Command Crates. All cosmetic/unique drops will still remain on those bosses (Stronghold Decorations, Wings of the Architect, etc.).
  • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.




Is this end-game gear from Command Crates moddable gear? Or is this the end of barrels, hilts, armorings, mods, and enhancements?



Edited by VenomBry
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I wonder at what point these "raiders" are going to get it through their skulls, they're no longer the center of the universe. Most of the changes I've seen so far are both welcoming and refreshing for someone who no longer has the time or the desire to raid on a consistent basis. Full speed ahead, Eric and co. I'll continue to show my support via my subscription and the cartel market with these upcoming changes.




Run one operation for a set-piece or 100500 for the Commander box with rng item...

Desicions... Desicions...

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Is this end-game gear from Command Crates moddable gear? Or is this the end of barrels, hilts, armorings, mods, and enhancements?




That is a serious concern, considering that the default gearing stats are TERRIBLE. There's no way anyone would be able to down HM/NiM content with the default gear stats Bioware sets up. That's why you have to farm for alac and crit mods/enhancements - cause freaking everything has accuracy.


Not to mention how bad it is for tanks, considering everything is built for defence so tanks need to farm multiples in order to get the right pieces.


Or healers... yeah it's bad for everyone.


~ Eudoxia

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HM and NiM raiders were already feeling screwed for not having a single new raid for so long, now this.


People who cant beat NiM content have no right (or reason for that matter) to have NiM gear. I look back at the early game and seeing people with NiM level gear and viewing them as awesome skilled players that i look up to, with the last expansion it has already been too easy to get NiM level gear making it easy enough for almost anyone to be able to get it, making it not an achievement at all, which reduces the value of earning NiM level gear, now you are adding a system where everyone and their great grandmother will have NiM level gear eventually,


So what you have done is this: Everyone in the SWTOR Universe has the best gear, so everyone is special. Rather in my eyes, everyone is special = No one is special.


You have grown into the trap of ''Everyone gets a medal!''


I hope this does not come off as rude, i really loved this game and stayed subbed for as long as i had raids to beat, i have been hopeful that raids would be added in the future and i could resub, but i'm not sure i could come back with this new gearing system.

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I wonder at what point these "raiders" are going to get it through their skulls, they're no longer the center of the universe. Most of the changes I've seen so far are both welcoming and refreshing for someone who no longer has the time or the desire to raid on a consistent basis. Full speed ahead, Eric and co. I'll continue to show my support via my subscription and the cartel market with these upcoming changes.


And you can do that. My guild has decided that its just not worth running group **** anymore. But we have new games we are now leaving for and play as a team cause we are sick of years old content and nothing new for us

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I wonder at what point these "raiders" are going to get it through their skulls, they're no longer the center of the universe. Most of the changes I've seen so far are both welcoming and refreshing for someone who no longer has the time or the desire to raid on a consistent basis. Full speed ahead, Eric and co. I'll continue to show my support via my subscription and the cartel market with these upcoming changes.


High level raiders such as myself do not care what gear you have. Frankly, we don't care if you have the best gear available. Not a single one of us cares that you can get the best gear from the galactic command system. That's a good change. Let anyone that wants the gear get it. What is not ok from a raider's perspective is the grind required for us to get the gear we need to get into the content we want to get into. This system, in its current form, makes the grind to get back into the content we have been participating in (and to be honest the only content we really want to be playing) astronomical. Most of us who raid at a high level raid one night a week due to real life constraints. So while this system opens up the game from a gear stand point for anyone who wants better gear for their desired content, it closes the door for many people who enjoy raiding. You may not like people like me who raid at the higher or highest tiers for whatever reason, but you should respect the player's desire to play the content they like whether its nightmare operations or heroics or story or whatever. This system simply isn't good.


What I would rather see, and I think a poster said something along these lines, is that these command crates award X amount of tokens that can be traded in to a gear vendor. That way RNG isn't a factor, and raiders like me can get our gear so that we can get into our desired content, and other players such as yourself can get the same gear and play your way. If the saying is "play your own way" that kind of token system seems to be the best compromise.


Take your hatred out of the equation for a second, and try to understand that everyone just wants to play the content they like. I like to run nightmare level operations. That requires gear. I don't want to run Uprisings, story chapters, story mode operations, in a sense flashpoints, to get to the content I want to participate in (and have been participating in for the better part of 2 years). I'm totally ok with any player getting gear. I just hate that it's not an equal spread. Non raiders can get to their desired content in this system and they can play their own way. Raiders such as myself won't be able to.

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