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Everything posted by LilCthulhu

  1. As these boss will drop randomly as far as I know, they cannot fulfill the requirements of our raid groups. Also, one boss cannot provide the intended amount of game time targeted by our current raid groups, which is a narrow 3 hours of challenging playstyle that involves gear and challenge progression. We've played along the priority target, understanding the need to make these ops adapt in the future to max level, and that's why we were willing to be patient, while disapproving the fact that no operations were released in 4.0. The patience is wearing thin at this point...
  2. Somebody asked for a summary... here it goes. Unfortunately, you'll have to listen to the recordings for the solutions we do provide. Summary of the Meetings Our guild has gathered two different types of players that coexist in a respectful balance where the separation is often blurry. The "Casuals" participates in all kind of activities in the game. They log on throughout the week on their spare time. The "Casually hardcores", who may have been more hardcore at launch, logs on a specific evening, for a specific amount of time to do a specific activity with a specific group. Specifically end game progression in 8 man operation groups OR Group Queue PvP on a specific evening of the week. Some members only logs on for said activity. The guild has always worked because both groups benefits from a symbiotic relationship that allowed everybody to enjoy the content at their own pace and provides a safe environment to teach those interested in playing at a higher level. We're in our 30's and 40's, with professional life, family, kids and SO. The raid captains and officers represent both group of players and agrees that the RNG in the new system is bad for obvious reasons. The casuals are mostly positive about the Galactic Command Loot Crates benefits. The casually hardcores understand the benefits and intended purposes of the Galactic Command but consider that the system will be a hindrance to their playstyle both in PvE and PvP and that the system will no longer support their playstyle and will hindered the progression of those who only logs for specific content or those, like preferred players, that enabled everybody to enjoy PvP by queuing together. It also creates gear imbalances for those that cannot log as often. In general, the system will force the casually hardcores to play one toon only, limiting their aiblity to support multiple groups/roles. This will result in less content being played on the imperial side for example. Added to that, the fact that there's no new 8+ man group content that is challenging and for which the group has to work together for a few hours, the casually hardcores are seriously considering leaving the game by January 1st. SWTOR 4.0 supported the play style of 8 raid captains and officers, 8 members of the Fucus Group (1 out of 5 of them) and all of our 12 PvP Players. SWTOR 5.0 only support the play style of 4 raid captains and officers, 2 members of the Fucus Group and hinders the progression of preferred players in PvP. As such, and with no new end game content except 4 man uprisings, most of the casually hardcores are seriously considering ending their 5 years subscription January 1st. If that is the intended goal of the Galactic Command, that's fine... it can makes sense from a business point of view to cater to the recently acquired customers. But for "Casually Hardcores", its the last nail in the coffin and the "casuals" who benefited from the experience of the "casually hardcores" are now worried that the guild might collapse.
  3. I'm about to leave for a few hours, I'll be back later and try to come up with a tldl (too long didn't listen) Thanks for the feedback.
  4. tldr; Three mp3 recordings on the upcoming changes with Galactic Command and how it will affect us in our guild, in our play style. --- Our guild has held a few meetings lately to discuss the upcoming changes to Galactic Command and how it affects our guild, our raid groups and our play style. I thought it would be a good idea to record those discussions and share them with the player base and Bioware and /u/emusco if they are interested. Now understand that these opinions are based on our current understanding of the Galactic Command and cover the whole spectrum of what we think about the system in all it's shades of gray. Recordings Note: I am utterly sorry about my accent, I'm French Canadian and ended up leading this American guild since before 2013. I'll admit, I don't know how they have tolerated me for so long and yes, they could vote me out The first meeting was held with our main officers and raid captains, Anima, Enesha, Irys, Powser, Tanken, Tankerus, Sath and myself (Decayeth) and runs for an hour. The second meeting was held with our two most experienced PvPers Balph, Krane and myself and runs for 15 minutes. The last recording was held with my raid group which has been running together, in a form or another, since 2.0. Drama-free Anima, Cue, Perci, Tervalos, Xaffin with guest Sath and myself for about 15 minutes. Hopefully, you'll appreciate those and understand our respective views on the Galactic Command and how it affects our play style. Feel free to ask any question --- This is not meant as a recruitment post, but for context, here's the guild and the membership's background. Guild The guild was founded at launch on Axial Park and eventually ended up on the Jedi Covenant server under the <Legendary Guild> and <Infamy> tag. We're one of the oldest active guild on the server. We've maintained our qualifying accounts between 80 and 120 without too much recruitment, preferring mergers. Most of us have played since launch ! Membership Our membership is composed of a vast array of players, from the casual to the hardcore and we mostly favor endgame content (Operations and PvP). We call it "casually hardcore" in the sense that we raid and/or PvP once a week for the most part for a 3 hours session but have been successful in clearing several HMs (7/10 in TOS and RAV) and all NMs (except council). We're mostly in our late 30's, late 40's but there's a few exceptions. Up to last month, we had 5 raid groups who are now in a hiatus mode, awaiting 5.0 and new content, and we PvP every Friday late night. Fucus Group I've been running the Fucus Group since SWTOR 2.0 in a form or another with few rotations and I have played with some of its raiders since SWTOR 1.2. With only 3 hours per week dedicated to our group, we've been able to clear most of the hardest boss in the game while maintaining a drama free environment for quality players that couldn't dedicate as much time to the game as required by most progression guild. The camaraderie was the leading reason for us to show up every week, but facing the lack of new content and with some players being burned out, we took a hiatus last month to recharge our batteries. This time around, it felt counter intuitive to find replacements before 5.0 and before new content dropped.
  5. Eric, How will the current expertise in game gear be converted in 5.0 ? For example, will there be a conversion ? If so, it would be good to know before tomorrow... It might be more interesting to buy some gear that can be useful for alts until they reach level 70 than get credits for commendations we still have. Final note, aren't you worried that preferred status, not allowed to get gear using command ranks in 7.0, will feel that the game turned into a P2W model ?
  6. Hi Eric, I've been playing the game since launch, joined a guild around 1.2 and have been leading that guild since 2.0 with close to 100 subscribers, even on low content period. I've been running the same raid team with very few rotation since 2.0. We've succeeded where a lot of other groups have not : we had fun, we weren't elitist and yet we cleared every nightmare bosses except The Council. We are 7/10 on Hardmare because we could only allocate one evening (2.5 hours) a week to raid together and could not dedicate the time on Revan or M&B+C, or by the time we were there, we didn't have the time to work the strat. All the raid groups(5) in my guild are built like this, one evening a week... we call it casually hardcore. Last month, my group went on a Hiatus, a few groups in my guild are on the same status. Some of us were close to a burnout facing the lack of new content. We all agreed we needed a break to recharge our batteries for the new content... if any. Between 12-16 of my guildies PvP every friday night from 11pm till 4am. Unless 8 man ranked team comes back, forget this loot system for them too... they will hate it This new loot change and lack of new raid is the nail in the coffin for the casually hardcore raiders and casual PvPers. By now, if you have a minimum of intelligence required to read English, you can understand my message loud and clear. My only remaining suggestion : Find a new job because there won't be a community to manage next year. I don't get it... you are slowly killing one of the best MMO on the market. p.s. this system is perfect for group finder... but not for fixed team...
  7. First of all : Thanks for providing a QoL improvement for guild leaders/officers. This was long overdue and it's appreciated. As for the issues, yes they are a few issues that need to be fix for this new window to work properly. The refreshed list being the most important one to fix in my honest opinion as it renders this screen pretty much useless, especially in guilds were there is a lot of activity online. We used to be able, through a series of click, to sort on multiple columns. This is no longer the case, even worst, some of the sorting don't work as intended. This was mostly useful for example to sort on ranks + last played date in order to update ranks while being able to see the officer notes for example. The multi-selection is awesome and it would be nice to allow an update of member notes/officers notes on multiple selections. Before displaying the legacy name, we used the officer notes as a way to identify players based on their main toon name. In a guild with over 500 characters, that's pretty useful . Unfortunately, the Legacy Name is usually something you don't remember for everybody, it would be nice to have an option to display the Primary Toon Name instead of the Legacy Name in that column. Thanks again
  8. First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to write that nice answer, and in the meanwhile took a look at your website. I wrote my post the best I can, english not being my first language, and yet seems like it raised enough interest for you to answer it. It's interesting to read about this. I will admit that I joined SWTOR shortly after it's released, ending a 10 year old gaming hiatus I knew about MMO and had stayed away from them because I mainly come from a classic table top RPG setting... WoW was not interesting for me and I had some leveling to do in raising some kids None the less, I came to appreciate what an MMO has to offer and the SWTOR setting was great and I think in a lot of reasons, SWTOR is a really really good game with really good potential. Unfortunately, the decision process at BW does not implicate the community enough, and I don't mean the whole community at large. George Tait had guildmasters sent their contact information a few months ago. How much would it take to send some surveys and based their decision on that ? As a guildmaster, you are able to forego your own interests and speak up for what your guildies are "wishing" for the game. You hear from them on a daily basis ! On the Jedi Covenant server, the Guild Summit would have been a tremendous ressource in having feedbacks on the direction players wanted things to go... only to be partially ignored. And I wished I could be there every last saturday afternoon of the month, but family is priority Yes Eric Musco will sit and listen, but will not ask the dreaded questions "What do you think about this or that ?" "Do you think your guildies would like more of this or that ? " Nor are the results of voiced suggestions seen. Furthermore, the feeling we have is that the development crew is kept at a bare minimum, it should be sized appropriate to the money the game is generating, which it does not seem to be the case.That latest Blur trailer was awesome ! But I would rather see the funds go to hire a few more developpers Unfortunately, they sold us a MMO, not a single-player game But I understand that EA may not want this multiplayer game to interfere with their other multiplayer game coming out soon....
  9. I haven't run those in a long time, but was hoping that BW bringing old ops to current level and beyond was a good thing in the long run for PvErs. Somehow it was wishful thinking that we were going to be challenged somehow once more by SOA ! At this point, it's sad to see where SWTOR Is going and hopefully we have "better" news regarding end-game content (pve or pvp) soon enough. If your analytics makes you believe that story will be enough to keep an healthy end-game customer base, you are looking at the wrong side of a lightsaber hilt about to be lighten up ! Your end-game subscriber numbers are going to only get lower and I think that is your goal. Your strategy of turning this multiplayer game into a single player game is pathetic and deceitful to your 3 year old loyal subscribers. Unfortunately, some of us are still sadden by all this as we still care about this game... but every week my expectations are getting lower and lower and It'll be difficult to justify my subscription past those first 9 chapters... as there will be nothing for me to do but the same old thing I've been doing in the past few years.
  10. Exactly where you've put them... Thank you very much for updating and keeping this up to date ps If you have the time, add the website next to the entry legendaryguild.com ... thank you
  11. Just a quick update for us been awhile, but none the less. <Legendary Guild> is on the republic side and <Infamy> is on the imperial side (was <Legendary After Dark>) Imperial • <Legendary Guild>Team 1&2 - 5/10 Website <--- this should be removed • <Infamy> Team 2 4/10 http://legendaryguild.com <--- this should be added Republic • <Legendary Guild> Team 1- 6/10 http://legendaryguild.com <--- this should be added Thank you !
  12. Not to nitpick but it's <Legendary Guild>... First server merger kinda locked us out of our previous name on Axial Park There is another <Legendary> out there that is not as active...
  13. <Legendary Guild> | <Infamy> (formerly <Legendary After Dark>) Republic | Imperial Current Progression : 5 / 10 HM . 5 / 10 HM . 4 / 10 HM . 3 / 10 HM http://legendaryguild.com
  14. Thanks will look for it Is that "Good" Revan trying to play his part in the fight ?
  15. I unfortunately have no screen shot and I was not recording the fight at the time. So last night as we were farming mods and enhancement by doing a quick SM that involved several alts, mostly goofing around at that point, we encountered a weird bug. Our group composition was 1 tank, 5 dps and 2 healers. So as we climb to the second floor, one of our DPS fell in the hole between the stairs and floors. A quick rez was sent but we told him to wait until the next floor (3rd) before taking it, knowing dps was not an issue anyway. Not sure if this is relevant, but none the less. At some point in time just before Revan goes to the third level, the tank died followed by several others. As far as I remember only 3 toons remain when Revan vanished to the third floor. One of our DPS went in the blue portal and suddenly "everybody was rezed" on the 2nd floor. We took the time to heal up as we were in our 25% and then went to the third floor to finish the fight. That was a weird glitch.
  16. Yep and it is actually real good, especially when you get to player personalities The guy was in one of the main guild in WOW and is actually writing a column on a website about guild leadership. So he's speaking from experience and talk about some of the drama he had to deal with as a guild leader in a huge guild...
  17. Strongly suggest you buy and read "The Guild Leader's Handbook: Strategies and Guidance from a Battle-Scarred MMO Veteran" by Scott F Andrews. It helps tremendously...
  18. Hi, My name is Decayeth, I'm the guild leader of <Legendary Guilds> and it's family of guilds. I could copy/paste a recruitment text but I'll make it shorter this way : Your guild members description pretty much fits our guild members description We've been around since launch, pretty much drama free and will deal with it if needed before it gets out of hands. We've had a few mergers over the years and they have been very positive. Our raid groups and officer ranks now includes members that joined from those guilds so we strive for inclusiveness and trying to have fun regardless of where people came from in the first place. If you'd like to talk about it, you can reach me in game, my toon names starts with Decay... on the rep side, and Dekay... on the imp side. You can also visit our website @ legendaryguild.com Decayeth
  19. One thing I forgot to mention. While I'm totally pissed that they messed with the officer notes that are quite useful as member notes are rarely used And although there's some bugs here and there. I will say that I'm very happy with the fact that the conquest was not "sold" to us as 3.0 Obviously a lot of work went into designing all of this, and could have had the merit of .5 version. But Bioware, by choosing to call it 2.9 was, IMHO, very respectful to those expecting new PvE content. They could have said that the conquest is 3.0 and clearly, there's enough development here to justify that... but yet they choose to simply version it as 2.9 and for that I'm grateful. Hopefully 3.0 brings more level caps, new ops, new pvp, etc.
  20. Bumping Oh by the way, I'm a software developer and I know how simply it is to simply add the officer notes selection in a drop box considering it was there before... get your act together guys. This should have been done in the first few patches...
  21. Bumping Oh by the way, I'm a software developer and I know how simply it is to simply add the officer notes selection in a drop box considering it was there before... get your act together guys. This should have been done in the first few patches...
  22. I totally agree with what is being said here. The rewards are nice but not really worth the efforts. I am extremely happy we ended up in the top 10, two weeks in a row. I'm glad we did it by still doing what we wanted to do. Members were not kicked because they didn't participate or didn't log in a long time, there was no "major" recruitment drive for this content exclusively and our members did what they wanted to do : have fun while doing the content they wanted to do. Our groups went and did their usual raids regardless if they would loose time over the conquest. Now what I find great about the conquest is the following : Before, you would log in the game and wait for your raid, pvp a little bit, rarely ran any fp or old content because you had no incentive to do so. Now you log in the game, you know they are weekly objectives for your guild, it gives you a sense of purposes or at least point to you in a direction to do something instead of wasting your time on fleet looking at gen chat. Not only that, it made you revisit some of the old content and even attempt (successfully I might add) solo old FP content for fun and glory. Will I loose sleep over it : No. Do we need new PvE content : Yes. Is the conquest system perfect : No. It needs to be adjusted accordingly... BUT if the main goal of the conquest was to provide a nice way to grind old content and revisit operations, old heroics on planets, etc. Mission accomplished. But I think BW needs to adapt the rewards.
  23. I confirm this and for us, it's a huge problem. We have officer notes for every toons and it's the fastest way to locate people when you don't know all their alt names. We really need to be able to visualize those. Thanks.
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