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Why Macros belong in TOR.


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Because talking about exploits of any game is not allowed here? And I dont know you so I have no inclination to educate you.


I wasn't aware SW:TOR had the same programming as other MMOs and was vulnerable to such exploits.


Please, tell me the similarities in languages used for each game and their architecture on which you worked so hard.

Edited by Jurisnoctis
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You have to stare at your skill bars? Are you kidding me??? Any pvper worth his salt NEVER has to look at his bars. Just because YOU can't seem to learn your class does not mean they should dumb the game down more. Its things like this that ruins most combat systems in games.


Either get better and adapt to the combat system or go back to WoW or Rift. I'm tired of games always getting destroyed by players that lack skill.




I'm so damn tired of people unable to play games without everything being handed to them.


Honestly... everyone in support of macros in this thread KNOWS they only want macros so that they can play with one hand. Macros take the skill out of a game - they destroy combat, make the game feel robotic, and completely ruin the gaming experience.


As for the person you quoted, Avaer, I completely agree with you on your post. I NEVER look at my skill bars when pvping unless it's to check my Cooldowns on abilities. It seems to me that the only reason he is looking at his skill bars, and thinking that Marauder is a gimped class (LMFAO) is because he is clicking his abilities.

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Because talking about exploits of any game is not allowed here? And I dont know you so I have no inclination to educate you.

Still waiting on those sources my friend. What's that? Oh, yeah. WoW's macro API doesn't allow automation. How silly of me to forget.

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I'm doing a Master's degree Computer Systems Engineering / Software Engineering with hopes of moving on to do my PHD.


I know w.t.f code looks like. Evidently, you do not.


I already have my Masters degree in Computer Systems Engineering / Software Engineering and have already accomplished my goals of a PHD. that is code.

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I'm so damn tired of people unable to play games without everything being handed to them.


Honestly... everyone in support of macros in this thread KNOWS they only want macros so that they can play with one hand. Macros take the skill out of a game - they destroy combat, make the game feel robotic, and completely ruin the gaming experience.


As for the person you quoted, Avaer, I completely agree with you on your post. I NEVER look at my skill bars when pvping unless it's to check my Cooldowns on abilities. It seems to me that the only reason he is looking at his skill bars, and thinking that Marauder is a gimped class (LMFAO) is because he is clicking his abilities.

Not everyone in this thread is a keyboard turning clicker playing at a snail's pace. Stop assuming that's the case.

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I like this guy. More if he put me on ignore because of my views.


I love how he waits for his cooldowns, to click with his mouse. Yes, gotta have macros! Ummm no /sarcasm.


And how many people is this majority I keep hearing about??



Perhaps you are use to the grandma-type style of gameplay that is the swtor combat system.


However, (tho i asssume you play an easy class) mauraders actually have to push certain keys in order to do good dps, sad I know, and not difficult, but annoying.


Not sure why you assume I click, since even when setting the key queue to zero, abilities dont fire off thus ending up in poor dps or pvp death.


Also, I dont ignore someone because of their views, but how can you reason with someone who thinks the macro's the op is asking for makes the game "easier" or "lazier".


Cant argue against stupid.

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I'm so damn tired of people unable to play games without everything being handed to them.


Honestly... everyone in support of macros in this thread KNOWS they only want macros so that they can play with one hand. Macros take the skill out of a game - they destroy combat, make the game feel robotic, and completely ruin the gaming experience.


As for the person you quoted, Avaer, I completely agree with you on your post. I NEVER look at my skill bars when pvping unless it's to check my Cooldowns on abilities. It seems to me that the only reason he is looking at his skill bars, and thinking that Marauder is a gimped class (LMFAO) is because he is clicking his abilities.


Again, you are utterly misinformed. Not sure why you're associating macro usage with keyboard turning/clicking, but in WoW, the more competent the player, the more likely said player uses macros, extensively.


And WoW sets the standard for MMO hotkey PvP currently, and that's just how it is. SWTOR has the potential, but it will be unrealized potential if BW doesn't implement at the very least limited macro support.

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And people think I dont understand macros?


Let me break it down more...

Macro button F

Execute quickslot 10;

Execute ability jack you up;

Pause 1.1;

Execute ability jack up up more;

Execute emote /laugh;

Pause 1.1;

Execute ability heal me I am hurt;



Automated. Any questions?

Now we all know you don't understand in-game macros, thank you.


This may be a keyboard macro that - as I said - already exists and is supported by Bioware, but It's not at all an in-game macros.





In the in-game macro you could do quickslot 10, and /laugh as they don't share GDC. As you see completely game breaking and a huge advantage.


I know no multi player game that allows timers in macros.


Said that, if in-game macros would do what you have already wrote, of course I would also be against them, so I do really understand your concern.

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Anyone playing above 2000 MMR in WoW, either Arena or RBG would absolutely dominate the majority of the SWTOR PvPing population that I've seen. 2000 MMR, by the way, is mid-range.


I'm not sure where you associated Macros with keyboard turning, but the opposite is the truth.


If you're talking about MMO PvP, WoW is the ONLY place you'll find it played at the highest level currently. The game is hugely popular, established over many years, has a huge population and PvPing community - and the most extensively developed competitive PvP scene in the MMO market, by far. The game also supports Macros, which are considered absolutely vital to compete at higher levels. WoW arena was a part of the MLG circuit a couple of years ago. I'd like to see SWTOR PvP be similarly popular/competitive or even more so, which is why I'm advocating for macros.


WOW is terrible, there is no defending it. Is it currently the biggest MMO? Yes it is. Wanna know why? Because it can be played on a toaster oven.


Every 8-year-old punk and his friend is playing wow because it literally has no graphical requirements at all. That, combined with the fact that it caters to every care-bear on Earth, is why it is so popular, not because it is a great game, not because it has IMMENSE pvp, or because it has a great player base. The ONLY reason it is popular is because it supports one-handed, lazy, completely robotic, unimmersive gameplay that lure in all the keyboard turning pveers from across the globe.


WOW has macros because it's player base whined and moaned (like you're doing right now) for easier gameplay. Every competant person I've ever met from WOW said that they hated Macros and that they destroyed the game.

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WOW is terrible, there is no defending it. Is it currently the biggest MMO? Yes it is. Wanna know why? Because it can be played on a toaster oven.


Every 8-year-old punk and his friend is playing wow because it literally has no graphical requirements at all. That, combined with the fact that it caters to every care-bear on Earth, is why it is so popular, not because it is a great game, not because it has IMMENSE pvp, or because it has a great player base. The ONLY reason it is popular is because it supports one-handed, lazy, completely robotic, unimmersive gameplay that lure in all the keyboard turning pveers from across the globe.


WOW has macros because it's player base whined and moaned (like you're doing right now) for easier gameplay. Every competant person I've ever met from WOW said that they hated Macros and that they destroyed the game.

The people you've met had no idea what they were talking about.


ie MANY things helped destroy WoW. Macros were certainly not one of them.

Edited by ajjw
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Bad players must have macros. If you cant function without them invest in a gamepad as most "competitive"

gamers do.


I find it hard to believe you are as competitive as you say you are and are still on m&k.


Wow is how old, welcome to 2011? Might wanna keep yourself a little more informed about the progamer circuit, if youre gonna put yourself in that crowd.

Edited by sunsu
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I completely agree. Macros and hopefully UI customization in the form of addons would be a great addition to the game and would not require much work on the developers side. The current UI and lack of macros hurts everyone who would like to play at a high level, but in my opinion the current UI setup is nearly crippling for pvp healers.
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I'm doing a Master's degree Computer Systems Engineering / Software Engineering with hopes of moving on to do my PHD.


I know w.t.f code looks like. Evidently, you do not.

Ajjw actually the code he posted is a WOW working macro.


A slash command with a conditional and an action.


If you open a WOW macro editor and post his code it actually works.

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WOW is terrible, there is no defending it. Is it currently the biggest MMO? Yes it is. Wanna know why? Because it can be played on a toaster oven.


Every 8-year-old punk and his friend is playing wow because it literally has no graphical requirements at all. That, combined with the fact that it caters to every care-bear on Earth, is why it is so popular, not because it is a great game, not because it has IMMENSE pvp, or because it has a great player base. The ONLY reason it is popular is because it supports one-handed, lazy, completely robotic, unimmersive gameplay that lure in all the keyboard turning pveers from across the globe.


WOW has macros because it's player base whined and moaned (like you're doing right now) for easier gameplay. Every competant person I've ever met from WOW said that they hated Macros and that they destroyed the game.


This is easily the whiniest, most untrue thing I have seen on the forums today.


But today is still young.

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Macros are crutches for baddie bads and the lazy.


I don't think anyone can rightfully disagree with this.


If you are either:


a) A baddie bad


b) Lazy


then I, personally, believe that you deserve to get smoked by non-bads, non-lazy PvPers, computer generated characters, 6 year-olds, and cats dancing on keyboards.


Again, for the cheap seats:


Needing Macros = Bads

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Again, you are utterly misinformed. Not sure why you're associating macro usage with keyboard turning/clicking, but in WoW, the more competent the player, the more likely said player uses macros, extensively.


And WoW sets the standard for MMO hotkey PvP currently, and that's just how it is. SWTOR has the potential, but it will be unrealized potential if BW doesn't implement at the very least limited macro support.


Did you even read my post? The guy said he had to stare at his hotbar to fight... I don't know about you, but I certainly never do that, especially in pvp. He is clicking his abilities, I can guarantee you.


And the reason I associate macro-users with clickers is because 70% of the time, that is the case. They macros abilities into one spammable hotkey. Anyone with skill in movement/keybindings would not need macros to suceed in a game. Everyone here is saying that they're good players and that they don't NEED macros, they just want them. I guarantee you, any player who doesn't use macros in games, such as myself, would outscore players who do use macros in a game that doesn't support them.


The OP made this thread wanting to spark a discussion about macros, and yet anyone who posts opposing it just gets called a troll. I'm sorry, but that's not a discussion, that's a "support my cause or else" thread.

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You have to stare at your skill bars? Are you kidding me??? Any pvper worth his salt NEVER has to look at his bars. Just because YOU can't seem to learn your class does not mean they should dumb the game down more. Its things like this that ruins most combat systems in games.


Either get better and adapt to the combat system or go back to WoW or Rift. I'm tired of games always getting destroyed by players that lack skill.


So skill is pushing the button when it lights up?



And of course I agree that you should not HAVE to look at your bars. Unfortunate that the class I play requires you to combine certain moves and clipping them can make a big difference.


Regardless of how the key is pressed (even tho 1-6 shift 1-6 , 2 side mouse buttons, and the letter "g" are all keybound) it is still a far to tedious.


Macro's would let me focus more on the game rather than the buttons is all Im saying.



p.s. Dont be so angry. And I believe the game would be better with macros, not destroyed.



pss play a op range class? Might have something to do with your attitude.

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WOW is terrible, there is no defending it. Is it currently the biggest MMO? Yes it is. Wanna know why? Because it can be played on a toaster oven.


Every 8-year-old punk and his friend is playing wow because it literally has no graphical requirements at all. That, combined with the fact that it caters to every care-bear on Earth, is why it is so popular, not because it is a great game, not because it has IMMENSE pvp, or because it has a great player base. The ONLY reason it is popular is because it supports one-handed, lazy, completely robotic, unimmersive gameplay that lure in all the keyboard turning pveers from across the globe.


WOW has macros because it's player base whined and moaned (like you're doing right now) for easier gameplay. Every competant person I've ever met from WOW said that they hated Macros and that they destroyed the game.


Highly vague, highly generalized, broad, bigoted, jaded, unsubstantiated, ignorant and for the most part, utterly irrelevant. Graphics =/= gameplay. You are stating opinion as fact and making statements you cannot possibly support.


You've made a fool of yourself here, with no encouragement from anyone else.


You clearly have not spoken with any competent WoW PvPers.


And finally, the only person I accused of trolling said, essentially "Lrn2play, GG". That is the very definition of trolling. That is not constructive in any way, that is not a rational argument, that is not conducive to constructive discourse, that is trolling and I identified it as such. Next.

Edited by _compton_
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Macros are crutches for baddie bads and the lazy.


I don't think anyone can rightfully disagree with this.


If you are either:


a) A baddie bad


b) Lazy


then I, personally, believe that you deserve to get smoked by non-bads, non-lazy PvPers, computer generated characters, 6 year-olds, and cats dancing on keyboards.


Again, for the cheap seats:


Needing Macros = Bads


/sign lol

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Highly vague, highly generalized, broad, bigoted, jaded, unsubstantiated, ignorant and for the most part, utterly irrelevant. Graphics =/= gameplay. You are stating opinion as fact and making statements you cannot possibly support.


You've made a fool of yourself here, with no encouragement from anyone else.


WoW is full of whining little kids such as yourself, please go back to WoW where you can have everything you want if you cry enough.

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