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Why Macros belong in TOR.


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Yes they can and have (DCUO has this problem still where certain macro combination cause animation glitches and bypass Global cooldown), SWTORs combat system currently has a few animation issues so no doubt macroing would create the same problem.


Honestly if you are going to make a comment about "how I'm wrong" do yourself a favor and check some case studies first.

Those macro systems were terrible and are not what is being asked for in this thread.


Just blindly saying "macros can do this and this and this!!" and then referencing a system in which that was possible is just silly. Look to WoW where they got macros right , albeit after having to break some functionality.


You see, the last part of that sentence is the key. "Albeit, after having to break some functionality". When a macro system is done CORRECTLY, you cannot do the things you talk about.

Edited by Sireene
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Essentially what you want is this:


One button that does all the work for you.


Get some skill and you won't need macros. GG


^ Agreed. Sorry -


I dont need a hey XXX is attaacking me and then everyone on the opposing team hits assist <loser being attacked> and then getting focus fired.


Just deal with it. I am having issues myself in pvp with targeting but the more I do it the easier it gets. I do not want to see macros in the game as it makes it so easy that even a caveman can do it.

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Yes, Rift is exactly the type of thing I would like to see avoided where you could have 5 or 6 abilities tied to a single keypress with built in conditionals for range, cooldown up, vulnerabilities etc.


I in no way support that type of macro, I'm glad we got some clarification.

Edited by _compton_
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Macro's would be a welcomed change by the majority of the swtor community.



As a maurader, to perform in an optimal lvl, I spend more time staring at my buttons waiting for them to light up than I do enjoying the scenery.


Already at a disadvantage in PVP due to the class, last thing i need to do is do the care-bear stare at my bars waiting for an ability to come off the GCD (which is an eternity in pvp).



Tho, If 1 bright shiny thing came from this thread was the amount of people I was able to put on ignore due to the fact they are straight up mis-informed/stupid.



It is amazing for the amount of time MMO's have been around, people still have no idea what a macro is...



I like this guy. More if he put me on ignore because of my views.


I love how he waits for his cooldowns, to click with his mouse. Yes, gotta have macros! Ummm no /sarcasm.


And how many people is this majority I keep hearing about??

Edited by NightHawke
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And people think I dont understand macros?




Automated. Any questions?

Any dev who adds pause functionality to their macro API is an idiot and as such deserves for such stupid macros to exist in the first place.


A properly implemented macro system such as WoW's does not allow that kind of BS. Blizzard are well in control of what you can and cannot do through macros as they have added and removed functionality from their API over time.




We are not asking for automation. Please, for the love of god, understand this.

Edited by ajjw
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I came from WoW. Played from launch through Cata. Played Rift. Used Macros through both games because everyone else used them.


Macros dumbed downed the game. I am happy that SWTOR has not implemented them. Why? Because now I have to think more, be more responsive and consider which buttons I want on priority keys. It makes the game feel less robotic.


In short, I don't want macros.


Agreed 100%.


Every MMO that has macros just seems dumbed down and simple. It was Age of Conan's combat system that kept me playing that game for 3 years. I like to have full control of my character and it actually take skill to be effective. Every other MMO never had that and that is mainly because every other MMO has macros.


I was so glad to find out that SWtOR had no stupid auto attack and no macros. While its combat isn't as good as AoC's, its still good enough to keep me playing.

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Wow.... I finally found an MMO that ISN't catered the all of the keyboard turning, macro smashing, clicking pve carebears from WOW, and then I read this....


First off, there are no competitive pvpers from WOW. You can argue it all you want, but every single person I have EVER ran into in an MMO that came from WOW can't pvp for $h!t, plain and simple.


Second off, Macros DESTROY games and their combat. They're only there for noobs who don't actually know how to play at all. Any good player, from any other MMO out there, would agree with that statement - Macros are only for noobs who can't play. They make combat in games nothing but button smashing, and completely take the skill out of any gameplay element.


Thirdly, if you don't like not having macros, go back to WOW where you belong, and leave SWTOR the way it is.


In closing, this is not a troll response, this is a serious response to this completely mindless thread. All I can say to you is 1). Don't roll on a pvp server because you clearly can't handle ACTUAL pvp, 2). Leave this damn game the way it is, and 3). WOW is that way ->.

Edited by Yewcantcme
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Any dev who adds pause functionality to their macro API is an idiot and as such deserves for such stupid macros to exist in the first place.


A properly implemented macro system such as WoW's does not allow that kind of BS. Blizzard are well in control of what you can and cannot do through macros as they have added and removed functionality from their API over time.




If you think Blizzard is in control, you my friend, are the only one disillusioned about how things are.

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No, you're wrong.


Macros cannot do anything of the sort that you think they can. You cannot move your character with macros. You cannot queue up multiple actions in a macro due to GCD.


The client does not check the macros - The server does. It would be borderline criminal to have the macro authentication client side and any dev that implemented a macro system that way deserves to have their game exploited.


Please, go and read up on how macros actually work if you're not gonna listen to what I say.


What is autorun?


What is strathe?


What are camera keys?


Stop trying to argue with your lack of experience in gaming (which is extremely clear) and baseless nonsense you are claiming as hard fact.


If a keypress can be bound to a macro, it can be used in such a form.


And really, go read the DCUO forums about Macro glitching to bypass GCD on animations there is even a big thread by SoE on how they are trying to stop it.

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If you think Blizzard is in control, you my friend, are the only one disillusioned about how things are.

There was a time in the past where you could do things unintended by the devs through the macro system. Guess what? That functionality was removed.


How are you suggesting Blizzard isn't in control? Because of bots? Those bots don't use macros.

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What is autorun?


What is strathe?


What are camera keys?


Stop trying to argue with your lack of experience in gaming (which is extremely clear) and baseless nonsense you are claiming as hard fact.


If a keypress can be bound to a macro, it can be used in such a form.


And really, go read the DCUO forums about Macro glitching to bypass GCD on animations there is even a big thread by SoE on how they are trying to stop it.


Sorry, but those are keybinds to "abilities"...

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Guys, with your logic about bots and macros...


Just following your train of thought here...


I'm not thinking this is true... just trying to use your logic in the same way...


I don't think asian IPs should be allowed to play SW:TOR because that drastically increases the possibility of bots and gold farmers.


Oh man. You see what I did there?


I was dumb.


Guess what you guys sound like to someone who knows how to bot. One doesn't care if the game has macros or not. The programming the botter is running has macros, far superior, game breaking macros, than any game would allow.


I can program my razer mouse (in less than 5 minutes) to do the following.


Press 3

Wait 1.5

Press 4

Wait 1.5

Press 5

Wait 1.5


Press 3

Wait 3.0

Press 5


Oh man, am I using Battering Assault and Rupture and that other move as a Marauder off CD?


Yes I am.


Are no macros in the game stopping me from cheating?


No, they're not.


Do I do this? No, because I have a big sense of honor and whatnot, and feel it's wrong.


Will anyone be able to do this any more easily if macros were added?




Can we stop nagging/complaining about things we don't know about?


No. No we can't. And that makes me cry...

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There was a time in the past where you could do things unintended by the devs through the macro system. Guess what? That functionality was removed.


How are you suggesting Blizzard isn't in control? Because of bots? Those bots don't use macros.


Conduct your own research, hoss. I am telling you that not everything is at it appears to the general public.

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Macros are a cheat. There is no reason that someone who can write code should get an in-game advantage over those not so talented. Play the game for real.

Right because something like


/cast [target=focus] Fear


is code. No. And macros implemented properly do not give an advantage per se. You can do everything a macro can, even just as fast bar chat macros.

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Those macro systems were terrible and are not what is being asked for in this thread.


Just blindly saying "macros can do this and this and this!!" and then referencing a system in which that was possible is just silly. Look to WoW where they got macros right , albeit after having to break some functionality.


You see, the last part of that sentence is the key. "Albeit, after having to break some functionality". When a macro system is done CORRECTLY, you cannot do the things you talk about.


WoW's macro system was silly as well tbh, I've never seen a game have a macro system that I would ever consider "well done" and they are all automating things in some form or another.


And once again showing your lack of experience, back in Vanilla WoW there was the same thing that happened in DCUO, GCD bypassing via macros, Blizzard addressed it pretty quickly however at least.

Edited by Sireene
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Macro's would be a welcomed change by the majority of the swtor community.



As a maurader, to perform in an optimal lvl, I spend more time staring at my buttons waiting for them to light up than I do enjoying the scenery.


Already at a disadvantage in PVP due to the class, last thing i need to do is do the care-bear stare at my bars waiting for an ability to come off the GCD (which is an eternity in pvp).



Tho, If 1 bright shiny thing came from this thread was the amount of people I was able to put on ignore due to the fact they are straight up mis-informed/stupid.



It is amazing for the amount of time MMO's have been around, people still have no idea what a macro is...


You have to stare at your skill bars? Are you kidding me??? Any pvper worth his salt NEVER has to look at his bars. Just because YOU can't seem to learn your class does not mean they should dumb the game down more. Its things like this that ruins most combat systems in games.


Either get better and adapt to the combat system or go back to WoW or Rift. I'm tired of games always getting destroyed by players that lack skill.

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Conduct your own research, hoss. I am telling you that not everything is at it appears to the general public.

So basically you have no idea what you're talking about and cannot cite your evidence for the things you claim. GG.

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Wow.... I finally found an MMO that ISN't catered the all of the keyboard turning, macro smashing, clicking pve carebears from WOW, and then I read this....


First off, there are no competitive pvpers from WOW. You can argue it all you want, but every single person I have EVER ran into in an MMO that came from WOW can't pvp for $h!t, plain and simple.


Second off, Macros DESTROY games and their combat. They're only there for noobs who don't actually know how to play at all. Any good player, from any other MMO out there, would agree with that statement - Macros are only for noobs who can't play. They make combat in games nothing but button smashing, and completely take the skill out of any gameplay element.


Thirdly, if you don't like not having macros, go back to WOW where you belong, and leave SWTOR the way it is.


In closing, this is not a troll response, this is a serious response to this completely mindless thread. All I can say to you is 1). Don't roll on a pvp server because you clearly can't handle ACTUAL pvp, 2). Leave this damn game the way it is, and 3). WOW is that way ->.


Anyone playing above 2000 MMR in WoW, either Arena or RBG would absolutely dominate the majority of the SWTOR PvPing population that I've seen. 2000 MMR, by the way, is mid-range.


I'm not sure where you associated Macros with keyboard turning, but the opposite is the truth.


If you're talking about MMO PvP, WoW is the ONLY place you'll find it played at the highest level currently. The game is hugely popular, established over many years, has a huge population and PvPing community - and the most extensively developed competitive PvP scene in the MMO market, by far. The game also supports Macros, which are considered absolutely vital to compete at higher levels. WoW arena was a part of the MLG circuit a couple of years ago. I'd like to see SWTOR PvP be similarly popular/competitive or even more so, which is why I'm advocating for macros.

Edited by _compton_
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Conduct your own research, hoss. I am telling you that not everything is at it appears to the general public.


Too many times have I searched for someone wise.


Really, I would love to hear what you have to say.


On macros, on programming, on everything.


Lingering hope remains that you do not hold your secrets back.


Lastly, do look at the first letters of each sentence.

Edited by Jurisnoctis
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WoW's macro system was silly as well tbh, I've never seen a game have a macro system that I would ever consider "well done" and they are all automating things in some form or another.


And once again showing your lack of experience, back in Vanilla WoW there was the same thing that happened in DCUO, GCD bypassing via macros, Blizzard addressed it pretty quickly however at least.

This is my point - A well done macro system allows the devs to add and remove functionality as they see fit. There were once loopholes in WoW's API that were fixed by removing such functionality.


The only way you can use botting and automation as an argument after even admitting that yourself is if you don't trust BioWare to implement it to a good enough standard.


I do have faith that they could deliver a system just as robust as WoW.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Actually, that is code. please leave quietly now.

I'm doing a Master's degree Computer Systems Engineering / Software Engineering with hopes of moving on to do my PHD.


I know w.t.f code looks like. Evidently, you do not.

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