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This is why BW fails


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For hose who doubt my credentials go look up age of darkness even use the internet archive age of darkness.net where i was the Director of entertainment software.



I want this game to succeed but man did they drop the ball.


Perhaps the reason why Age of Darkness didn't succeed is because of your ideas?


Director of Entertainment Software...so you did no development? You were a deskjob dealing with crappy PR.


Don't throw these "credentials" around, and pretend to know how BioWare did development, and what works and what didn't. Being years out of the game gives you 0% Credibility. Try again.

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I'd just like to point out that some of those games do not have any kind of levels. They are skill progression games.


I forgot, it's the internet where everyone likes to point out every flaw in a post. What does it matter that some of the games do not have the same style of levels or how GW only has 20 levels and EVE has the skill levels. That was the most insignificant part of my post.


Maybe I should have said I never stayed past the first month in any of those games. I did not have enough fun in the first 10 to 40 hours of game play.


For me SWTOR is one of my favorite games in the past decade. It is right there with WOW, Uncharted series, Batman AA, Mario Galaxy, KOTOR, FFX, Counterstike, HALO series, and GTA series.

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At least they added baby names to the credits...thank GOD for that.




Thanks mate, I am so discouraged and downhearted right now over the big long long long hype and wait, the reality is so far way short, a laugh really helps sometimes

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From the looks of it, he is quite an authority on failure and MMOs. Maybe BW should listen to this guy, then do the exact opposite of his advice :D


Very wise...statement.


What not to do. Or type like that for that matter.


None the less, has no bearing or value. I tried to feel for the OP but after seeing all I have in the last year testing this is not worthy of a issue (I feel).


See sticking to my opinion on the issues presented.....


The only positive I see now is that, people that DO NOT LIKE THE GAME will not pay for it. -- Thus be gone. That is the one positive out of any of this I think.

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It is funny that everyone talks about all the features that WoW has. The funniest part is WoW/Blizzard didn't program those features at all. The majority of what WoW has incorporated was created by Add-on and Mod Authors. They adopted and integrated those features using code from them even, after they were proven and utilized to the point of being an actual release code.


All this will change when Bioware will open up to the Add-on community. Which it will happen, it is just until they just need to finalize and complete their framework for it. Those missing features will be created and it won't be BW, just like it wasn't WoW that created them in the first place.


I heartily agree with this. So many of the QOL additions and refinements in WoW were because of mods. The playerbase is a large and resourceful group of people who understand what they want and need. That freedom in WoW had both positive and negative results, but mostly positive.


Once SWTOR starts allowing mods I think Bioware is going to have a lot of head-smacking and lightbulb moments as they see the solutions to issues that the players come up with.

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I can understand what you are saying, but this caterers to the MMO players like myself who don't want to group with people really to do the simple PvE quests. Last night I got an open world purple drop and two blues. I think in the 2 years playing Wow that almost matches my world drop total. Call me selfish but i dont like rolling on that stuff and splitting the credits. I think the way they have it set up is great. Mostly solo, but also having the flashpoints and Heroic quests. And giving us decent companion characters so i don't have to wait on a healer, or tank to do the simple PvE quests is also great. There are a wide variety of MMOs out there, if you don't like a story driven one..... Can I's has your stuffs?
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They need to expand on guild functionality. They're supposedly working on it already.


They need to rework the LFG functionality. I don't think it needs to be automated (and personally make enough friends and guildies from groups that I'd hate to see it go cross-server) but at least having a list per group mission (since even Flashpoints are missions in this game).


Just something where you can list yourself in some or all of the group missions you have in your list and view lists of everyone else for your missions. It would be much cleaner than sorting the /who list and hoping the comments people leave *actually* say what they want to do.


Other than that I haven't really notice much of an issue. There's room for improvement, but it's not intolerable for now.

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I'll agree that this game does need to evolve, but it's only been out for a VERY short time, why not just give BW the chance to figure things out. It's not like Blizzard had much figured out when they did their first MMO, WoW. They even didn't think it was gonna be as good as it is.


And to the OP, I read your "credentials", and it seems your career focus is in IT, not development. I mean really, "Director of Software", it looked more like you were the company's assistant and made sure everybody was just doing their jobs. LOL

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OR how about PvP at endgame?


At the time SWG had the GCW system in place and whilst you may not have liked it or took part in it....it WAS in game prior to WoWs release.


Why did WoW therefore release with no structured PvP for endgame?


See this arguement that every MMORPG has to release with all features that are around in every other game of the time, just to be on par for release is nonsense.


Not even WoW managed it.




I kinda agree with Driz. WoW didn't have most of the things it had right now. WoW was fairly basic when it came out, Guild Wars was better at that time. However, they quickly added more things and copied the people who made mods for the game and put those ideas in to the game. I agree SWTOR is missing a lot of things compared to WoW but SWTOR is not WoW and i'm sure they will implement things that people want in it.

Edited by Gasaraki-
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I write code. i leave up the quest dialog to writers. i just make it work.


This is complete rubbish. If you can't be arsed to write text properly, how the hell can you be relied upon to use proper syntax while coding? Bugger your lame excuse, you're just lazy or illiterate.


See that? Proper writing and spelling and junk, and I wrote it all British-like, and I'm not even British.


It's not that hard to write properly. You're just woefully incompetent. I wouldn't, under any circumstances, ever hire someone to code for me who wrote the way you did. The first thing that crossed my mind when I saw your writing and your claims that you're a dev is that you probably waste a tremendous amount of time correcting easily avoidable errors, or having other people correct them.


Coding, in any language, is a language. English is a language. They all have rules. Claiming that you follow the rules of one perfectly and simply disregard the other ones is a fallacy.


And the worst part of it all is that your web browser underlines every single word you spell wrong, and you opt to ignore it.


Unless you use IE? I don't know if IE does that yet. But frankly, anyone who writes code and uses IE by choice is also incompetent.

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How does the OP know they're not using agile development? I don't see how that shows in the gameplay..... or any aspect of the game really....


They could be using Kanban with fast lanes and Scrum Boards and BDD, FDD, DDD and all the other new world of development methods which have really been around for over a decade but you wouldn't know from just seeing the game or the press releases and such.... do they say somewhere they don't use agile or does it say what iterative/non-iterative techniques they're using?

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I don't really care about your credentials having worked on a failed game. You don't need to prove to us that we should trust that you know what you're talking about because we simply won't. If you share ideas about how to fix whatever it is that you view as problems then most of us will listen.


Now I do agree that there are some features that should probably be added to the game. The big three that many of the threads here have been requesting/demanding/QQ'ng for have been addressed and two are going to be added in the near future. The third, the WoW style dungeon finder, is something the devs have expressed that they do not want but a similar feautre may be added way down the line if they feel it is actually needed.


but common we expect more modern features. which is why i say the game lacks mmo and is more single player.


So the games that came before that lacked modern mmo features, you think those were single player games and not MMOs?

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ITT - nobody developer telling multiple game of the year award winning dev team how to do their job.


FFS don't talk about agile development either, nimrod. You went from 'Director of Entertainment' on a failed MMO to a sys admin for Rackspace. Your arrogance is unfounded.

Edited by dcgregorya
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My logic doesn't fail at all, while you are referring to WoW 7 years ago at release, I am referring to modern day MMO standards. Which is why I said 'current MMO standards' that you so kindly highlighted but didn't grasp. I am not only referencing WoW, I am taking into account many different games with what I am saying, because I have played them all quite extensively. I do know what I am talking about.


And it is still YOUR opinion. I played text MUDs in the 1990s and moved onto EverQuest in 1999 and have then close beta tested and played pretty much every other MMO released since then with the exception of Asheron's Call (only played briefly but didn't test), Anarchy Online and Vanguard (wasn't interested in either). I've got just as much experience of MMO game playing as you. So what, doesn't make my opinion any more right than yours.

Some people want UI customisation, other people couldn't give a stuff about it and are coping with what's there. Some people want Macros and Damage Meters, other people couldn't give a stuff about it and are coping with what's where.


See, opinions, everyone's got one, the only ones which matter are the developers because they're the ones making the game, every body else is only offering up a suggestion for what they think "should" be included.

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I think going forward Bioware needs to keep that in mind; making alterations to the game design based on some self-imposed expert or a vocal minority would be foolish in the extreme. Sadly Warhammer and SWG both was a victim to that kind of community involvement and we all know what happened there. The game is growing at a exponential rate; 142 servers that have half hour to an hour queues ...they are even considering suspending digital sales because the community is growing too fast.


It is insipid to the extreme to call that fail.


Well said. I could cry when I think of how much WAR changed from closed beta to release simply because of all the whiners who said it wasn't enough like that other big game which didn't set off with an original idea in its head but who nicked their original premise from GW and nearly all of its MMO features from the other games that were already around.

Yes WoW introduced MMO gaming to the masses but there's plenty of times I wish it had remained a niche market.

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History: I am a developer, i have done a 0 to alpha mmo rpg in 2k1


BW why the hell did you feature freeze on the basic conception of the game.


Your features and such are from when you started the game.

Please try agile development.. you might enjoy it.


even rift launched with modern mmos features.

yet you tied to the hero engine can produce awesome worlds you cant even get basic mmo mechanics.


Your story lines are great but you seem to lack the mmo skill.


sorry to rant but i do love the game and its story. but common we expect more modern features. which is why i say the game lacks mmo and is more single player.


really its a great game if it was released 4 years ago. Did you really freeze features based upon the mmos when you started?



I am sorry, but this is largely incoherent and blatant conjecture. I can rattle off a resume and then throw out my opinion as if the two are directly correlative. But honestly man who do you think you are?


Bioware has created an incredible product, something you have yet to equal. I suppose that won't stop you from coming in here and tearing down a game you think is incomplete though.


This seems like a rather feeble attack on the game, your examples and explanations read like a twelve-year-old with angry grammar issues. Perhaps English isn't your first language, but then again you shouldn't rant in forums and expect to not be judged based on the method of approach.


If you truly are the person who designed DCS for Second Life and other jobs that were listed in that novel of a resume. Where is your professional side? What developer who works in a professional field uses poor channels for communication and flames a community about a game launch. Even Blizzard had the professional courtesy of encouraging the game, REGARDLESS of what they thought about it.


You make references but provide absolutely no detail. You broadly use terminology you sound like you don't understand. Such as "Please try agile development," which is just a generalized term for 'keep up with technology advancements." You can't honestly believe that is true.


Incremental development is simply adapting to new technology as it's released, be it software or hardware. Claiming they don't have "Modern MMO Features," and then referencing another game without details is horseplay and amateur; more than anything it's just not true.


Modern MMO Features like what? Try giving some examples of what you think qualifies as modern. Further try explaining why you think those features should be considered Modern. Is every game that doesn't match your version of 'Modern Features' automatically placed into the 'fail' category?


"Your story lines are great but you seem to lack the mmo skill." -- This carries absolutely no weight, and provides no examples. Another prime example of conjecture without purpose.


I don't know if I believe the OP is who he says he is. If he is, I don't much care for his opinion, as it's clearly biased and unprofessional.


If I had to make a guess, I would say this guy Google'd the actual developer, and is stealing his identity. Using this identity to flame another games forums in an attempt to do what? Prove the game is bad? I'd say a million or so subscribers would disagree pal.


Did OP run away?


TL;DR -- I highly doubt OP is who he says he is, and even if he is: He is unprofessional and provides zero details. Just another opinion without weight.

Edited by djsmileey
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