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SWTOR is too easy now!!!


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As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD

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Can't say I've ever had to rely on medpacs (especially after they were nerfed into oblivion), though yes, leveling does occur at a ridiculous rate now. Some people love it, some people hate it. Personally I'm okay with being able to level only via class/planetary storyline, though it bothers me a bit that you end up overleveled to queue for Black Talon.

It was always easy.



True. TOR has never been a challenging game. So it kinda didn't need to get even easier.

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As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD

Level ten in an hour? I guess that makes me a speed runner for hitting it in fifteen minutes, tops, these days.

There are ways to make the game more difficult for yourself.


Wear no gear. No weapons.

Dismiss companions/set companion to passive.

Wear out of date gear from Starter worlds.

Don't pick an Advanced Class.

Don't train yourself into new abilities that aren't auto-taught through Disciplines.

Don't pick a Discipline for an AC.


As for the medpack thing, save the credits for the 51+ ones, you're more likely to use those at later planets.

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Level ten in an hour? I guess that makes me a speed runner for hitting it in fifteen minutes, tops, these days.

There are ways to make the game more difficult for yourself.


Wear no gear. No weapons.

Dismiss companions/set companion to passive.

Wear out of date gear from Starter worlds.

Don't pick an Advanced Class.

Don't train yourself into new abilities that aren't auto-taught through Disciplines.

Don't pick a Discipline for an AC.


As for the medpack thing, save the credits for the 51+ ones, you're more likely to use those at later planets.


15 minutes, one hour? Hmmm, it takes me like 3 hours to get to level 10. I wonder why it takes me so much... ooooh look there's a sale on Amazon...Ugh, I don't like this channel, there's got to be something else on...I'm hungry....wait, what was I doing? Oh yeah leveling a new character...

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Im glad it is like this. Im leveling a pub toon, just for the event, currently level 46. I' ll get eternal once i hit 65, but i wish it was even faster. I want to play the agent story, this consular story is quite boring and i just want to finish it, i wish there was even a double xp weekend. Even with the whole xp armor, major xp boosts, guild xp boost and legacy xp boosts is not fast enough for me. I cant wait to reach 65 and move on to imperial classes again, which are far more interesting imo.
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15 minutes, one hour? Hmmm, it takes me like 3 hours to get to level 10. I wonder why it takes me so much... ooooh look there's a sale on Amazon...Ugh, I don't like this channel, there's got to be something else on...I'm hungry....wait, what was I doing? Oh yeah leveling a new character...


Once I'm past level 10, my leveling slows down to watch TV with family, talking, food eating...

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There are ways to make the game more difficult for yourself.


Wear no gear. No weapons.

Dismiss companions/set companion to passive.

Wear out of date gear from Starter worlds.

Don't pick an Advanced Class.

Don't train yourself into new abilities that aren't auto-taught through Disciplines.

Don't pick a Discipline for an AC.


As for the medpack thing, save the credits for the 51+ ones, you're more likely to use those at later planets.


No one should have to actively handicap themselves to make the game normal difficulty level.


Game is broken.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD


1. You are Subscriber so.. you have every possible BEST bonuses to XP, UNIQUE rewards, not to mention the legacy wide bonuses....

tried to lvl from beginning, new seervvere , fresh legacy as preferred player, done all possible quests on planets , had the xp boosts and still on Tatooine, story lvling, i was below lvl 50 even when doing those solo Fp for DvL Legacy LvL and some WZs

Now when i am sub i reached the lvl 50 while doing the Prelude chapter and and FP for Legacy DvL reward, and some Wz's


2. Hated the first planets leveling before change, when you waited to get your first companion so you could survive the quests.. Now you don't need the companion on Prologue Chapter planets.... and i see now thats a good thing IMO.

I have been watching how my new friend struggles with hardware lag and the fighting system. Without the OP companion that can Heal.. my friends beginning experience would be real nightmare/challenge ... not all people can handle that. And for example DPS SHADOWS/SINS have not DC until lvl 25... Warrior/Knight get its first at lvl 7 or 8


3. Those super companions will not save you if you will fight against mobs that have lvl near the sync lvl cap (lvl sync max 28 lvl of mob 27 for ex.) and if you attract more than one group.. yeah try to survive without DC,medpacs, off healing and smart playing

4. Don't judge the game difficulty by comparing the fights on starter planets , they are easy by design. The challenge will come later and mostly with Hard Mode tag

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No one should have to actively handicap themselves to make the game normal difficulty level.


Game is broken.


The leveling system is also practically (if not certainly) designed to get people to max level and supposedly ready for "End-Game" as fast as possible, despite the level 60 token character things being an option.

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BW wants more people to be able to play the "mandatory" part of the game, because they get more money that way


If you're looking for difficulty, there's plenty of places to find it. But you won't, didn't, and shouldn't find it in the core story arcs.


Ian, I am just curious. You mention that story should be the easiest part of the game. I was wondering if it could ever be too easy? Current examples would be the end of Act 3 encounters for Knight, Warrior, and Inquisitor due to Level Sync. I remember doing the Knight fight back when the game was just 4 months old, I made the mistake of never using the droid and I had to call my friends to help me at the time. But currenlty that fight, at least to me, seems way too easy. Same with the other above mentioned classes.


I know I personally want enough challenge that I have to at least focus on what I am doing (at least the first time I do it).



As for the game being too easy now. It is and isn't. Part of the easiness comes from your own legacy. Do you have the some/all the datacrons unlocked? Have you completed all the companion conversations for some/all the classes? All those give you bumps that make future playthroughs far easier.


I recently started on a new server. Yes the game is easier/faster than original release. However I do notice a difference without all my legacy perks from the other server.

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part of the big issue is the quick speed of leveling to get to end game - but end game is very low on content esp repeatable content.


All the side missions and planetary arc are part of the original developed story that adds overall hours of gameplay to the game. While it was nice for those that wanted another character to hit end game quickly to have the speed leveling, it is creating an increased demand for new content at a much more rapid rate. There are articles and discussions about content locusts that eat up what a game has to offer as quick as possible and then are ready for the next thing. This system, while it is nice for certain things, encourages that behavior.


If the dev cycle was releasing more to do repeatable content at end game than it currently has I don't think it would be too bad to have that trade off.


But again, I've been here 5 years. Maybe for the new folks with the now level synced FPs it isn't so stale on that front yet. But after having the DvL event push everyone to become content locusts, I don't think KOTET can afford that same model

Edited by Jamtas
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Level ten in an hour? I guess that makes me a speed runner for hitting it in fifteen minutes, tops, these days.

There are ways to make the game more difficult for yourself.


Wear no gear. No weapons.

Dismiss companions/set companion to passive.

Wear out of date gear from Starter worlds.

Don't pick an Advanced Class.

Don't train yourself into new abilities that aren't auto-taught through Disciplines.

Don't pick a Discipline for an AC.


As for the medpack thing, save the credits for the 51+ ones, you're more likely to use those at later planets.


That's just the sign of a bad game if you set yourself artificial handicaps to make it more difficult

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Ian, I am just curious. You mention that story should be the easiest part of the game. I was wondering if it could ever be too easy? Current examples would be the end of Act 3 encounters for Knight, Warrior, and Inquisitor due to Level Sync. I remember doing the Knight fight back when the game was just 4 months old, I made the mistake of never using the droid and I had to call my friends to help me at the time. But currenlty that fight, at least to me, seems way too easy. Same with the other above mentioned classes.


I know I personally want enough challenge that I have to at least focus on what I am doing (at least the first time I do it).



As for the game being too easy now. It is and isn't. Part of the easiness comes from your own legacy. Do you have the some/all the datacrons unlocked? Have you completed all the companion conversations for some/all the classes? All those give you bumps that make future playthroughs far easier.


I recently started on a new server. Yes the game is easier/faster than original release. However I do notice a difference without all my legacy perks from the other server.


Knight is at the same difficulty level as everyone else but the Inq and Warrior - currently synced to 50 (All "end story" fights happen in a zone synced to 50 save for the two imperial force users'). I played through it sometime around the early RotHC release timeframe, so level cap of 55. It was not the hardest fight in that play-through (that would be the fight at the end of the Knight's Belsavis story), or even the hardest story line fight I played prior to 4.0 (that would be the fight at the end of the Consular's Chapter 1).


Level Sync did not make the fights easier. Increase in level cap did. Level Sync guarantees that the fights will not get exponentially easier as the level cap increases. (Along with datacron and other legacy bonuses, gear cap increase etc).


Also, these are no longer the "capstone" encounters for the game, the defeat of which signals your graduation to the "elder game." And they can't be "reset" to "end-game" difficulty anyway, because then F2P players (capped at L50 still) can't complete them.


Having just recently done a Trooper after having done an Inquisitor, neither one of the fights were anything approaching hard, and the difference in difficulty was a matter of minor degree.

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Everyone keeps saying SWTOR is "easy" just because Kelly Simmons claims she saw SWTOR kissing Bobby Jenkins behind the gym during study hall.


Attention, please. Thoronmir has won the thread. I repeat, Thoronmir has won the thread. Thoronmir, please report to the Sarlaac for your prize ceremony. The rest of you may carry on carrying on.

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15 minutes, one hour? Hmmm, it takes me like 3 hours to get to level 10. I wonder why it takes me so much... ooooh look there's a sale on Amazon...Ugh, I don't like this channel, there's got to be something else on...I'm hungry....wait, what was I doing? Oh yeah leveling a new character...

Makes you wonder how much of the time that /played displays is accurate.

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As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD

I assume you found it difficult prior to 4.0 then?


Look at it like this...you have a built in difficulty slider with the companion. Your choice to use them or not, is solely in your hands. If you're so good that you're finding it "easy", dismiss your companion. I play SWTOR to relax and enjoy myself...when I want something challenging I do a HM/NiM Operation or I PvP as a Pub...you should try those options.

Edited by TUXs
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As the title says, SWTOR is too easy now. Since the KOTFE expansion leveling is so easy that you can level up to lvl10 in 30 minutes or 1 hour, even if you only do your class story. The leveling is so easy that you don't need to do the planetary missions to lvl up fast, what a waste of some good mini stories.But the thing that bugs me most are the DAMN SUPER OP COMPANIONS!!

Now your companions have a lot more of life than you,more damage than you and they heal you for lots of HP so you never die and you don't need to use medpacks because,why use medpacks when you have a companion that heals you for the double or triple HP than a medpack??

I hope swtor changes this because I'm practically invincible with my OP companion XD


The old school "hardcore" MMO leveling experience is largely absent from the genre these days, and has been for years now. Why? Because it simply does not sell in the volumes that MMOs seek. It was fine back in the day, when players expected to take months of grinding to get to level cap... but that was also back when a big MMO was 200K players at launch.


Now days, studios set the entry level difficulty much lower and offer much more relaxed and efficient leveling through missions and other activities that do not involve endlessly killing mobs. This is done to make the entry of an MMO much wider and broader in terms of variations in player tastes.


Now.... making an MMO more appealing to a wider audience makes good business sense in todays markets. Making the entry ramp for a 5 year old MMO more simple and easier for new players is something that has been done for more then a decade now.... clearly, because it works.


Players that crave more difficult leveling.. they have plenty of options in doing so... without penalizing other players who simply would puke and give up and leave if they faced the kind of leveling ramp that was common 15 years ago. Others have already stated methods to easily reduce the power of your companions or yourself, without inflicting the same degree of difficulty to everyone. If you are unable or unwilling to "tune" your power and your companions power contribution to your leveling experience, without penalizing other players, that is completely on you. You have simple methods to adjust your difficulty, use or don"t.... the choice is yours to make.


Besides... it's not like the leveling curve in SWTOR was EVER really hard or hazardous. There is plenty of content, including group content in game (both sub-levelcap and at level cap) for people who want more difficulty.

Edited by Andryah
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