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Proof of treason quest is abusing


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I'm saying that certain obstacles that players can easily avoid or work around should be treated as very low priority fixes by the dev team.


So it's okay if the Talos Drellik recruitment mission is bugged with an unbeatable world boss because players can go to Tatooine and get an item to hopefully help them survive long enough to get the mission completed?


It's okay if Dark Vs Light gear doesn't unlock in collections because players can just buy identical parts?

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So it's okay if the Talos Drellik recruitment mission is bugged with an unbeatable world boss because players can go to Tatooine and get an item to hopefully help them survive long enough to get the mission completed?


It's okay if Dark Vs Light gear doesn't unlock in collections because players can just buy identical parts?


Isn't this thread about the Proof of Treason mission? Please try to stay on topic, ok?

Edited by JediRelentless
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Wow. Just, wow. I'm hoping you're just confused about which mission this one is. But the last enemy (the "target") of Proof of Treason is not "just out in the open." You have to fight two waves of enemies to cause the final boss to spawn, and grabbing that final boss out from under someone is antisocially impolite at the very least.


I had thought that the final encounter of that wave was spawned "pretagged" for the player or group that spawned him, and all that would happen if an interloper claim-jumped was that the mission would be completed that much faster (and more boringly) for the "owner." If another player can claimjump the spawn and walk off with mission completion and leave the person who did the work nothing to do but reset the mission and hope they don't get claim-jumped again?


I'd report anyone doing that for abuse of game mechanics.


It IS impolite, but it also well within the rules set by BW.


Note: I am not defending anyone, just noting that there is likely no abuse of game mechanics and the "claim jumper" is playing within the rules set forth by BW.

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It IS impolite, but it also well within the rules set by BW.


Note: I am not defending anyone, just noting that there is likely no abuse of game mechanics and the "claim jumper" is playing within the rules set forth by BW.


If the final mob spawned on a timer, I would merely call it impolite. Since you have to reset the quest to respawn it, that's a broken game mechanic, and abuse of same, to avoid doing the two preceding fights.

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It's one of the quickest heroics to do.


OTOH, I'm not entirely sure the boss isn't pre-tagged. I've never seen anyone try and steal it; when I do it and there are other people, we all form an orderly queue and take our turns. Maybe someone will contribute firepower after he turns grey to speed the inevitable. That's about it


The boss isn't pre-tagged for it. I've accidentally caused someone to miss the objective before because I was standing there waiting for them to finish so I could catch the next spawning, and the droid spawned right behind me and grabbed me instead of the other person. So when we both killed it together, they didn't get credit and had to do it again. Thankfully they knew I didn't intend to claim jump, as I made no effort to attack it. I just happened to be standing in a bad spot and it decided to go after me instead of the other player.


They should really fix this mission, though, so the final probe is pre-tagged for whoever had advanced the mission to get to it rather than just whoever attacks it first or whoever is standing too close so it targets them. It's very annoying to get claim jumped, but just as frustrating to have to wait twice as long when nobody gets credit for it.

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Never had an issue with it, but I would imagine if it's not getting pre-tagged, that's a simple enough fix. Probably whoever put the mission together missed a step.


If you want to dive deeper then what if I'm playing a Dark character? Of course I'm going to do whatever I can to get what I want. It's all part of the world we're playing in.

What if I'm playing a dark character and decide to follow you around in game every time you're online, stealing mobs before you can tag them and generally making your in-game experience hell?


The only reason I ask such a ridiculous question is to point out that the line has to be drawn somewhere. And excusing rude behavior on the basis of roleplay seems about as airtight as a criminal pleading "I was only messing around... when I broke into your house and stole your valuables. All part of a joke. Was just playing the role of a criminal, for fun. I don't actually want your stuff." Anyone can plead that after the fact, if placed under scrutiny, regardless of whether they mean it. That's part of what makes it such a poor defense.


Now if two people are consenting to dickbag RP together, that's another thing entirely.


As to what "too far" is exactly... that's up to the rules and enforcement of the people running the game. But it's unlikely that a GM would confront bad behavior, hear "I was just RPing when I did this rule-breaking thing to another player that they didn't consent to," and let it go.

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What if I'm playing a dark character and decide to follow you around in game every time you're online, stealing mobs before you can tag them and generally making your in-game experience hell?


People sure love comparing apples to aardvarks just cuz they both start with the same letter. You would be a textbook harassment ticket and dealt with accordingly and has nothing to do with the topic.


Also, apologies if this is an actual bug, but my feelings on the matter still stand since this same thing comes up once in a while and I always say the same thing and that is to click the objective first and then finish the fight and it's not worth stressing out over.

Edited by PetFish
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People sure love comparing apples to aardvarks just cuz they both start with the same letter. You would be a textbook harassment ticket and dealt with accordingly and has nothing to do with the topic.


Also, apologies if this is an actual bug, but my feelings on the matter still stand since this same thing comes up once in a while and I always say the same thing and that is to click the objective first and then finish the fight and it's not worth stressing out over.


How so? He would just be roleplaying a jerk, like the other player was. Sometimes art imitates life, sometimes it doesn't.


The 'objective' is dropped by the target. There is nothing to click.

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Goto the pvp instance...which is ALWAYS empty and do it there...problem solved




I do this on any heroic I can - obviously can't do this for DK or Coruscant and he like, but, swapping to PvP pretty much guarantees near instant completion of most heroics.


But oh no! You may, in an extremely rare instance, encounter 1 other play as you do every heroic!

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I do this on any heroic I can - obviously can't do this for DK or Coruscant and he like, but, swapping to PvP pretty much guarantees near instant completion of most heroics.


But oh no! You may, in an extremely rare instance, encounter 1 other play as you do every heroic!

I'm now imagining like 50 people all in the PvP instance doing the same heroic, getting pissed at each other.


And then there's this one guy in the PvE instance, like "wow, it's so dead today. Nobody doing these at all."

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There's nothing to fix and calling players that claim the objective before you 'dirty' isn't accurate at all and is uncalled for. Get the mission objective first and then finish the fight.


In some quests you can't do that because game doesn't allow you to click some items while in combat.

Staged bonus in that one heroic on NS on Empire side for example.

Edited by Halinalle
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The final boss is definitely not pre-tagged! I have experienced this before but not quite the same way as the op has. In my case there was another person there waiting to do the mission also and from the get go he was just assisting to make it go faster. When he got the death blow it gave neither of us credit and we just ended up grouping the second go round.
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I'd say this not abuse but is a bug. I have had this happen to me numerous times to where I have had to restart it. A lot of times, many people may be thinking they are helping you. I actually had someone once that actually apologized to me when they realized that I did not get credit for it and had to redo it. They do need to fix it though so that whomever started the encounter, gets credit at the end even if someone else taps it either purposely or accidently. Edited by Mdgshorty
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People sure love comparing apples to aardvarks just cuz they both start with the same letter. You would be a textbook harassment ticket and dealt with accordingly and has nothing to do with the topic.


Also, apologies if this is an actual bug, but my feelings on the matter still stand since this same thing comes up once in a while and I always say the same thing and that is to click the objective first and then finish the fight and it's not worth stressing out over.


Except the objective is the fight. You can't click it before it spawns and there is nothing stopping people from running up and getting it before you because of lag or reflexes or a better computer or luck or maybe you're busy finishing off the mob before that, which you are supposed to kill and the person stealing your objective is supposed to kill, but didn't.


Stealing is wrong, even in a game. And this is not the questionable circumstances of something laying around in the open world that "you had claim to", but something that only spawns after someone clicks to start the quest and kills the two mobs that spawn first. Because of this it shouldn't even be possible to steal the boss, but it is. However that doesn't mean it's in any way acceptable to do it, as you know someone else did the quest up to that point and you did not.


Also this ↓

In some quests you can't do that because game doesn't allow you to click some items while in combat.

Staged bonus in that one heroic on NS on Empire side for example.

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Excusing garbage players for garbage behavior and blaming the victim is what's uncalled for.


Agree to a large degree, however this is an open world game and sometimes this is something you just have to put up with. Not nice I know but its part of the price you pay for a mass online game.


Still It could be changed if BW wanted to do so.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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