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how you cannot see game as dying is beyond me.


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It's been dying for a long time. It was dying before it launched. It got killed by Guild Wars 2. It got killed by Wildstar. It got killed by Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. It got killed by going free-to-play. Shadow of Revan killed it. Knights of the Fallen Empire killed it. As you can see, a lot of things have killed it. Doomsayers have been saying it for years and obviously you weren't mistaken. I think, however, someone needs to re-define what a "dead" game is. Seeing how super dead TOR is and all. I thought it was when all the servers got closed down, but apparently that's my mistake.
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Everything in the universe is dying.


If you mean it's not meeting profit expectations and not getting funding, that's something real to debate at least. If you mean the playerbase is hemorrhaging, that's something real to debate as well.


I don't know how SWTOR stacks up and I'm no warrior defender of it, but I do know that an MMO being in its fifth year and not doing amazing is not some big shocker.

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Everything in the universe is dying.


If you mean it's not meeting profit expectations and not getting funding, that's something real to debate at least. If you mean the playerbase is hemorrhaging, that's something real to debate as well.


I don't know how SWTOR stacks up and I'm no warrior defender of it, but I do know that an MMO being in its fifth year and not doing amazing is not some big shocker.


I have no idea what the state of the game actually is. If I remember correctly, which is debatable, they did well from a financial aspect with Kotfe. If I just go by feeling which ends up being uber subjective, it really feels like the communities I've been a part of for years are barren. There's only a select few left raiding at higher levels, shadowlands ranked pvp scene is dead and with these rewards i doubt it'll pick up again. It's almost like if you don't play the story or play solo you need to ****

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I have no idea what the state of the game actually is. If I remember correctly, which is debatable, they did well from a financial aspect with Kotfe. If I just go by feeling which ends up being uber subjective, it really feels like the communities I've been a part of for years are barren. There's only a select few left raiding at higher levels, shadowlands ranked pvp scene is dead and with these rewards i doubt it'll pick up again. It's almost like if you don't play the story or play solo you need to ****

I know what you mean about the feeling. I play solo and I still get the vibe somewhat. I do think some of it is the lull from the content gap after KOTFE's end though (that mixed with summer). Some of that may be wishful thinking on my part, but I do distinctly remember feeling like the game felt more alive when KOTFE was still going (and I do have some vague proof of this... the GTN market was distinctly filled with more of the kind of armors I was looking it, so that means more people were buying and selling them). And as summer hit and chap 16 winded down, population definitely seemed to go down. On the GTN, prices went up, while number of items being sold went down. A sign of less competition.


I expect it'll kick up again some as we get into fall and get some real announcements about KOTET. Particularly if the announcements involve group content, cause that seems to be the major vibe killer right now, is the lack of it.

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They have made a LOT of money from TOR int he last year. Dying? Hardly. Your server might be light...or at least light on what you want to do. Harbringer has the GSF jockeys...Ebon Hawk has PvP pops at all 3 ranks at all hours and has since before DvL.


You want to raid? Well your problem there is no new raids have been forthcoming so that community is very small, the rest of the community does storymode raids primarily.

Hard mode FPs? I've found success with groupfinder or simply throwing a group together in fleet.


If every planet has 30 or so people on it, your server is not dead, not even CLOSE.

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let me guess this is another ops / pvp are dying so of course that means without that everything is doooooooommeed. sooo "the game" is dying because they are the pillars that holds this game up... thread in disguise.....


Your right ..eventually the game will close at some unknown date and people will all point to whatever it is they think caused it .


how many of these threads over the last 5 years .....supposedly the game was dying when it first went ftp....


yes it will die eventually ...so you are partially factual ..from a certain point of view ....

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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The only thing that matters to them are fiscal profits. And while we're at finances, I believe swtor is second most profitable mmo in the west and something like fifth or sixth overall(no, it never could as much as hope to catch up with WoW or Lineage with this crap engine limiting it).


...the only way it has died is creatively. But then again, Hollywood, AAA industry etc bankrupted in that aspect a LONG time ago. Just enjoy what is fun I say.

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yes it will die eventually


Not necessarily. There are MMOs out there that have less than 50k total players/subs and yet they keep on truckin' and I am NOT talking about "maintenance mode". EQ1 has been around since before WoW and SOE is STILL releasing content for that MMO (admittedly not at the pace as in that game's heyday, but new content is new content).

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The only thing that matters to them are fiscal profits. And while we're at finances, I believe swtor is second most profitable mmo in the west and something like fifth or sixth overall(no, it never could as much as hope to catch up with WoW or Lineage with this crap engine limiting it).


...the only way it has died is creatively. But then again, Hollywood, AAA industry etc bankrupted in that aspect a LONG time ago. Just enjoy what is fun I say.


This seems like a very true post. Good distinction between finances and creativity. Financially the game is in a seemingly good position. Creatively it feels like Bioware has decided to punt on anything that isn't solo or story content. Depressing.

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Not necessarily. There are MMOs out there that have less than 50k total players/subs and yet they keep on truckin' and I am NOT talking about "maintenance mode". EQ1 has been around since before WoW and SOE is STILL releasing content for that MMO (admittedly not at the pace as in that game's heyday, but new content is new content).


true UO and AO I believe is still going to ...that's why i said eventually.....at some point in the future it will stop and when that happens people will come out to say " i told you so " that's my point ...even if it doesn't happen for another 50 years.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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I play on the Red Eclipse. Fleet has often 2-3 instances at peak times, and usually around 120-140 ppl when not peak, except late in the night.


Been leveling a new toon. Planets like Korriban, DK, Balmorra and such have 2 instances usually, not counting the pvp one, ppl sometines steals your objective and such. Later planets have around 25-50 ppl.


There are usually groups forming in the fleet. I saw for either heroic runs, ops and fps too. Pvp pops regularly, if you play at acceptable times.


At least in my server, the game is pretty alive.

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It's been dying for a long time. It was dying before it launched. It got killed by Guild Wars 2. It got killed by Wildstar. It got killed by Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. It got killed by going free-to-play. Shadow of Revan killed it. Knights of the Fallen Empire killed it. As you can see, a lot of things have killed it. Doomsayers have been saying it for years and obviously you weren't mistaken. I think, however, someone needs to re-define what a "dead" game is. Seeing how super dead TOR is and all. I thought it was when all the servers got closed down, but apparently that's my mistake.


Epic post is epic.

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I don't doubt that you view the game in the way you have indicated. I also do not doubt you find it curious perhaps that others do not share your view.


What I do find odd, IMO, is the lack of criteria you use to establish that fail state in your OP. One would think that gauge would be required to properly express your viewpoint.


From everything I have seen the game is doing....OK. I'll say good. That is based on a guess at sub numbers based on public statements and estimation of growth and loss over time, casual observance of the number of players in the game when I play, and the chat activity I have seen across the net and on game news sites.


There is NO DOUBT this game is one of the top 5 MMOs in the US. It is also likely it has the second largest population level for an MMO in the US.


That is not to say the game is doing great in my eyes....I think it has MANY flaws, and those flaws likely stunt it's growth in a measurable way.


Some of this information here is highly speculative, other parts is actual released information from fairly reliable public sources IMO. But, as you say OP....


...people can make up their own minds. Every game on the market could use improvement, this game is no exception.

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I think at one point the game truly was in trouble. I am not going to rehash the reasons, but at the time I feel forum members knew the game was hurting...with the exception of a few die hard folks.


I believe that the F2P conversion saved the game. I also believe that the staff changes saved it in some measure...one person in particular that was DESTROYING the game, IMO, gone for good. Hopefully this person never returns.


Naturally I will not mention the name. Anyone who knows me well enough knows exactly of whom I speak.


I believe, based on current information out there swirling around, as well as personal observations of folks in game, that this game is in decent shape. It could and SHOULD be doing much better, but it's likely doing well enough for now.

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Year in year out we get the death toll of "The game is dead".....yet here we all are years later, still subbing, still playing, still enjoying the new content. I for one feel that the game is better now than it ever was, not perfect of course as the many rants on these forums about bugs etc will quite rightly testify to, but a dam good solid Star Wars game.


Nothing to see here - Move along......

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