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General Chat at ALL Fleets on ALL Servers getting out of hand.


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I have my main Guild and Toons on the Harbinger, and i have

lowbies on just about every server.


In general, the General Chat on the Fleet (Republic and Sith sides), have

become not just profane, but sick to the point, that I have reset all my tabs

to not show General/Crafting/PVP chat channels including Emotes, and Yell.


I am not a prude and can curse in ways that would anger the most profane of

any member of society, but man....it is just beyond terrible as of late.


Between the spammers, Haters, and sick stuff being said, you need to have

ratings for this game past a Mature Rating. I would never let any child under

16, play this game, thanks to the lack or any control of this by this game.


Profanity Filters do not block the content i see.


I report people for their hateful, depraved, or just plain offensive names, names

of guilds, but there is no recourse for what a person says in Gen Chat.


I won't mention the names or guild names i see, but, i still can't believe that

TOR doesn't have a way to block certain combinations or clearly hateful sick stuff.


People think they can just get on Fleet and let loose with anything.


Your losing people to this effect, i can promise you that.


Look at it from a Cash Perspective, if you guys need something to

make you see my point of view.


New player A gets on, has a good time on starter planet, then goes to fleet, and feels

like he has been verbally assaulted, then he may quit playing after that.


How much Subscription money do you get from that guy, if he quits, and cancels account.


End of Rant

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So many racist, sexist, homophobic little boys on the fleet. My ignore list is a mile long.


I've been playing mmo's since 2002 and I don't remember so much hate. Yes, lots of trolls, but not so overt/stupid. Trolling took skill back then.


Sadly, this is an internet problem, not an Swtor problem. There are already tools to report people, though I don't know if anyone actually gets the ban stick. I guess not, since I've seen hour long conversations that would make our racist uncles blush in dk gen chat.


I did get a warning on here for typing the four letter word for poop, tho. So there's that. :rolleyes:

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So many racist, sexist, homophobic little boys on the fleet. My ignore list is a mile long.


I've been playing mmo's since 2002 and I don't remember so much hate. Yes, lots of trolls, but not so overt/stupid. Trolling took skill back then.


Sadly, this is an internet problem, not an Swtor problem. There are already tools to report people, though I don't know if anyone actually gets the ban stick. I guess not, since I've seen hour long conversations that would make our racist uncles blush in dk gen chat.


I did get a warning on here for typing the four letter word for poop, tho. So there's that. :rolleyes:


they dont even have the man power to pop a GM in for 30 mins a day at peak time to swing that hammer, apparently :(

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So many racist, sexist, homophobic little boys on the fleet. My ignore list is a mile long.


SWTOR has always had the most toxic playbase of any MMO I've ever played. Remember, these are the folks who sent death threats to the kids of a community manager over a patch note.

Edited by Caelrie
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Not just the fleet (which I have been avoiding for 2 years because of that) , but mostly Dromun Kaas and Coruscant .


Go there and watch Parked idiots running their mouths on no stop .


Really BW ? if I don't move for 10min you kick me out for inactivity . But you let these peoples stay on Dromun Kaas , berating anyone who ask for Help , and write spoilers and just be innapropriate ?



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SWTOR has always had the most toxic playbase of any MMO I've ever played. Remember, these are the folks who sent death threats to the kids of a community manager over a patch note.


There is worse actually . Swtor isn't the Worst . I've seen worse...


But the difference , that other MMO..is free..and no sub . This one peoples are paying for it...


That make it worse .

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SWTOR has always had the most toxic playbase of any MMO I've ever played. Remember, these are the folks who sent death threats to the kids of a community manager over a patch note.


ESO and WoW had the worst communities, in and out of the game that I ever experienced in my almost 20 years of online gaming.


LotRO had the best in my experience.


SWG at one time was pretty bad, STO is an example of a good one I currently play, Eve has always been rough in and out of the game of course (but that is to be expected).


Most of the other games I put around the middle, including this one.

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Not all servers. There's no one left on Jung Ma to spam /1 on Fleet except gold sellers.


Anyway, you don't like it? Ignore it. These people aren't shaking your baby and kicking your puppy - they're typing words in a game. Get over it.


Words actually can be damaging .


All it take is the right words , and the right amount and you can send someone in a spiral of suicide .


So yeah WORDS are damaging as well .


Maybe Jung Ma has only 1 player , but where I'm on ShadowLand , we still have trolls running their mouths .


And you can ignore them . But that doesn't mean BW should .

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SWTOR has always had the most toxic playbase of any MMO I've ever played


Then either you're lying or you haven't played very many mmo's


Words actually can be damaging .


All it take is the right words , and the right amount and you can send someone in a spiral of suicide .


So yeah WORDS are damaging as well


No, they're not damaging. Whats damaging is telling kids growing up now that they should have 'safe spaces' and be outraged at every little thing from words to tshirts to opinions. That in no way prepares them for living the real world. Remember that whole thing about sticks and stones? The fact is if a person is that nuts that saying something they don't like in a game makes them go out and kill themselves they have more serious problems than a game, and frankly shouldn't be anywhere near any game if their problems are that serious.


Really, we're talking twenty years ago, minus technology and of course, suicides suffering worse stigma than they did today? Let's not kid ourselves and say that people had tougher skins- people who killed themselves were seen as weak, lacking and forgotten instead of drawing attention to the problem


I'll say it again: If someone has such severe problems with things people say to the point they want to kill themselves they have bigger problems than a game and shouldn't be anywhere near it in the first place. People are responsible for their own actions. If you have a problem with something you have every opportunity to stop exposing yourself to it instead of whining to other people to police what they say and do


Bullies had all the power and I'd hope that we stop taking the position where it's seen as building character, it's not, it's degrading


Bullies have no power beyond what you give them. Words are just words and words are what we are talking about here. Not 'bullying' and what does or does not happen in a school


people like you need to stop blaming the victim for someone who gets pleasure out of making someone else miserable.


There it is, the 'blaming the victim' speech. Not liking what someone says in chat in a game does not make you a victim of anything. You are very much responsible for putting yourself in such a situation. You don't like what someone says in chat? Thats what ignore is for, thats what leaving the area is for, thats what disabling the chat is for, that is what leaving the game is for. This is a game, you are not a victim of anything here. Grow up

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Then either you're lying or you haven't played very many mmo's




No, they're not damaging. Whats damaging is telling kids growing up now that they should have 'safe spaces' and be outraged at every little thing from words to tshirts to opinions. That in no way prepares them for living the real world. Remember that whole thing about sticks and stones? The fact is if a person is that nuts that saying something they don't like in a game makes them go out and kill themselves they have more serious problems than a game, and frankly shouldn't be anywhere near any game if their problems are that serious.




I'll say it again: If someone has such severe problems with things people say to the point they want to kill themselves they have bigger problems than a game and shouldn't be anywhere near it in the first place. People are responsible for their own actions. If you have a problem with something you have every opportunity to stop exposing yourself to it instead of whining to other people to police what they say and do





Bullies have no power beyond what you give them. Words are just words and words are what we are talking about here. Not 'bullying' and what does or does not happen in a school





There it is, the 'blaming the victim' speech. Not liking what someone says in chat in a game does not make you a victim of anything. You are very much responsible for putting yourself in such a situation. You don't like what someone says in chat? Thats what ignore is for, thats what leaving the area is for, thats what disabling the chat is for, that is what leaving the game is for. This is a game, you are not a victim of anything here. Grow up


Hear, hear! Many's the time in many an argument that I've had to remind people that words carry no more power than what you give them. If you take grave offence at anything said by anyone, that's on you. People should have the right to say whatever they want, and take their social backlash if that's what is called for, but I for one am not a fan of censorship. You have the power within your own mind to ignore offensive speech, to maintain your own sense of dignity with a polite response, or to counter it with your own offensive speech.


How you process words is entirely up to you. Nobody needs be punished by a governing force for enjoying their freedom of speech. In this case, if they offend everyone on Fleet, let them suffer the consequences of being placed on so many /ignore lists they can't get in Flashpoints anymore, or have hateful speech flung right back on them from a dozen angry players. This isn't a BioWare problem, it's a social issue that can be managed amongst the players themselves.

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SWTOR has always had the most toxic playbase of any MMO I've ever played. Remember, these are the folks who sent death threats to the kids of a community manager over a patch note.


Clearly you have never played, to name a few;

EvE Online (get involved into the espionage side of things)

ArchAge (that community is infinitely worse as you are forced PvP while trying to do pure PvE activities)

Black Dessert Online (The trolling there makes the trolls here look like nuns)


Frankly, outside of a very few, this community is actually pretty good.

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Maybe your generation should stop coddling its kids so they can take a few blows without looking longingly at a noose. Bullying existed 20 years ago - we dealt with it, because we weren't raised in bubbles of shiny happy perfect goodness. We played outside, miles from home, scraped our knees, and broke our arms and got right back into playing again. Someone started talking trash, we gave as good as we got. Not my fault we live in a generation of "safe spaces" and everyone walking on eggshells, afraid to send some fragile kid over the edge.


The world ain't a perfect place. Maybe we do need to go back to the rough and tumble times of yore when kids could actual deal with ish. Nobody in Generation X would have taken their lives over a 140-character comment (or any amount of lines in a game) like Millenials apparently do.


I agree with this sentiment to a point. And I think I have a very, very high tolerance for abrasive/rude/ignorant talk. I don't partake but I expect it and treat it as part of life in games. Heck I used to play CoD on XBL, pretty much the biggest cesspool there is.


Still, I've seen some **** in genchat over the past couple months that has gone so far beyond anything I'd even expect to hear in a prison. Yeah I can just ignore. I do. And I don't lose sleep over it.


But since someone brought it up, I'd be fine with having an intern pop his head in fleet once or twice a day or maybe looking into some of these squelches and issuing some insta-perma bans. Without question I'd be all for a bit more in-game chat moderation than we seem to have. I think it has gone a bit too far, and I have a pretty open mind.



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I assume it varies by server. I don't hang out a lot on fleet tbh. Feels too crowded (I'm serious). Most of the time I just ignore the chat when I'm on it. It's usually political.


I've had some downright pleasant/fun times in DK and Coruscant chat though.


I don't think I've yet played an MMO where the main hub chat was peachy keen most of the time. People hang out there because they're bored. Boredom breeds inventive ways to not be bored, including, but not limited to, instigating and perpetuating arguments.


Give people something to do on fleet that is mildly interesting and is a fleet-wide effort*, and it'll fade. As long as people are hanging out there due to boredom, the worst will make its way out. I think this holds consistent with why DK and Coruscant are generally better; they usually have a number of people who are honest-to-god playing through the content and having a good time.


*To give you an idea of where my mind is going with this: Imagine (rough concept) some kind of counter that fleet has and doing some kind of activity that people can do together (say, completing a jump puzzle within fleet) moves that counter up (if it gets high enough, maybe it unlocks a special vendor). Each time a person completes it, they get a few bits of currency... commendations or crystals, for instance. Or perhaps some kind of activity that takes less time, considering people flitting in and out with queues and such... trying to kick a huttball into a goal for points (I know, I know, never kick the ball :p).


Some really silly meaningless mini-game, but is mildly engaging and gives a bit of reward. Ideally something that encourages people to work together, but doesn't punish them too hard if they're bad at working together.

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Harbinger's chat is teenage male level comedy and flaming. Since summer is winding down and the fall school season has started General Chat has toned down somewhat.


I would rather see more action taken against stopping and preventing credit bots.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I always wonder how dumb genchat fools trashtalk can really get through and hurt someone.

Bullies at school, in your neighborhood, people in your guild or group, those are person somewhat near to you, there i understand that their negative reactions could upset someone.

But that random guy typing letters at the fleet? Why give anything about his opinion, it's probably someone sitting hundreds of kilometers away from you, with no other thing in common that he/she is playing swtor at this moment too. Some random guy on the other side of the country, continent or maybe even world, why should i give something about him or his opinion, what he may think of me? It's just a random guy who doesn't have any influence on my life, what he says/types isn't important at all.

He doesn't know me and isn't in any position to judge me. /ignore and report spam or harrassment, done and forget.

(If it is someone stalking a player to really bully someone by following his alts and all this creepy stuff, it is a different situation, but ranting on genchat? Most of those posting trash there have forgotten, what they wrote just a short time later. They are out for attention and most of the time just bored, don't give it to them and they will go elsewhere or go offline)


If there are people in my sports club, at a public party or anywhere else, that i don't like or whose behaviour i can't stand, i avoid them. I don't go to them to get into a confrontation of our lifestyles. I just minimize contact with them, because i don't have to get along with everyone, there are people who just are not on the same page, i do my thing they do theirs.

Just like in RL, there are people i don't want hang around with in game. I'm in no way forced to interact with them. It is even easier than in RL to block them out, by just typing /ignore.

Just use the possibilities the game offers. There are enough.

Edited by Khaleijo
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Words actually can be damaging .


All it take is the right words , and the right amount and you can send someone in a spiral of suicide .


So yeah WORDS are damaging as well .


Maybe Jung Ma has only 1 player , but where I'm on ShadowLand , we still have trolls running their mouths .


And you can ignore them . But that doesn't mean BW should .


Words are only as damaging as you let them. I learned that growing up being not only verbally bullied, but physically. Words are nothing but what we make them, and that is what children should be taught.

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