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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Well she's light 2 actually (6850 light/4400 dark), unlike her mother and her aunt who are both light 5. Light choices for the 'underdogs', the decent, and the abused; dark for most Sith, jedi, and SIS agents, among others since they need to eat some nice cold payback for her mom's plight.


I took artifice to make my own relic(s) since I knew I was going to be bouncing around the spectrum with her. I like the freedom of her back story to deal with people like this. It's been a blast.


sounds like my SW, hes still an infant on balmorra, but im basing him on lawful/honerable evil..which is oddly light grey in this game so far lol

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I'm dealing with Vector now and I find the guy repulsive.... I'm a female and I just don't understand the fangirl love this guy is getting.:confused: I hate how he refers to himself in first person plural. Yuck. I'm glad I rolled a male agent, it seems more natural for him to pass on any longterm romance options and just sleep, flirt and seduce his way across the galaxy.


I tend to think of him as "borg" a la Star Trek, drives my husband crazy when I start talking back to the computer like that. You know "we are borg, resistance is futile" :D


Personally, I'm just glad they're not using the third person singular, that drives me nuts. Vector is probably also the reason I'll roll a female IA after I'm done my male, btw love the male IA's voice.

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Okay, I'm totally revising my opinion of Vector. He's an awesome dude. I'm into Taris now with just 1 or 2 class missions to go, and I really do like him a lot. I think he's great for my IA whereas Kaliyo enjoys death and destruction just for the sake of death and distruction. My IA isn't like that, he's getting tons of 'thumbs up' from Vector, I think they're just more of the same mind when it comes to honor and doing what is right. Kaliyo has no honor and I decided I do not like her at all.


I take back everything I said about Vector, and although I would not like to romance him as a female IA, my male IA is just fine with him and can use Vector's calm voice of reason. I loved their last conversation where Vector was asking my IA about family and warning him about going down a path where he has to push aside his humanity. Nice touch!

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Okay, I'm totally revising my opinion of Vector. He's an awesome dude. I'm into Taris now with just 1 or 2 class missions to go, and I really do like him a lot. I think he's great for my IA whereas Kaliyo enjoys death and destruction just for the sake of death and distruction. My IA isn't like that, he's getting tons of 'thumbs up' from Vector, I think they're just more of the same mind when it comes to honor and doing what is right. Kaliyo has no honor and I decided I do not like her at all.


I take back everything I said about Vector, and although I would not like to romance him as a female IA, my male IA is just fine with him and can use Vector's calm voice of reason. I loved their last conversation where Vector was asking my IA about family and warning him about going down a path where he has to push aside his humanity. Nice touch!


He's the ultimate service and honour partner for a bromance.

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He's the ultimate service and honour partner for a bromance.


Word. We had our differences on the importance of really engaging with the people we help, but we backed each other up in Lawful Neutrality-shading-towards-Good no matter what. I respect the hell out of that man. Bug. Thing.

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He is a bug-boy, and so unappealing I am not even bothering to max out his affection. I'd rather was the windows of my startship or clean the hyperdrive myself than enjoy his "company". He is also the only companion I never summon. Period. Even the ship droid gets more fresh air than Vector.


It is a shame the female agent does not have a romantic storyline worth touching.

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He is a bug-boy, and so unappealing I am not even bothering to max out his affection. I'd rather was the windows of my startship or clean the hyperdrive myself than enjoy his "company". He is also the only companion I never summon. Period.


Well, there's your problem! You need to actually hang around him long enough for the pheromones to start working on you. Then you too may become a part of the fan girl swarm. :cool:

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Well, there's your problem! You need to actually hang around him long enough for the pheromones to start working on you. Then you too may become a part of the fan girl swarm. :cool:


resistance is futile. you will be assimilated.

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Good grief. This thread certainly took on a life of its own after my whingy OP.


I'd first like to state that I am waiting patiently for Aristocra Saganu to magically not be dead and take my Agent away to pick up where we left off on Hoth.


To those that asked, yes I carried the romance through to the finale, and married him despite my misgivings because I wanted to see the ending. No, I am still not going to join the ranks of the Bug-boy fan club, and here are my observations:

1) Vector is an alright kind of dude. He's had a tough time of it (particularly when Lokin's dialogues are explored) but you know, things could be a lot worse. I thought it was pretty neat that Vector and Lokin are actually friends outside of the spaceship. That said, Vector is still not remotely romantically attractive. Sorry dude, but your weird bug issues and difficulty with understanding and comprehending the emotions of other people place you firmly in the buddy box, no hugs for you unless they're sidehugs in a platonic manner.

2) Following that point, the Agent's flirt options are still horribly contrived, especially at the beginning of the romance. He will be talking about something, anything - usually bugs - and the Agent reacts like it's simultaneously the most fascinating and arousing thing she's ever heard. "I hear the song of the universe" ->Vector lets rub forearms! "I want the Killiks to expand and get in touch with other hi...-" LETS RUB FOREARMS. "I'm planning universe wide Killik domi..-" -> VECTOR. FOREARMS. I'LL BE WAITING IN THE BEDROOM. There is nothing even faintly attractive there, nor any natural opening for flirtation, but the Agent throws herself at him with a passion that defies credibility, and he doesn't even realise for ages because he's too busy contemplating his chitinous navel.

3) That Scene. Yes I got to that scene and I did the deed. Having done two more romances since (Torian and Quinn), it's actually probably the best scene out of the three of them. He's creepy as, but it was quite nice that he tried very hard to hide the creepiness. However, his snap back to Killikhood immediately afterwards was unnerving, especially given I put a mod on him (for That Scene he shows up as his default face but once he goes Killik again he snaps back to the custom mod).

4) The marriage dialogue. Now, from reading some of your empassioned posts I can see that there's some way of making him realise that being Killiky is really creepy and he needs to cut it out, but because I was being nauseatingly nice to him I didn't find that option (that and hadn't realised escape cancelled the conversaion). There were two parts here I found stupid. Firstly - the Agent offering to be made a Joiner to be closer to him. This Agent had just been through mind-control hell and had finally wrested control back, and now I'm meant to believe she will gladly surrender herself to a controlling entity again, and an instectoid hivemind at that. Good on Vector for refusing because that's completely idiotic. It's like her IQ drops 100 points when she enters his pheromone cloud. Secondly - "oooh say something Killiky!" after being married, as if him being part of an emotionless hive of ant drones is some kind of arousing aspect she must constantly be reminded of. "Your electrons are unique" - well hot diggity dang Vector, you'd best get your thorax into the bedroom ASAP!


So yeah. Willing to accept him as a friend, not impressed at the prospect of taking him into my bed.


And quick notes on the other two:



Torian made me feel like a cradle snatcher and overall I don't think much effort went into writing his romance sub-plot. It was very ho hum and not very memorable, and mostly filled with him trying to teach me elven I mean mandalorian. We bonked when we were meant to be "studying". How high school - I'm surprised our parents didn't bust in to pull us apart OH WAIT I KILLED HIS DAD how could I forget.

Quinn actually amused the hell out of me because he spent most of the romance squirming, knowing that he shouldn't flirt but wanting to do it anyway. I was also amused by his letters afterwards with statistics acknowledging that non-sith marital partners have a 63% higher chance of being victims of spousal homicide - although maybe that's because they're jerks that betray their spouses OH WAIT. I wish there was an option to force choke his trousers and coolly inform him that while I appreciate intelligence and ambition I don't appreciate it being used against me and that he has to basically start from scratch and win me over again. The "no, we're over" or "awww cuddlebunny, you silly schnookums, lets forget this and go home" didn't quite cut it.



Edited by Reluctance
God how could I forget Saganu
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Hey, good to hear from you OP! I always wondered what had happened to you.


I wish the flirts with Vector didn't feel so out of place and like sexual harassment too. Reminds me of those nature shows, you know, where the male is chasing the poor female around, poking at her, annoying her, getting all riled up and all over her, and meanwhile she's patiently avoiding him and trying to get back to whatever she was doing before he came along. Yeah...just reverse the roles and that male is the agent and the female is Vector. :rolleyes: Why does the female agent act like this totally hormone-driven teenager?


I ended up trying to ignore most of the agent's lines and imagining something different in my head.


And wait a minute....who said Aristocra Saganuu was dead? :confused:

Edited by CloudCastle
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And wait a minute....who said Aristocra Saganuu was dead? :confused:


So having also played through the agent storyline, an explanation:


After you finish the big fight at the end of the class questline on Hoth Raina Temple comes to you and says something like 'I'm the only one left, everyone else died holding them back'.


You could interpret that to mean Saganu is dead. I maintain Saganu was not *with* Raina so she wasn't including him in that statement. It is somewhat ambiguous, especially since his message to you post-Hoth also doesn't make it clear either way.



Edited by Athiator
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There is nothing even faintly attractive there, nor any natural opening for flirtation, but the Agent throws herself at him with a passion that defies credibility, and he doesn't even realise for ages because he's too busy contemplating his chitinous navel.


I adore Vector, but this is still the greatest summary I've ever read.


The femAgent [Flirts] are incredibly obnoxious.

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The femAgent [Flirts] are incredibly obnoxious.


Poor Jo Wyatt, why can't she have nice things. FemHawke's flirts were horrible as well, especially with Sebastian, she sounds like she's trying to pull him into a one-nighter, not that she actually likes him. (Sort of like FemAgent's flirts with Vector).


And I think my husband has been taken over by the hive mind, he asked me to rub forearms last night. :p It's become an affection-showing thing in our house now.

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So having also played through the agent storyline, an explanation:


After you finish the big fight at the end of the class questline on Hoth Raina Temple comes to you and says something like 'I'm the only one left, everyone else died holding them back'.


You could interpret that to mean Saganu is dead. I maintain Saganu was not *with* Raina so she wasn't including him in that statement. It is somewhat ambiguous, especially since his message to you post-Hoth also doesn't make it clear either way.



That is how I took it - he sent a team with Temple to support you, and they died. He was always back at the base. Otherwise how he does he call you after you leave Hoth?


About the flirting: For my agent it works - because she is an a*****e, and stubborn, and when he doesn't respond she gets a little absurd because she is not at all used to men not falling all over her when she hints that she might be interested. She is also completely stupid about actual feelings, and doesn't know how to properly express them.

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And I think my husband has been taken over by the hive mind, he asked me to rub forearms last night. :p It's become an affection-showing thing in our house now.


...that actually made me /facepalm while grinning, and going " oh goodness...."

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"I hear the song of the universe" ->Vector lets rub forearms! "I want the Killiks to expand and get in touch with other hi...-" LETS RUB FOREARMS. "I'm planning universe wide Killik domi..-" -> VECTOR. FOREARMS. I'LL BE WAITING IN THE BEDROOM.

oh crap, someone put listening devices in MY ship! * scours the place top to bottom*

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Anyone knows if you can reset and redo the whole companion quests again in future patches or when BW implement same gender romance?


Because my femagent somehow got friendzoned by Vector just because I chose both non flirt options during the talk about her possible past marriage. :(


She's already at 7.6k affection with Vector and heading to Belsavis now. Even got past the talk bout the summit so I know for certain it's already not possible to get lovey with him.


At least with a possible reset, I don't have to reroll a new IA char because it's both time consuming and I had already bonded with my current agent. A new one would just not seems right.

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Think at this, girls, as bugs you'll be the "queen" of the house (hive)... With a lot of drones serving you... Oh wait...! The childs... Are they going to begin as eggs?



Mixing species... A lot of questions without answer...

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...that actually made me /facepalm while grinning, and going " oh goodness...."




It was just so unexpected. I put my forehead against his to give him nuzzles and he's like "No no, you're doing it wrong!" and then put his forearm against mine and started rubbing them together. So yeah, he's been assimilated.


Vector Hyllis: Making real life couple rub forearms since 2011. :)

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It was just so unexpected. I put my forehead against his to give him nuzzles and he's like "No no, you're doing it wrong!" and then put his forearm against mine and started rubbing them together. So yeah, he's been assimilated.


Vector Hyllis: Making real life couple rub forearms since 2011. :)


thats... actually very sweet :o

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Livia finally slept with him. Went with the mean sounding choice because she really needed to tell him that she loved him and he didn't need to prove anything to her, and that was the only path that gave her that option.
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Livia finally slept with him. Went with the mean sounding choice because she really needed to tell him that she loved him and he didn't need to prove anything to her, and that was the only path that gave her that option.


Yeah, it sucks that the only ways you can have then say their "I love yous" is by either have him repress his pheromonic bond, or be mean to him. Dangit BioWare, where's the option to say you love him as he is, bugs on his brain, ants in his pants and all?! :confused:

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Yeah, it sucks that the only ways you can have then say their "I love yous" is by either have him repress his pheromonic bond, or be mean to him. Dangit BioWare, where's the option to say you love him as he is, bugs on his brain, ants in his pants and all?! :confused:

i knows ; ;


...did ya fraps it? :D

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