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Patch Notes 4.7.1.


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LOL BioWare, good job at referencing a character most people don't know because of your 1990's forced grouping for the last part of the story. :rolleyes:


Grand Moffster Kilran? The one who is the final boss of a [sOLO] flashpoint that you don't have to group for and whose Flashpoint Courier is flagged as a Story Mission?

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Grand Moffster Kilran? The one who is the final boss of a [sOLO] flashpoint that you don't have to group for and whose Flashpoint Courier is flagged as a Story Mission?


I believe she is talking about the Shroud, who's lengthy solo quest line ends in H-4s that many of us couldn't even get a group for when it was new.

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Bioware, please just rename your game Star Wars: The Cartel Market


It's completely clear that nothing else matters with this anymore other than the Market.


  • - Your own In Game Events page hasn't been touched since July, and isn't being kept up to date (this can be done once a month - ONCE. You can give this one job to one person)
  • - Your preview window has been borked for years, then you try to fix it and mess it up three times as bad, and still didn't manage to fix what you originally posted about with it.
  • - Sending tickets has been reduced to nothing more than a canned response. Reporting about something that should be fixed, i.e., Alderaan heroics dropping you off on top of an elevated area, to only force you OFF of the elevated area, just to fly right back where you were to 'discover' it to complete the heroic - only to receive the dumbest **** imaginable from worthless 'customer service' people, telling you to 'reset the mission'. C'mon, really?!
  • - Your poor folks that are F2P that go to the Support forums, only to have been directed to a canned EA PLAYER HELP ONLY page that has no customer support to help them. They are screwed if they need help (much like the rest of us that pay to play this game).
  • - Existing problems that have been in for years magically re-appear after you've fixed them. Two or three times already - Hello, missing half of your UI?
  • - I won't even go into the Eternal Championship fiasco, screwing people out of participation, adding in rules AFTER THE FACT...
  • - Crafting changes, again screwing people. Thanks, Cartel Market. Crafting had so much potential and now its purely pigeon holed into augments, barrels, hilts, stims and relics.
  • The continued ignorance of the VIP vendors for those many that were told were going to have regular updates to the vendors. If by regular you mean one or two times in the existence of the game, well then I applaud you. You got me.

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You forgot or just got tired..haha

Constant disconnects from cut screens

Failure to correct update your toon/alt to correct legacy

Fighting boss and he constantly, magically re-heals so you can't beat them

Having to shut down and restart to finish a quest or part of your series because of a bug

Applying a patch that ruins another part of the game that worked fine

Seriously, I really like the game (beta peeps)....but am confused with all the issues that are caused by patching.

But I will say with all this going on .... I'm still here and still having fun.


* ) Have to agree with Amodin with his/her post..

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I believe she is talking about the Shroud, who's lengthy solo quest line ends in H-4s that many of us couldn't even get a group for when it was new.


Oh, of course, that.


I think I'm about halfway down those two chains on one alt; they're so tedious I can't bring myself to keep going, adn the rewards are decidedly not worth the time invested.


(I even blew quite a lot of money on the GTN to get those story cubes, only to be disappointed there, too)

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So... According to the notes they fixed the text for Dephts of Manaan but they don't say anything about fixing the bug preventing you from getting the achievement for DvL. Seriously?


Wont know till tomorrow, it likely will be fixed, but if not there will be an uproar, its the only HM FP i have left XD then im done with the event.

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Bioware, please just rename your game Star Wars: The Cartel Market


It's completely clear that nothing else matters with this anymore other than the Market.


  • - Your own In Game Events page hasn't been touched since July, and isn't being kept up to date (this can be done once a month - ONCE. You can give this one job to one person)
  • - Your preview window has been borked for years, then you try to fix it and mess it up three times as bad, and still didn't manage to fix what you originally posted about with it.
  • - Sending tickets has been reduced to nothing more than a canned response. Reporting about something that should be fixed, i.e., Alderaan heroics dropping you off on top of an elevated area, to only force you OFF of the elevated area, just to fly right back where you were to 'discover' it to complete the heroic - only to receive the dumbest **** imaginable from worthless 'customer service' people, telling you to 'reset the mission'. C'mon, really?!
  • - Your poor folks that are F2P that go to the Support forums, only to have been directed to a canned EA PLAYER HELP ONLY page that has no customer support to help them. They are screwed if they need help (much like the rest of us that pay to play this game).
  • - Existing problems that have been in for years magically re-appear after you've fixed them. Two or three times already - Hello, missing half of your UI?
  • - I won't even go into the Eternal Championship fiasco, screwing people out of participation, adding in rules AFTER THE FACT...
  • - Crafting changes, again screwing people. Thanks, Cartel Market. Crafting had so much potential and now its purely pigeon holed into augments, barrels, hilts, stims and relics.
  • The continued ignorance of the VIP vendors for those many that were told were going to have regular updates to the vendors. If by regular you mean one or two times in the existence of the game, well then I applaud you. You got me.

It is a bit disconcerting that most bugs fixed in these patches appear to be Cartel related.

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Wont know till tomorrow, it likely will be fixed, but if not there will be an uproar, its the only HM FP i have left XD then im done with the event.


Me too. This will be hugely, majorly, unabashedly disappointing if all they did was fix the text issue and the achievement still doesn't work.


Bioware---all you had to do was remove it from the achievement list....



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Missions that reward Complimentary Experience Boosts now reward the non-Cartel Market version of the item.

Missions that previously rewarded Minor Experience Boosts now reward Major Experience Boosts.

O.o Is this saying that mission reward complimentary experience boosts are now going to be major instead of minor? Or is this one of those lingual confusions, either on my part or theirs?

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The oldest bug that I know of that....well....bugs me is the "explode this crate, hold my rifle like a pistol" bug. The one that keeps lightsabers out even when you mount.


LORD ARTEMIS! When did you return to the forums?! This is awesome! *tackles into a hug*


Uh... *finds the topic*


OP, Revan? Are you talking about Maelstrom Prison or the Foundry or the Yavin IV instanced fight? From later posts, I assume Maelstrom Prison. In that one, Kilran does seem to be bugged into being able to shoot through walls sometimes.


Patch notes are often meddled with during a patch as well.

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Oh, of course, that.


I think I'm about halfway down those two chains on one alt; they're so tedious I can't bring myself to keep going, adn the rewards are decidedly not worth the time invested.


(I even blew quite a lot of money on the GTN to get those story cubes, only to be disappointed there, too)


There's actual story in the questline. And essentially 2 flashpoints that for some reason were never added to groupfinder.

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