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SWG : Flurry Players Check In


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Alright Flurrians, lets start discussing our official flurry server. http://www.swtor.com/blog/character-transfer-server-populations-and-you I have no idea if you all want to stay on HoG or what. I could use official words please. Are you guys sure, HoG is the official Flurry Server? Or are you looking at Jung Ma, the nice community server? Lets start discussing. Population wise, Jung Ma is good for it as well.




looking for a new home :)

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looking for a new home :)


Some Flurrians are questioning to rather stay on HoG or leave HoG, I'm thinking everyone pack up and move to Jung Ma, the server events are cool, if u all move over here maybe we will promote more unexpected Open World PvP out of the blue. Fatman is out my list of servers that I'd go to, overflow of drama over there. Someone suggested Port Nowhere as a go to server. How is it?

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Some Flurrians are questioning to rather stay on HoG or leave HoG, I'm thinking everyone pack up and move to Jung Ma, the server events are cool, if u all move over here maybe we will promote more unexpected Open World PvP out of the blue. Fatman is out my list of servers that I'd go to, overflow of drama over there. Someone suggested Port Nowhere as a go to server. How is it?


Port nowhere is dead.

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Heyas, right now those of us on HOG are waiting to see what happens Tuesday. I imagine we will be a destination server but who knows at this point. If it turns out we have the option to move DFR will discuss as a guild. Either way Temper or I will post back here with what decisions are made in case more Flurry people want to come play. I know I miss alot of you!
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gw2 is amazing, i was total hater until this weekends beta. suprised would be a huge understatement. amazing game. incredible


Ya man I've been playing the beta, man those pvp battles bring me flashbacks of swg. I'm guessing gw2 will come out sometime this month.


Heyas, right now those of us on HOG are waiting to see what happens Tuesday. I imagine we will be a destination server but who knows at this point. If it turns out we have the option to move DFR will discuss as a guild. Either way Temper or I will post back here with what decisions are made in case more Flurry people want to come play. I know I miss alot of you!


sounds good man, except there is an issue, only those on pvp servers can only transfer to other pvp servers. rp-pvp can only transfer to other rp-pvp and pve can only transfer to pve. Something completely stupid like that which bothers me. Bioware said it somewhere in one of those character transfer threads.

Edited by Jonoku
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problem with gw2 is not sure if its cool because its shiny and new or that my frustration with bioware management for this disaster of game population is tainting my decision making. if after playing the first week of swtor somone told me the game would be flat lining at month 6 i would have laughed at them. of the pvp servers 95% are all dead.
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problem with gw2 is not sure if its cool because its shiny and new or that my frustration with bioware management for this disaster of game population is tainting my decision making. if after playing the first week of swtor somone told me the game would be flat lining at month 6 i would have laughed at them. of the pvp servers 95% are all dead.


Ya they may have 1 million subscribers but only like 6,000 people actively log on the game........ GW2 is just like blowing up bases in swg.

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Awww happy memories, blowing up bases in swg was so fun!


It'll be fun when we can get all of flurry on the same page on one server, I'll see what I can do tommorow depending on everyone's opinions to leave HoG and go somewhere else or stay HoG and wait for people to come to HoG.

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I walked through Telperion yesterday just as I did a soo many years ago..... Trying to figure out why wasd did not work.. and some one said "Hi".


There is light at the end of the tunnel, it is my harvestors running on the other side of the internet..

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Yep, we made it over there, there's a Dark Force Rising guild there. That's not us, we're DFR, fyi.


I'm Tempermental on this server. I know, lame but I thought I'd get a confirmation testing names and I'm going to have to deal with it till they add name changes.


Hit me up if you want to pvp.

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Yep, we made it over there, there's a Dark Force Rising guild there. That's not us, we're DFR, fyi.


I'm Tempermental on this server. I know, lame but I thought I'd get a confirmation testing names and I'm going to have to deal with it till they add name changes.


Hit me up if you want to pvp.


I'm not sure if "The Death Dealers" is DD, or is "Death Dealers" DD? I saw The Death Dealers in the warzone and not sure since so many people came over to Prophecy of Five.

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Ya, HoG, Bondar Crystal, PortNowhere, Vulkar Highway.


Ok made 2 toons on HoG 1 reb 1 imp on the reb fleet i was the only one and same on imp side, I started on bondar crystal, have 5 lvl 50's there and pretty much the same story, pretty freakin dead there as well. Fatman is jumpin, never see the fleet under 100 on both sides. what we have to decide is, are we gonna take over a dead server or hop on to a heavy server and rule them? haven't tried Vulkar Highway yet. lets make a decision quick, I want to see DD red again :) J/K DD just love pvping with people i know and know how to gank right /thumbsup!!

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Ok made 2 toons on HoG 1 reb 1 imp on the reb fleet i was the only one and same on imp side, I started on bondar crystal, have 5 lvl 50's there and pretty much the same story, pretty freakin dead there as well. Fatman is jumpin, never see the fleet under 100 on both sides. what we have to decide is, are we gonna take over a dead server or hop on to a heavy server and rule them? haven't tried Vulkar Highway yet. lets make a decision quick, I want to see DD red again :) J/K DD just love pvping with people i know and know how to gank right /thumbsup!!


Ya make the move and come join us at Prophecy of the five. Mine as well man, Lots of flurry already made it over.

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