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Saber Marshall's Armor?


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I got Supreme Inquisitor's Robe for 7650c, the only known set so far (not counting social gear) that has pants for bottoms. The bracers though the seller was smart and had it listed at like 50k or something.


HA! Bracers going for 250k on my server....

I am getting no luck farming the hoth bosses...


The only piece i really wanted here was the chestpiece that you can only get from the Revan storyline. I mistakenly sold mine off to a vendor :mad:

So my guild buddy helped me get a new one but then he realised it was bind on pickup....

Guess there is no way i'll ever get it again then?

Edited by martinloo
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I'm really interested to know more about the toons people used, who got these things to drop on DK. I have been farming for over a week and a half trying to get the saber marshal handwraps to drop, and I think in all that time I have seen the guy drop one orange double bladed saber.


I have farmed every named mob in the zone, many many times, farmed Heroics. I have used a level 50, I have used a level 40, even been trying to work up a new toon that is closer to the mob level to see if that helps. I have logged out between kills, I have killed trash mobs between kills, I have had my toon even farm naked. In all that time NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE of saber marshall gear has dropped from ANY mob.


I am curious if people are using 50's to farm, or something more in line with the world level, like level 20. To be honest im sick of the farming, the only reason I keep trying is there isn't any other black gloves I like that are light armor, and moddable. Farming really gets old when nothing EVER drops FROM ANY of the mobs.


Used to be a few pieces show up on the GTN, but even the last couple weeks, it's completely dried up.




I got discouraged after awhile too. I farmed all of the mobs out on a 50, and at one point, rotated between two 50's when farming Korik and Inath contemporarily.


Waistwrap drops in Shadow Spawn heroic quest in DK on last boss.


Wow, that seems to reassure me of certain item level ranges elite or champion mobs may drop. The Saber Marshal's Waistwrap's item level is 13, the Dark Sithspawn is 15.

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I have been farming these bosses hardcore with a Marauder and a Inquisitor.


Over the course of 4-5 days i aquired:


Korik Valen: 3 Saber Marshal Waistwraps, 2 Panther belts.


Lord Inath: 3 of those moddable heavy gloves (cant remember their name atm, blade tyrant?), 1 pair of Panther gloves, and 1 pair of Saber Marshal gloves.


Tripton has dropped 1 pair of Saber Marshal bracers and 2 pair of Panther Bracers.


What class or level you are does not seem to matter, a note for those suffering the farm paranoia.


Just keep at it, and the items will eventually drop. the Saber Marshal Handwraps was the last item that dropped for me, making Inath the most stubborn boss.


Tripton is a fairly relaxing boss to farm as he spawns every 2 minutes 30 secs i believe.


I made around 1 to 1.5 million credits selling the spare parts.

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I am now sitting roughly at 850 nearly constant kills... zero saber gloves.

I have 1 blade tyrant, 2 bountys

I did get a couple of bracers to drop on the odd times I went over there and sold for insane profit and selling off all the blues and greens in my nearly 70 hours of farming of about 490k and 90 commendations.

Got more orange armor pieces from sharptooth and the blind jedi near by, a half dozen orange saber drops 1 blaster rifle and 1 sniper rifle.



I AM BORED but want my darned gloves for my sin.

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So Inath doesn't have a higher drop rate or anything? I mean for a world drop, a whole bunch of people seem to mention getting the wristwraps specifically from Inath. I mean there's like at least a half dozen champions on DK that can be farmed just as easily but I haven't seen mentions of them dropping the gloves.
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So Inath doesn't have a higher drop rate or anything? I mean for a world drop, a whole bunch of people seem to mention getting the wristwraps specifically from Inath. I mean there's like at least a half dozen champions on DK that can be farmed just as easily but I haven't seen mentions of them dropping the gloves.


You have to take into account the level of the champion. If say the boots is level 9, Inath at 11 is a prime candidate to get the boots. If you fight a champion that is level 20, he's going to be dropping level 18 or so items, so you'll never see the boots off him.

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I see.


Yeah currently I'm 5/7 missing the boots and gloves, I got the belt pretty quickly and I bought both the helm and bracers off the AH for super cheap. Hopefully I won't have to spend too long farming for the gloves.


Those are the two pieces I'm missing as well, though until Twilek's can have the hood up I won't wear anything other than the Imperial Dancer top.


But yeah, the reason why Inath was picked is b/c he drops something in the level range of the item we want every time he's killed. This is also the reason why there's a diff named mob for each piece because all the pieces have different item levels.

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