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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I had not bought a Hyper crate in some time, Now I remember why I stopped buying.


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2 gold drops both Mounts worth around 1 to 2 mill each. So sick of feeling ripped off and I did not always feel that way in the past and now I do. 2 Gold !!! both mounts !!! What happened to the whole if you get a gold drop of armor its 3 pieces !!! and there was no Tuning and no platinum ether. So that Hyper crate feels worthless. and I hate the new way you open crates, It sucks!! I do like the Idea of the stash but get rid of the drawn out disappointment you feel and you cant even tell what some things are, what a waste of resources that was. Edited by bseefeldt
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Buy packs expecting nothing but junk...you'll be far less frustrated that way. They're a waste of money EVERY time, no matter what drops...so just pick up your loot and move on. Coming to the forums to complain is silly.
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Buy packs expecting nothing but junk...you'll be far less frustrated that way. They're a waste of money EVERY time, no matter what drops...so just pick up your loot and move on. Coming to the forums to complain is silly.


Well, you can sell the **** you get and then spend credits on the thing you wanted. But overall - yea. Nothing worthwile ever drops when you need it.

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One thing that really makes you wish you didn't buy hypercrates, is when you start looking up prices on the gtn for the items you got from the crates. When you realize you could buy everything from the release for next to nothing, you will be :mad: Edited by Holocron
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Item quality is questionable - too many reskins, too many poorly designed sets, a lot of cheap filler. When I buy hypercrates I never open them anymore. Just wait and sell for ridiculously overpriced amount of credits.


I also believe that drop rates should be addressed and increased for gold items. It is near impossible to get your credits worth out of the pack if you decide to open. Unless you get lucky with platinum you're either at a loss or with a tiny bit of profit (if you're lucky).


I don't understand people willing to buy overpriced hypercrates for a tiny CHANCE at a platinum item. Then again many of these purchases are credit sellers who have more creds than they can sell so they buy out cartel items from gtn, creating demand and hurting normal players.

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Then again many of these purchases are credit sellers who have more creds than they can sell so they buy out cartel items from gtn, creating demand and hurting normal players.
Then again, a lot of the people who buy crates are simply people who have the money and don't mind spending it.

For young people on an allowance, or working at McD's, it may be a significant purchase, but for me it's just pocket change. I spend more in two days going to Tim Horton's for lunch. (or it would be - I've only ever bought one x24 hypercrate. Most of the time I just buy a x5 or singles) :D

Edited by JediQuaker
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Then again, a lot of the people who buy crates are simply people who have the money and don't mind spending it.

For young people on an allowance, or working at McD's, it may be a significant purchase, but for me it's just pocket change. I spend more in two days going to Tim Horton's for lunch. (or it would be - I've only ever bought one x24 hypercrate. Most of the time I just buy a x5 or singles) :D


Must be lovely to live in a western, developed country. :p Where I come from a hypercrate is worth your weekly average salary.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I don't think you understand the Hypercrate model. You aren't supposed to get anything great in just one hypercrate purchase. BioWare wants you to buy SEVERAL. That is how they make money. The folks out there who spend CC on more than one hypercrate just for the chance of getting something rare. If you go in with high expectations only purchasing one hypercrate, then you will be disappointed.
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If they increase the rate of gold items in the packs, that means more people will get the items, which means more people posting the items on the GTN, which means gold items that are completely worthless. I'd rather have them drop rarely and still be worth 6-7 mil each than have them drop often and only be worth 200k.
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Only ever got one thing that was good, Commerative Statue of Revan. I think that was like the original statue Commerative statue.



Anyways it was going for 8 million on my server.


The original statue was just called "Statue of Revan" the commerative one is the one that came after, it has a pedastal under it, the original doesn't, I know cause I used around 30 original ones and 6 of the new ones

Edited by Theeko
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Then again, a lot of the people who buy crates are simply people who have the money and don't mind spending it.

Pretty much this.


It's probably not a good idea to purchase one if it's a big deal for you. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I just honestly think a hypercrate is not worth one less meal, or whatever the loss is.


Also, I'm insanely lucky. Usually I'll buy 3-5 hyercrates at a time and I always get what I want from them, so my experience greatly differs from from the OP. I wouldn't be against them adding more rares though.

Edited by Radzkie
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Must be lovely to live in a western, developed country. :p Where I come from a hypercrate is worth your weekly average salary.


I always thought you would be from the UK. Don't know why.


Ontopic: Hypercrates were fun around 2014 or so. After that, it just got worse and worse.

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tend to agree - they have always been a lottery but it was better with the original packs when at least there was a better variety of more stuff in them. It wasn't so bad when they put up the specific deco's, crystal packs etc. as well as at least you could go after a certain type of thing. Puzzles me to be honest as surely it's a good cash cow for them so you want your customer base to feel gratified ( more often than not ) than feeling ripped off....


Needless to say I've jacked it buying them as well and it's not like they are exactly cheap !!!


:D:D Please us my referral link http://www.swtor.com/r/zS8Mgk :D:D

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With the pre 4.0 hypercrates you always came away with something, mainly reputation tokens and Cartel Certificates. Those in turn took the edge off having a bad RNG run with a hypercrate, because you ended up being able to get neat items from the Cartel Vendors on fleet (as well as gain a few titles). The reputation items kept you coming back for a shipment release, encouraging multiple purchases.


Now, there is nothing to take the edge off a bad RNG run with a hypercrate. Add to that and you end up with a lot less items than you did previously, what exactly is the reason to buy a hypercrate? I can buy the items directly from the GTN if I want anything that isn't;


(A) A reskin.

(B) A waste of credits.

© A mixture of items reskinned.


Above all else, it's fluff. You don't need any of it. Even with all of the items available from the Cartel Market that I've accumulated through the years, my main is still using items gained in-game aside from white crystals (purchased off the GTN at reasonable prices way back when).

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