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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chapter 16 Spoiler


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1. I think its a spoiler..


2. You could kill him, it was your decision?


No matter what you try he gets away.


As for the op...chances are they will either force an uneasy alliance in which case he turns on you, or if you let him go originally than he can end up respecting you over the next 'book' and want to fight along side you for being like Thexan.

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Please don't tell me Bioware is going to have us team up with this gary stu reject in the next season. I swear if they try to force a bromance between him and my SI, I'll smash my laptop.


I totally agree.


It bad enough I've tried and tried to kill him off and BW thinks that terrible cop out was the better way to go. Ive now got to get rid of him, his mother and vizla.


If at some point I once again have to team up with him or his mom im out. It was bad enough with shea vizla and more than terrible story telling to put her back in the game but to watch them do it again with arcann and his mom.


I'll be done with this game if there is some kind of crappy team up. Redeem him and throw that garbage down a hole along with his mom but no team ups. I can easily see BW taking another cop out and not letting our character be the actual heroes and letting arcann do some sacrifice instead making us look once again like stand in crap.


I'm growing more and more tired of how bad their writing is getting, how second rate our characters are and thats two that tells me this isnt going to end really well.

Edited by Quraswren
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Would be nice if you changed your Thread Title a bit and ad a spoiler to it.


Not everyone has finished or started that chapter .I did but i think it takes some of the "fun" away if someone who didn't start or finish yet, sees a hint or a spoiler...




Besides: I do not think we are going to fight along side him.. He has to be punished for what he did


Edited by ClaytonL
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We're talking about Bioware here folks. Mass effect? Dragon age? Ring any bells? Both series allowed such a great immersion of being our characters in these great settings. I've not played other games that allowed such meaningful choices and storytelling.


Curious How would you have KOTFE end if you could?


Personally, being such a nerd I've played out this fantasy: My Sith Inquisitor's decision to kneel did have some impact on the story. After slaying all contenders to the Eternal Throne, he and Valkorion have a final confrontation. My SI uses his force walking technique to bind Valkorion to him. He then declares himself as the new emperor of Zakuul ( Much to the shock of Lana, Thexan, and Satele I imagine) after such devastating years of war and the billions of lost lives, neither the Sith or Republic have any resources or personell to go against him.


Both can just hope that this LS Sith is a better ruler than the last several tyrants that they've had to fight against. Indeed, yeah, he becomes a stern but able ruler. He reforms the Knights to adopt a more neutral approach to the force using both dark and light sides but bound by neither. Zakuuls war of domination ends officially, my SI has no interest in conquering the galaxy, both Empire and Republic are free from any control along with any other galactic powers.


The Mandolorian alliance ends with the highest casualties among them ( My SI is bigoted against them) and devolve into small bands resorting to piracy and reaving. The Specialists of the Alliance inherit powerful positions with the Zakuul Empire, Aygo leading the military etc. Sith and Jedi alike come together under my SI to join his reformed Knights. The personal quest back in SoR is brought up again. My SI is free to pursue his quest for immortality and does succeed.


His love interest Lana rules along side him, and Valkorion's ghost grudgingly resigns himself to serving the SI (He would offer his experience by advising and mentoring him in political matters). The SI is content to rule Zakuul, providing them with a benevelont rule.

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Just scrolling through gen forums. . .


"Arcann survives chapter 16"


*********** really, use spoiler tags please. Even more reason not to continue through chapter 10-16.

Edited by Ccgv
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We're talking about Bioware here folks. Mass effect? Dragon age? Ring any bells? Both series allowed such a great immersion of being our characters in these great settings. I've not played other games that allowed such meaningful choices and storytelling.


Curious How would you have KOTFE end if you could?


Personally, being such a nerd I've played out this fantasy: My Sith Inquisitor's decision to kneel did have some impact on the story. After slaying all contenders to the Eternal Throne, he and Valkorion have a final confrontation. My SI uses his force walking technique to bind Valkorion to him. He then declares himself as the new emperor of Zakuul ( Much to the shock of Lana, Thexan, and Satele I imagine) after such devastating years of war and the billions of lost lives, neither the Sith or Republic have any resources or personell to go against him.


Both can just hope that this LS Sith is a better ruler than the last several tyrants that they've had to fight against. Indeed, yeah, he becomes a stern but able ruler. He reforms the Knights to adopt a more neutral approach to the force using both dark and light sides but bound by neither. Zakuuls war of domination ends officially, my SI has no interest in conquering the galaxy, both Empire and Republic are free from any control along with any other galactic powers.


The Mandolorian alliance ends with the highest casualties among them ( My SI is bigoted against them) and devolve into small bands resorting to piracy and reaving. The Specialists of the Alliance inherit powerful positions with the Zakuul Empire, Aygo leading the military etc. Sith and Jedi alike come together under my SI to join his reformed Knights. The personal quest back in SoR is brought up again. My SI is free to pursue his quest for immortality and does succeed.


His love interest Lana rules along side him, and Valkorion's ghost grudgingly resigns himself to serving the SI (He would offer his experience by advising and mentoring him in political matters). The SI is content to rule Zakuul, providing them with a benevelont rule.


one flaw in your story line there, forcibly binding valkorion may not even be possible and even if it were, by foribly binding him to you its a dark side choice and valkorion is extremely powerful, so who knows what else he can do in your sith body, remember that valkorion left his mark on you, so it may not even be possible to do what you suggested after chapter 1, besides which you already have several powerful force spirits in your body as it is, what if valkorion convinced them to usurp control of your body from you and then take your body as his host?

Edited by Celise
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Lightside option for Sith Inquisitor is to free the spirts at the end of SI chapter 3, as you promised you would when you bound them,. so has no more spirits bound to him/her.


I really do not want Arcaan or his sister in my alliance. So whatever their planning I hope its not that.


Should have ended with:

Lightside option: you encase him in carbonite (poetic justice)

Darkside option: you execute him

Edited by RameiArashi
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bummer that you guys think this way

in my few i feel sorry for arcann


he have allot off pain he didt get any love from his father

he just ignore him whatever he do for his father when he was a child see the first trailer


then is his rage he kills his brother :(

his sister is more a lunatic from begin when his mother tell you the story about her when see was baby


and what his mother did was the right thing any mother protect there children even if they going to the wrong pad

there is always hope


and i do hope sayna and arcann join my forces and stop and kill only scorpio its just a droid anyways


sorry for my English

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Cripes. Sorry for not adding a warning regarding the spoiler. I don't ever add threads. I've tried changing the title but it's still the same isn't it? Help anyone?

Maybe send Eric a PM or something. I don't know what the normal protocol is for getting thread titles changed.


I think you should be able to change it though. Just go to your initial post, hit edit, change what's in the "Title:" box, and hit submit.


Reason for Editing can be left blank, I'm pretty sure.

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Lightside option for Sith Inquisitor is to free the spirts at the end of SI chapter 3, as you promised you would when you bound them,. so has no more spirits bound to him/her.


I really do not want Arcaan or his sister in my alliance. So whatever their planning I hope its not that.


Should have ended with:

Lightside option: you encase him in carbonite (poetic justice)

Darkside option: you execute him


This. The idea that they are setting us up to redeem Arcann is just offensive. This storyline needs to end with Vaylin and Arcann dead, and Senya if need be.

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