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Any you said "Choice matters" Bioware(Spoilers)


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No offense but people ************ about not being allowed to kill off Arcann on that bridge with their fancy moves should stick to CoD games and Independence Day movies.


I was expecting Senya's involvement in the grand finale. Why? Because she is Arcann's and Vailyn's mother and nothing is more powerful or more decisive than a mothers love for her children.


Besides, Bioware gave you the option to kill Arcann in the end.

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Seriously tell us, why didn't you give us the kill, when we fought and get victory?


One of the reasons I love SWTOR's class stories is that you get to choose others' fate a lot, but in KOTFE meh.


Clearly Arcann and Senya still have a role to play in the story so they can't let you kill them.

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On the poster, she looks MUCH younger. I still think the trailer we'll get will be set in a flashback.


I don't agree, I don't think the wallpaper makes her look younger, and even if it did. The Kotfe Wallpaper /poster makes Arcann look much older. for someone in his 30's I could say he looks like he's in his 40's, if no older.



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So i forgot to equip that special saber that gives you buffs and i figured id restart the fight with arcann so i could equip it.

So I just stood there, taking a beating, standing in all his aoe and removing all my buffs, and he couldnt kill me. The most hyped up fight of the game, arguably, and arcann cant even kill you even when just take a beating. I understand the whole 'valkorian makes you uber powerful' thing, but there's literally no challenge left. All this game has is story.

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So you don't get to kill Arcann the first time, you don't get to kill him and Senya the 2nd time. Even though the option"kill" and "shoot down" is on screen.


And WHY do I need to grab some Zakuul weapon instead of using my own Force power to take down Arcann? It's just making our characters looke inferior, as long as the jedi/sith way.


Seriously this is really bad and different from the original class story, which we do actually decide others' fate, we can truly choose our path and destroy our enemy when victory was granted, but in KOTFE, none, throughout the entire 16 chapters, you don't get to decide most of the other people's fate upon victory. It really feels bad.


Also, the ending of Vaylin taking the throne seem REALLY FORCED.


Because BW have already done all next expac chapters. You can't make decisions because they already recorded all conversations, using same voice actors on the same characters. Just because it's cheaper. Now enjoy this mediocre story for one more year. I will not be surprised if in the final chapter Senya will rescue Vaylin the same way she rescued Arcann.

One more guys, don't forget to buy cartel packs.


PS: I absolutely forgot about special lightsaber, that means half of the ch12 was completely useless.:D

Edited by DerSchneider
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Because BW have already done all next expac chapters. You can't make decisions because they already recorded all conversations, using same voice actors on the same characters. Just because it's cheaper.


^This. I'm almost sure that the same is true for the DvL companions.

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So i forgot to equip that special saber that gives you buffs and i figured id restart the fight with arcann so i could equip it.

So I just stood there, taking a beating, standing in all his aoe and removing all my buffs, and he couldnt kill me. The most hyped up fight of the game, arguably, and arcann cant even kill you even when just take a beating. I understand the whole 'valkorian makes you uber powerful' thing, but there's literally no challenge left. All this game has is story.


Strange, I was in full 224 armor and each of Arcann's moves took 30% of my health. Maybe you're experiencing a glitch? Or is 224 armor *******r then I remember.

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So i forgot to equip that special saber that gives you buffs and i figured id restart the fight with arcann so i could equip it.

So I just stood there, taking a beating, standing in all his aoe and removing all my buffs, and he couldnt kill me. The most hyped up fight of the game, arguably, and arcann cant even kill you even when just take a beating. I understand the whole 'valkorian makes you uber powerful' thing, but there's literally no challenge left. All this game has is story.


I died twice, but I was wearing levelling gear and the special saber. I take it your characters gear is way above mine?

For a toon with greens and quest oranges, it was quite a challenge.

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Strange, I was in full 224 armor and each of Arcann's moves took 30% of my health. Maybe you're experiencing a glitch? Or is 224 armor *******r then I remember.


You had to be something wrong, or something glitched.


My main is TK Sage, and and I'm mainly in 212 gear with the odd bit of 220 and I never dropped below 80% health once.


All The Best

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Clearly Arcann and Senya still have a role to play in the story so they can't let you kill them.

Of course they do. The only story that matters is the one Bioware is telling you. If they want your character to die, they'll script it as such. NOTHING players do will change the fact that we have ONE story and ONE path forward. Players may influence minimal things along the way, but nothing of any consequence, and certainly nothing that would force a second story to be crafted.

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Also, the ending of Vaylin taking the throne seem REALLY FORCED.

I'd have to agree that it's annoying to not actually kill Arcann, but I had the impression right from the start that Valyn was just waiting to take over the throne after Arcann did all the work.

I assume that Arcann will be back in the next expansion, and so, had to survive.

Edited by JediQuaker
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The challenge with the last part of the last fight was to learn completely new fight mechanics on the fly. But once I figured out how to push the shield button I was fine. My character in 208s didn't die but it was close a couple times. I suspect the next character I bring through that will have no problems whatsoever.


RE: "Choices Matter": BW was always saying that everyone was going to end the season in the same place. They haven't wavered or been inconsistent on that front, even at the height of their "choices matter" hype train.

Edited by Savej
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You had to be something wrong, or something glitched.


My main is TK Sage, and and I'm mainly in 212 gear with the odd bit of 220 and I never dropped below 80% health once.


All The Best


No he wasn't doing something wrong nor was it glitched. I almost died a couple times.

I played it through as a Seer Sage (heals) I was done to 10% or so almost bit the dust a couple times. Constantly trying to heal myself & still attack.

You can die there. My gear is mainly 208, 200, and 2 pieces of 216.

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No offense but people ************ about not being allowed to kill off Arcann on that bridge with their fancy moves should stick to CoD games and Independence Day movies.


I was expecting Senya's involvement in the grand finale. Why? Because she is Arcann's and Vailyn's mother and nothing is more powerful or more decisive than a mothers love for her children.


Besides, Bioware gave you the option to kill Arcann in the end.


Which is the problem. You can see it coming from a million miles away and are not allowed to counter it.


The have said decisions matter and have given away plot armor to everyone because they are to stupid and lazy to deal with plot armor.


For instance, could they have let you banish Senya and still have given plot armor to her and Arcaan? Yes. It isn't hard to do either. Its extra work in PLANNING. They could have you want to execute Senya at any given point and had Lana plot armor her during your attempt to kill her. Or outright banish her and have her resume.


They simply needed to indicate fill-in roles for the cut scenes they elected to give you options. Like they did with Koth. However, this assumes they actually sit down and write out the entire story FIRST.


The art of bad story telling is that KOTFE is being written and re-written "my educated guess" as they go along. This creates a mess and doesn't let them code the story of choices.


You can add my complaints about the entire eternal empire in star wars being terrible. You just couldn't resist the adding a new more powerful enemy twice as strong as the old enemy. The classic example of running out of concepts. When all else fails write a story about a super enemy. KOTFE deserves to get hammered because they ran out of ways to do Jedi vs. Sith and Republic vs. Imperial story telling. In my opinion this is a yugh! Reason I cannot stand this story.


Since "forced" alliances I've grown rather annoyed with the concept of joint imperial and republic operations to take out the mortal enemy threatening both parties.


You know why people opine for the return of Malgus? Its a return of Sith vs. Jedi. The entire reason people loved your trailers. Remember those? I know you do. Malgus, Sateele. Jace. Those icons we love. Why have decided to not laser focus on the core? The game was setup to let you keep coming back to the well. Vitiate was so poorly executed. Valkorian/Vitiate the way you did this is such a waste. You setup the return of the Emperor. Then just bombed the execution. Knights of Zakuul. What the Sith were just not good enough? You had to make a lame force sect. Because you like shields. You couldn't do it eh? you couldn't have Sith regrouping with the returned emperor and Jedi fighting us.


No... we are on a lame team. Hire someone please who writes star wars. Please! I had hoped Zakuul was getting the death star treatment. WHAM! No more stupid Zakuul. Ended that stupid idea. It needs to die.


Much like Revan.

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No offense but people ************ about not being allowed to kill off Arcann on that bridge with their fancy moves should stick to CoD games and Independence Day movies.


I was expecting Senya's involvement in the grand finale. Why? Because she is Arcann's and Vailyn's mother and nothing is more powerful or more decisive than a mothers love for her children.


Besides, Bioware gave you the option to kill Arcann in the end.


Except for those that took it they were unable to kill him. The problem they say choices matter when they actually mean the choices they have decided how the story goes is what matter.


That is where a lot of people are getting upset which is what is going to happen again with the next expansion. It not your choices it is their choices.

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Because no game has the resources to have so many branches. Do you think they are going to develop 2 expansions: one where Arcann has a role to play to defeat Valyn/SCORPIO and one where it will be a different ally?


ME2, 3, DA 2, 3.


Isn't that the point of making just one story for all ? To be able to make it more complex ?

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So i forgot to equip that special saber that gives you buffs and i figured id restart the fight with arcann so i could equip it.

So I just stood there, taking a beating, standing in all his aoe and removing all my buffs, and he couldnt kill me. The most hyped up fight of the game, arguably, and arcann cant even kill you even when just take a beating. I understand the whole 'valkorian makes you uber powerful' thing, but there's literally no challenge left. All this game has is story.


killed me first fight

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I'd have to agree that it's annoying to not actually kill Arcann, but I had the impression right from the start that Valyn was just waiting to take over the throne after Arcann did all the work.

I assume that Arcann will be back in the next expansion, and so, had to survive.


My understanding of Vaylin is that while she wanted power and felt she deserved power, her one personal rule was that she wasn't going to hurt her brother. She clearly *can* wreck him at any time she chooses and seems to mull it over a few times, but always stops short. She was happy when he died and furious when he was both alive and stopped her from killing Senya.


I am dissatisfied that Arcann didn't die when I hit "kill." I wouldn't mind maiming him and ejecting him from power if that was the option, he deserves suffering and it burns him painfully that he sucks. But "kill" should mean "kill" like it always has before.

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I'd have to agree that it's annoying to not actually kill Arcann, but I had the impression right from the start that Valyn was just waiting to take over the throne after Arcann did all the work.

I assume that Arcann will be back in the next expansion, and so, had to survive.


No, I was talking about SCORPIO working with her rather than take the throne by herself.

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You can lose the Gravestone? How? I just did the last chapter and I've still got it.



If you pissed off Koth and he left, then he comes back during the fight with a crew and commandeers the ship. He captures Tora/Theron but you get them back. Would have been better if you lose them in my opinion but they probably figured people would cry and whinge on the forums since Theron is a romance companion. You keep the gravestone if you still have Koth.


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