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Guild Leadership


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It simply defaults to the next person who logs in, I've 'acquired' a couple of guilds, and lost leadership thereof, in the same manner. It's login lottery time!


That is a big problem, then; if you can't set up an orderly chain of succession in case of emergency.

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That is a big problem, then; if you can't set up an orderly chain of succession in case of emergency.


Indeed it is, I would set it up so that it goes through the progression of officers. One of the guilds did have others still logging in a couple of times a week. I was definitely not an officer, yet it was suddenly my guild. Which I turned over to an officer when they logged in, cause yeah, being Queen of the Internet is enough for me, don't need a guild to run.

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Assuming you meant "group content" when you said "content," since there's been plenty of new content overall in the past year; just short of group content.

Not just group content, I meant ALL content. We had just as much, and more, in previous releases, despite the way they like to pretend there wasn't.


Either RotHC or SoR had more "content" than KOTFE has...we had side quests, daily missions, reputation, Ops, FPs, World Bosses and individual stories (class or faction specific). There was plenty of story in those. To pretend that KOTFE has more is simply untrue. It doesn't. It obviously has less.

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So, because I have not logged into my Guild Leader character for about 5 weeks because my guild was dead, I was automatically removed as guild leader and it was given to someone else... and never once did I get a letter in the in game mail that says, "If you wish to remain guild leader please be sure to log in to your account.". I had no idea that after 4 weeks of not logging in that it would go to someone else. I have banks full of stuff and had over 5 million credits in there, not to mention all my guild hall stuff. This is just FREAKING intolerable Bioware. So I put in a ticket and these people have the nerve to say, "Oh sorry, you're screwed because we now have an automated system that will remove you from active guild leader to one of your flunkies..."


So Bioware, if you could get in touch with me... because I want my guild back.. ya know the one that I spent months trying to recruit and build up, making a website, decorating a guild hall, and spending about 40 million in of hard earned game credits...yea... I want my guild back!


In the End BW are not responsible for what a guild does, it is not responsible for the behavior of said guild members, that is entirely left to the guild and its members.


You can not leave your guild like that for 5 weeks and expect it to keep going while you are out and further it is not fair on the guild members in question when you run off and they wonder what to do next, as the guild leader your job is to make sure everyone around you in your guild is happy, is given direction and making sure all the tasks need doing.


I am an officer in a guild on the republic side and all i got so far from this is disdain for your lack of interest to lead the guild. I don't care what you were doing or your reason, you must be leading your guild and working out your time around it and your real life. If you know you can not return to lead in a reasonable time you should give the guild leadership to someone else who you know can get the job done.


You can't blame BW for a good idea like that, you cant blame your guild members for leaving your guild when you don't return, you can't blame anyone else for your lack of interest for whatever reason to return and lead the guild.

in the end it is on your head.

Edited by Celise
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it wouldn't have been so bad if there was even the slightest of warning that this COULD happen. All it takes was a simple in-game auto e-mail stating you are in danger of losing your guild. Send the damned thing to your account, it can't be that freakin' hard to do.. so thanks Bioware for proving that your concept of guilds is complete *****!


This is something that has been in effect since launch. Our old guild leader knew this before she decided to leave and that is why she took the precautions of putting my boyfriend and myself in charge of the guild before she left. It has always been 4 weeks (1 month). It was something stated at the beginning of the game because of some guild leaders go missing and lets no one in the guild know where they are.


A month may not seem like a long time but for a guild with no leadership it is especially if the guild does conquest.

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Not just group content, I meant ALL content. We had just as much, and more, in previous releases, despite the way they like to pretend there wasn't.


Either RotHC or SoR had more "content" than KOTFE has...we had side quests, daily missions, reputation, Ops, FPs, World Bosses and individual stories (class or faction specific). There was plenty of story in those. To pretend that KOTFE has more is simply untrue. It doesn't. It obviously has less.


Depends on you metrics. With the admitted exception of the complete lack of group PvE content, KotFE has at least as much "content" as previous expansions. It may not be your cup of tea, but there's as much or more story content as either of the two major story expansions, and the HSF are at least as repeatable as the "daily mission zones." It's laid out differently, and I'm not going to say the quality is there, but I'm not going to let anyone claim the quantity is lacking.

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That's gotta be one of the dumbest design choices I've heard in a while. I could see not logging in for a year, maybe. Or a number of months. But 4 weeks?!?


People have real lives to live. I'm flabbergasted as to why anyone thought this was a good idea.


Where are people getting ideas like this from, is what I want to know? Punishing game design is something I thought was mostly dead, buried, and reborn as a niche market off in some corner, for enthusiasts.


I agree here, 4 week? This is a very small period of time for a guild master to return. Exams, long journeys, serious internet/electricity problems, relaxing somewhere in Egypt on the beach. All these can continue/remain for 4 weeks and it doesn't mean GM decided to leave the game or the guild. Who's idea was that?

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I agree here, 4 week? This is a very small period of time for a guild master to return. Exams, long journeys, serious internet/electricity problems, relaxing somewhere in Egypt on the beach. All these can continue/remain for 4 weeks and it doesn't mean GM decided to leave the game or the guild. Who's idea was that?


For the planned absences, hand over leadership to ensure continuance of leadership. For the unplanned, well, BW shouldn't have had it devolve on the first member to log in, but in rank order. And, as any number of people have pointed out, 4 weeks is an awful long time in this game. Leadership really ought to be present more than once a month.

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For the planned absences, hand over leadership to ensure continuance of leadership. For the unplanned, well, BW shouldn't have had it devolve on the first member to log in, but in rank order. And, as any number of people have pointed out, 4 weeks is an awful long time in this game. Leadership really ought to be present more than once a month.


I think it does actually... after a month it goes to the next highest rank that logs in next... another week it expands the metric, etc. etc. (have seen this, I'm 3rd highest rank in a guild that the guild leader went mia in, and I logged in, didn't get guild leader, and then a friend who is 2nd highest logged in right after me and got guild leader), and I think it takes a while for it go get to actual non-officer members.

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I think it does actually... after a month it goes to the next highest rank that logs in next... another week it expands the metric, etc. etc. (have seen this, I'm 3rd highest rank in a guild that the guild leader went mia in, and I logged in, didn't get guild leader, and then a friend who is 2nd highest logged in right after me and got guild leader), and I think it takes a while for it go get to actual non-officer members.


Hunh - we now have two conflicting anecdotal experiences, you're and ikinai's

Edited by IanArgent
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Hunh - we now have two conflicting anecdotal experiences, you're and ikinai's


It's entirely possible that I was an officer, I don't really pay much attention to that sort of thing. Anyone crazy enough to set me as an officer gets what they deserve, i reckon. Most likely they just didn't know what they were doing if they did.

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It's entirely possible that I was an officer, I don't really pay much attention to that sort of thing. Anyone crazy enough to set me as an officer gets what they deserve, i reckon. Most likely they just didn't know what they were doing if they did.


If I ever am in a position to make you an officer of a guild I'm in, I will. Just so you can be the official musician of the guild :)

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This whole system is very disrespectful to guild leaders. They should have made another solution to offline leaders.

I'm also a temporary leader, but I completely support you here.


Yes it is, yet this was done because players asked for it.


Anyway OP, if the dead guild is as dead as you claim, after 1 month without anyone else logging in it will revert back to you if you are the only one who has logged in. If another player logs in then guild is not dead. After that just remember to log in at least once a month if you do get guild back.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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If I ever am in a position to make you an officer of a guild I'm in, I will. Just so you can be the official musician of the guild :)


I would do the same if she were to join any of my guilds. I'd even create a new rank just for her - Queen of the Inter (cut off due to limitations on number of characters).


As of last night, the GM of one guild I'm in hadn't logged in for 29 days. I am now the GM of that guild. :eek:

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Question, since I haven't been an officer in a SWTOR guild; how fine-grained is the privilege system, and can it be run without an ultimate executive; even if the majority of control can be decentralized (EG, can you run a true "council/board-run" guild, or a "democratic" one, without still having one member who is more equal than the others of his notional rank?)


No. There are a bevy of miscellaneous details that can only really be handled by someone with the rank of GM in the guild. Only the GM can manage the varied permissions on such support mechanisms as the guild's bank and ship, distribute keys for access to the ship and stronghold, approve the ranks of officers, and purchase additions to the ship and stronghold (i.e. open up rooms for expansion, etc). If the GM is out of touch for too long, those necessary functions of the guild just can't happen.


I would love personally to see some changes to the overall guild management system. But this isn't one of them, either. Rather, I want more character space on the roster, changes to the current bug-ridden roster, improvements to the custom chat channel system so we can manage communication between multiple guilds while still keeping our members safe from personal attacks and harassment, and some other sundry things. But logging between my characters to make sure all the work's being done is MY responsibility, I think.

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No. There are a bevy of miscellaneous details that can only really be handled by someone with the rank of GM in the guild. Only the GM can manage the varied permissions on such support mechanisms as the guild's bank and ship, distribute keys for access to the ship and stronghold, approve the ranks of officers, and purchase additions to the ship and stronghold (i.e. open up rooms for expansion, etc). If the GM is out of touch for too long, those necessary functions of the guild just can't happen.


I would love personally to see some changes to the overall guild management system. But this isn't one of them, either. Rather, I want more character space on the roster, changes to the current bug-ridden roster, improvements to the custom chat channel system so we can manage communication between multiple guilds while still keeping our members safe from personal attacks and harassment, and some other sundry things. But logging between my characters to make sure all the work's being done is MY responsibility, I think.


That's pretty crude, that you have to have a singular GM - unless you can have multiple people ranked as GM?

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That's pretty crude, that you have to have a singular GM - unless you can have multiple people ranked as GM?


Erhm, no. One GM per guild. You can designate ranks for other players, with multiple officers galore. You can also allocate tremendous permissions for each rank that you as the GM describe. Some guilds create officer ranks that are "great enough" to access pretty much the entirety of the Guild bank, for instance. But there will always be SOME actions that only the GM can perform.

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Erhm, no. One GM per guild. You can designate ranks for other players, with multiple officers galore. You can also allocate tremendous permissions for each rank that you as the GM describe. Some guilds create officer ranks that are "great enough" to access pretty much the entirety of the Guild bank, for instance. But there will always be SOME actions that only the GM can perform.


That's disappointing.

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So, because I have not logged into my Guild Leader character for about 5 weeks because my guild was dead, I was automatically removed as guild leader and it was given to someone else... and never once did I get a letter in the in game mail that says, "If you wish to remain guild leader please be sure to log in to your account.". I had no idea that after 4 weeks of not logging in that it would go to someone else. I have banks full of stuff and had over 5 million credits in there, not to mention all my guild hall stuff. This is just FREAKING intolerable Bioware. So I put in a ticket and these people have the nerve to say, "Oh sorry, you're screwed because we now have an automated system that will remove you from active guild leader to one of your flunkies..."


So Bioware, if you could get in touch with me... because I want my guild back.. ya know the one that I spent months trying to recruit and build up, making a website, decorating a guild hall, and spending about 40 million in of hard earned game credits...yea... I want my guild back!


Mr. McJerkface sir...???


After being away since February, Surgeon just renewed his subscription yesterday and is back in-game. Come on back to the guild too...!!!

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It's a good addition...but the mechanic needs to take into account OTHER toons a player logs into. As long as the ACCOUNT is active, it shouldn't require you to log in on a specific toon.


I agree with this but with some alterations. The game should first determine if the account is still active. If the account is active, then the timer needs to be pushed out to maybe 2 months. An in game email should be sent to all characters on the offending server warning over inactivity. An out of game email should be sent to the registered email of the account holder also warning of possible loss of guild if not logged in by X date. After the 2 months have passed with no guild leader log-in then it would switch like normal. This would help against guild leaders who have potentially gone MIA from a specific server, but left a guild behind.

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Why? It keeps the responsibility of leadership focused and direct. You always know who to blame, lol.


It's options - Another game I played you could have the "GM" responsibilities vested in a small executive council, or you could even run it as a democracy, were you silly enough to do so.

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No. There are a bevy of miscellaneous details that can only really be handled by someone with the rank of GM in the guild. Only the GM can manage the varied permissions on such support mechanisms as the guild's bank and ship, distribute keys for access to the ship and stronghold, approve the ranks of officers, and purchase additions to the ship and stronghold (i.e. open up rooms for expansion, etc). If the GM is out of touch for too long, those necessary functions of the guild just can't happen.


Officer of a guild here. Once the guild is properly set up, you really don't need the actual GM character to log in much at all.


Guild bank permissions don't really need to be tweaked on a regular basis. Set it and forget it, so to speak. Get your tabs created and set up how you like them and they don't need daily, weekly, or even monthly maintenance.


Guildies can already access the ship and stronghold. Not very many people need silver or gold keys to them. Unless you're constantly flipping officers, just doling out a few keys to them once works.


My guild has a pretty powerful rank right below GM, and changes to that rank get made maybe once a season. We did just promote someone to it, but it had been about three months since the last time that happened. This sub-GM rank can handle the other officers/ranks as needed.


Pretty sure I've bought rooms without being GM, but I could be wrong. Even if I am, again, once everything's fully unlocked you don't need a GM around to handle that stuff.


My guild's GM-toon could be offline for many months before we hit a snag. Most of what he does with the rank is raise my alts to sub-GM rank, and he really doesn't have to do that - the three of us holding that position could just log into the particular toon as necessary.


TL;DR: Once a guild is fully established, you really don't need the GM-toon to log in much at all.


All that said, I still support the pass-the-torch system. Even a 'low-maintenance' guild will need some maintenance done occasionally. And that torch should definitely be passed in order of rank... Should be easy for it to go down the ranks until the toons' 30 days are up.

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