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Companion same sex marriage and reputation


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It's funny how your ''Must be like Real Life'' only apply to Romance....while the whole rest of the game is NOTHING like real life .


....What? This is a discussion about romance. What else would we be talking about? And what things is anyone saying can be "not like real life" and "only applying it to romance"? Your context is puzzling.


I mean, if you want me to complain about something not being "realistic" enough that's not romance...how about can I just totally skip "Visions in the Dark" on any of my non-Force-users? I did not enjoy making a magical force-gun on like...any character. It felt very shoe-horned in and unrealistic because my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are not even slightly Force-sensitive and having a pair of weird old Force-users in the woods babble at him would have just been annoying and had no damn impact on how he behaved. He would officially think Satele was nuts. So...yeah, I'd like that particular thing to be more "realistic" because having someone whose not Force-trained do it is...weird and doesn't make sense and feels completely not organic to the rest of the character's story...


But that has nothing to do with companions and their sexual preferences. So....why would I randomly bring it up in this topic?

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I know I'd happily pay money for the chance to chuck Skadge out an airlock moreso than any of the other companions I dislike.


You'd need to use some air freshener too, for the smell. Is it just me or does Skadge resemble a number two with legs and arms.

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Same. I don't mind if some came back and you found out they were gay or even bisexual. But I don't want everyone being romanceable. Sorry but that doesn't fly in the real world and it shouldn't in this game. I don't care if it is a game or not. You don't need to be able to have sex with every single npc/companion in the game on the off chance you personally find that person hot.


I also agree with this. I don't think every companion needs to be romanceable, the same as they arent all now. I'd just like the option to have 1 or 2 on the same crew that are. Maybe one that's sexually gender neutral (can go either way) and one that is one way or the other. I've also got nothing wrong with hetro only characters, I'd just like some options for myself. Even if it's throwing Doc out the air lock as someone else suggested, lol.

But seriously, they only need to make the current romancable companions sexually gender neutral. Not make the other companions romancable too. Although variety might spice it up a little.

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Frankly, the suggestion that Lana, Theron and Koth are anything other than bi kind of strikes me as bisexual erasure.


I think you misunderstand me. I am saying only that I don't take a game mechanic as proof of a character's sexuality - I prefer "story" proof for that. Of course Lana, Theron, or Koth could be Bi, as well as straight or gay. I think it's open to interpretation though. Now, if Vector or Corso or Doc were suddenly made same-sex romancable, then that could imply that they might be bi because their backstories have them having been engaged to opposite sex partners. Until the story tells me one way or the other though, I'm not going to assume anything for sure.


I completely disagree with this analysis because you sound like you don't believe NPCS are even really actual characters at all, just extensions of the PC.


No, not at all. But this is a RPG, and that means that players are meant to be a part of the imaginative process. I believe that the writers left holes in the story deliberately, so as to leave room for players to add their own spin. That's why we have so much creative fanfiction about SWTOR. There are many interpretations of character motivations and backstories. Where the writers didn't flesh this out for us, we are free to do so ourselves.


Now, I am arguing that there is nothing stopping the devs from making any companion in the game same sex romancable, in theory. Does that mean ALL companions should be? That's a different question. I'm still processing how I feel about that issue, so I'm not sure yet.

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more then Quinn? more then corso? lolol I'm shocked !


But damn..ya comment made my day though , so Thanx for that :D


Yeah, Doc is the literal worst for me. It's a tragedy b/c I really like playing a Jedi Knight, lol.


Though those other two are high on the list, though.

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On the other hand, I really don’t like that the 1-50 options are “straight only”. I would much rather see variety. I’m not talking about making every companion romanceable to everyone. I’m just meaning I would have preferred to have gay, straight, and bisexual all be options. I know that there’s pretty much zero chance of Bioware going back and changing any of that, but I would love if they would change it in the coming chapters and expansion. What’s the harm in some of the characters that may not have been romanced before ‘coming out’ as gay or straight or bisexual? Or even romanceable ones revealing they’re more open to a same-sex relationship than before? For a lot of them, I don’t really think it would be some huge stretch.

Yeah, but I think the reason people are saying "either option" is because if a previously romanceable companion came back as gay without the straight option, that would just be restriction in the other direction and stir up a ****storm from the people who liked them as they were. Or even a companion who couldn't be romanced before coming out as gay (only), there'd be people saying it's not fair to straight players.


That said, there is no winning with those who are stuck on the characters being exactly the same as they were before KOTFE. The simple fact is, people grow attached to their interpretation of a story and its characters, and they will fight tooth and nail to keep it intact.


Ask them to accept a change that was forced on them and most will get over it. Ask them to imagine a change that they can reject and many will give a resounding no. In other words:


If you'd asked people prior to Vette's return, would you be upset if she just came back a free agent, no matter what she was in your story, with no way to re-enslave her? Some would probably give a resounding, "I want to be able to put her back in the slave collar." But the decision has already been made and it's in the game, and people have to deal with it.


Sometimes people get ornery because it's implied that they have a choice in the matter. They do have a voice in the matter (an opinion that may or may not be considered) but none of us have a choice in it. We are only in control of our personal story interpretation, not the content that gets puts in the game.


I do imagine that:D


Thanks for the chuckle. Apart from that this thread's been going about how I'd expect it to go.


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Yeah, but I think the reason people are saying "either option" is because if a previously romanceable companion came back as gay without the straight option, that would just be restriction in the other direction and stir up a ****storm from the people who liked them as they were. Or even a companion who couldn't be romanced before coming out as gay (only), there'd be people saying it's not fair to straight players.


That said, there is no winning with those who are stuck on the characters being exactly the same as they were before KOTFE. The simple fact is, people grow attached to their interpretation of a story and its characters, and they will fight tooth and nail to keep it intact.


Ask them to accept a change that was forced on them and most will get over it. Ask them to imagine a change that they can reject and many will give a resounding no. In other words:


If you'd asked people prior to Vette's return, would you be upset if she just came back a free agent, no matter what she was in your story, with no way to re-enslave her? Some would probably give a resounding, "I want to be able to put her back in the slave collar." But the decision has already been made and it's in the game, and people have to deal with it.


Sometimes people get ornery because it's implied that they have a choice in the matter. They do have a voice in the matter (an opinion that may or may not be considered) but none of us have a choice in it. We are only in control of our personal story interpretation, not the content that gets puts in the game.





I agree that having returning companions all of a sudden appear to have a different sexual orientation wouldn't be the best. It would be confusing and nonsensical to the story.

But if that currently romancable companion from the 1-50 story had never voiced a preferrence and never been romanced by the opposite sex, then it would work.

Any argument for not including it in the 1-50 part of the game, based solely on how it would affect the story is just incorrect. As others have pointed out extremely well, it would have zero impact on people's game who chose the straight option. But would enrich the story for other people, such as myself.

If they introduced it in 1-50, some people who had already lvl'd up under the current system might be upset because they missed out on that option. So if they want to experience it, they can always reroll another toon.

As for putting Vette in a slave collar again, well that's not really part of this discussion, even though it might be fun to do so. My Vette is still in her collar at lvl 47, lol... But maybe start another thread if you want to discuss that option.

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I have played SWTOR since early 2014 and while I have dropped by the threads and read from time to time I have never posted a comment ... until now. I consider myself to be an open minded straight guy who likes to play female characters, because lets face it, I would rather watch a female character move around than a male one. I think TrixieTriss and many others have a valid point here, why can't the individual player choose who they can or don't want to romance without having to deal with negative relationship hits?


The way I see it, everyone's game play is different, so if I chose to romance a female character with my female toon, how does that affect anyone else? Life is about choices and respecting those choices. If I don't like something in game I don't have to play it that way! THAT is the fun thing about this game, I am free to choose MY path, so what is the problem with letting others play the path THEY choose?


I also don't understand why there are a few in this thread that have chosen to attack TrixieTriss for asking a valid question. At the end of the day, aren't we all playing this game to have fun and in some way unwind from the daily grind of real life? Its not like its going to kill anyone to have a same sex relationship in a game!

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Yeah, but I think the reason people are saying "either option" is because if a previously romanceable companion came back as gay without the straight option, that would just be restriction in the other direction and stir up a ****storm from the people who liked them as they were. Or even a companion who couldn't be romanced before coming out as gay (only), there'd be people saying it's not fair to straight players.

That's completely fair and I don't disagree. I'm 110% fine with some "straight" romanceable ones getting the option to be bisexual later. I certainly don't want anyone to lose a romance they enjoy in the name of "more options". That would kind of defeat the point of giving people more options, right?


I can see what you're saying about people complaining it "might not be fair", but you can't please everyone. I mean, heck, personally, I'd LOVE if my Smuggler flirted with a woman and she was like "Nope, not into guys". It would bruise his little ego and make me laugh (yes, I enjoy tormenting my characters). As I said, I have no problem with NPCs/companions having preferences and my character having to deal with that. It makes the story much more organic and real. It's nice when even the hero doesn't have every little thing go his/her way, you know?


I totally understand that people might pout about it if someone they liked turned out not to be interested in their character. Of course, they pout right now about the non-romanceable ones... I had someone tell me they were disappointed they couldn't romance Khem Val, for heaven's sake... Takes all kinds, I guess!


That said, there is no winning with those who are stuck on the characters being exactly the same as they were before KOTFE. The simple fact is, people grow attached to their interpretation of a story and its characters, and they will fight tooth and nail to keep it intact.

I suppose that is true, but like you said...5 years is a long time and people can change. It's not like it would change the character's past, just their future. Their interpretation is still 'intact', just not up to date. So long as a change doesn't keep them from maintaining the romances they like, I personally don't see why they could care at all.

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A number of posters have commented that in 1-50 SWTOR the characters have only had straight relationships, and so ‘straight’ is what they are. Others have referenced ‘real life’.


Putting those two thoughts together…


I personally know several men who were in heterosexual marriages of several years standing (with children too) — imagine how flabbergasted their friends and family were when they eventually came out as gay !


Likewise, several of my fellow-lesbian friends have previously been in heterosexual marriages.


My point is this… there is no inherent implausibility in a character who has behaved as straight coming out as gay/lesbian or bisexual after a few years.


Of course, it would strain credulity if every companion turned out not to have been heterosexual. But why not a few of them?


Just saying.

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A number of posters have commented that in 1-50 SWTOR the characters have only had straight relationships, and so ‘straight’ is what they are. Others have referenced ‘real life’.


Putting those two thoughts together…


I personally know several men who were in heterosexual marriages of several years standing (with children too) — imagine how flabbergasted their friends and family were when they eventually came out as gay !


Likewise, several of my fellow-lesbian friends have previously been in heterosexual marriages.


My point is this… there is no inherent implausibility in a character who has behaved as straight coming out as gay/lesbian or bisexual after a few years.


Of course, it would strain credulity if every companion turned out not to have been heterosexual. But why not a few of them?


Just saying.


I'm actually not sure if anyone noticed this, but I was actually exactly agreeing with this in my post. I used to be more against characters returning later in stories with seemingly different orientations, but it was the people I know in real life that changed my mind about that and dramatically softened my stance on the issue.

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A number of posters have commented that in 1-50 SWTOR the characters have only had straight relationships, and so ‘straight’ is what they are. Others have referenced ‘real life’.


Putting those two thoughts together…


I personally know several men who were in heterosexual marriages of several years standing (with children too) — imagine how flabbergasted their friends and family were when they eventually came out as gay !


Likewise, several of my fellow-lesbian friends have previously been in heterosexual marriages.


My point is this… there is no inherent implausibility in a character who has behaved as straight coming out as gay/lesbian or bisexual after a few years.


Of course, it would strain credulity if every companion turned out not to have been heterosexual. But why not a few of them?


Just saying.


This is about what I was saying. I don't want them changed in Vanilla because they're all 'heterosexual' as far as we know. But if they were to 'come out of the closet' in chapter 16 or KotET that's fine. I'm not asking for companions to stay hetero forever, I just don't want Bioware wasting money and resources to change vanilla content for companions. Have the companions come out of the closet in the new expansion/chapters and life will be easier for all around.

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A number of posters have commented that in 1-50 SWTOR the characters have only had straight relationships, and so ‘straight’ is what they are. Others have referenced ‘real life’.


Putting those two thoughts together…


I personally know several men who were in heterosexual marriages of several years standing (with children too) — imagine how flabbergasted their friends and family were when they eventually came out as gay !


Likewise, several of my fellow-lesbian friends have previously been in heterosexual marriages.


My point is this… there is no inherent implausibility in a character who has behaved as straight coming out as gay/lesbian or bisexual after a few years.


Of course, it would strain credulity if every companion turned out not to have been heterosexual. But why not a few of them?


Just saying.


Sounds completely viable to me.

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A number of posters have commented that in 1-50 SWTOR the characters have only had straight relationships, and so ‘straight’ is what they are. Others have referenced ‘real life’.


Putting those two thoughts together…


I personally know several men who were in heterosexual marriages of several years standing (with children too) — imagine how flabbergasted their friends and family were when they eventually came out as gay !


Likewise, several of my fellow-lesbian friends have previously been in heterosexual marriages.


My point is this… there is no inherent implausibility in a character who has behaved as straight coming out as gay/lesbian or bisexual after a few years.


Of course, it would strain credulity if every companion turned out not to have been heterosexual. But why not a few of them?


Just saying.


Yeah, I think it could happen but I don't think BW will do it. I think the best to hope for are new characters in the next expansion.


But if they were to do it, it can be Ashara :D

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This is about what I was saying. I don't want them changed in Vanilla because they're all 'heterosexual' as far as we know. But if they were to 'come out of the closet' in chapter 16 or KotET that's fine. I'm not asking for companions to stay hetero forever, I just don't want Bioware wasting money and resources to change vanilla content for companions. Have the companions come out of the closet in the new expansion/chapters and life will be easier for all around.


But how do you know? You're only assuming that because there was no option.

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That there wasn't an option is itself telling.


Others have tried to logically explain why this is incorrect. I just can't be bother trying anymore.


So I'm going to leave you with this thought and see if that explains the concept of wether something can be true even if it's been omitted from observation


Schrödinger's cat



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I know I am coming into the conversation late, but it has been on mind as well since starting the game around Christmas. I create female characters, when I want to be "Myself", but I create male characters because I get tired of watching girls backsides running away from me.


While playing one of my male characters, I got the option to flirt/romance. This opened up a whole new aspect of the game to me, and I found out I did not have the option to flirt/romance any of the female companions/NPC's while playing a female.


My question is this even possible in the game? It's not that important, but now you have me curious and looking at Kira, Elara, Risha and Mako in a very different way.


Does anyone out there find Theran Cedrax cute?

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It's an old thread, but since it's come back, to reiterate what others have said, I do hope they will eventually have some sort of marriage option available for the KOTFE/KOTET - era companions. I'd love it if it could be an actual side quest or something. I can't see Lana or Theron going with huge fancy weddings, but I can see the former totally going with some sort of ancient Sith Force blessing thing, or Theron going for a small, intimate declaration of commitment/love ceremony, for instance.


For the vanilla companions, there are a few that my characters may have tried to romance if there had been same-gender options available. I don't think they will change the vanilla content, but I could ostensibly see them adding same-gender flirts to later stories, assuming we get them. People's sexualities do seem to slide along the Kinsey scale as they age, so it's entirely possible IMHO that you could have a vanilla companion who now sees things in a new light or is attracted to the player's character.

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It's an old thread, but since it's come back, to reiterate what others have said, I do hope they will eventually have some sort of marriage option available for the KOTFE/KOTET - era companions. I'd love it if it could be an actual side quest or something. I can't see Lana or Theron going with huge fancy weddings, but I can see the former totally going with some sort of ancient Sith Force blessing thing, or Theron going for a small, intimate declaration of commitment/love ceremony, for instance.


For the vanilla companions, there are a few that my characters may have tried to romance if there had been same-gender options available. I don't think they will change the vanilla content, but I could ostensibly see them adding same-gender flirts to later stories, assuming we get them. People's sexualities do seem to slide along the Kinsey scale as they age, so it's entirely possible IMHO that you could have a vanilla companion who now sees things in a new light or is attracted to the player's character.



Well said!

As for the sort of weddings with Lana/Theron - some side quests would be an amazing thing to do! I think I'm not the only one who lives through the story ( and naturally want to develop my same-sex relationships with companions) and since it was the first opportunity for my female Sith warrior to flirt with a lady she took the chance and, you know, she wanna keep her. (And besides I do love Lana very much!)

Also your suggestions for some Sith rituals/intimate ceremony sounds amazing, I can almost see it. Wonderful!


And for the returning characters - well theoretically it could be possible, after our long term separation, that the same-sex characters could admit that they had feelings for us and they missed us reeeally much, right? Heh.

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I know I am coming into the conversation late, but it has been on mind as well since starting the game around Christmas. I create female characters, when I want to be "Myself", but I create male characters because I get tired of watching girls backsides running away from me.


While playing one of my male characters, I got the option to flirt/romance. This opened up a whole new aspect of the game to me, and I found out I did not have the option to flirt/romance any of the female companions/NPC's while playing a female.


My question is this even possible in the game? It's not that important, but now you have me curious and looking at Kira, Elara, Risha and Mako in a very different way.


Does anyone out there find Theran Cedrax cute?


Well as far as I can remember as a female you can flirt only with male, but in KOTFE/KOTET you can actually flirt with females as well (eg. with Empress Acina or Kaliyo I think?). But yeah, the list is very short.


And Theran - I never liked him. I don't even know why, just not my kind of guy I guess.

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<<Yeah, but I think the reason people are saying "either option" is because if a previously romanceable companion came back as gay without the straight option, that would just be restriction in the other direction and stir up a ****storm from the people who liked them as they were. Or even a companion who couldn't be romanced before coming out as gay (only), there'd be people saying it's not fair to straight players>>


well, you've got to admit that going thru the imperial makeb story line and finding out that the best looking sith PB was only available as a flirt for male PCs WAS a bit disheartening! (i'd like there to be an option for all). Make all companions romancable. With maybe the exception of Broonmark, lol.

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Well said!

As for the sort of weddings with Lana/Theron - some side quests would be an amazing thing to do! I think I'm not the only one who lives through the story ( and naturally want to develop my same-sex relationships with companions) and since it was the first opportunity for my female Sith warrior to flirt with a lady she took the chance and, you know, she wanna keep her. (And besides I do love Lana very much!)

Also your suggestions for some Sith rituals/intimate ceremony sounds amazing, I can almost see it. Wonderful!


And for the returning characters - well theoretically it could be possible, after our long term separation, that the same-sex characters could admit that they had feelings for us and they missed us reeeally much, right? Heh.


This totally sounds like me. :) Same thing - my female Sith Warrior wasn't interested in the options presented to her other than that one night stand with Pierce (and that was more boredom and curiosity, LOL), and then she met Lana, and it was love. I just love Lana.


One other thing if they did do a wedding/ritual, it would be cool if they could let you, say, invite guests, or choose the companions you'd like to be there to celebrate with you. My SW would want Vette (her "adopted little sister" from the vanilla storyline) and Theron to stand up for her.

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