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Stop the Imperial domination in PvP - The Harbinger


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My "inner cynic" says that "arena was made to please [ the mentality of ] most imperial side players".

So, in the end, if I follow this thought, this is just another proof of Bioware favouring that side.

It's almost as if they really, really wanted to drive Republic players out of the game - or "educate" them to become "imperial" in the sense of adopting this mentality, my "inner cynic" adds.



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My "inner cynic" says that "arena was made to please [ the mentality of ] most imperial side players".

So, in the end, if I follow this thought, this is just another proof of Bioware favouring that side.

It's almost as if they really, really wanted to drive Republic players out of the game - or "educate" them to become "imperial" in the sense of adopting this mentality, my "inner cynic" adds.


Trust me, there is no conspiracy here. Just as many reps wanted arena too. The difference was population sizes and attitudes. Imps have nearly always had the higher population since the game started.

Reps are more friendly, where as imps can be aggressive. It's a direct reflection of the game story or even the SW genre. Darkside (imp) bad, self centred, attitude, power hungry. Lightside (rep) good, helpful, forgiving, friendly, etc.

So the imps attitude is to play a selfish game, it reflects the sides "personality" traits. The reps are team orientated and solo arena doesn't really suit that.

Most reps who have left have moved onto more "fluffy" games or gone back to playing WoW on the alliance side.

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Give the guys we're training up some time to lvl up and get some PVP combat skill under the belt. A lot of thos reps at 65 haven't learnt to play properly


I hope this goes well, I try to stick to Pub PvP on my Shadow or Sent. Honestly I get so frustrated at times I go back to playing Imp just to let my stress level go down.


I'll jump on my Shadow and steal nodes the entire match...let people know what I'm doing....we still lose. Pubs just refuse to guard anything or respond to call outs far too often.


My favorite is the player that races you to the off node (which you intended to actually guard), wins and caps....then runs to mid to get their "Deeps" on....That actually makes me crack up these days, I have seen it so often it no longer makes me angry..its just funny.

Edited by Soljin
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I hope this goes well, I try to stick to Pub PvP on my Shadow or Sent. Honestly I get so frustrated at times I go back to playing Imp just to let my stress level go down.


I'll jump on my Shadow and steal nodes the entire match...let people know what I'm doing....we still lose. Pubs just refuse to guard anything or respond to call outs far to often.


You just need to hold their hand a little. Talk to them before hand and be positive. I also lay down some basic ground rules. ie Hypergates "if you cap it, you guard it", "don't cap and run", Hutt Ball "play the ball, support and pass, no death matching".

But if I've been stuck in a few matches and see the same people ignoring these basic instructions, I start add this at the beginning of WZ. ie, "if you don't play the game to win, but to death match, I will leave". I do give them a few warnings in the actual match so they have fair warning. I also explain that it's the biggest reason people rage quit.

Although I often find imps are the biggest culprits when it comes to guarding or not calling or just capping and running. I can't count how many times I've seen people cap east and leave it unguarded to go and get west. Even when they die at west and east is still unguarded, when they respawn they go straight back to west. The only times I see reps not calling is when they get jumped and they literally can't type and fight at the same time.

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You just need to hold their hand a little. Talk to them before hand and be positive. I also lay down some basic ground rules. ie Hypergates "if you cap it, you guard it", "don't cap and run", Hutt Ball "play the ball, support and pass, no death matching".

But if I've been stuck in a few matches and see the same people ignoring these basic instructions, I start add this at the beginning of WZ. ie, "if you don't play the game to win, but to death match, I will leave". I do give them a few warnings in the actual match so they have fair warning. I also explain that it's the biggest reason people rage quit.

Although I often find imps are the biggest culprits when it comes to guarding or not calling or just capping and running. I can't count how many times I've seen people cap east and leave it unguarded to go and get west. Even when they die at west and east is still unguarded, when they respawn they go straight back to west. The only times I see reps not calling is when they get jumped and they literally can't type and fight at the same time.


If I were playing a healer I may be more assertive with the group...that Said I don't play a healer on Pub side. Honestly my experience is different from yours, Pub's seem to lack the basic concepts of objective PvP.


Of course it sounds like you play Pub PvP much more often than I...that said I doubt Imp or Pub are better or worse at cap and run, It's likely a close to even ratio.

Edited by Soljin
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If I were playing a healer I may be more assertive with the group...that Said I don't play a healer on Pub side. Honestly my experience is different from yours, Pub's seem to lack the basic concepts of objective PvP.


Of course it sounds like you play Pub PvP much more often than I...that said I doubt Imp or Pub are better or worse at cap and run, It's likely a close to even ratio.


I've always been more of an imp PVP, most of my 35 toons are imps. But I've always had my pub toons that I would jump on occassionally. What got me to PVP on the pub side lately was the DvL thing. I pretty much have 2 of every imp advanced class, so I decided to do the DvL on a rep toon. I started to PVP with her early, like I always do and noticed that the pubs weren't that bad in lowbies and many were new, so I've been trying to mould them into proper pvpers. I think it's easier to do on the reps side because of their attitude and willingness to listen and be friendly. People actually talk and make friends on the pub side. Imps just sort of grunt at each other and throw insults. (Just my observation from playing imps since launch)

Sure a lot of them lack some of the basics, especially the tactics and some fighting skill, but they make up for that by learning fast. We just need to teach them as much as possible while they are still new and learning, before they learn bad habits or get bad attitudes.

My little experiment the other night when I jumped back on the imp side, showed that it is possible to do this on the imp side when you have new people and not a lot of the old death guard around. The newbies on both sides want to learn. The question is, who is going to teach them the right way to play objectives and who is going to ignore them and let the newbies fumble around and learn bad habits. Seems the imps are just going to let them fumble, while the reps are trying to teach.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The question is, who is going to teach them the right way to play objectives and who is going to ignore them and let the newbies fumble around and learn bad habits.


I don't know in how far the term "fumble" applies here, but in fact especially older PvP players insist on the notion that people need to get wrecked to become better players.

Some of them even insist on it when there is only 5 seconds until the Newbies' character dies - as if a thing could be learned within 5 seconds. But still they insist on this being "the right way", or so I have understood numerous remarks here in these forums.


To me, this not proper "training". I still don't understand how it has become "proper logic" that beating someone again and again and again and again within only 5 seconds each time could be called "teaching". In RL, 5 seconds are like a truck crashing into a car : You learn nothing from it, because you are dead after that event. In RL.


To me, this is nothing but "pulling out the bad weed" : Demoralizing and scaring away "bad" players ( bad in the sense those self-proclaimed "teachers" define it ) so that only "good" players remain. In my opinion, "trash talk" serves the same purpose. Remember how the Natives of New Zealand try to scare away visitors with their dances and insults ? It's called "folklore" now, but once it was real. And only those were accepted who did *not* get scared away ... Hence my opinion that through all of those "social filtering" only "concreteheads" ( a German term ) will remain.


If left alone, veteran PvP players are shaping their own PvP "world" by applying THEIR definitions on the Newbies. In the end, PvP will look exactly like the way they want it to look like. It's a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I don't know in how far the term "fumble" applies here, but in fact especially older PvP players insist on the notion that people need to get wrecked to become better players.


It is not just this game, it is anything in life. When you are starting out in something new you will be rekt by veterans. When that happens, you will see where the bar is and set your desired skill level based on that (you might want to be better or a little worse than him for example). When michael jordan first started out, he probably got rekt in basketball by the more experienced players. He saw where the bar was, he set his own goals, worked hard and reached them.


Some of them even insist on it when there is only 5 seconds until the Newbies' character dies - as if a thing could be learned within 5 seconds. But still they insist on this being "the right way", or so I have understood numerous remarks here in these forums.


I don't know where you get this 5 seconds thing from. I never died in 5 seconds unless maybe 5 people ganged up on me, not even when I first started out and was a clicker. And yes you can learn something from that experience. You learn not to run in head first into a crowd of 5 enemies. You learn to wait for your teammates first.


To me, this not proper "training". I still don't understand how it has become "proper logic" that beating someone again and again and again and again within only 5 seconds each time could be called "teaching". In RL, 5 seconds are like a truck crashing into a car : You learn nothing from it, because you are dead after that event. In RL.


If you keep dying in 5 seconds, that means you are running into crowds by yourself. It means you simply refuse to learn the simplest thing. That you cannot survive in a 5v1. If you cannot understand this EXTREMELY simple thing, either you truly have a very low IQ (in which case you will probably have more issues to worry about than a game), or you simple refuse to learn. If it is the first, then I'm sorry I have no answer, but in your case I am going to assume it is the second since you seem to be able to type out coherent sentences, in which case I will recommend you stop playing the pearl clutching sjw victim, wait for your teammates and attack together. You might still lose, but you will easily be able to avoid a 5 second rekting.


Plus once you see where the bar is, there is nothing stopping you from training yourself in PvE like I do. Practice strafing, mouse turning using rotations while moving and LoSing. I do all these things before starting a new class in PvP and so far it worked out fine.


To me, this is nothing but "pulling out the bnad weed" : Demoralizing and scaring away "bad" players ( bad in the sense those self-proclaimed "teachers" define it ) so that only "good" players remain. In my opinion, "trash talk" serves the same purpose. Remember how the Natives of New Zealand try to scare away visitors with their dances and insults ? It's called "folklore" now, but once it was real. And only those were accepted who did *not* get scared away ... Hence my opinion that through all of thois "social filtering" only "concreteheads" ( a German term ) will remain.


You are honestly comparing real life rituals that are designed to be intimidating and scary to some trash talk on the internet? Are you going to next say that shooting a rifle or doing a sword dance in front of someone to intimidate is the same as calling someone a n00b on the internet? plz qft. This is the internet, everything written here has no meaning, people **** talk all the time, stop clutching your pearls and get over it. I can't believe I'm telling this to a guy. Unless the text involves some kind of perceived danger (like he tells you your address and says he is coming after you or something similar) you need to ignore it and move on. The world is not one giant safe space, learn to deal with it.


If left alone, veteran PvP players are shaping their own PvP "world" by applying THEIR definitions on the Newbies. In the end, PvP will look exactly like the way they want it to look like. It's a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Yes, the best players dominate and set the bar, it is like that in any sport. People aspire to be like them, train and get better and eventually beat and replace them. I never heard someone say "I want to be bad at something I like my entire life".

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I don't know where you get this 5 seconds thing from. I never died in 5 seconds unless maybe 5 people ganged up on me, not even when I first started out and was a clicker. And yes you can learn something from that experience. You learn not to run in head first into a crowd of 5 enemies. You learn to wait for your teammates first.


If you keep dying in 5 seconds, that means you are running into crowds by yourself. It means you simply refuse to learn the simplest thing. That you cannot survive in a 5v1. If you cannot understand this EXTREMELY simple thing, either you truly have a very low IQ (in which case you will probably have more issues to worry about than a game), or you simple refuse to learn. If it is the first, then I'm sorry I have no answer, but in your case I am going to assume it is the second since you seem to be able to type out coherent sentences, in which case I will recommend you stop playing the pearl clutching sjw victim, wait for your teammates and attack together. You might still lose, but you will easily be able to avoid a 5 second rekting.




Plenty of new people get rekt in 10 seconds in 1v1 encounters. I'd guess that's pretty demoralising for them and they really won't learn much banging against a wall. Of course there are ways around that, like dualing outside of matches and grouping when you are learning so you don't get globaled.


I had a big laugh at you next paragraph about idiots.

How many people do we see doing this daily. Lots and lots. Imps actually seem to be the worst too. It's like they are a bunch of lemmings just running in a single file to fall off a cliff.

The whole respawn, jump to your death mentality, just amazes me. Especially when every WZ (except HB) has 2 exits. But they all keep suiciding into the the hungry spawn campers who just gobble them up.

I can be shouting in chat, "go out the other exit", but no, they keep going to the spawn camping exit. Even when I'm the one spawn camping, I'll ask them in chat if they know there is another exit?

I only bother camping to try and teach them not to be lemmings because some people only learn the hard way.

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No more PVP until the inequities between Imp and Pub are dealt with. This is ridiculous. Won 1 out of 18 to finally finish the quest for Mi-4X. That was NOT fun not entertaining. I will say that 3 of those losses were against other Pub players, and 2 were in Odessen. Some of it is that Imp players have better AOEs, but a significant part of it is that Imps have preformed teams that queue up, placing Pubs at a very distinct disadvantage. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!
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No more PVP until the inequities between Imp and Pub are dealt with. This is ridiculous. Won 1 out of 18 to finally finish the quest for Mi-4X. That was NOT fun not entertaining. I will say that 3 of those losses were against other Pub players, and 2 were in Odessen. Some of it is that Imp players have better AOEs, but a significant part of it is that Imps have preformed teams that queue up, placing Pubs at a very distinct disadvantage. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!


Odessen doesn't count cause it is just a big joke at the moment. I refuse to even play it most of the time.

If you lost 3 against pubs and 2 Odessens, then you had 13 matches against imps and you won one of them.

So you only lost 12 matches to imps. I won 30 matches against imps the other day and then lost 10. Everyday is different, but so is every server and every Timezone. At different times of the day the reps completely dominate the imps and at other times the imps dominate reps. It's just the nature of things.

The only inequities between imps and reps is population size. The rest is player skill at certain times of the day. This is no different than if you play imps during the times the reps dominate. But if you're playing lvl 65 PVP and didn't start to PVP till 65, that is your biggest problem. Also the lvl 65s are a bit of a mess at the moment. When the new players lvling up at the moment start to play lvl 65, things should improve.

It's a shame if you are going to stop pvping because of a misconceived notion that reps suck. I can tell you that they don't.

I do have to ask though, how is this inequity, as you put it, supposed to fix itself when people just give up when it's hard? Wouldn't it better if people stuck around and got better and then helped others get better? Deciding to leave and wait for it to magically fix itself is like leaving garbage all over your loungeroom and leaving the house till it magically cleans itself all up. It's still going to be there when you get home.

I can understand how frustrating it can be when you lose multiple matches in a row, I've logged off in disgust myself at times. But you can't let that get to you. Take a few days and come back and PVP in a different time bracket or lvl bracket and see how that goes.

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I don't know where you get this 5 seconds thing from. I never died in 5 seconds unless maybe 5 people ganged up on me, not even when I first started out and was a clicker. And yes you can learn something from that experience. You learn not to run in head first into a crowd of 5 enemies. You learn to wait for your teammates first.


Well, I was even exaggerating. *Originally* it was even 3 seconds.

I got that when I was playing my Gunslinger, Marksman Gunslinger.

I began playing that with level 20ish, and when I was whining in the PvP forum I got beaten that badly, people outright told me that if I wasn't topping the damage charts, then I must be doing something wrong. And when I couldn't survive these 3 seconds, then I must be inherently bad.

Of course these 3 seconds came from being hit by at least 2 opponents. Of course these 3 seconds came from not knowing all my defences, because I hadn't hit level 50 yet.


But isn't that what Newbies under level 50 experience as well ?


And it stuck. This is the amount I always use as my favourite example, because I haven't found a more sturdy class yet - apart from Sage, sometimes. When I was playing my Sage at level 60 I was kind of shocked how much sturdy that class was.


And I was the first here calling out those "death squads" without calling them so. I noticed at one point that people were just doing 4-6 on my Gunslinger - as if 2 weren't enough. And I didn't run into them - they were running at me !

My favourite example is that Huttball carrier even stopping by and joining those 3 others of his team to beat me down - and only AFTER THAT going on to do a score ...


I think you just don't believe me because you are too good now. A bad player will most likely experience those 3 seconds in low level. Or even in mid level. I often cite this "Curse Of Knowledge" - and this is simply that some people are so good that they just cannot understand anymore the problems of beginners. A formula 1 racing driver just won't be able to understand anymore how a fresh learner in a car driving school is actually able to bring a car into a stutter, and then making it go out completely.


I still stick to my example : A fresh Newbie at let's say level 20 - hooray Bioware's brackets ! - CAN get beaten down by highly experienced players playing their 10th toon within 3 seconds - or 5. And I still do ask : What is a Newbie supposed to learn within these 3-5 seconds ? And I always get answers like in the sense of : "Everything."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You don't get globaled in lowbies by a single player. If you see someone doing it, point him to me - I've got a bunch of learning to do from him.


In midbies, you might die in under ten seconds if facing a sniper/pt/merc that know what they're doing and have their heavy hitters off cooldown. Still, you won't be globaled.


You can very well learn stuff in your 5 seconds of torment. For example, if you're against a sin you'll learn when he times his stuns. If you're against a merc, you'll learn when he fires his HSM. If you're against a sniper, you'll learn what an ambush looks like cast. And these are the simplest examples. After you feel them on you, you'll also learn what you should avoid when facing these classes. Assuming you don't know the difference between white and yellow damage, you'll also pop a CD next time and learn if it works or not... And so on.


No one says it's particularly fun being focused, but you should take advantage of it - unless you do enjoy it, in which case you can just not learn.


Also, I highly recommend that instead of finding "curses of knowledge" in other players, you decor more time to learning the game. Believe it or not, all players started out bad.

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On most servers Imps dominate pvp, I'm active on 3, and it's the same for all those 3.


What most Imps don't realise is, by winning most, they're actually making 'all mixed warzones' more probable.

And that's not a good thing, because it will kill pvp in the long run, as some people do like to pvp Rep side, and those will either stop pvp'ing or quit the game or go Imp, increasing the imbalance even more. It will also cause annoyance for the Imp players used to winning all the time, now they're stuck with Rep players in all warzones.


The end result will be all Imp warzones and long queues, as I'm sure this will mean a (substantial) loss of active pvp'ers.


Long story short. If you want a healthy pvp community, roll Rep at times, as an Imp.

And I've heard the stories of Imp players playing their Rep alts, yeah, no. One or two matches perhaps, that's it. Once they realise the imbalance, they're back on their Imp chars.

I know several people mostly playing Imp that at times play Rep, and I see them coming and quickly going.

Edited by Geeorgedk
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You don't get globaled in lowbies by a single player. If you see someone doing it, point him to me - I've got a bunch of learning to do from him.


In midbies, you might die in under ten seconds if facing a sniper/pt/merc that know what they're doing and have their heavy hitters off cooldown. Still, you won't be globaled.


You can very well learn stuff in your 5 seconds of torment. For example, if you're against a sin you'll learn when he times his stuns. If you're against a merc, you'll learn when he fires his HSM. If you're against a sniper, you'll learn what an ambush looks like cast. And these are the simplest examples. After you feel them on you, you'll also learn what you should avoid when facing these classes. Assuming you don't know the difference between white and yellow damage, you'll also pop a CD next time and learn if it works or not... And so on.


No one says it's particularly fun being focused, but you should take advantage of it - unless you do enjoy it, in which case you can just not learn.


Also, I highly recommend that instead of finding "curses of knowledge" in other players, you decor more time to learning the game. Believe it or not, all players started out bad.


Come see me 😉, I was globalling people from lvl 11 and not just others below lvl 20, I mean ones lay 20s and early 30s.

You may not have all the extra abilities at lvl 11, but damn you can hit hard. I was getting 1mil at lvl 11, but it seems the higher you get the less damage you do. The character spec and stats don't reflect this, I have to wonder if it's something Bio implimented without telling anyone.

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You don't get globaled in lowbies by a single player. .


I've been leveling Slinger (Sharpshooter) lately and you get Aimed Shot at lvl 10 and it hits hard as hell especially if the other players are below 1936 exp. I've been guarding nodes and just using charged burst, aimed shot, basic attacks, thermal grenade and blaster whip and getting cheap solo kills . Keep in mind that lvl 10 Slinger already has one hard stun and one soft stun to make shure the target eats your aimed shot.

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No more PVP until the inequities between Imp and Pub are dealt with. This is ridiculous. Won 1 out of 18 to finally finish the quest for Mi-4X. That was NOT fun not entertaining. I will say that 3 of those losses were against other Pub players, and 2 were in Odessen. Some of it is that Imp players have better AOEs, but a significant part of it is that Imps have preformed teams that queue up, placing Pubs at a very distinct disadvantage. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!



Is that a typo...or are you unaware that (save for the occasional glitch) imperial and republic toons are exact mirror images of each other? Exact same skills, different names and visual effects.


Also there's no fix for the thing where one good player sees another good player in a WZ and says "hey, you going to run some more after this? If so, want to group up?" I do that a lot. sorrynotsorry:cool:

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Come see me 😉, I was globalling people from lvl 11 and not just others below lvl 20, I mean ones lay 20s and early 30s.

You may not have all the extra abilities at lvl 11, but damn you can hit hard. I was getting 1mil at lvl 11, but it seems the higher you get the less damage you do. The character spec and stats don't reflect this, I have to wonder if it's something Bio implimented without telling anyone.


I'm pretty sure that's the case. It might also be simply because most players in lowbies aren't geared for bolster yet, so you can land really big numbers on them. Still, you didn't global anyone. I'm certain of that.


I've been leveling Slinger (Sharpshooter) lately and you get Aimed Shot at lvl 10 and it hits hard as hell especially if the other players are below 1936 exp. I've been guarding nodes and just using charged burst, aimed shot, basic attacks, thermal grenade and blaster whip and getting cheap solo kills . Keep in mind that lvl 10 Slinger already has one hard stun and one soft stun to make shure the target eats your aimed shot.


I have been leveling a sharpshooter too. Yes, aimed shot hurts. 20k+, even up to 30k against a non bolstered toon if the stars align. No global though. The best you can do is make them miserable with leg shot and flash bang while you load up your charged bursts and aimed shots. You're still going to need a lot more than a GCD (or even two) to kill them.

Edited by Greezt
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I'm pretty sure that's the case. It might also be simply because most players in lowbies aren't geared for bolster yet, so you can land really big numbers on them. Still, you didn't global anyone. I'm certain of that.




I have been leveling a sharpshooter too. Yes, aimed shot hurts. 20k+, even up to 30k against a non bolstered toon if the stars align. No global though. The best you can do is make them miserable with leg shot and flash bang while you load up your charged bursts and aimed shots. You're still going to need a lot more than a GCD (or even two) to kill them.

if you're not playing the right spec, lowbie can be particularly nasty. for example, juggs and mercs running middle tree (veng/arsenal) don't even train their stances until something around 30. I somehow remember it being earlier for arsenal, but both are notably late (let's say 20 at the earliest for arsenal). if BW is going to fight you that much on the "unique trees" even though they give you one of the two "unique abilities" right out of the gate (e.g., tracer), then maybe it's a good idea not to fight against the current and just dps in the "shared tree" (rage/pyro) until you reach the level unlock for specialized stance.


it wasn't such a big deal as a jugg, especially when I leveled with friends, b/c I would just "gimp guard" and play the tank. but playing tank is hugely frustrating unless I know I have competent other players with me (dammit banksy, kalac, dice! :( ) but doing that with randoms is the height of frustration.

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Visually, the Imp skills look better in my opinion, so I can see why they are more popular. That being said if you have a higher population of players on the Imp side you are probably going to have a higher number playing pvp. With that higher population you are probably going to see a few more of the better players and teams on the Imp side.
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Visually, the Imp skills look better in my opinion, so I can see why they are more popular. That being said if you have a higher population of players on the Imp side you are probably going to have a higher number playing pvp. With that higher population you are probably going to see a few more of the better players and teams on the Imp side.


the issue is sort of the inverse of that. playing on the lower population means you get the same teammates every time. there's no variety. what you say is certainly true. it's just that...you get bad teammates and lopsided games as an imp as well. but the chances of that situation change every new match b/c your potential teammates and opponents are much more likely to change.


so whether you're good, bad or inbetween, you're much more likely to get different matches. whereas the lower population faction, what you get the first one or two pops is often what you'll get for the next hour or more.

Edited by foxmob
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if you're not playing the right spec, lowbie can be particularly nasty. for example, juggs and mercs running middle tree (veng/arsenal) don't even train their stances until something around 30. I somehow remember it being earlier for arsenal, but both are notably late (let's say 20 at the earliest for arsenal). if BW is going to fight you that much on the "unique trees" even though they give you one of the two "unique abilities" right out of the gate (e.g., tracer), then maybe it's a good idea not to fight against the current and just dps in the "shared tree" (rage/pyro) until you reach the level unlock for specialized stance.


it wasn't such a big deal as a jugg, especially when I leveled with friends, b/c I would just "gimp guard" and play the tank. but playing tank is hugely frustrating unless I know I have competent other players with me (dammit banksy, kalac, dice! :( ) but doing that with randoms is the height of frustration.


Oh, I agree. Lowbies are hell for many specs, and heaven for a select few. Still, I never saw anyone globaled by a single player.

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