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[Event] Showing Rookies the ropes


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Good day everyone!


There’s been quite a bit of discussion about the state and size of the GSF community. We seem to have been discussing forever, and most of us know that there aren’t many of us, and the attitude towards newcomers isn’t always the best. Veterans leave and now new players are attracted to the game. Realistically, if we keep this up, the GSF community will cease to exist within the year. That’s a very gloomy thought. Lucky for us, RedFantom has come up with a plan to turn this around. It’s a simple plan, really, but the execution of this plan will need all of us to pitch in and help out. Let me explain.


Thranta Squadron will organize an event. However, this event is different from any of our usual events in that it pairs one veteran with three rookies to form a team. The veteran can help the rookies out, during both down-time and matches. This will show the GSF community in a positive light, might attract new players, and will even help those new players overcome the enormously steep learning curve that GSF starts with. For more details on both the event and the organization of it, see the spoilerbox below.


I have no doubt that even from this very short explanation it is clear that, while we want to take the initiative here and do the organizing, we will need a lot of help for it to succeed. For one, this event will need a lot of promotion across all the servers. Secondly, we will need all the veterans of this community to pitch in during the event itself. We’re counting on all of you to help out.


If you have any comments, helpful advice or want to let us know how you can help, we love to hear it all!





Right now, we’re looking at the 27th of August as the date for this event. We expect that most people will still have a holiday then, but may have already returned from wherever they went for the holidays. As for the time, this will largely depend on when veterans are available. We are prepared to have the event from the afternoon, GMT, all the way through the night (also GMT) to accommodate both Europeans and Americans.



The place will be Imp side, TRE. This is not just because that’s where Thranta Squadron operates. More importantly, it will (hopefully) result in wargames, with only teams that are participating in the event. This way, the Veterans from both sides can communicate easily and turn the match into a larger and better tutorial level, even going so far as to practice certain strategies.


Recruitment of Veterans and Rookies

A few days from now, RedFantom will launch a new website on which anyone can register as either a rookie or a veteran. The Thranta Squadron Management Team will consider all applications by veterans individually. In the application, you can also indicate at which times you will be available. From the registrations, we will create teams. Each team is assigned a colour and a Mumble channel (see below). Of course, we will keep room for people who pop up unexpectedly on the day itself.



Thranta Squadron will make the Thranta Squadron public mumble Server (TSS) available to all participants. Every team will have its own channel. These channels will be colour coded. Other channels will be available for Veterans to have private discussions. At least one member of the Thranta Squadron management team will be monitoring the use of the TSS at all times. We’ll be very strict when it comes to the usage of the server. If someone is misbehaving, get the manager in and they will kick the misbehaving person out of the server.



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Not to be a party pooper, but I foresee a problem.


These days, TRE is dominated by premades. A single experienced player with three new players landing against one of those will not be able to teach much, especially if they insist on playing meta ships and comps.


Maybe you can disperse them, maybe not. I don't know. Unless you do, though, running this event will likely discourage more players than it will encourage.


The second problem is that you might run into the same problem Despon ran into when he ran his GSF school.


If you can find participants, though, I think this event is a great idea and will gladly take part in it.

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As I pointed out to Redfantom yesterday, there will be an issue with getting the word out to the "noobs". Many of them have no knowledge of /gsf or even this forum. As the event gets closer, I would just suggest to make a comment in /ops about it and get attention that way. If the "noobs" really want to get better, then ask them to whisper you or something.
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As I pointed out to Redfantom yesterday, there will be an issue with getting the word out to the "noobs". Many of them have no knowledge of /gsf or even this forum. As the event gets closer, I would just suggest to make a comment in /ops about it and get attention that way. If the "noobs" really want to get better, then ask them to whisper you or something.


/ops is usually a dead channel. You'll get better responses in /allies and /thehub. Furthermore, I would recommend advertising this event on the starter worlds, coruscant, and fleet, as well as odessen.


~ Eudoxia

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I support this initiative, I'll be there. I do share Greezt's concerns, but it's an admirable effort and I'll do whatever I can to help.

/ops is usually a dead channel. You'll get better responses in /allies and /thehub. Furthermore, I would recommend advertising this event on the starter worlds, coruscant, and fleet, as well as odessen.


~ Eudoxia


I believe Maulkat just meant the ops channel within a match. Like, load into a game, and immediately mention the event/ask everyone to /cjoin gsf. Agreed that outside of a match, comments in /ops would not be of much use. And good idea to advertise on starter worlds and such.

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Thanks for all your support! We need all of your help to spread the word on this to reach as many Rookies as possible.


Close-shave makes a good point about the premades. I’ve thought about it, and came to the following conclusions:

If people in the premade are positive about this event, they won’t be in the premades because they’ll be helping us.

If people don’t care about this event, I hope they do care enough about the community in general not to go about interfering with the event like that.

If people are actively opposed to this event and want to try and make it fail by running premades against us, that is very unfortunate (and a bit childish) indeed. The one positive result would be the opportunity to teach Rookies the dos and don’ts when faced with a stronger opponent. Besides, if we field enough teams, they won’t be able to annoy any one of us for very long.


We don’t think just the ops chat would do. Like MaximilianPower says: spreading the word in General chat on the starter planets and fleets of all servers would probably gain us more Rookies than the ops chat of GSF matches ever could.


RedFantom is working hard on the site for signing up for the event, and it’ll be done soon. We’ll post a link as soon as it’s ready!

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The website for the event is now available! Visit www.showingrookiestheropes.tk to sign up as either a Veteran or a Rookie. The Rosters will also be made available there.


To reach as many players as possible, we have now also posted in the General Forums. We also want to spread the word on the starter planets and the Fleets on multiple servers in the General Chat, but we need all of your help to do that. You can write a message yourself, but you can also use this one that we have written for you:

Have you never played GSF before? Or have you given up on it? Then this is a unique chance for you! On 27 August there will be an event on TRE where you can learn GSF. Check http://www.showingrookiestheropes.tk for more info!
Edited by Fifty-Two
Fixed the links
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The website for the event is now available! Visit www.showingrookiestheropes.tk to sign up as either a Veteran or a Rookie. The Rosters will also be made available there.


To reach as many players as possible, we have now also posted in the General Forums. We also want to spread the word on the starter planets and the Fleets on multiple servers in the General Chat, but we need all of your help to do that. You can write a message yourself, but you can also use this one that we have written for you:


General forums link is broken. Here's the correct one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=888356

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I think the remaining GSF'ers are spread thin on the North American servers should decide on a server to all move onto. Shadowlands is pretty sparse these days and I'm thinking the next time 90cc transfers come along I'm going to move my original GSF toons to Harbinger.


I already have a few toons on Harbinger and the action there reminds me of when GSF was new. We have matches with all slots filled on either side. Conquest nights have the most frequent pops. I'm not mentioning this to undermine anyone's potential GSF community on their island server but only wanting to have the most viable community in one place. At the very least start a LVD toon over in Harbinger to see for yourself.

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I think the remaining GSF'ers are spread thin on the North American servers should decide on a server to all move onto. Shadowlands is pretty sparse these days and I'm thinking the next time 90cc transfers come along I'm going to move my original GSF toons to Harbinger.


I already have a few toons on Harbinger and the action there reminds me of when GSF was new. We have matches with all slots filled on either side. Conquest nights have the most frequent pops. I'm not mentioning this to undermine anyone's potential GSF community on their island server but only wanting to have the most viable community in one place. At the very least start a LVD toon over in Harbinger to see for yourself.


How is this related to topic theme?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it just me, or was a post here deleted?

In any case, we've got a status update! We've been advertising on The Red Eclipse, Progenitor, Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Harbinger and French and German servers, using a translated message. We have had a lot of positive responses, including some really enthusiastic ones. Messages about GSF being dead have also not eluded us, though they have only strenghtened our resolve. We still need all of your help in promoting the event though, as this is one daunting task we can not complete alone. We have updated the message, so recipients can immediately know they have to sign up for the event:

Have you never played Galactic StarFighter before? Or have you given up on it? Then this is a unique chance for you! On 27 August there will be an event on TRE where you can learn GSF. sign up on http://www.showingrookiestheropes.tk or go there for more info!

It's a minor difference, but it's a difference nonetheless. Keep promoting the event and spreading the word and thank you for your efforts!

Edited by Kraagien
Added my signature, so you can all know who I am ;)
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I wholeheartedly support this and will try my best to attend.


I have started a couple of characters on the server and will try and get to fleet before flying in the event.


I am away on holiday for a while, but will try to fly a few matches beforehand, just to get some basic upgrades.


-And I might just transfer a character from the Progenitor with mastered ships as well.


See you in the skies!


Safe flying.


EDIT: (26.7.16) got to level 14 today, and picked up the intro mission(s) and daily/weekly , so no longer flying in stocks! - But levelling without legacy backup is a challenge without all the unlocks, credits etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All right, another update! First the bad news: the website for the event has been offline for about nine hours in total today. The first six hours were because the server crashed after an automated reboot, the other three hours were because I was busy fixing the issues and updating the Operating System on the server for good measure. The server had to go down to fix the issues anyway ;) .


Then the good news! I have started on a GSF parser, of which I have proudly released Version 0.1. The parser is written in Python (for the tech-savvy among you) and the source code is available on GitHub: GSF-Parser-Public. For now the parser only returns the damage dealt, damage taken and healing received, and in some cases not even accurately, but it's a start! Pyril was unfortunately too busy to work on it himself, but he did give me a lot of help and tips, so don't forget to give him a bit of the credit. As of now you can't use the parser without Python 2.7 installed, but for the non-tech-savvy among you I'll tell you all how to use the parser:

1. First, download the files in the repository by clicking on the green button on the page, and then download as .zip.

2. Unpack the downloaded file and put it somewhere for safe-keeping. Read the LICENSE for good measure.

3. Download Python 2.7.12 from here. The Python home-page is python.org

4. Install Python by clicking "next" a few times. No special settings are required, though you might want to change the default installation directory to something different (I wanted to).

5. After the installation, open main.py by double-clicking it and enter the path for your CombatLogs (usually C:\Users\{yourusername}\Documents\Star Wars - The Old Republic\CombatLogs) and then a file name for a combatlog. Then the parsing will start automatically.


If you have any tips or improvements for me, you can contact me in several ways. You can send me a DM through the forums, send me an email at redfantom@outlook.com or report an issue in the GitHub repository. You could also post it here, of course ;)

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All Veterans and Rookies that have signed up for the event must now have received an e-mail on whether they have been accepted or not! All Rookies are automatically accepted though ;) . Also, the rosters and Mumble server information is now available.

Veterans and Rookies are still welcome, so keep spreading the word and sign up if you can attend!

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Back from my hols and furiously leveling up my ships in time to compete- almost done!


As an added incentive I'll split any Credits/ gear/ materials etc. on hand on the night between members of my team(s). It won't be completely scientific, but I will reward pilots for doing well and trying hard.


I'll screenshot every scorecard, and maybe record some of the matches and hand out rewards over the weekend of the event.


Betancuria is a brand new character in this server, so don't get your hopes up for millions, but since I don't need credits, or stuff anything I have I'll throw in the reward pot.


BTW on the night, are we going to hang out on fleet, or is someone going to let us gather in their stronghold?


Go Grey team!


EDIT: I hope to be online & queued most of Wednesday 17th August PM - so feel free to chat, discuss, hang-out, increase the prize pot or just say Hihi ! :) If I can get the mumble sorted out, maybe chat IRL too! - even walkthrough the tutorial with complete novices if need be!

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Could you also promote the event for a bit while you're online? Just asking, we need all the publicity we can get ;) .

At the moment, we're actually planning to let everyone hang out on our guild-flagship The Indomitable. We think fifty slots for players will be enough to let everyone hang out there ;) . Great initiative on the rewards, BTW!

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Could you also promote the event for a bit while you're online? Just asking, we need all the publicity we can get ;) .

At the moment, we're actually planning to let everyone hang out on our guild-flagship The Indomitable. We think fifty slots for players will be enough to let everyone hang out there ;) . Great initiative on the rewards, BTW!


Yup. Can do. I've invited my guildies already. -

Reward stands at ~ 1/2 a million ATM. - though I'm sure it'll be closer to 1M in 10 days time. - split 3 ways is a 1/3rd of a million - worth queuing up for the credits alone! Though if you join my squad and don't try hard, the others will have your share! :)

Go Grey squadron! Yay!

EDIT: Prize pot now 2.2M credits - and still a week to go!

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  • 2 weeks later...

EDIT UPDATE: prize money (credits) now 3Million. so you could be collecting a cool million tomorrow!


EDIT: I had a blast. Big thanks to Thranta Squadron for hosting and providing Mumble and matchups. - Big shout out to all the pilots who visited and took part. -In the end I flew an hour and a half in the afternoon, did a short Q and A in GSF chat the early evening and played for 3 1/2 hours after 9pm. Queue finally fizzled out after midnight. I managed to mix up attack and support and my Bloodmark has lots of shiny new bits bolted on!


All this despite IRL interruptions and disruption!


Would love to do it again sometime. Prize credits will go out this evening - 28th - And I'll be queued up if anyone is around and wants to team up.


And there are a few credits left over if anyone wants to nominate a pilot who deserves a cash bonus. :)


Safe flying.

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Thank you all for showing your support! Big thanks to everyone who attended, advertised or contributed in any other way, this wouldn't have been possible without you! I had a great time and learned a lot myself too. :)


As a reminder to the Rookies: You can send your CombatLog of yesterday to redfantom@outlook.com and from all entries we will draw one lucky winner for a K-52 Strongarm.

Edited by Kraagien
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