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Rolling "need" for companion gear?


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If you're doing a flashpoint, is it appropriate to roll need for an item that you want for your companion when there are other players in the group that would benefit from the item? My first thought is that it wouldn't be, but we rely pretty heavilly on our companions, so it seems like a bit of a gray area.
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I have 8 companions.. Should I roll need for all of them? I doubt it!


NEED = for toon in group. If you win a Greed roll, then give it to your companion.


Most the people I have known for many years of MMOs would immediately add that person to never group with list if they needed for a companion. *** are people thinking? Your companion is not in the group, nor is he a player.. Just a bot. A player should win over a bot every time.


I personally would not group ever again with someone who needed on an item for a companion... UNLESS they asked and no one in group need it.

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I have 8 companions.. Should I roll need for all of them? I doubt it!


NEED = for toon in group. If you win a Greed roll, then give it to your companion.


Most the people I have known for many years of MMOs would immediately add that person to never group with list if they needed for a companion. *** are people thinking? Your companion is not in the group, nor is he a player.. Just a bot. A player should win over a bot every time.


I personally would not group ever again with someone who needed on an item for a companion... UNLESS they asked and no one in group need it.



This has been the sentiment for a loong time. It's the same thing as Main Spec > Off Spec.


You can ask the group, if anyone needs it, and if not, could you roll need for a companion... but the catch there, is that most likely everyone has companions that could use that piece of equipment. You gear up your companion on your own time, not in a Flashpoint.


Otherwise, no. I'd kick you from group if you pulled a stunt like that.

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For me the important thing is for people that want to roll need for gear that they can’t use is that they tell the group at the outset. I am ok with it, however I don’t want to pass on gear I can’t use and then have someone roll need on something I need that they can’t use.

If you are going to roll need for gear for your companion have the decency to let people know.

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I've gotten flack for selecting need on something that my companion could use.


the exact quote was "really Sylus? you use aim?"


Well T7 does, and everyone else had selected need as well. So I went for it and rolled an 87.


The thing is, if people do give you grief over it, just claim mis-click. People are usually pretty forgiving of mis-clicks.




For me the important thing is for people that want to roll need for gear that they can’t use is that they tell the group at the outset. I am ok with it, however I don’t want to pass on gear I can’t use and then have someone roll need on something I need that they can’t use.

If you are going to roll need for gear for your companion have the decency to let people know.


This is actually a great post. I agree 100% with this.

Edited by spencer_
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When you roll for an item, it always seemed to me a simple matter of obvious priority about what you will use all the time versus something you will only use some of the time. All the time? Need. Some of the time or never? Greed.


I value my companion a lot and that doesn't have anything to do with it. I am a dedicated sage healer and use Qyzen all the time, every time I do anything outside of a group as a tank and/or dps. More often then not, my character's survival depends on him. the thing is he is perfectly capable of fulfilling that role with all the gear I get from questing, greeding, or vendor equipment from commendations or random drops (after I have made all available upgrades to myself).


I think it's ridiculous to be 'needing' on gear for a companion not even in the group. It's not any different than if you are rolling 'need' for an alt, for a guildie, for a friend, for a relative, or anyone else NOT THERE. If you value a companion enough to let him tank, heal, or dps for the group, and he actually fulfills that role as effectively as another player, then I would probably be fine with it seeing as how upgrades will only make the rest of the run easier on the rest of us. If it has no bearing on the current group's players and you obviously aren't using that piece of equipment 100% of the time, then it's not a need.


Edit: I'm also perfectly fine with it if you make it clear at the beginning that your intention from the beginning is to be upgrading your companion gear also. People play the game differently and I respect that. If you are respectful enough to discuss and ask if it's ok first, then I won't have a problem with you because then I can decide if I want to stay and do the run or find another group.

Edited by Chaizen
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Someone suggested during beta that there be added a button with need rolls for companions so the order would be


Need > companion need > greed


Or would someone throw fits over not being able to sell an item when nobody needed it for their char?


As it is now though the best thing to do is ask the group if it is ok with them that you roll for your companion.

Better safe than sorry.

Edited by Bansheedragon
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Its not grey at all. If you need it you roll need. If you don't need it, roll greed. This is simple.




In a group roll need if its an item your main guy would use right then. Dont roll need so you steal something for your companion thats stupid.


Or talk about this scenario before it happens with your group.

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I don't see companions as anything other than an extension of your character. What they need, you need. Pretty simple.


He's not an extension of you at all within a full group. That upgrade for a companion does nothing until you switch to using the companion again, which isn't any different to me than rolling for an alt, or alternate set of gear, etc. as I stated above, which has always been an obvious 'greed' roll in other MMOs I've played.

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He's not an extension of you at all within a full group. That upgrade for a companion does nothing until you switch to using the companion again, which isn't any different to me than rolling for an alt, or alternate set of gear, etc. as I stated above, which has always been an obvious 'greed' roll in other MMOs I've played.


Sure his is. I play flashpoints to gear up and make the rest of the game easier. Having fully equipped companions makes my character better since I always have a companion with me in battle.

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Someone suggested during beta that there be added a button with need rolls for companions so the order would be


Need > companion need > greed


Or would someone throw fits over not being able to sell an item when nobody needed it for their char?


The only problem I see here is people would abuse it to roll for friends/alts unless the mechanic properly checked an alt for being useable and bound to your character. But I like the idea if it was implemented right.

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Sure his is. I play flashpoints to gear up and make the rest of the game easier. Having fully equipped companions makes my character better since I always have a companion with me in battle.


That's fine, but if you're rolling Need for your companion against a player who Needs that gear for himself, then you're being selfish.


That's not what the Need vs. Greed system was designed for.

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I have 8 companions.. Should I roll need for all of them? I doubt it!


NEED = for toon in group. If you win a Greed roll, then give it to your companion.


Most the people I have known for many years of MMOs would immediately add that person to never group with list if they needed for a companion. *** are people thinking? Your companion is not in the group, nor is he a player.. Just a bot. A player should win over a bot every time.


I personally would not group ever again with someone who needed on an item for a companion... UNLESS they asked and no one in group need it.


Exactly. That would give people a validation to roll need on everything. I can guarantee that if you start rolling need on things for your companion when players in your group need it for themselves, you will find it harder and harder to get groups. Players in the group should always come before companions.


If Bioware were smart, they would add another button option for companions, that gets rolled after the regular need, but before greed.

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That's fine, but if you're rolling Need for your companion against a player who Needs that gear for himself, then you're being selfish.


That's not what the Need vs. Greed system was designed for.


Not really, as companions are nothing more than another set of abilities for your class. It's not a another player. Nothing more than a upgrade for blaster in essence.

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Sure his is. I play flashpoints to gear up and make the rest of the game easier. Having fully equipped companions makes my character better since I always have a companion with me in battle.


Like I said in my first post, if he is "always with you" meaning you use him in flashpoints because he is just that good and efficient, than I think it's fine that he has a chance at upgrades too considering that companion made the difference at the group's chances to succeed on the run. If he isn't any use to the group you are in, then that companion's need for an upgrade shouldn't be rolling need against the rest of the group.

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If you're doing a flashpoint, is it appropriate to roll need for an item that you want for your companion when there are other players in the group that would benefit from the item? My first thought is that it wouldn't be, but we rely pretty heavilly on our companions, so it seems like a bit of a gray area.


But you rely on more on yourself, so the needs of someone who actually will equip the gear themselves trump those of someone who wants to give it to a companion. But if there are no other needers, id say go ahead.

Edited by RandyMcStud
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Like I said in my first post, if he is "always with you" meaning you use him in flashpoints because he is just that good and efficient, than I think it's fine that he has a chance at upgrades too considering that companion made the difference at the group's chances to succeed on the run. If he isn't any use to the group you are in, then that companion's need for an upgrade shouldn't be rolling need against the rest of the group.


My companions are always with me. I use them for different tasks depending on the situation.

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If you need for companion gear, you deserve to be removed from the group and shunned.


Heck yes!! You roll need for anything you yourself (not your companion) can't use in one of my groups and I assure you it will be the last time you group with me or I tank for you. Misclicks can be forgivable how ever....unless you're a smuggler in which case I wont believe you...*winks*

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I would say no, no neeeding for companions when grouping *unless* completely agreed upon before hand and then only for BoP gear that can't be sold on the market. Because after a while you could roll for any type of armor, that blaster rifle... oh hey, nice lightsaber! Because of the number of companions you 'need' to outfit.


If your character can't equip and use the item, hit greed. A 'companion's need' should come after a player's.

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My companions are always with me. I use them for different tasks depending on the situation.


If they are helping me just as much as they are helping you on our quest or flashpoint, then I would be telling you to need for your companion. If you are talking about sending him off to find crystals while the rest of us run a flashpoint, that is not 'with you'.

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