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June Producer Livestream Wrap-up (6/30)


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[...]free server character slots? I have used all of mine creating the 16 unique toons over the past 3-4 years.


I've seen this number 16 popping up in several other posts regarding the potential need to purchase character slots for the DvL event.


Am I reading your post wrong, or are you implying that subscribers get 16 free character slots per server? (I'm aware that 16 is the number of unique characters one would need to have one of each advanced class, but that's not how some of these posts are reading.)


I've been subscribing since 2011, and we got 12 free slots per server at launch. Then it was bumped up to 14 last year.


Or did I miss something?

Edited by MMFalcon
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I've seen this number 16 popping up in several other posts regarding the potential need to purchase character slots for the DvL event.


Am I reading your post wrong, or are you implying that subscribers get 16 free character slots per server? (I'm aware that 16 is the number of unique characters one would need to have one of each advanced class, but that's not how some of these posts are reading.)


I've been subscribing since 2011, and we got 12 free slots per server at launch. Then it was bumped up to 14 last year.


Or did I miss something?


I have 16 character slots and been here since launch. I believe we got 1-2 new ones when KOTFE hit or thereabouts because they gave us a free token for the level 60.

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I have 16 character slots and been here since launch.


And you never purchased any extra character slots? That's 16 per server just complimentary with a subscription?


Thank you for responding. I had no idea. My account must be glitched, and I'll have to contact CS!

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If missing companions do make a return to the game via the terminal, is this accepting that the game and the story are no longer linked and bioware have decided to remove the 4th pillar from the game.


In most cases an RPG (which I accept is often missed off of MMORPG) is an interactive story where the players actions have consequences. At its most basic its table top roleplaying or choose your own adventure books. Where as if you remove the choices you get some crazy guy telling a story round a table or a novel.


By invalidating any choices you make through the story, such as by having an influence level 50 character betray you despite vast amounts of time and resources to get them to worship you or by having a magical terminal that restores companions to you (though you shall never speak of whatever caused you to lose them or see them turn up in the story). Is this accepting that the story does not form part of the game but is a stand alone element which one could suggest could be published monthly on the forum cutting out the need to bash through sky troopers as no amount of troopers killed or any conversation choices or influence will make the slightest difference to what happens in the next scene.

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If missing companions do make a return to the game via the terminal, is this accepting that the game and the story are no longer linked and bioware have decided to remove the 4th pillar from the game.


In most cases an RPG (which I accept is often missed off of MMORPG) is an interactive story where the players actions have consequences. At its most basic its table top roleplaying or choose your own adventure books. Where as if you remove the choices you get some crazy guy telling a story round a table or a novel.


By invalidating any choices you make through the story, such as by having an influence level 50 character betray you despite vast amounts of time and resources to get them to worship you or by having a magical terminal that restores companions to you (though you shall never speak of whatever caused you to lose them or see them turn up in the story). Is this accepting that the story does not form part of the game but is a stand alone element which one could suggest could be published monthly on the forum cutting out the need to bash through sky troopers as no amount of troopers killed or any conversation choices or influence will make the slightest difference to what happens in the next scene.


Whether we lose SCORPIO permanently, or not, may be up in the air depending on what happens in the next chapter.

Of course, it would be weird if we had a choice to spare or destroy SCORPIO in the story, and destroyed her only to see her running around with some random fool on the Fleet or Odessen.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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[*]Dark Vs Light Pack bind rules - The reason we chose to go with BoP over BoL for these items is Collections. Currently, BoL items do not work towards a Collection unlock. If we had the items be BoL then you could not have combined the event packs with any other items to complete a Collection set. We agree this is not optimal and we are working on ways to solve this moving forward.

But that is the point, yes? If those things would be BoL there would not really be need for them to be in collections - we could easily move them from character to character. Right now you need to be careful on which character you finish your achivement to get the packs on one charatcer to even hope to get the whole set in collections :(

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But that is the point, yes? If those things would be BoL there would not really be need for them to be in collections - we could easily move them from character to character. Right now you need to be careful on which character you finish your achivement to get the packs on one charatcer to even hope to get the whole set in collections :(


If it's in collections, you can pull as many copies as you like later on to equip characters and companions.

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Can't you guys simply make it to where we just can't summon those companions into KotFE chapters?


I went into KotFE fully understanding that our Choices Matter™, but this companion removal was not one of them. My choices had no impact on this companion leaving, yet I'm still suffering the same consequence. It infuriates me because I've influenced said character to 50 on several different characters, and now I have lost that character due to a choice that was not mine. I've been given several months of gameplay with this character, and then (arguably) out of the blue, I lose them.


This is why I am playing through KotFE with one Character before I max out any influence with others. Since before launch they have always said that choices matter. Everybody knows this meant Companions will be taken away. If you didn't care about losing a Companion it would be pointless, this is how good stories work, they build up attachments between the reader and the Characters. Put your Influence into HK-51, Treek and Nico until you know where the story finishes.


It is inevitable that the Jedi and Sith alliance will end some day and when that happens you cannot keep all of your companions. I personally wish you would lose more as there is no need or benefit in having more than 7.

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The reward for vet players is that super cool icon we get! Oh boy! I feel so appreciated, I'm totally going to keep up my sub now!


The reward for Veteran Players is continuous access to 100% of the game, same as it was at the beginning. You get some ugly Weapons, Armour and Vehicles as well as free Cartel Coins. So what, take them or leave them, it doesn't effect the way I play or enjoy the game.


My Landlord rewards me for my loyalty by increasing my rent every year, the Utility Companies reward my loyalty by increasing their bills every year.


I have never seen EA/Bioware raise their subscription cost so have some perspective.

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My Landlord rewards me for my loyalty by increasing my rent every year, the Utility Companies reward my loyalty by increasing their bills every year.


I have never seen EA/Bioware raise their subscription cost so have some perspective.

You're comparing necessities to entertainment? Or are you so addicted that you feel like you also need SWTOR?


Also, if you have something break, your landlord is expected to fix it...he's also expected to maintain the dwelling you're in. Your utility rates are regulated by the federal government and your utility company is expected to maintain and upgrade how your service is delivered to you...so unless you're in Flint, this is a poor analogy.

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Dark vs Light Pack bind rules – having them BoP is a problem. We would like to resolve it, it isn’t as simple as changing them to bind on legacy as they wouldn’t get unlock in collections or work with armor pieces you already have from previous packs. We are working on some way to address this. We acknowledge that it isn’t working the way we intended.


Dear Eric Musco


I have a solution since coding and or making it BoL would make it hard to get in legacy tab.


1. Create an vendor that sells all the items, Gear, Weapons, Mounts we can get from the Dark vs Light Packs.

make the currency required for those items on the vendor, the items we received. but Bind on Legacy versions.

Example. I got Kreia head gear and chest and gloves DvL packs which is BoP. I do happen to have the entire set on on a different toon except for the head piece. Now those items we received from DvL packs are BoP. So currency would be Kreia BoP head piece for the Kreia BoL head piece so i can transfer it to my other toon who was missing the head.


Now, i know you said Making them Legacy would make it hard to get added to the legacy (for reference see quote).

so on to next solution.


2. Make same vendor selling those same items as the vendor in option 1. The only difference here would be instead of selling those BoL items, it would sell BoP. So now i have Kreai BoL head piece but it would not get added to collection even though i have the entire set now on the toon that was missing the head because its BoL.

So now i go to vendor 2, search for Kreia BoP head and buy that with my BoL Kreai head piece resulting in me getting the BoP version which now should be considered the normal version and get added to collection since i had all other pieces equipped before and should be registered now as the full set.


PS: Darth Unoshi demands Dread Masters Avatars now

Edited by Rakugo
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Dear Eric Musco


I have a solution since coding and or making it BoL would make it hard to get in legacy tab.


1. Create an vendor that sells all the items, Gear, Weapons, Mounts we can get from the Dark vs Light Packs.

make the currency required for those items on the vendor, the items we received. but Bind on Legacy versions.

Example. I got Kreia head gear and chest and gloves DvL packs which is BoP. I do happen to have the entire set on on a different toon except for the head piece. Now those items we received from DvL packs are BoP. So currency would be Kreia BoP head piece for the Kreia BoL head piece so i can transfer it to my other toon who was missing the head.


Now, i know you said Making them Legacy would make it hard to get added to the legacy (for reference see quote).

so on to next solution.


2. Make same vendor selling those same items as the vendor in option 1. The only difference here would be instead of selling those BoL items, it would sell BoP. So now i have Kreai BoL head piece but it would not get added to collection even though i have the entire set now on the toon that was missing the head because its BoL.

So now i go to vendor 2, search for Kreia BoP head and buy that with my BoL Kreai head piece resulting in me getting the BoP version which now should be considered the normal version and get added to collection since i had all other pieces equipped before and should be registered now as the full set.


PS: Darth Unoshi demands Dread Masters Avatars now


I'm still not buying their legacy bound collection excuse, but It's nice to know they've seen how it was a dick move. I don't see how changing the rewards to be bound to legacy couldn't be the simplest, least effort, and most effective solution. To me that is a minor scripting change.


It's just EA doing what EA does, exactly how they do it with their mobile game cash scams.


Bioware, you make good games... but you're working for the Empire. :rak_angelic:

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I'm still not buying their legacy bound collection excuse, but It's nice to know they've seen how it was a dick move. I don't see how changing the rewards to be bound to legacy couldn't be the simplest, least effort, and most effective solution. To me that is a minor scripting change.


It's just EA doing what EA does, exactly how they do it with their mobile game cash scams.


Bioware, you make good games... but you're working for the Empire. :rak_angelic:


Of all the things they did wrong with this event, making the rewards BoP may have been the absolute worst.


Even if you keep everything on new characters, you have to plan to complete each tier with the same character, just in case you get more pieces to the same set. Otherwise, it is impossible to complete your collection to unlock.


I really can't figure any logical reason that they did this. Everything should be bound to legacy on pickup.

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The level of desperation of how badly these items NEED to be legacy bound is appalling, I find the chances of getting all the pieces on one character to complete a collection is ridicously low. The whole reason I even thought about playing the event was for the Satale Shan armor for my level 65 Jedi knight.
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The level of desperation of how badly these items NEED to be legacy bound is appalling, I find the chances of getting all the pieces on one character to complete a collection is ridicously low. The whole reason I even thought about playing the event was for the Satale Shan armor for my level 65 Jedi knight.


The first four tiers can be completed with only one character. If you're that worried about pack consolidation, just work on one character until you've cleared Champion Level.


For Eternal Level, simply don't run Eternal Championship until your off-faction DvL toon hits 65.


For Legendary Level, just make buying the Datacron Decoration the last thing you do - on your main DvL toon.


It's very easy to make sure all 85 packs get on the same character, really... I don't know why there are so many posts complaining about it.

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I'm going to repeat a request from a few months ago and keep repeating it, because it's no less important now. Please return the RP label, in some form to the servers that were previously labelled as RP.


The RP server designation is what lets new players know where they can find RP communities. Player turnover in any game is significant and within RPers is no different. For the RP community to thrive, it needs a steady influx of new players to replace those who've moved on. If you spread newly arriving RPers between all servers, because they don't know on which servers to find the existing communities, many will likely abandon the search before finding anyone, if they're looking on the wrong server. Meanwhile, the existing RP communities will slowly shrink with the lack of new players.


I realise that RPers are a minority in this game. This means that our communities can sometimes be hard to find, drowned out by the number of players going through PvE and PvP only. All the more reason why we need certain servers to be designated for RP, so that new players at least have a place to start looking.


Please return an RP designation, in some form that will be clear to new players, to the already established RP servers.

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I received so many of the same items from the first set of box's it was totally ridiculous, and i sure as heck don't have a need for 2 bound revan's mask on one toon that i cant move or add to collections since i didn't get the entire set of anything. I am seriously pissed off at this. Also hurry up with 16 so i can collect my rewards this is the only achievement i don't have at this point, and it is torture looking at everything being done except chapter 16 and not getting anything for it.
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