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Subscriber rewards... how do people feel?


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The best reward system I experienced MMO wide was in SWG.


It was based on how long you have been subscribed.


So at each tier you had access to a couple of items from which you could choose one of them.

I think they had something similar in Rift. I played it for a couple years before it went F2P. I enjoyed their vet reward system. :) It was pretty simple... I think there was a mount or two, and a set of armor or two distributed out over a long period. It wasn't a giant basket of goodies, but it was simple and consistent; you knew what you were going to be getting in the long-term and had something to look forward to.

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I liked the SWG veteran reward system. IMO one of the best systems I have ever seen.


I had hoped, when it was announced, that this system would be similar to that one. Unfortunately it was not...but it does have some appeal obviously.


So, personally, not terrible, but I think something like SWGs system would have been better.

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So on the stream, Ben defended them a bit about veterans, bringing up the long-term subscriber rewards they've put in place, particularly this year.


What I want to know is, of the people who have participated in this long-term, how do you feel about it?


To me, the idea of a static reward set for being a long-term subscriber is not that appealing. It could be great if the reward appeals to me, but could mean basically nothing if it doesn't. I like the idea of reward programs that make me feel involved in something, have options in such a way that I can make choices if one thing doesn't appeal to me, and I like points systems because I can take a break and come back and still have progress.


But I'm also not that into exclusivity in the first place and I know I'm not everyone. So I want to know how other people feel about it.


I don't know of anyone that subscribes just for the subscriber rewards. These people would be subscribers without a gimmick plan.

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Personally, I don't really complain about it, but the only sub rewards I've gotten beyond the "make gameplay more tolerable" bonuses are the CC stipend, an HK deco poster which doesn't really appeal to me, and an Eternal Empire Patroller mount which only appealed to me on a practical level, briefly, when I had few to no cartel mounts unlocked in collections.


I just figured I'd mention it, since you're saying you don't understand. It's not a big deal to me, but the rewards I've gotten in the 3-5 months I've been subbed (I'm bad at keeping track of the exact time) have done almost nothing to add to the experience for me.


The only thing that really stands out to me is the Rep gain bonus. I would hate doing Rep grinds without it, given the annoying weekly cap.


I guess I'm not really explaining why people complain, since it's not a big deal to me. But I figured maybe it'd give some insight into the hit-or-miss nature of it for some people. There are many others in this thread who paint a picture of hit-or-miss, which has been pretty interesting to see.


Dude, you are complaining and going on and on about a sub reward in the HK thread.

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The rewards were lame. All of them. Even early access. And I don't want rewards for being a sub. I just want to feel like my investment is worth the cost.


Free players having disabled features doesn't make being a sub worth the investment. In fact, in a virtual society that is an MMO, any restrictions that your peers have also impacts you even if you subscribe.


Early access is garbage. It's a helpful way to ease the instance population of new areas to reduce server stress that they are passing off as a "reward." Although, I prefer to look at "early access" as "delayed access for everyone else."


Other than keeping core QoL features, being a sub really has nothing going for it. The KotFE model was actually a step in the right direction. Content only accessible if you subscribe. The game needs more of this and less restrictions on free players.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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The rewards were lame. All of them. Even early access. And I don't want rewards for being a sub. I just want to feel like my investment is worth the cost.


Free players having disabled features doesn't make being a sub worth the investment. In fact, in a virtual society that is an MMO, any restrictions that your peers have also impacts you even if you subscribe.


Early access is garbage. It's a helpful way to ease the instance population of new areas to reduce server stress that they are passing off as a "reward." Although, I prefer to look at "early access" as "delayed access for everyone else."


Other than keeping core QoL features, being a sub really has nothing going for it. The KotFE model was actually a step in the right direction. Content only accessible if you subscribe. The game needs more of this and less restrictions on free players.


Please...not the woe is me, the suffering F2P card. If they dont want those restrictions they can sub.

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Please...not the woe is me, the suffering F2P card. If they dont want those restrictions they can sub.


A famous man once said....


"Free-to-play is the future, and this is a very good thing for our game players, game makers should focus on building games that players can fall in love with. If they do so, players will spend and spend happily."



Edited by LordArtemis
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So give credit where it is due. The sub rewards I have liked having:


  • Nar Shadda SH *forgot that initially


You know, I also forgot about this being a subscriber reward. It has to be the absolutely best reward aside from the holotrainer that I've had to date, every single character uses it. I know they were specific rewards in the lead up to the stronghold introductions, however it's the things that will get used that really do count as rewards for being subscribed imo.

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The veterans, who played for many years before these mediocre rewards came out have not gotten any appreciation at all with these rewards because they haven't rewarded veterans.


Anyone who says that these sub rewards are a way of appreciating veterans is factually lying. Give people rewards including retroactive rewards for having been subbed for x amount of months, then you start talking about appreciating veterans.


Rewarding people for being subbed now is the opposite of rewarding veterans.


I found this whole reference upsetting and dishonest.

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I'm not really here for the subscriber rewards, I'm here because I like Star Wars and this is my virtual toy box.


Some of the rewards are okay, some are awful (Zakuul patrol bike I'm looking at you), some are really nice (HK-55 themed rocket pack). It's a mixed bag and I don't have to use them. Due to the range of characters I have some rewards suit some far more than others.


Along with complimentary cartel coins, the individual monthly rewards and the loyalty reward of the HK chapter I don't think I'm doing too bad for my sub.


I just hope players can reign in their expectations of what the 'Group Content' under development is going to be.

I actually like the zakuul patrol bike and the HK jetpack is completely useless. I love jetpacks but not one that turn my char completely horizontal at the slightest touch left or right. To turn your char should just change direction not orientation, its so ridiculous I removed them from all my chars. Now, talk about useless, an hk helmet? HK weapons? HK customization kit for my other droid? For subscriber rewards how about an animal mount for a change? How about we get to pick from a list of weapons so we can pick one that matches our profession? How about a choice between some crafting schems to match the skills our crew have like a special dye pak, a special color crystal, a custom armor piece, etc.

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Please...not the woe is me, the suffering F2P card. If they dont want those restrictions they can sub.

I didn't clarify in the post you quoted me saying but I'm a subscriber. I have always been a subscriber since the game launched.


The perspective I gave about player restrictions is from a SUBSCRIBER point of view, not a free player.


So no, it's not a "woe is me" card. It's a "fix your damn game, it's killing player interactivity" card.

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the thing about the sub rewards as they are now is, they are just super weak and all over the place in terms of quality. This last months sub reward was a step in the right direction but still fell well off the mark of what should be part of the reward.


More monthly mini content needs to be a sub reward and filler added like an HK deco or gun. I will also add that monthly CM coins in small batches are horrid. If i sub for 6 months just give me the coins upfront upon sub for 6 months why am I waiting for them when i already subbed? it would probably lead them to more coin sells.


But overall the issue is just the content its so weak that even the sub rewards look foolish.

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While I like getting the sub rewards I feel like they fail at their intention. This game has not enough players that a sub reward can or should just reward loyal subs. So people might not sub for little gimicks especially if they can experience the KOTFE story with just one month of sub. So a good sub reward in this game would be something that encourages people to sub. And outside of "unrestricted access to ops and stuff" this game overs little. While this is exactly the reason (and the infinite amount of money my chars can hold) why I wil always stay subbed, I do not fin it a good reason as other people might not even do ops or only pvp and fp a little and these people can do well enough as f2p or preff.


A good sub bonus imo gives the player a QoL improvement or something similar that is so good that you want to have it but could do without it. yet it is still so awesome that the game will be so much better with it.


As an example I would like to list ESO who introduced a "mat inventory" that is legacy wide and infinately large. All mats gathered go in there and can be accessed by all characters in your legacy. It made crafting and farming/harvesting soo much easier and comfortable.


While this specific thing would not be as useful in SWTOR (although still would mkae farming easier), I use it as an example of something that is not pay to win but greatly improves your gaming when suscribing.


TLDR: Do not give people sub rewards. Make the sub more attractive so people want to have one, with or without content attached to it.

Edited by Drake_Averrod
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I didn't clarify in the post you quoted me saying but I'm a subscriber. I have always been a subscriber since the game launched.


The perspective I gave about player restrictions is from a SUBSCRIBER point of view, not a free player.


So no, it's not a "woe is me" card. It's a "fix your damn game, it's killing player interactivity" card.


F2P is what it is, a trial of the game. If people want access they can sub..so WAI...

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