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sooo really ? i goto make a level 1 character brand new to do the LightVDark


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This is kinda weird. i really don't mind leveling characters. but... what about my main toons. that are buffed up with all bad *** stuff... and what they can't do anything with this new system? i'm sure there is tons of posts about this.. but i just am kinda confused. and didn't want to pick through all the threads.... whats going on here?
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This is kinda weird. i really don't mind leveling characters. but... what about my main toons. that are buffed up with all bad *** stuff... and what they can't do anything with this new system? i'm sure there is tons of posts about this.. but i just am kinda confused. and didn't want to pick through all the threads.... whats going on here?


Bioware is taking the summer off.


Basically, in order to have their vacation, they needed something to keep us chumps busy. So, they have asked that we start the game over, completely, from scratch, until they get back from vacation.




PS - They might send us a post card from Oahu, if they can drag themselves away from the beach.

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I can sum it up for you, the skip the commercials, SJW, youtube generation comes unglued when they learn they can't actually have new content 24x7, 365 days a year. It's a growing process for them and I'll continue to hold a tiny glimmer of hope they mature into productive members of society in a decade or two.
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I can sum it up for you, the skip the commercials, SJW, youtube generation comes unglued when they learn they can't actually have new content 24x7, 365 days a year. It's a growing process for them and I'll continue to hold a tiny glimmer of hope they mature into productive members of society in a decade or two.


LOL this is funny


I need more customers like yourself so i can charge you for no service rendered.

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LOL this is funny


I need more customers like yourself so i can charge you for no service rendered.


"No Service Rendered?"


I've always looked at the subscription fee as what allows them to keep the servers running and therefore allows me to keep playing the game.


It's my 'rental fee' for using their equipment.

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"No Service Rendered?"


I've always looked at the subscription fee as what allows them to keep the servers running and therefore allows me to keep playing the game.


It's my 'rental fee' for using their equipment.


Basically, this, yes. Cash = keeping the lights on. Extra cash = new content. Lots of extra cash = New content that we don't have to pay more for. That cash comes from CM sales or subs. That's their sole two sources of revenue.

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Bioware is taking the summer off.


Basically, in order to have their vacation, they needed something to keep us chumps busy. So, they have asked that we start the game over, completely, from scratch, until they get back from vacation.


And you know what? IT WORKED. Last night the starter and capital worlds were buzzing on The Harbinger. Rough estimate 1500 characters across six planets. Furthermore, I feared it would be a lag-fest, it was not. I guess all that "back-end maintenance" paid off :p

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"No Service Rendered?"


I've always looked at the subscription fee as what allows them to keep the servers running and therefore allows me to keep playing the game.


It's my 'rental fee' for using their equipment.



well technically your right... we are renting these characters/ accounts... when i was playing SWG i remember one of my buddys had got in trouble and a CSR dev GM w/e said that its in the ULA too... WE DO NOT own our characters or accounts we are just renting them its the property of Bioware/EA,

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This is kinda weird. i really don't mind leveling characters. but... what about my main toons. that are buffed up with all bad *** stuff... and what they can't do anything with this new system? i'm sure there is tons of posts about this.. but i just am kinda confused. and didn't want to pick through all the threads.... whats going on here?


I'm fine with leveling but I hope that after Chapter 16 is released they will create some sort of conquest-type thing where L65 characters can participate. I want to use my characters I really like to get those force packs.

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I'm really not sure where people saying BW's been on vacation are from? This year we've gotten EC several hours of voicework and animated cut scenes, EC, a new wz and arena, more than a few new areas, a couple cool vendors and are about to get a new chapter in a few weeks. Were you here last year? 12x was the summer event and that was all we had other than Ziost (Jan) until KotFE (late Oct). The prior year we got a few tacticals that everyone steamrolled until SoR. You're free to not like their direction or their apparent priorities (I question them all of the time) but saying they have been doing nothing just makes you sound like an ignorant spoiled brat that will never be impressed or satisfied. Maybe nothing else is coming this year starting in August but why assume that's automatically the case when we're getting a producer stream tomorrow and a cantina in a few weeks that probably aren't going to confirm that hypothesis? Edited by Savej
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LOL this is funny


I need more customers like yourself so i can charge you for no service rendered.


No, no... even better. You can sell them the same product over and over again.


No, I don't mean sell them another of the same thing. I mean: Sell them a product. Then take that product back and sell it to them again. They have exactly what they had before, but you have more money!


Everybody wins. Er, right...?

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"No Service Rendered?"


I've always looked at the subscription fee as what allows them to keep the servers running and therefore allows me to keep playing the game.


It's my 'rental fee' for using their equipment.

This used to make sense, but considering that many now pay sub, as well as extra money on the side through the market, it's a lot more murky than that. At what point is your money going to maintenance and at what point is it simply profit for the company? Where do you draw the line?


The answer is, we're all going to end up drawing our own personal lines because none of us are privy to the kind of information that would allow us to logically understand where the line should be.

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And you know what? IT WORKED. Last night the starter and capital worlds were buzzing on The Harbinger. Rough estimate 1500 characters across six planets. Furthermore, I feared it would be a lag-fest, it was not. I guess all that "back-end maintenance" paid off :p


Worked on Ebon Hawk too. Made a new Sith and Jedi and both Korriban and Tython had three bustling instances going :) No lag on Ebon Hawk either.

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Basically, this, yes. Cash = keeping the lights on. Extra cash = new content. Lots of extra cash = New content that we don't have to pay more for. That cash comes from CM sales or subs. That's their sole two sources of revenue.


Wait, you mean the game's not subsidized by the government? Thanks Obama...

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I'm really not sure where people saying BW's been on vacation are from? This year we've gotten EC several hours of voicework and animated cut scenes, EC, a new wz and arena, more than a few new areas, a couple cool vendors and are about to get a new chapter in a few weeks. Were you here last year? 12x was the summer event and that was all we had other than Ziost (Jan) until KotFE (late Oct). The prior year we got a few tacticals that everyone steamrolled until SoR. You're free to not like their direction or their apparent priorities (I question them all of the time) but saying they have been doing nothing just makes you sound like an ignorant spoiled brat that will never be impressed or satisfied. Maybe nothing else is coming this year starting in August but why assume that's automatically the case when we're getting a producer stream tomorrow and a cantina in a few weeks that probably aren't going to confirm that hypothesis?


I wholeheartedly agree.


What too many fail to realize is that it does in fact take time to develop content (whatever that content might be). Sometimes there are significant gaps between content releases. At least they have given us something to play with during that gap. Maybe it is not everyone's cup-o-tea, but it is something.


I remember playing WoW and the last content patch for a given expansion would come out, shortly thereafter the next expansion would be announced, and then...





wait for it







Blizzard MIGHT implement a QoL feature or two and fix major bugs in that time frame, but other than that...a whole lotta NOTHING.


At least in SWTOR we get SOMETHING every month right now. And even if they take a break from August to November, We KNOW there's a season 2 of KOTFE coming.

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I can sum it up for you, the skip the commercials, SJW, youtube generation comes unglued when they learn they can't actually have new content 24x7, 365 days a year. It's a growing process for them and I'll continue to hold a tiny glimmer of hope they mature into productive members of society in a decade or two.

Says the guy that abandoned the game right after launch, and only JUST returned over 4 years later.




For YOU, everything is fresh.

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This is kinda weird. i really don't mind leveling characters. but... what about my main toons. that are buffed up with all bad *** stuff... and what they can't do anything with this new system? i'm sure there is tons of posts about this.. but i just am kinda confused. and didn't want to pick through all the threads.... whats going on here?

IKR?! How much fun will this be?! Make new toon, grind to 50...delete toon...start again!!! What a great idea!!! I'm actually amazed that someone pitched this idea and got the go ahead...I mean...really?!

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My only real problem with the event is that it's an event and not just an addition to the game. There's a lot to do if you have the stomach to do it but then some will burn through it in a matter of weeks (barring some event achievements) but a lot of people might just give up because it seems like it's too much to do in a few months unless you wanna get burnt out on it.


So I dunno, I make new characters regularly so I'll end up doing some of it anyway, so I'll see what happens. It's a shame there's no motivation to take my existing characters that I raced to 65 (without trying) through SoR etc. That would've been cool for me.

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