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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is the best item you have got from the Light vs Dark packs?


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Is it possible to get the Sith recluse set?


Yes :D


MSM J-37 Jetpack, White-Black Indestructible Crystal from the first 5 packs. Problem is, I equipped the Crystal, and it did not unlock in Collections, but the Jetpack did. Assuming the problem is because of the BoP thing, but is there a workaround?


The crystal thing is a known bug. Today's livestream said it would probably be fixed on Tuesday or Wednesday. :)

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* Kreia's Upper, Reaver Lower, DLA-13 - already have unbound versions, so I can sell these later. Neat.

* Cyan Crystal Decoration - A rare Gold decoration that I missed when its pack was hot. Very nice, one of the VERY few decos I've been missing!

* Imperial Crimson War Hero Crystal - Crap.

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Best was the decoration ''Throne of Enlightenment'', but kinda of useless since I want to donate them to my Imperial Guild and such a decoration would be senseless on this side, also it's bound, so I cannot send it to the other side neither. Not enough to keep me doing the event because of this fact, it's even worst when it comes to weapons that I cannot equip on my character, so I cannot unlock them to collections for the ones that can use them sadly... very bad planned EAware, very bad.


Miguel, you should be able to "use" it, then you can access it in your unused decoration list and donate it to the guild (this method costs credits, though). I have a guildie who is responsible for decorating our Imperial dreadnought, and he always does this with decorations he has not previously unlocked. So, he gets the +100 prestige, then donates them to the guild for the fee. We feed him credits, he does the rest!


The decoration item being bound to a Republic character shouldn't be an impediment at all if you use this method. :cool:

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Ugh, I'm going to use this thread to complain. Don't mind me.


So far I've gotten three olive green crystals, two Kreia upper body, and a Seer and Reswhatsit supplementary. And a crapload of different exp consumables that I'll never use. At least I can sell those once the timer expires.


I wish there was a listing somewhere of the armor sets we could get. I really want the original Havoc Squad and Mandalorian Hunter. That's pretty much it.

Edited by Cedia
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XP expendables, Kreia's lower body armor, Ceremonial supplementary armor, two speeders and some orange-red crystal I'll never use... I hope when I hit fifty it's better but I'm doing this for the companion for all my characters and I think legacy wide XP armour, don't know, haven't reached 50 yet to get any pieces. Kind of a yawn, think the people worried about it wrecking the GTN economy were worried over nothing but it's a character I was going to play regardless.
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Getting to 50 on my first LvD toon I only got one rare deco the rest of the items were very ordinary bronze items you find for under 50k on the gtn. Nothing I would ever pay to unlock so I just deleted them.


Now considering deleting the toon and starting the same class over again.

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Getting to 50 on my first LvD toon I only got one rare deco the rest of the items were very ordinary bronze items you find for under 50k on the gtn. Nothing I would ever pay to unlock so I just deleted them.


Now considering deleting the toon and starting the same class over again.


Rewards are legacy based, you can't get the level 25 or level 50 rewards twice. No point to restart for rewards

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I wish there was a listing somewhere of the armor sets we could get. I really want the original Havoc Squad and Mandalorian Hunter. That's pretty much it.


These packs only have Jedi and Sith armors, no Mando or Trooper sets.

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These packs only have Jedi and Sith armors, no Mando or Trooper sets.


That's what I heard and why I rolled a Jedi Knight as my first toon (since I hadn't played the story through yet).


For myself, I got to 50 so far I have....


Jedi Library Decoration

Imperial Dignatary’s Rug

Advanced Black-White Hawkeye Crystals (x2)

Some blue and green crystals I’m keeping just in case I want to use (Farmhand and something, I think).

Freedon Nadd’s Supplementary Armor

Revan Reborn’s Lower Armor

Bunch of various exp boosts (mostly Starfighter/Warzone) which I probably will not be using


I also got Unrelenting Aggressor Dualsaber, BL-28 Blaster, and Primordial Assault Cannon. Useless for the character they're on, of course, but I suppose I can use them later if I want to pay to unlock them.

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Can anyone clarify this for me?


Do we need to use the same character for the tiers in case you do get a full set? I keep hearing that collections only unlock if ALL the pieces are on the SAME character, not spread throughout. Unless this event has something different just for that gear.


I want to take another character through, since the Jedi/Sith stuff would make more sense on her but I'm worried of having a full set of something between two characters and it won't unlock in collections.


It seems that getting everything on one character might be the best bet in case you do get a full outfit.

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Can anyone clarify this for me?


Do we need to use the same character for the tiers in case you do get a full set? I keep hearing that collections only unlock if ALL the pieces are on the SAME character, not spread throughout. Unless this event has something different just for that gear.


Currently collections is broken, but yes in 4.0 they made it so that you can equip the set on multiple characters and it still unlocks, however again it's currently broken. Hopefully they'll fix it Tuesday and these will unlock properly.

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Round Two:


  1. Revan Supplementary, Sith Recluse Lower, Visas Upper, Exiled Master Supplementary - nice gold set pieces
  2. *Primordial Cannon Besh - I had one unbound, which I can now sell. Not bad.
  3. Bl-28 Blaster, Irakie Renegade, Hyroti YH-12, Desert Green Eviscerating, Imperial Crimosn Hawkeye - Crap.

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The ones received so far have been lackluster.


Since I keep many CM sets and items in storage, just in case I want to use them someday..... if I do get something I have not already unlocked.. I can then sell the stored items on the GTN. Not holding my breath on this though. :p


/Grats to anyone who did get lucky with Mr-RNG and got a super desirable item. :D

Edited by Andryah
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