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I just want to thank the developers at BioWare...


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I had my fill of forum PVP today I guess, but why not explain WHY its all entitlement and they have no argument instead of just claiming it so.


Sure, happy to in fact. In any other MMO after an expansion pack there's a period of inactivity for new content while the next latest and greatest expansion or season is being worked on. So rather than do nothing at all during this period, what's wrong with the DvL event? Now if you want argue that the content you got in season 1 wasn't up to some peoples standards, that's an entirely different animal. Basically people in this thread are complaining they're somehow entitled to new content 24x7 and there shall be no rehashing ever! That's not what your sub pays for, not at all.

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I agree with the OP. I think the heroic quest nerf of 60% was excessive and unwarranted. It takes time to run those heroics and when you run them regularly they get very tedious, so you have the dreaded combination of time consuming and tedious. Who wants to spend hours running these things for next to nothing? I felt the amount they were giving pre-nerf was fair and it was enough to convince me it was worth running them.


The thing is, crafting (at least the disciplines I specialize in) doesn't yield all that much money anymore. Things have gotten very competitive...so in order to make some credits to buy decorations and such, crafting is supplemented by running dailies and heroics. I've also taken to buying cheaper but nice things and holding them for later sale to try and make creds.


Furthermore the items that are cool and desirable are so rare, that the prices on them have become absurd. For the latest lightsabers and the effects for them for example, I'd have to grind for weeks to get *one* item. Then on top of that I have to pay for the unlock too.


Then to top it all off, they upped the prices of the packs. This will make new items even more rare, because less packs will be bought, and decent things will skyrocket in price again. So their answer is to cut our ways of making credits? :confused: They said they'd have a sale on the character unlocks for the 'grinding activity' they call an event and it's hardly worthwhile.


Is it Bioware's intention to punish people who actually do the ancient content like heroics and dailies?


I honestly have no more motivation to run heroics anymore. What I get out of it, just isn't worth my time, and I'm really starting to feel that way about many aspects of the game.


KotFE is my one happy thing, and even that could be done better...and it's wrapping up soon.


I suggest returning the heroic payout back to what it was. Heck, we could even use a raise. And a new stronghold wouldn't hurt either, cause I am running out of things to do.



Edited by Lunafox
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i barely thought the existing reward was worth doing the mindlessly boring and tedious heroic missions... and then they nerfed those rewards? what were they thinking? i agree the new event is bioware helping new players more so than vets, but is absolutely a cash grab thinking existing players would regrind all new characters and BUY more slots. LMAO. i think this is a business decision to purposely sabotage the game and kill it in favor of some future mmo. with EA it would not surprise me at all. I barely play so whatevs but i definitely don't see any point in subbing just for a short few clips of story at $15 a month. highway robbery.
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I have recently un-subbed, and had planned on coming back at the end of season 2, where all the chapters would be released. I found out about the credit nerf to heroics, and that killed my desire to play the game. Edited by cool-dude
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Sure, happy to in fact. In any other MMO after an expansion pack there's a period of inactivity for new content while the next latest and greatest expansion or season is being worked on. So rather than do nothing at all during this period, what's wrong with the DvL event? Now if you want argue that the content you got in season 1 wasn't up to some peoples standards, that's an entirely different animal. Basically people in this thread are complaining they're somehow entitled to new content 24x7 and there shall be no rehashing ever! That's not what your sub pays for, not at all.


In any other MMO, an expansion pack contains MMO content. The KOTFE storyline, as good as the story was (once), is not MMO content, it's filler.


In most other MMOs, the content of our last two expansion cycles combined would barely qualify as a midcycle patch.

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Didn't take long to find the entitlement thread of the day. Hopefully you'll feel better now that you got all that out of your system.


Eric is that you? Are you making accounts to look like a player? :p


Also there is no entitlement here. Just legitimate complaints about the state of this cesspool of a game.

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Eric is that you? Are you making accounts to look like a player? :p


Also there is no entitlement here. Just legitimate complaints about the state of this cesspool of a game.


It really does make me wonder sometimes if they sock puppet amongst us...to try and sway us. I think they do. I know I wouldn't be shocked in the least.

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The sad part about this event is that it's not even a new idea...it's been done before in Star Trek Online....http://sto.gamepedia.com/Delta_Recruitment


The mind boggling part about this event is that they took everything about the STO event that was good and removed it. Then to top it off they made the demands of the event to get top rewards absurd.


Please look at how Star Trek Online did a event that was clearly designed to help new players and get them up to speed and notice the key things they did different:


1. To get the max rewards you only needed to make one toon....to insure everyone could take part they gave everyone a free slot to create a toon with.


2. To encourage older players to take part they offered rewards that were account bound and even made these rewards something you could claim on all toons...both current and future toons.


It's like someone at SWToR took a look at that event and thought about how do you make it suck and decided to put it in SWToR.

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It really does make me wonder sometimes if they sock puppet amongst us...to try and sway us. I think they do. I know I wouldn't be shocked in the least.

It's an appealing possibility on some level, but it's not as if the internet is bereft of people who flock to an opportunity to gloat over others' suffering.


It's sort of reminiscent of Poe's Law.

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It's an appealing possibility on some level, but it's not as if the internet is bereft of people who flock to an opportunity to gloat over others' suffering.


It's sort of reminiscent of Poe's Law.


Well, you are certainly not wrong. :(

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I tought i would stay subscribed until HK 55 bonus chapter will come out but this DvL event convince me to ... STOP it by now.


They don't even realize how this event is wrong to their reroll logical


Talking about the general event that will provide a new companion


Well, either you got 40 toons or 50 toons, if you actually REALLY would like to play that event, you would have to put a side Half of your characters to play only the Dark/ Light ones ?


Another example ? the first flashpoint

Why do i go group research for a flashpoint where my affiliation choice will be cancel by my team mate who made the contrary one? i would rather run it solo to ensure my choice will be counted.

Even worse if most of my group make the contrary choice, i would just participate the other choice to win ...


When i noticed this event were designed for SOLO players to get a companion which can only be used SOLO,

i realize i won't have the patience to wait for the HK 55 bonus chapter (which is by the way another SOLO thing) and unsubscribed after 5 years.


The group content 's lack finally shot me down.


And it has ended up so well :

Looking for a group content mmo game, someone advise me to try Skyforge on this forum.

Me and my guildmates would like to thank him for giving us back, good fellings we used to have here

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To be honest, I'm not 100% with the OP but I'm still leaving. (I'm not even subbed right now, I'm using a RaF link.)

I don't really care that much about end-game content and since I haven't been following KOTFE on a monthly basis, catching up 5 chapters in a go (From the ongoing free promotion, thank BTW Bioware, didn't pay a cent for it!)

The Heroic Credit nerf, combined with the blatant money grabing of recent weeks, plus the DvL event make me think it's just time to call it quits, at least for now.

I still enjoy the game for the story elements but not for anything else, so I'm going to be playing a lot less, and as a result, pay less.

It's shame because if they'd been more reasonable with the new event and the H2 nerf (As mentionned by the OP, 20% is ok, plus maybe a 50% cut in the Group Bonus multiplier, 60% is not okay at all.), I would have stayed, hell, I would have subbed for at least three months to finish the expansion and grind the even (I was mildly interested in the companions.)

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Eric is that you? Are you making accounts to look like a player? :p


Also there is no entitlement here. Just legitimate complaints about the state of this cesspool of a game.

I'm having a hard time finding legitimate complaints in this thread. I think you meant to type irrational meltdown from drama queens.

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Yep, I'm thinking about leaving as well right now.

1h of mediocre (in comparison to true SP games with true choices and consequences) SP content with nearly no new group content at all just isn't worth 15$ a month anymore. And the only thing they can come up with beside their skytrooper fighting simulator is an event that requires of me to spend CC just to participate and grind every free second I have just to get it done before it finishes.


Also making the rewards BoP so you have to spend even more CC to use them on other chars, nerfing heroics and increasing the price of hypercrates at the same time reeks of a desperate cash grab to me. Nevermind the "greatly" reduced character slot unlocks...pathetic.

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Yep, I'm thinking about leaving as well right now.

1h of mediocre (in comparison to true SP games with true choices and consequences) SP content with nearly no new group content at all just isn't worth 15$ a month anymore. And the only thing they can come up with beside their skytrooper fighting simulator is an event that requires of me to spend CC just to participate and grind every free second I have just to get it done before it finishes.


Also making the rewards BoP so you have to spend even more CC to use them on other chars, nerfing heroics and increasing the price of hypercrates at the same time reeks of a desperate cash grab to me. Nevermind the "greatly" reduced character slot unlocks...pathetic.


They increased the price of Hypercrates? After looking at the contents of this box on Dulfy (and being anything but impressed) the idea of raising the price, for a bunch of reskins and recolors...is laughable to say the least.


I'll be honest, the only thing keeping me here at the moment is that it's not July 6th yet. Once STO's next expansion drops, and I can have a TOS themed adventure, I'll be out for much of the summer, and the girlfriend has been talking alot lately about a return trip to World of Unknowwhat, so if she prevails (and let's be honest, usually what the girlfriend wants, the girlfriend gets, am I right guys?) well I'll be letting the sub lapse, and I'm not sure if I'll be back or not.

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They increased the price of Hypercrates? After looking at the contents of this box on Dulfy (and being anything but impressed) the idea of raising the price, for a bunch of reskins and recolors...is laughable to say the least.


I'll be honest, the only thing keeping me here at the moment is that it's not July 6th yet. Once STO's next expansion drops, and I can have a TOS themed adventure, I'll be out for much of the summer, and the girlfriend has been talking alot lately about a return trip to World of Unknowwhat, so if she prevails (and let's be honest, usually what the girlfriend wants, the girlfriend gets, am I right guys?) well I'll be letting the sub lapse, and I'm not sure if I'll be back or not.


Still haven't decided where to go after this. I already have a WoW subscription and could get more involved over there. Maybe I'll sub to FFXIV again as my second MMO (I'm a strict follower of the rule of two you see:D).

Both of them are sub only, so the devs actually have to put out new stuff to keep the players happy instead of just getting creative with monetizing the **** out of things.


As for the hypercrates: After they sold a ****load of them because of the crossguard saber, they probably thought that they could charge whatever they wanted for them. I'm 100% sure EA made this decision.

Edited by Knorlac
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Still haven't decided where to go after this. I already have a WoW subscription and could get more involved over there. Maybe I'll sub to FFXIV again as my second MMO (I'm a strict follower of the rule of two you see:D).

Both of them are sub only, so the devs actually have to put out new stuff to keep the players happy instead of just getting creative with monetizing the **** out of things.


The monetization has been especially strong with this one as of late. Looking at the contents of the new box, the majority of it is reskins and recolors, or outfits assembled from existing parts. Most of the mounts are rehashes too. And the color crystal isn't particularly inspiring.


I'm really at a loss for words on this game right now. Games like STO, sure you have to pay money for the good stuff. New ships and what not, and they have their lockboxes too. But they actively put into their game as well. Even when they do a leveling event (last year's Delta Recruit, this year's Temporal Agent) at least they give a bit of content to go with it, and they give some pretty outstanding rewards not only to your new character, but they give stuff to your old characters too.


I just can't fathom why they seem to be shoving this game into maintenance mode, when Star Wars as a consumer product is more popular than it's been in years.

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Well said OP. Cancelled my sub over the weekend, about 80 days left before it runs out. Lots of other choices out there with fresh, entertaining content that I have not run 8+ times already. Never been into playing dress up doll with my toons so all the cosmetic shinies offered for this so called event mean nothing to me.
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Are reasons to stop/start a game, nothing to deal with a game ???


WITHOUT notifying us the reasons why you did it ... THIS IS TRULY NOT PROFESSIONAL


At least, it reveals how you guys finally know what you are doing

Using tricky moves covered by your professionnal status you wouldn't dare do it in your private lives or you would directly spotted as weak cowardness with no faces.


Go ahead and keep on putting aside people who actually were trying to giving you feedbacks, in this way, you would be able to look like ignorant


I used to play it for 5 years as a SW fan.

From now on, I am an EA and Bioware hater because of all your acts.


Keep doing sports games as you don't state the rules

because you seem to be unable to be fair.

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I mean, don't get me wrong. For new players, I hope they enjoy the game as much as I used to. I hope that everyone who sticks around is having a great time. I'm sure there are players who are having fun with the event, and more power to them.


But one of the most fundamental parts to running a successful business is to maintain the goodwill of your customer. Every kid who's ever babysat, mowed lawns, shoveled snow, or run a lemonade stand knows this, so I would assume a large, multimillion dollar company knows this as well. If your customers aren't satisfied with your product/service, and you ignore, or even antagonize them, then you will destroy that goodwill, and they will move on. That's where I am at the moment.


I no longer feel as though BioWare Austin has the best interests of its customers, especially the long-term customers in mind.


Hell, with the nonsense they've been pulling lately, I'm not even convinced they have the best interests of their shareholders in mind.


I used to be a staunch defender of the game, but that has deteriorated over time as the actions of BioWare Austin eroded that goodwill, and at this point, there's nothing left. Playing the game has come to feel like a chore more than anything else. I've already informed my raid team that I'm out once my sub ends, and that they should start looking for my replacement.


I'm a fan of the game as it is now, but I honestly do sympathize with you (notice I said sympathize, not empathize). I understand the game has been undergoing a lot of changes lately, and that some people don't like these changes at all. While I know nothing of Bioware's practices and policies, I am aware that they are being rather distant and aloof lately, and that truly worries and saddens me. I won't waste time, energy, or my feelings trying to defend their actions and as I'm sure you all would continue to hold to your convictions regardless of whether my points were good or invalid.


But while SWTOR is not what I signed up for in many respects, I still hold enough affection for the game (at least temporarily) to encourage me to continue enjoying the parts of SWTOR that I love and tentatively exploring and feeling out the new things I'm not too excited about or don't know about. I'm not pleased with the direction the storyline is going to the point where its one of the main reasons I'm considering quitting (its too much like the new movies which are beginning to look like total ****), but there are many things in the core experience and in the newer mechanics that I thoroughly enjoy (lvl-sync for example).


I honestly wish everyone who is leaving good luck in finding a game you enjoy, and all I ask is that you save some account space for me if the day comes when I finally say goodbye to something I've spent the last 6 years of my life pouring into.

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Yep, I'm thinking about leaving as well right now.

1h of mediocre (in comparison to true SP games with true choices and consequences) SP content with nearly no new group content at all just isn't worth 15$ a month anymore. And the only thing they can come up with beside their skytrooper fighting simulator is an event that requires of me to spend CC just to participate and grind every free second I have just to get it done before it finishes.


Also making the rewards BoP so you have to spend even more CC to use them on other chars, nerfing heroics and increasing the price of hypercrates at the same time reeks of a desperate cash grab to me. Nevermind the "greatly" reduced character slot unlocks...pathetic.


Yup I agree 100 percent. Lack of new group content and overall nerf designs are why I'm unsubbing. The Grind VS Repeat event is horrible in my opinion as well. On top of that I doubt they will do anything with the new revenue they get from the event. Overall poor planning for the event by BW in my opinion. :(

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Yup I agree 100 percent. Lack of new group content and overall nerf designs are why I'm unsubbing. The Grind VS Repeat event is horrible in my opinion as well. On top of that I doubt they will do anything with the new revenue they get from the event. Overall poor planning for the event by BW in my opinion. :(


Hey squirrel been a few a been a while. Though to get you uptates they said they returning the heroic credits back to what they were before in the next chapter. They also said they are creating some kind of group contect

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