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Heroic payout nerf


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No. I have no intention of "diversifying". I already have a daytime job, I will not go into extended economy simulations in a SF online game. The few hours a week that i have are for playing, not finding loopholes to economically survive. Either there is a method that I can use to cover the repair bills for my gear, or there isn't. If there isn't, I won't play. Since a death in the EC costs more than is earned now by doing one heroic, that is on ice. If I run out of things to do before they change that nonsense, so will my subscription. As simple as that.


Your account, your choice.


I do find it interesting that you, being only able to play a few hours a week, would choose grinding for credits (even heroics with rich credit drops) as your primary economic model. There are better and more efficient ways for those with limited time.

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Quite the contrary Credit sellers and boters are relevant because if Players do not have any ways of getting a certain and steady amount of Credtis in a certain time-frame


This HIGHLY depends on WHAT your measure is.


I did Heroics - before the nerf - with 2 characters and got about 600k. That was quite a LOT for me !

I had to spend the whole afternoon for that, though.


IF your measure you set everything againt is let's say 2 or 3 millions in 1 day, then I tend to believe that our measure is somewhat broken.

1 Million in 1 day, yes, I accept that. But more than that ? I simply DO NOT WANT to spend my ENTIRE day for that ! But nor do I go to gold sellers - because they ruin the game as well.

So - I need several DAYS for that. And they are WEEKLIES. That means I can do that run with any charactrer only ONCE per week ... How many hours does it take for let's say 5 characters to get through it ALL ? Or even the half of them ?


More and more I get the feeling as if people are applying measurements here which are either broken or do not have a place to be used here.


Your account, your choice.


I do find it interesting that you, being only able to play a few hours a week, would choose grinding for credits (even heroics with rich credit drops) as your primary economic model. There are better and more efficient ways for those with limited time.


And what are these methods ? And why isn't this knowledge so widespread ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You win Bioware. I'll just be lazy and buy Hypercrates. Your plan succeeded. Damn my addiction to Star Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Zeta, welcome to group.


My name is ikinai, I'm addicted to Star Wars.

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Hi Zeta, welcome to group.


My name is ikinai, I'm addicted to Star Wars.


Hello. I was gonna buy a new TV for my bedroom today, but obviously Hypercrates are more important. This is totally not the reason why my wife left me, plus I can quit anytime I want.

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source = Dulfy


Penance for jumping out from behind a rock with the credit nerf is my guess.


AND ...




Which pretty much confirms my earlier comments... the heroics were being over played because they were the biggest piggy bank in the game for credits at level cap .. and out of line with other sources of credits.


Perhaps now this thread can take a nap.


When I posted the post where I had not heard about it, it was not up on dulfy yet, but thank you for directing me there. After talking and reading more, I have had a slight change of mind. The heroics getting nerfed isn't a problem, its he rarity of things and the drop rates of them, and not just CM items. Also one idea I have seen is making a maximum for selling items, I think that would do well.

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Looks like they're rolling back the change with the next patch; more or less because it wasn't announced. Hunh.


Its good they are listening to the community. But I think that they will leave it for a bit and then say in the future "We will be reducing them in X amount of days or next patch." As they wanted this nerf to happen, but because it got missed and caused a outrage, they rolled back on it for a bit, and then when they try again, they will make sure people know ahead of time. At least that's what I think will happen. And to be honest, after reading more and understanding more, idc anymore.

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In the forum.. perhaps. In game.. hard to tell. I do know not everyone uses the heroics as their main piggy bank.. but certainly many do. So I think "exponentially" is a bit over the top.


No question players quickly figured out what the biggest and easiest piggy bank in game was post 4.0. Once players get addicted to a credit pool... many do not take it well when the pool dries up some. Which is why the studio should not be waiting 9+ months to correct something that is injecting more new credits into the economy than any other path. There are so many new credits in game now from massive level capped numbers of players hitting heroics and hitting them hard... it probably does not matter much which way they go on this now. But I bet when 5.0 drops.. those heroic derived credits will get toned down a lot once again, since they can (and do) make wide ranging changes with a new expac release.


That's what I'm thinking also.

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I actually have been asking in general every night about it during the event, when the worlds are populated. And it has been all negative responses. That was on EH. Also, keep this in mind. I know you have said you are crazy wealthy, but those heroics are important to alot of people just to be able to buy the minimum needs.


^^^ Just like I posted some place else.....it seems the people who are happy about the nerf have 100-500+ million credits already, where as the people who hated it seem to have less then 10 million. Now this is all form the forums or from talking to people ingame, and I cant verify anything beyond my own account. (or my families) Just a funny and odd thing I have noticed over the last week.

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Well we won! Bioware is reversing the change to its pre 4.6 values in Chapter 16! I guess they realized they had to do something and therefore decided to reverse the lesser of the three evils unleashed on their playerbase in 4.6.


Just to be clear....what were the other 2 evils?

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They shouldn't nerf anything regarding the heroics until they come up with a fix for the GTN inflation - and heroics are not the cause of it!


Putting a cap of X maximum on items? And I mean ALL items sold on the GTN, not just CM items.

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Your account, your choice.


I do find it interesting that you, being only able to play a few hours a week, would choose grinding for credits (even heroics with rich credit drops) as your primary economic model. There are better and more efficient ways for those with limited time.


No, unless you are referring to buying things off the CM and reselling them for creds, I don't think so. Slicing is taken over by bots, treasure hunting makes only sense with high affection companions. Did I leave out anything significant?

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This HIGHLY depends on WHAT your measure is.


I did Heroics - before the nerf - with 2 characters and got about 600k. That was quite a LOT for me !

I had to spend the whole afternoon for that, though.


IF your measure you set everything againt is let's say 2 or 3 millions in 1 day, then I tend to believe that our measure is somewhat broken.

1 Million in 1 day, yes, I accept that. But more than that ? I simply DO NOT WANT to spend my ENTIRE day for that ! But nor do I go to gold sellers - because they ruin the game as well.

So - I need several DAYS for that. And they are WEEKLIES. That means I can do that run with any charactrer only ONCE per week ... How many hours does it take for let's say 5 characters to get through it ALL ? Or even the half of them ?


More and more I get the feeling as if people are applying measurements here which are either broken or do not have a place to be used here.




And what are these methods ? And why isn't this knowledge so widespread ?


Why would people who make money let other people know how to make money? If they are on top and let other people know how to get to the top, they are not on top anymore. Then again....I am a stupid 12 year mentally old moron so I know nothing. Greed and selfishness drive a lot of things.

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treasure hunting lockboxes are the best source of credits in the game, anyone doing otherwise is wasting their time.



notice no change in the price of credits since the nerf to heroics? that's because treasure hunting is where the credits are coming from. you have no idea how many billions you can generate a day with 300 accounts.

Edited by Akostt
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Did I leave out anything significant?


Yes. you did.. but I'm not going to pull the thread off in another direction just to fill you in. Many different methods have been discussed in the forum here many different times. A forum search will pull them up if you actually have any real interest in creating in game wealth efficiently and without endless grinding.

Edited by Andryah
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I really don't understand this part.


Three times as many people solo heroics as group would get 3*2X=6X.


2X + 2X + 2X


But the group of four would earn:


5X + 5X + 5X + 5X


3 times as many people soloing as doing groups is 12 players doing solo vs 4 doing grouped heroics.

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It's in the dev tracker.


I hope they actually change it back. This is BULL ****. Inflation on the GTN is not going to get fixed by this move. It only rewards the cheaters.


A better way might be to put a price cap on GTN listings. And actually make the rare items a bit LESS rare in the packs. I have almost given up on buying packs because I always get such lame items. Best thing I ever got out of a pack was a bronze-grade speeder which took almost a YEAR of listing on the GTN to actually sell at a decent price.


It make no sense that a Dominator Throne which used to cost around 5mil a few months ago now costs 100mil on the Bastion server. Given Bastion is dying already, it's basically become nothing but a shark tank of a few crazy-rich trust fund babies plowing 5k of real money into credit farmers and bots, buying hundreds of hypercrates and then selling what little good stuff comes out of them at insane prices.


Not sure why inflation got so much worse after KOTFE, but maybe it had something to do with making all the severs both PVP and PVE with the toggle instances button, then everyone just fled to their alt toons in Harbinger. damn that one button really screwed the Bastion. PVP was its only claim to fame before that.


Now even SILVER decos from the Gemini pack are several million credits on the bastion.:mad::mad::mad:

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I'm just curious who thought this was ever gonna be a good idea. They feel the game has an inflation issue. So, they practically half the reward payouts for heroics? This will only drive pissed off players away from an already struggling game. Or even more players into the waiting arms of the credit sellers!
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Not sure why inflation got so much worse after KOTFE, but maybe it had something to do with making all the severs both PVP and PVE with the toggle instances button, then everyone just fled to their alt toons in Harbinger. damn that one button really screwed the Bastion. PVP was its only claim to fame before that.


Then you apparently weren't paying attention. Because when KOTFE came out is when the heroics that everyone in this thread is complaining about got buffed to the levels they were at. It increased the amount of available credits by quite a bit.


The other thing that directly influenced the inflation was when they changed mobs to drop loot at your level, not at the level of the zone.


I'm not quite sure why you're surprised at the prices going up. If you increase the money supply without also increasing the rate at which the desirable things to be purchased with that money supply come into the game, then prices will rise.


Decrease the money supply, prices will fall. It won't be instant, it would take months for the market to adjust either way. This is basic economics.

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I'm just curious who thought this was ever gonna be a good idea. They feel the game has an inflation issue. So, they practically half the reward payouts for heroics? This will only drive pissed off players away from an already struggling game. Or even more players into the waiting arms of the credit sellers!


Who know people are vulnerable- I think the spam has increased. They want to cull inflation on GTN, they need to have a rotating set of armor/mounts/crystals that are sold through the Cartel Market. The drop rates on some of the oldest, most expensive stuff is so rare that people stop buying gamble packs before they show up most of the time and are burnt permanently by them or they buy the packs off GTN to avoid spending cartel coins.


If an armor set shows up on rotation for a week on the Cartel Market, Bioware would get a nice mix of income from GTN players and those who actually want the set and then will pay again to unlock it in collections. There are always players who will miss the item's sale and pay silly prices for it off GTN but it would alleviate the inflationary stupid prices and get more sales overall- and incentivize people to spend extra coins rather than hoard them until they can pay things purely through monthly sub allowances. As for the claim that ready availability destroys an item's value on GTN?


Just look at the various unlocks and passes, available at your expense, on the GTN or Cartel Market. They aren't exactly going at a bargain rate but the constant access keeps their prices at least some of the time from inflating out of control.

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So... are we ever going to get a official reason to why this was nerfed...? Or are they just going to hide the entire time pretending to gloss it over and then let the player base speculate about why they reverted the nerf/did it originally, and im sure we all have a negative reasoning onto why they reverted it...
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