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PVP is now dead in swtor


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Oh come on with the get away from me bad players stuff already. Like only the elite have the right to que. If that were the case your que time would longer than the line for meth in a trailer park. Here's an idea. Help them improve. Nah. Not gonna happen. Just keep complaining. Its like spitting into the wind


Regardless of what some may think there is no such thing as "Elite Players" in this game anymore just over blown egos from farming ez arena's in the first like 5 seasons. Most not all but most of these people being players who were never good enough for 8v8 rateds. :rak_03:



Just sayin.

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Most of my PVP friends and guildies have moved to Overwatch for our pvp. TOR no longer offers what we enjoyed most; and we slowly making the transition to Archeage for everything else we could want


Much the same for me. My guild on The Red Eclipse is all but dead, those who I used to PvP with on a regular basis on longer do PvP here and have switched to playing Blade and Soul for their PvP fix.


Since I have zero interest in that game or any others currently on offer, it leaves me in a dead guild in permanent solo queuing mode.


Which then further shows up just how divided, unbalanced and dying PvP is from a Republic perspective at least. Whilst there still seem to be a reasonable number of decent players and especially premades hanging on on the Imp side, the Rep side queues seem to be increasingly filled with casuals and randoms facing off against the Imp premades, most of the better players having gone from the Rep side. Those few (by comparison to the Imp) decent players on the Rep side that are still around are rarely seen and the Rep premade count is low.


This increasingly one sided affair just makes the whole experience (lack of guild mates to queue with etc) even more unpleasant most of the time.

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Regardless of what some may think there is no such thing as "Elite Players" in this game anymore just over blown egos from farming ez arena's in the first like 5 seasons. Most not all but most of these people being players who were never good enough for 8v8 rateds. :rak_03:



Just sayin.


There are still a few people about. But mostly they just drop in occasionally to see if anything has changed or if there are any suitable players at their lvl.

Most "elite" players left in the first year of the game. As they left, others stepped into the top teir of players in this game. As top teir players leave, more players step into that teir.

While none could really be considered elite by the old standard. Being top teir does make them elite by this games current player population. A newbie playing a top teir player will think that person is elite as they global them into oblivion. It's all relative.

You are right in saying there are some loud mouth egos out there. They don't represent all the top teir players in this game, but because they are so loud and egocentric they give the impression that all top teir players are douche bags.

I'm certainly not top teir, but I consider myself a pretty good player. The longer you play, the better you usually get. If you are playing better people than you, then you can measure yourself against these better players. I'd say I'm in the top 5% of players now, which is a shame really because I'm starting to run out of those better players to learn off and measure myself against. My whole PVP guild has quit the game in the last 3 months. A good portion of them were the 1 percenters still in the game. I learnt a great deal from them in the 9 months I was in the guild. My skill lvl rose significantly under their guidance to put me in the top 5%. That would never have happened without them. So it's sad that these people have left. Even though I'm not as good as those 1 percenters, I'm trying to impart my experience and knowledge to new or lower skilled players. It's just a shame that the ego elitists in the game don't do the same, but then I guess they don't want anyone to be able to challenge their egos.

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There are still a few people about. But mostly they just drop in occasionally to see if anything has changed or if there are any suitable players at their lvl.

Most "elite" players left in the first year of the game. As they left, others stepped into the top teir of players in this game. As top teir players leave, more players step into that teir.

While none could really be considered elite by the old standard. Being top teir does make them elite by this games current player population. A newbie playing a top teir player will think that person is elite as they global them into oblivion. It's all relative.

You are right in saying there are some loud mouth egos out there. They don't represent all the top teir players in this game, but because they are so loud and egocentric they give the impression that all top teir players are douche bags.

I'm certainly not top teir, but I consider myself a pretty good player. The longer you play, the better you usually get. If you are playing better people than you, then you can measure yourself against these better players. I'd say I'm in the top 5% of players now, which is a shame really because I'm starting to run out of those better players to learn off and measure myself against. My whole PVP guild has quit the game in the last 3 months. A good portion of them were the 1 percenters still in the game. I learnt a great deal from them in the 9 months I was in the guild. My skill lvl rose significantly under their guidance to put me in the top 5%. That would never have happened without them. So it's sad that these people have left. Even though I'm not as good as those 1 percenters, I'm trying to impart my experience and knowledge to new or lower skilled players. It's just a shame that the ego elitists in the game don't do the same, but then I guess they don't want anyone to be able to challenge their egos.


You know I don't play anymore I'm still subbed and stuff I read the forums and post now and than but i gotta say you are probably the smartest person on these forums at least that I've seen in my whatever 5 years here.


In turn you are probably very good at the game seeing as how you genuinely care about the game and its over all Health at least from a pvp stand point. You really should spend your time and talents else where. Get off the sinking ship if you know what I mean lol Most of us that still lurk around invested a lot of time, money and in some cases even emotion.. Seeing friends come and go seeing guilds and guild mates you considered friends disappear Swtor as a game over all was just one big *********** tragic mess honestly. I often times catch myself day dreaming about the "what ifs" such as "what if the game was more up to snuff at launch?" "would this have happened or would this person have left?" so on so forth you get my point. Some of us invested a lot in the game but at some point its just more healthy to move on after all the game never gave us much back it took more away than just money things far more valuable than 15 bucs a month...friends, guilds.. Best not to waste your time and talents where they cant be appreciated. ;)


Maybe i'm just weird but Swtor was my first MMO and if I learned anything Its that MMO's for some end up being far less about the game and far more about the people you meet, those you develop friendships and bonds with you spend X amount of hours a day with these people in some cases you see them more than your own family.. This MMO never cared about its community It cared about one thing Its name brand and how much it could milk off it the game those that made it those at EA who own it they never gave US a chance in hell... best to look to the future plenty of good games out there. Broaden your horizons move on sometimes its just better that you leave the past and all the ghosts that come with it behind.

Edited by mfourcustom
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You know I don't play anymore I'm still subbed and stuff I read the forums and post now and than but i gotta say you are probably the smartest person on these forums at least that I've seen in my whatever 5 years here.


In turn you are probably very good at the game seeing as how you genuinely care about the game and its over all Health at least from a pvp stand point. You really should spend your time and talents else where. Get off the sinking ship if you know what I mean lol Most of us that still lurk around invested a lot of time, money and in some cases even emotion.. Seeing friends come and go seeing guilds and guild mates you considered friends disappear Swtor as a game over all was just one big *********** tragic mess honestly. I often times catch myself day dreaming about the "what ifs" such as "what if the game was more up to snuff at launch?" "would this have happened or would this person have left?" so on so forth you get my point. Some of us invested a lot in the game but at some point its just more healthy to move on after all the game never gave us much back it took more away than just money things far more valuable than 15 bucs a month...friends, guilds.. Best not to waste your time and talents where they cant be appreciated. ;)


Maybe i'm just weird but Swtor was my first MMO and if I learned anything Its that MMO's for some end up being far less about the game and far more about the people you meet, those you develop friendships and bonds with you spend X amount of hours a day with these people in some cases you see them more than your own family.. This MMO never cared about its community It cared about one thing Its name brand and how much it could milk off it the game those that made it those at EA who own it they never gave US a chance in hell... best to look to the future plenty of good games out there. Broaden your horizons move on sometimes its just better that you leave the past and all the ghosts that come with it behind.


Thanks for the kind words 😘

I'm a massive Star Wars fan first and foremost, it's the only thing that made me even try the game at launch. I used to play WoW before that since it launched, which is where I got addicted to PVP, I was only a PVE person before WoW. Once I started playing swtor I gave up WoW, it's just not the same playing a dwarf with an axe over playing a Sith with a lightsaber lol. Plus I only have time for one game, once I find one that I like I stick to it.

Since January I've looked around at other games to move onto. None are as satisfying as this one or don't have the same feeling I get from wielding a lightsaber, I know it's just graphics, especially when it's WoW vs swtor, which mechanically is a better game and has a lot more resources and attention from its developers.

I even went and resubbed to WoW to see if I could get back into it. I can't, I just can't go from realistic type graphical representations back to cartoon, child like animation. Plus you need to install a tonne of addons just to make a GUI that's like swtor's and those addons are anything but user friendly. It took 3 addons and 2 hours to get the GUI where I was sort of happy with it. Even then it wasn't perfect.

That is the one thing that I can say swtor has done well. The current GUI is excellently thought out easy to use.

I also tried lots of other games that people recommended to me in the forums, the last was Overwatch, which is where most of my guild went. Sure it's fun, but it didn't capture my attention like swtor did.

Maybe Disney will bring out a better Star Wars game in the future or improve Battlefront, which is where I expected to go, but was a huge let down. Until then I'll probably go down with the ship. Atleast until pops take so long that I can watch a whole TV episode or go and have dinner between pops. The only other thing that might drive me away is people cheating, that is something I am passionately opposed to. It's been in the game since launch, I've seen it all, I've seen it surge and diminish in use. It's always been there wether people realise it or not. What's really got me close to leaving is the amount it's surged in the last 3-4 months, with it being so bad at the moment, I can see it nearly ever match or other match. Bio's lack of concern and negligence in combating it will probably be what drives me away.

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Thanks for the kind words 😘

I'm a massive Star Wars fan first and foremost, it's the only thing that made me even try the game at launch. I used to play WoW before that since it launched, which is where I got addicted to PVP, I was only a PVE person before WoW. Once I started playing swtor I gave up WoW, it's just not the same playing a dwarf with an axe over playing a Sith with a lightsaber lol. Plus I only have time for one game, once I find one that I like I stick to it.

Since January I've looked around at other games to move onto. None are as satisfying as this one or don't have the same feeling I get from wielding a lightsaber, I know it's just graphics, especially when it's WoW vs swtor, which mechanically is a better game and has a lot more resources and attention from its developers.

I even went and resubbed to WoW to see if I could get back into it. I can't, I just can't go from realistic type graphical representations back to cartoon, child like animation. Plus you need to install a tonne of addons just to make a GUI that's like swtor's and those addons are anything but user friendly. It took 3 addons and 2 hours to get the GUI where I was sort of happy with it. Even then it wasn't perfect.

That is the one thing that I can say swtor has done well. The current GUI is excellently thought out easy to use.

I also tried lots of other games that people recommended to me in the forums, the last was Overwatch, which is where most of my guild went. Sure it's fun, but it didn't capture my attention like swtor did.

Maybe Disney will bring out a better Star Wars game in the future or improve Battlefront, which is where I expected to go, but was a huge let down. Until then I'll probably go down with the ship. Atleast until pops take so long that I can watch a whole TV episode or go and have dinner between pops. The only other thing that might drive me away is people cheating, that is something I am passionately opposed to. It's been in the game since launch, I've seen it all, I've seen it surge and diminish in use. It's always been there wether people realise it or not. What's really got me close to leaving is the amount it's surged in the last 3-4 months, with it being so bad at the moment, I can see it nearly ever match or other match. Bio's lack of concern and negligence in combating it will probably be what drives me away.


Ive been watching this thread since it was created and didn't really want to chime in, but here it goes. I have a few things I wanted to share. People have been saying PvP has been dying since day 1 of this game. I've played all of the MMO's. All of them, i've been around the block. Been gaming for 30 years. For some reason this game has ALWAYS brought hate from everyone. Nobody has ever been happy with things. Most of it is just fluff whining. All MMO's have this. I think being that its a major IP like star wars there are more *****ly fans and critics. I've been around since day 1 of Beta, across multiple servers. I've stayed subbed the entire time. I took a few month or 2 long breaks to try other things but i've always came back. to this game.


Here are my thoughts on this. The servers I play on, I still find 4mans for ranked, I still find active queue times for PvP. Even GSF shockingly enough. I still find RAID groups, and all in a timely manner. I still have friends that play, friends have left for sure, but I always find more. This game has been nothing but constant criticism from day 1. Just look at the salty forums, or the salty reddit. People love to complain about how horrible the state of the game is. And you know what? They may have some points on certain areas, but I still have fun. I still enjoy it. I still find all the areas I want to play, habitable. Ranked seasons still give me anxiety day 1, and its still the same rush i've enjoyed over the years. Its still a top tier MMO that involves story and MMO aspects that you just can't find anywhere else.


For any new players reading this. The game isn't "dying", its evolving. As does EVERY MMO. You think WoW was the same as it is now? Just look at the Nostralias issue that has been all over gaming news. Every MMO changes, and adapts, people move on. And people love to *****, ***** about nothing. Pick a high populated server and you will find things to do with people who love to do them. Don't give in to this constant negativity with this game. You could give someone a million dollars and they'd find a way to complain in the long run. Sure there are some problems, as there are with every MMO. Sure there are things that I want addressed that haven't been, or put on back burner. But I still love this game, and will play it until they shut down the servers. Which aren't anytime soon. So take every forum post, even this, with a grain of salt. And DO what YOU want to DO.

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Well, to be fair; every MMO IS dieing from day 1. Its usually a steep decline from initial hype then a more gradual one from then on out. Every now and then there will be a busrst of the opposite of dieing, but it will start dieing again.


You are right though. You shouldnt chose to play based on trends, real nor imagined. Most of us are just speculating the trend and associating it to why the game is not living up to our own hopes and disappointment.

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They haven't invested into maintaining pvp and it shows. All I see in WZ's these days are tons of sorcs and juggs and most of the time its just a TDM with noone playing objectives. Sorc healing even if played by a below average player can easily pump out over 2 million in heals. Broken game is broken.
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I transferred to Harb because of the long que times on SL, I tend to play late night. Harb pop times are about 10 mins, but you get alot of arenas and that crappy proving ground one that everyone leaves.
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I transferred to Harb because of the long que times on SL, I tend to play late night. Harb pop times are about 10 mins, but you get alot of arenas and that crappy proving ground one that everyone leaves.


Have you been noticing those pops getting longer in the last three months? If you play late and in the US, you'll probably be crossing over to the APAC prime time which is dying. Our pops 3 months ago were 2-5 mins in just about any bracket. Now they are 30mins-1 hour in lowbies / mids (this was before DvL started, so this may change a little), 65s have much better pop times, but even those are getting longer now and you will nearly always pop against the same people, which means it only takes 1 or 2 to stop queuing and times get longer really fast.

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Ive been watching this thread since it was created and didn't really want to chime in, but here it goes. I have a few things I wanted to share. People have been saying PvP has been dying since day 1 of this game. I've played all of the MMO's. All of them, i've been around the block. Been gaming for 30 years. For some reason this game has ALWAYS brought hate from everyone. Nobody has ever been happy with things. Most of it is just fluff whining. All MMO's have this. I think being that its a major IP like star wars there are more *****ly fans and critics. I've been around since day 1 of Beta, across multiple servers. I've stayed subbed the entire time. I took a few month or 2 long breaks to try other things but i've always came back. to this game.


Here are my thoughts on this. The servers I play on, I still find 4mans for ranked, I still find active queue times for PvP. Even GSF shockingly enough. I still find RAID groups, and all in a timely manner. I still have friends that play, friends have left for sure, but I always find more. This game has been nothing but constant criticism from day 1. Just look at the salty forums, or the salty reddit. People love to complain about how horrible the state of the game is. And you know what? They may have some points on certain areas, but I still have fun. I still enjoy it. I still find all the areas I want to play, habitable. Ranked seasons still give me anxiety day 1, and its still the same rush i've enjoyed over the years. Its still a top tier MMO that involves story and MMO aspects that you just can't find anywhere else.


For any new players reading this. The game isn't "dying", its evolving. As does EVERY MMO. You think WoW was the same as it is now? Just look at the Nostralias issue that has been all over gaming news. Every MMO changes, and adapts, people move on. And people love to *****, ***** about nothing. Pick a high populated server and you will find things to do with people who love to do them. Don't give in to this constant negativity with this game. You could give someone a million dollars and they'd find a way to complain in the long run. Sure there are some problems, as there are with every MMO. Sure there are things that I want addressed that haven't been, or put on back burner. But I still love this game, and will play it until they shut down the servers. Which aren't anytime soon. So take every forum post, even this, with a grain of salt. And DO what YOU want to DO.


What servers/region do you play in? My best guess would be Europe as I hear some of the servers are still pretty active. But the times you play has a big impact on your impression on wether PVP is dying. If you "only" play in prime times, you'll not see the degraded queues for other time brackets. When you see your brackets queue times jump significantly in a small period of time, there is something wrong. Hopefully you will never see this, but a lot of us have in the last 3 months on the most populated server in the US. This does not bode well for the game.

Maybe I should have said made the thread title PVP is now dead in swtor on the westcoast. But considering that Harbinger is the most populated US server with the biggest PVP population, maybe I should have said PVP is now dead on the US servers.

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What servers/region do you play in? My best guess would be Europe as I hear some of the servers are still pretty active. But the times you play has a big impact on your impression on wether PVP is dying. If you "only" play in prime times, you'll not see the degraded queues for other time brackets. When you see your brackets queue times jump significantly in a small period of time, there is something wrong. Hopefully you will never see this, but a lot of us have in the last 3 months on the most populated server in the US. This does not bode well for the game.

Maybe I should have said made the thread title PVP is now dead in swtor on the westcoast. But considering that Harbinger is the most populated US server with the biggest PVP population, maybe I should have said PVP is now dead on the US servers.


The truth in both posts is that perspective and environment will bring about diverse opinions. Speaking out on these forums with positive and negative feedback is why they exist. I find it funny when people come to the forums and call other posters "Whiners" for voicing their opinion because they post in a tone that is not happy! To complain in a childish fashion does not always cover negative feedback....

Edited by Soljin
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Have you been noticing those pops getting longer in the last three months? If you play late and in the US, you'll probably be crossing over to the APAC prime time which is dying. Our pops 3 months ago were 2-5 mins in just about any bracket. Now they are 30mins-1 hour in lowbies / mids (this was before DvL started, so this may change a little), 65s have much better pop times, but even those are getting longer now and you will nearly always pop against the same people, which means it only takes 1 or 2 to stop queuing and times get longer really fast.


Compared to last year I would say que times have probably doubled but still decent on Harb. Last night was 5-10 minutes. It goes to 10-15 mins during late hours after 4 am est. There is no way I would bother logging into pot5 or Sl at 4 am I would get a half populated arena.

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Compared to last year I would say que times have probably doubled but still decent on Harb. Last night was 5-10 minutes. It goes to 10-15 mins during late hours after 4 am est. There is no way I would bother logging into pot5 or Sl at 4 am I would get a half populated arena.


I've been in harb reg queue most of the past 2 weeks b/c JC and TEH queues take longer than usual and (especially on JC) I get half filled teams.


my usual MO was to do JC or TEH until late night (east coaster) and then pop over to harb. but yeah. recently it's been frustration, frustration, harb. that said, it's summer and everyone left seems to be doing the DvL nonsense.

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I play mostly on the Harbinger so I don't know how any other servers are but I know the queues at least recently (since the DvL event) the queues have been considerably lower. It used to be about 5-9 minutes before a queue pop but now it's about 10 - 12 minutes but obviously, if I swap to my midbie/lowbie toon, then I get queue pops that take only 2-5 minutes so it seems that with this event that a majority of the population is participating so I wouldn't worry too much about "PvP dying on the Harbinger". You'll just have to suffer through higher queue times until people hit 65 and start que'ing with their undergeared toons that they will have no skill on. :rak_03:


Definitely going to hate the upcoming weeks/months in PvP. :(

Edited by JargoFett
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Whoever posted about this game not dying but its "evolving" did make a good point he's probably right its evolving in to a solo story mode F2P **** fest of people who have no idea how to do anything but open cartel packs and don't know what keybinding is :cool: It may be dying maybe evolving but to some people what it maybe evolving in to is a dead *** waste of time. However I do suppose this is what happens to mmos that go F2P the game keep its head above water by milking the casual's the soccer moms and dads the name sake fans. Whatever works at the end of the day behind the game its business EA and BW need to make money but I think we can all agree that this game didn't need to end up in such a ****** "evolving" state this game had great potential and it was ignored and rushed.


Evolve away. :rak_03:

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I got bored of the DvL real fast.

Ranked doesnt seem to pop on Harb much and 65 Regs seem to be spread pretty thin.

It's a glimpse of what the future holds.


Yes, that's the point I've tried to make. The current state of queue times out side of prime time (which still appear healthy) is a glimpse of what the future holds. Unfortunately I think that future won't be too far off. The speed at which queue times have declined out side of prime time in just the last 3-4 months has been astonishing. When I play in prime time I've noticed it's always the same group of players. I recognise just about ever single one and you pop with them a lot more often than you would have before. I think the current pop times at prime time are actually concealing the truth. The population is shrinking at an alarming rate. When the most populatated server in the US has this problem, it's understandable that every other server is much worse. If Bio don't do something soon, PVP will be like the old space sim on rails. It's there, but no one uses it.

It's apparent they aren't going to fix all the things we've been asking for and what has driven most of the people away. So I guess we just have to accept that.

But they have some other options to keep PVP on life support for those remaining.

Merge all west coast servers to harbinger so that the whole west coast PVP population is together or allow free transfers from dead servers to Harbinger only.

I would even go as far as suggesting they promote Harbinger as the preferred PVP server in the US and encourage all NA, SA and APAC players, move to Harbinger for PVP. Incentivise it by giving out some reward that is only available if you transfer.

I suggest Harbinger for a few reasons.

1. APAC players can really only PVP on the west coast. Trying to PVP on the east coast can add over 100ms in ping. If they merged into any east coast server they would lose any remaining APAC players which would completely defeat the purpose of trying to keep PVP alive.

2. Harbinger is the most populated US server anyway. So it makes sense for less populated servers to merge with it.

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I play mostly on the Harbinger so I don't know how any other servers are but I know the queues at least recently (since the DvL event) the queues have been considerably lower. It used to be about 5-9 minutes before a queue pop but now it's about 10 - 12 minutes but obviously, if I swap to my midbie/lowbie toon, then I get queue pops that take only 2-5 minutes so it seems that with this event that a majority of the population is participating so I wouldn't worry too much about "PvP dying on the Harbinger". You'll just have to suffer through higher queue times until people hit 65 and start que'ing with their undergeared toons that they will have no skill on. :rak_03:


Definitely going to hate the upcoming weeks/months in PvP. :(


I like your optimism :) But let me add some pessimism to balance it out.

I've been reading the general section of the forums more because the PVP section is pretty much dead. I've tried to promote PVP for the DvL event and really tried to talk it up by offering help and positive advice.

Most of what I am seeing being discussed is "all you need to do is play 5-6 WZ to get the DvL thing done" and my favourite (which the PVP community only has itself to blame) "PVP is so toxic, there are all these elitist jerks who abuse you, don't bother doing it". There are many other negative responses and comments. The impression the PVE community has of us is terrible. They encourage the rest of the community not to PVP.

Sure there are some voices that are positive, but they are drowned out really quickly by the majority of haters. To the point that the positive people go quiet and the thread dies or continues on as hate thread.

My only conclusion is that once these people get what they want for the DvL event, they will stop playing. Any that remain will become disallusioned by the remaining PVP trolls abusing them, so will stop playing too. We may get a few converts, but there will be very few.

So I can't ever see 65s bouncing straight back to where it was and I can't see many of these lowbie pvpers grinding it out and L2P in 65s.

Yes my views are pessimistic, but I'm also a realist and I try to look at all the evidence before making any comments.

I really, really hope I'm wrong.


But here's me being positive to balance my negativity. We maybe able to change their opionion.

I would suggest that us remaining pvpers make all PVE people welcome. Don't abuse them for mistakes or being newbies. Try and help them, offer polite advice, befriend them and get them hooked. PVP can be like a drug, that adrenaline rush, especially when you're new to it, is pretty awesome.

I would also suggest we speak up in the general forum section. Keep any PVP threads alive with "positive" msg's. Don't troll and don't get into heated arguments. Offer advice, answer questions and above all make them feel like they are going to have an awesome time in PVP.

Let's convert as many as possible. It's what we need to keep PVP going. We know damn well Bio aren't going to do anything and it's up to us as usual to find a solution.



Edit : I started this thread in the gen forum section about PVP earlier this week. Got one or two good posts, then it died fast when some negative people posted. I tried to keep it alive, but I didn't want to look like I'm the only pvper interested in having them in pvp. If anyone else wants to join in and post to get a positive PVP discussion happening in the gen/PVE section of the forums, that would be great.



There were also some negative threads about PVP and posts in others. I can't seem to find them now as any PVP threads disappear. So if your in the forums and posting in the PVP section. Jump across and answer any PVP related post or threads you find. Be positive, get these guys onboard .





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I would like to thank you, TrixxieTriss, for all your effort and enthusiasm.


I’ve started to play SWTOR in early 2014 on the Progenitor as an old KOTOR fan without any MMO background experience. I’ve been enjoying the game story-wise basically till level 20-22 with my Shadow. After finishing Capital World missions and doing couple of lvl 10-20 flashpoints I found PvE pretty boring. I was curious about end-game Operations though as I was thinking about them as the end of all story lines available for groups only. So I wanted to get to lvl 55 faster than the game offered back then and decided to try out warzones while doing story missions.


I jumped in without knowing anything about SWTOR PvP as a klicker and keyboard-turner and my first map was Huttball and I barely knew what to do dying fast and trying to hit “those sith”. I actually saw other faction toons for the first time! Warzones made an impression of a big mess and toxic lake, but something has intrigued me. I was wondering how someone can enjoy this. “There must be something, I just need to get better and understand how it works”- that’s what I thought. I’ve started to do the forum research and learned about key-binding, mouse-turning and GUI customization. From that moment even the PvE part became more fun because a newly acquired habit of constant moving reminded me of my Q3 times.:cool:


After 6 months of playing the game I’ve almost forgot about PvE. I was all into PvP… I’ve started to create toon after toon to learn how to counter different classes, to try out healing and tanking, to get all class buffs, etc.


I’ve transferred 10 out of 12 toons I have now to TRE about a year ago because in terms of PvP Prog is dead. At least for the Rep side and I like playing underdogs.


Honestly, I think all this story content that started from ROTHC is crap. For me that’s what is really dead in this game.BW had way better stories in other games, and I’ve played all BW games and I have no fun in finding same plot moves and twists over and over again. I did not even finish chapter VII on my main (others have only old story arcs finished for buffs and legacy titles). I did several operations with my former guildmates on Prog and I was falling asleep most of the time doing them. But I still love and enjoy PvP despite how broken it is and I think it is the only life sparkle in this game. As soon as it dies completely I will uninstall it.


So, we really need to attract new people to PvP, or shall I say seduce? Because once you get into it it’s like a drug.:) And it makes me optimistic to see PvPers who played since launch to still care about those who just arrived.:jawa_angel:

Edited by zhezvya
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I like your optimism :) But let me add some pessimism to balance it out.

I've been reading the general section of the forums more because the PVP section is pretty much dead. I've tried to promote PVP for the DvL event and really tried to talk it up by offering help and positive advice.

Most of what I am seeing being discussed is "all you need to do is play 5-6 WZ to get the DvL thing done" and my favourite (which the PVP community only has itself to blame) "PVP is so toxic, there are all these elitist jerks who abuse you, don't bother doing it". There are many other negative responses and comments. The impression the PVE community has of us is terrible. They encourage the rest of the community not to PVP.


I agree the community is really toxic. That being said i think most of those people bashing on PVP probably don't bother to PVP in any other MMO style game either. Maybe it's just not for them? Maybe they don't get off on competitive game play the same way others do and they will never like it. I think the majority of people who do enjoy PVP have already left the game because of obvious neglect. We may get a few new faces here and there but the pvp gaming community have all but completely abandoned SWTOR.

Thats just my opinion

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PVP is not dead as long as im still getting pops... and a lot of people owe me credits for posting this based on the previously listed new rule about paying for game is dead posts. :)


Seriously though what did any of you expect? a person queues for ranked without being an expert and they are immediately raked over the coals, insulted to a level that would make their dead ancestors blush, and made to feel about as welcome as crotch rot.


And dont give me the biowares fault nonsense... this isnt a new thing its been that was for a long as there has been rated pvp in this game. Toxicity and contempt have always been the defacto standard in ranked pvp in this game, far more than any other ive played, and its the primary reason i never took it seriously and pvp for fun, not ego.


I enjoy pvp in this game, but if you are taking it that seriously you are simply in the wrong place and always have been. This game was never about serious rated play, ever. If im going to do rated PvP i go to GW2, WoW or outside the MMO genre. Those who take it that seriously in this game are kidding themselves... trying to be the big fish in the small pond.

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I hoped never to say this. I've seen so many predictions since launch about the game dying. The game as such is still alive, at least the FP story mode is. But PVP is dead, It's in its death throws.

Everyone started to transfer to harbinger because of low PVP population on other servers. Now Harbinger is experiencing the same thing.

Sure there are times that it seems fine, but there are huge queue times now at other times that used to only have 2-5min wait times only three months ago.

If that's not dying I don't know what is. Other servers are dead even at prime time, now old Harbinger is heading that way. I thought we might see a slow decline before it happened, but it seems to be accelerating really fast, must faster than I ever expected.

Even these PVP forums are dead. Some threads are still on the front page from a few days ago. That is not normal for this highly vocal group.

I don't know what Bio can do to fix it, if anything. But they should at least merge the servers into region blocks. ie, merge all of the west coast to Harbinger


I play on multiple servers and all of them seem dead now even the EU ones few months back we had 25 to 30 active members on at all times. Now it is just me on my whole guild doesn't play anymore time to pack up and go to Over watch or another game.

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