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Please Don't do it again - Dark & Light event - PLEASE DON'T!


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Why not just make this the way to level in this game now and add something new for old players... like.... hmmm.... i dont know.... NEW CONTENT!!! Ops (they aren't hard to make), fps (even easier), better warzones (not hard), CROSS SERVER QUEUES FOR EVERYTHING!!! <-- i like this last idea... continuing on... better story, get rid of the month to month 30 minute crappy story expansion and do one massive expansion every 3-6 months which contain actual multi player content...


BW, don't mess with the community anymore. If there was a better star wars game, I would be there right now, but guess what, EA ****ed over the other one so this is all I have for star wars....

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I swore I would not get involved in stuff like this, damn my enjoyment of starwars!


As insults go that is the only thing Bioware has been good at. Several good custom armor pieces that people enjoy, Bioware removed from the game. Several old pve and pvp tiers that people wanted back in the game because theyhave a appearance tab now, Bioware removed from the game not coming back. Troopers and Bhs wanting to keep their iconic full auto ability, Bioware **** you we are removing it for good unless you are a command/merc. Starfighter needs some balance against gunships, Bioware screw that too much work.


Now the latest in a much longer line of insults, which could go on for a full page by the way, this event. Do not do it? Like we have a choice in the matter. They are directly tying its outcome to what will happen to the Republic and the Empire this fall. I am sorry but I do not want the sith turned into a little empire because the new players chose to go lightside/republic. I would be most willing to skip it but while its tied to the outcome of the Repulic and the Sith , you do not leave people choice. Hence why the veterans are pissed.


I do believe the op is extreme here but here it goes. Its real simple start event at scheduled time, update event on August 1st for veteran membership. Yes bioware this will require work. For the retroactive idea to work you will need to fix your codex among other things so the game can tell what players have accomplished.


What the hell am I doing? No bloody point to this.

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There is an incentive to play while waiting for season 2. That is a good enough reason to me.


It gives me no incentive to play at all. All my character slots are already filled, I have no plans to buy more, and I have no interest creating yet more characters.


I have several 65s and more high-level characters I'd like to do a new event with. I enjoy playing those characters, and would like to do some new things with those characters. However, Bioware evidently wants this to be for brand new characters only, and has no new things to do in this "event".

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Now here we go again... You are TOTALLY TICKING OFF the community of players. APOLOGIZE for a poor idea and immediately cancel this event and rethink it. People are Un-Subbing & Leaving the game. They are Heated and Hot about this. Are you guys trying to tank the game? That is the only reason why you would force existing, invested, Subbed players to get 8 more slots to do this event.


I still fail to see the reasons of hate against it.


I'll never have Legendary status - about that I'm sure.


I haven't been playing my class stories FOR AGES.


I haven't even begun KOTFE !


So what ?

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Children will also throw temper tantrums when they do not get what they want in the hopes that the adults will cave and give them what they want in order to stop those temper tantrums.


Adults will accept that they do not always get what they want.


Do you actually have children? I do, 3 of them. I also have had over 800 members over the the last 14 years as leader of my team. You are defending poor decision making which is the worst thing you can do as a adult, parent or as a leader.


If you think this is just about one person, your totally wrong. Its about spending hundreds of hours putting a team together and then, again (just like in the first year of SWTOR) people making really poor decisions at Bioware/EA. Then not having the resolve or being adult enough to admit they made a mistake. Then fix them. This event is a mistake, short sighted and an insult to veteran players.


You don't slap people in the face and then expect them to keep on wanting to hang around you. That is what people feel like, weather you think they feel "Entitled" or your just "Above" everyone else in your thinking. This was a poor choice and if they could find a way to say "Our bad, lets fix this." Excluding people or forcing them to redo hundreds of hours of content they have done 100x over is just a poor idea. It does the worst thing: causes people to want to leave the game. That is the exact opposite of what any game content should do.


The fact remains, people will feel the way they feel. My job as leader is to voice their concerns.


Here is hoping for the best from Bioware/EA this time. Someone there has got to have the guts to man up and say, "This was a bad choice, thanks for the feedback and we will take action to make it right with our players." Thats a good decision.


- Kismet

Edited by Lord_Kismet
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I'm with you but I doubt they will scrap the event.... Likely will do a communication blackout and let it drop and hold their breath instead.


They should instate retroactive achievements for Vet players at the very least so people that have burned out on the replay value of the game are not forced to replay the content once again.


If they scorn the vet player base then while all the new players they seem so concerned about come and go between "the next greatest thing" they will have no one to pay the subs......


Trying to stir up new player interest I get, punching your Vet players in the face to do it is terrible and really a sign of complete lack of understanding of the SWToR community.

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Probably true on the holding their breath & lack of understanding on their community. Though I like to stay positive and hold out hope that maybe this will be the time where it is different.


Come on Bioware/EA, I believe in the power to not repeat past mistakes! Don't ignore the problem, address it and direction change. You'll gain much more respect that way.


- Kismet


I'm with you but I doubt they will scrap the event.... Likely will do a communication blackout and let it drop and hold their breath instead.


They should instate retroactive achievements for Vet players at the very least so people that have burned out on the replay value of the game are not forced to replay the content once again.


If they scorn the vet player base then while all the new players they seem so concerned about come and go between "the next greatest thing" they will have no one to pay the subs......


Trying to stir up new player interest I get, punching your Vet players in the face to do it is terrible and really a sign of complete lack of understanding of the SWToR community.

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TL: DR of event:

1.Veteran Players get to repeat all the content they've already done for some boxes of stuff.


2.RNG boxes of stuff that don't even guarantee that you'll get any of the worthwhile things from them.

(includes one “Best of” Dark or Light themed weapon, gear, mount, decoration, color crystal or dye from previous cartel packs plus either an XP Boost or Companion gift)


3. You can't get rewards on existing characters you love and spent hundreds of hours on.


It's like BW wants the active and Veterans players to quit. This event would have been great in 2012. This event is really just their way of making stupid people think that the game is brand new.

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From a psychological point of view this might be really interesting at how much do you value your time.


I would imagine it takes about 30 hours to get from 1 to 50 on any class, I haven't tried it since level syncing came in but if its less than that I'd be a little disappointed with how limited the game is. I think it took Eric 16 hours to do Kofte and thats much shorter.


So 30 hours x 8 for each class is 240 hours. This doesn't take in to consideration the flashpoints and waiting for them to pop, Makeb (i'm guessing thats required), HK, SOR and other stuff. Now from what I can tell people are not running this content at the moment in this manner for fun.


So for a shiney new tank mount and a title will people at the end of it hold their heads up high and say I'm to be admired. Many years from now sitting on their deathbed while their cats wait anxiously to eat their undiscovered rotting corpse will they turn to their cats and say I don't regret it at all. So what if I never moved out of my parents house I got some title and a special tank mount from this award.


It some how seems that this event looking to rehash content and not credit people that already have done it, is only really aimed at a very specific target audience within the vet community. And I'm not even sure its that appealing to people that don't currently play as if they didn't want to play the 1 to 60 story and haven't tied Kofte this may not really appeal.

Edited by Costello
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Children will also throw temper tantrums when they do not get what they want in the hopes that the adults will cave and give them what they want in order to stop those temper tantrums.


Adults will accept that they do not always get what they want.


Do you actually have children? I do, 3 of them. I also have had over 800 members over the the last 14 years as leader of my team. You are defending poor decision making which is the worst thing you can do as a adult, parent or as a leader.


Well, even children DO want to have things RIGHT NOW and do not care whether Xmas or their Birthday is just 4 days away ...


From a psychological point of view this might be really interesting at how much do you value your time.


Well, for me, it's too easy right now : I'm so much exhausted during the week that I simply don't have enough power to play SWTOR on other days than Friday - Sunday anymore. ( Which is why I'm most likely ending my subscription within the next few months. ) I just can't.


So, for me, I'll try to log in a bit more often ... but there's a border of how much I can do each evening.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Having done this game with 35 toons on 2 servers (28 are level 65) perhaps you can see why doing more toons are more of a job...lets see kill mobs smash spacebar for story skips. Hmmm lotza fun. NOT!


Same here man. They have to do *something for vets. This is complete BS

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If I had to guess, the only people that are going to benefit this are the new players that are playing this for the first time and are considered game addicts that got the money for Bioware. What will piss me off after this event is that I still don't see more opportunities for single players to go solo on certain areas like flashpoints WITH a challenge and still reap the rewards. I hate this design where if I want the best gear I need to do it with a group that DO NOT meet my gameplay interest. Screw them.
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WOW no way O M G people do that? That is so naughty I hope their mommy spanks them for misbehaving. Also oh my goodness there are gangs in this game I just don't feel safe anymore like what's next? You're right I just need to grip onto the titanic and all my problems will be solved and it will be like magical, glittery, and sparkly. :D


Can their mommy spank me for their misbehaving? I'll pay :D

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Yep... because repeating content from 4.5 years ago for a better reward is the best thing ever in the world that treats all customers equally.


Enough with the "stop whining no one is forcing you to do x" as it does nothing constructive, I can turn it around and say the same about you posting on the forums.


This. So much this. Please stop telling people not to voice our opinions about the things Bioware is doing. We don't like what they're doing, we have a right to tell them we don't like it, and if you don't like that fact, you really should be doing something other than telling people to "stop whining." Perhaps try to sway their opinions by offering another perspective, complete with details and examples that will bolster your opinion.

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This. So much this. Please stop telling people not to voice our opinions about the things Bioware is doing. We don't like what they're doing, we have a right to tell them we don't like it, and if you don't like that fact, you really should be doing something other than telling people to "stop whining." Perhaps try to sway their opinions by offering another perspective, complete with details and examples that will bolster your opinion.

I wouldn't worry too much about it man. Those who tell others not to complain eventually have something happen that they don't like and then it comes full circle on them.


Those who are averse to the complaint mindset as a whole, in general in life, are not likely to go around telling others not to complain. They will just avoid those who do it to what they deem as excessive. The ones who habitually complain about the complaints of others are as immersed in the complaint mindset as the people they are disparaging. They've just found a way to do it that makes them feel like better people.


It's kinda amusing in a way, when you stop and think about the mental gymnastics employed by a lot of people, including in your own mind.

Edited by Rolodome
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I wouldn't worry too much about it man. Those who tell others not to complain eventually have something happen that they don't like and then it comes full circle on them.


Those who are averse to the complaint mindset as a whole, in general in life, are not likely to go around telling others not to complain. They will just avoid those who do it to what they deem as excessive. The ones who habitually complain about the complaints of others are as immersed in the complaint mindset as the people they are disparaging. They've just found a way to do it that makes them feel like better people.


It's kinda amusing in a way, when you stop and think about the mental gymnastics employed by a lot of people, including in your own mind.


This. It's fine to disagree and all, but to see "stop whining" on a public forum that we have to pay for to access is absurd. I would prefer someone defending the perks of this update instead, even if how minor. For instance, although I didn't agree with Holocrons thread earlier, he took it at a different POV and put himself in Bioware trying to explain their actions. Do we all agree? probably not, is it constructive and make us think differently? maybe so.

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This. It's fine to disagree and all, but to see "stop whining" on a public forum that we have to pay for to access is absurd. I would prefer someone defending the perks of this update instead, even if how minor. For instance, although I didn't agree with Holocrons thread earlier, he took it at a different POV and put himself in Bioware trying to explain their actions. Do we all agree? probably not, is it constructive and make us think differently? maybe so.


I agree wholeheartedly peter cause I've been there and any of those who do it say "stop whining" report their post and ignore them, they just trolling and hating. They just wanna get under your goat cause they think their **** don't stink. lol! :rolleyes:

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The real shame, IMO, is how many players are too averse to the effort required to actually EARN those rewards under the rules for the event, instead feeling that they are ENTITLED to have those new rewards simply handed to them for something which they did years, or months, ago and for which they have already been rewarded.




This is a game, in order to be successful and retain players, earning those rewards has to be engaging and entertaining. Rerunning old content that you have run many times already getting 8 plus toons to present max level is not entertaining or engaging. It has nothing to do with entitlement, it has everything to do with the entire event concept being fundamentally flawed in not delivering entertainment that will keep a good number of long time players engaged and subbed until the next season. I know I cancelled my sub until such time as there is real, new content to play. It has enough days left on it to get me to Chapter 16. I pay to be entertained, this event fails to deliver therefore I will not be paying. I will take that money and use it for something that IS entertaining.

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My 2 Cents:


Here's the deal, I already have 16 Characters, that's every freaking class, multiple races and genders, deleted and re-rolled and jumped servers multiple times. I've been playing the game for 4 years, subscribed on and off. I've already done every variation on story I'm interested in doing.


This EVENT is NOT an EVENT, for player like myself, it is LITERALLY doing EVERYTHING I've already done 2-3 times already, over AGAIN. All of the objectives required for the different Levels of the "EVENT" are all already recorded in my FREAKING Legacy. #nonsense


And for those of you who want to say: "No one is forcing you to participate in the "EVENT." To you, I say, you are right. No one is forcing me, which I'm thankful for, because the Event Rewards are trivial, they'll have little to no Impact on actual game play. However that fact still remains that, this "EVENT" IS MOST DEFINITELY a BIG middle finger to the long time players such as my self.


This EVENT is going to last longer then any other event to date, and I for one am disappointed, and annoyed that I an many others wont be able to truly enjoy it because we'll literally be doing stuff we've already done many times. Try and spin it anyway you want but veteran players are a complete after thought here.


These rewards should be given retroactively, or at the very least some kind of compromise, to players who have already achieved these "Levels" from years of hard work, dedication and Loyalty to the Game. You know make the veteran players feel valued and appreciated, so we KEEP subscribing. Doing this will allow the "EVENT" to still hold the SAME appeal to new players and returning players but not make us veterans feel like, unappreciated, crap.


Venting Over. :(

Edited by dylanggct
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This is a game, in order to be successful and retain players, earning those rewards has to be engaging and entertaining. Rerunning old content that you have run many times already getting...


Not picking on you in particular, but I find it funny that there are so many complaints from the "I've already leveled 30 or 40 characters! Why is BW making us make 8 more!" First off, you don't have to go for the highest tier rewards. For the next to highest tier you only need 2 level 65 characters and to have run all fps in story or solo mode at least once. That's challenging how? If you only have one slot free you can do all of that with one slot but you will need to delete your character after he hits 65 and roll one on the opposite faction. If you've gone through the game 20 or 30 or 40 times, how is BW making an event of running it again sparking a rage-fest? Now if you'd only done it once and only play that one character you might have a mild case against this event or at least I can see you not going for it (but raging about it? no). The top tier in this event is not going to be hit by everyone, it's not supposed to be hit by everyone (but it's very easy to level 8 characters with +50%xp gear and lots of 2+ heroics if you slightly know what you're doing - that's the easy part of that tier for me) - what's the big deal?


As for retroactive... we've already gotten lots of achievements for doing stuff in the past. This event and the titles that no one will ever use and achievements are about July-<whenever> 2016.

Edited by Savej
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Man, all this selfish whining.


"a big middle finger"

"a slap in the face"

"loyalty means nothing"

"all that work wasted"

"I've been here since day one...I deserve more"

"I've already done all that, just give me the rewards because I don't want to do it again".


That last one is my favorite I think. I never got any reward for getting good grades in school, but many years later my parents decided my little brother needed an incentive to try harder so they gave him a generous amount for anything above a "C". I wonder just how pathetic it would seem if I decided to go up to my mom and ask her to give me the same rewards retroactively. Probably real pathetic seeing as I am in my 40s.


Same principle applies here...you deserve no more and no less than what you already have from your time invested. None of you started this game going "I'm gonna be a subscriber for 5 years because I just know I'm going to get a big bonus for being such a loyal customer!" Get a grip. You've done what you've done and got what you deserve. No more and no less. You also have the exact same opportunity to earn the rewards as everyone else, nothing has been taken away from you.


Some of y'all are acting like they're gonna wipe your characters out of existence. Others acting like there's never going to be any thing new in SWTOR ever again. Then there are those who want something for nothing. I've never seen such an incredible level of entitlement in my life.

Edited by Drachehexe
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Not picking on you in particular, but I find it funny that there are so many complaints from the "I've already leveled 30 or 40 characters! Why is BW making us make 8 more!" First off, you don't have to go for the highest tier rewards. For the next to highest tier you only need 2 level 65 characters and to have run all fps in story or solo mode at least once. That's challenging how? If you only have one slot free you can do all of that with one slot but you will need to delete your character after he hits 65 and roll one on the opposite faction. If you've gone through the game 20 or 30 or 40 times, how is BW making an event of running it again sparking a rage-fest? Now if you'd only done it once and only play that one character you might have a mild case against this event or at least I can see you not going for it (but raging about it? no). The top tier in this event is not going to be hit by everyone, it's not supposed to be hit by everyone (but it's very easy to level 8 characters with +50%xp gear and lots of 2+ heroics if you slightly know what you're doing - that's the easy part of that tier for me) - what's the big deal?


As for retroactive... we've already gotten lots of achievements for doing stuff in the past. This event and the titles that no one will ever use and achievements are about July-<whenever> 2016.


You still don't get it. It is easy, exceedingly easy. It is also exceedingly boring and thus totally uninteresting and not a reason to keep logging in. I don't give a hoot about the rewards at all. Another companion to get lost among the thundering herd of companions I already have. A mount to get lost in the large parking garage full of mounts I already have. I am annoyed that the best they could do to bridge the gap until season 2 was this garbage event.


I tried an event like this in Star Trek Online, the Delta Event. I found it exceedingly boring and ended up just not logging into STO until real content was released, which is what I will do here. Already dropped my sub, not going to pay when I am not being entertained.

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the best they could do to bridge the gap until season 2 was this garbage event


You are under the assumption that Bioware has the capability to do more right now. Open up your eyes. They've been cost cutting since before KotFE. The last several months have been nothing but an aggressive pursuit of bringing in new subscribers.


Mum and dad had to spend all their money to keep the electricity going so you'll just have to play with all your old toys for now. Life is like that sometimes kiddo.

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Man, all this selfish whining.


Some of y'all are acting like they're gonna wipe your characters out of existence. Others acting like there's never going to be any thing new in SWTOR ever again. Then there are those who want something for nothing. I've never seen such an incredible level of entitlement in my life.


When you PAY for a service you are ENTITLED TO SERVICE. When a service being paid for is unsatisfactory people complain in hopes of resolution. If no resolution is met people stop paying for said service.


By your logic these unhappy people are expected to continue to pay for a service they're unhappy with because YOU deem their satisfaction is irrelevant. Meanwhile even the most populated servers are seeing player decline.


In other words, you have no actual reasonable defense so you've resorted to insulting people.


It's bad enough that players are essentially reduced to playing recycled content as is -- worse that the same content is still bugged plenty despite its age. From my perspective the event sends the message that the population is dwindling to the point where this "event" is a thinly veiled attempt to repopulate the servers.


GSF gets virtually no support and any change is practically guaranteed to be a new bug. Pvp has never gotten proper balancing, open world pvp is essentially dead. The newest Operation Boss fight was released what, last year, and was only one boss. Inflation has grown to a point where f2p and pref status players can hardly particpate in the economy given their credit limitations and for most it's unlikely they're getting the experience that would entice them to subscribe.


But keep telling people they're "entitled" because insulting a dwindling player base is totally going to resolve this issue.

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There's nothing wrong with this event. Before everyone starts screaming about me being a White Knight, I feel that Menace is the only one here who truly gets it and he's most certainly not a white knight. He's been criticizing the game for a long time. The event is great but not for the reasons some of the defenders are saying. For too long many of you have been quietly accepting "monotony" style of gameplay. Have to repeat content for star fortresses? No one complained. Have to repeat content for alliance alerts? No one complained. Suddenly they release an evenet where you can get rewards on new tunes? Everyone throws a tantrum.


You know why the event is good? Because currently there's not much to do in the game. Regardless if this event exists or not what are you going to be doing? Leveling new characters? Doing heroics you've done a thousand times before? Running ops and flashpoints you've done the same thing as well? At least now we're getting SOMETHING for it. So what if they cancel the event? What will you do differently? Going to run some heroics? Going to do some flashpoints you've already done? Maybe level a few new characters? ;) Right now after you do KOTFE a few times there's not much to do. This is the current problem in the game and Dark and Light isn't it.


So your choices are.. do the same content and get nothing for it. Do the same content and get something for it. Asking for it to be retroactive is asinine if that was really a problem where were you when they announced during KOTFE you get the new "gear" by running the "Same content"?


So I personally like this event. Do you know why? Because it gives me something to do, even if it is just a grind, because I've already done everything else.

Edited by Rhyltran
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