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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition: Retroactive For Dark Vs Light Event For Veteran Players and...


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How many times have you had to buy a new character slot and redo a class from scratch in order to get Conquest points?

When's the last time you earned A Revan reborn outfit or an arbiter's lightsaber for doing your Conquest? Bigger reward, more work involved. Granted, you don't know what you'll get in the pack, but the chance is there. And this isn't like a weekly thing. We have, hopefully, months to complete these goals.

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Conquest is a weekly activity that changes nothing. This is a onetime deal with permanent consequences. Your analogy is flawed.


The CM item rewards are meaningless to me. I have every single thing the CM offers. Keep the crates. I don't need or want them. I would like my years of work, recorded in the Legacy Achievement system, to actually mean something. I'm not the same as a new player. I've run HM flashpoints 25+ times. I've run ops till my eyes bled. I've killed every single WB in the game dozens of times over. I've done every single thing on the event list numerous times over.


I have five complete sets of all 8 classes, with 1 complete set through all content, including KOTFE and full Alliance influence/recruitment, another set through Ziost or partial KOTFE and the rest at mid game. I don't skip missions. I run every single mission on every single world with every single character I make. I've run the HK-51 mission 12 times to get him on the toons I wanted him on.


I've invested hundreds of millions of credits, thousands of dollars and hundreds and hundreds of hours into designing, equipping and playing all 40 of my characters over the last five years. And BW has decided nothing I did was good enough and I need to do it all again. I can't use a single one of them to contribute to the alignment tally or participate in the event in any way.


And when asked about how maxed character players are supposed to participate, Eric suggests rolling on a new server, after I just got done consolidating all of my toons on JC and transfer costs have jumped back to 1000 cc a pop, or deleting characters, even multiple iterations, in order to make room and grind the copy-pasted NuAchievment Board.

Not to mention, I'd be abandoning my friends as well as progress with characters I actually care about to make and throw away disposable cyphers for four months.


None of the previous events have been designed to prevent me from playing them. None of the previous events have said I can't use the characters I want to participate. None of the previous events have told me my progress in game is meaningless and to just delete my characters if I want to participate. In fact, I have never played any game that told me to throw away all I've done and start over, except single player games with corrupted save files and this isn't even that. That's just bad luck. This is a deliberate decision by BW and it sends a clear message: progress ingame is meaningless. Achievements are even more meaningless than you thought, because they can be invalidated whenever BW feels like.


I'm not mad. I'm not raging. I'm not even disappointed, anymore. I'm also not playing. I have three months left on my sub and I have zero motivation to even log on. So, thank you, Eric & Co. Thank you for breaking my five year addiction to this game.

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Petition: Retroactive For Dark Vs Light Event For Veteran Players and players who have already done part of the achievements and allow people who fall short of legendary player to get it with currently active characters.


Also, make items inside the DarkvLight packs Bind on-equip not bind on-pickup as they are Cartel Market items.


It's fair to all. Sign below.


Side note: Surprised this petition hasn't been started.


Signed for the retroactive portion, I would prefer the armor be legacy, anything that does not support EA/BW forcing us to use Cartel coins to unlock collections, Greedy....

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It's a new event. Rewards for the new event are earned by participating in the new event. Nobody owes you anything retroactively.


Normally I would agree with this, but its an odd case.


I have been playing since launch, I have 21 characters on my main server that are near max level. Should I pay for 8 new slots just to participate, not to mention we just had a double exp period...which means a lot of my stragglers just hit max level. I am so content on the characters I have.


It not really new, its just rewards for doing the same leveling stuff we have been doing already. If this was something like replay the old storyline with old characters or something, that would be cool...but just leveling a bunch of new toons just seems a bit insane.


Its a good incentive for people to try and play all the classes, but alot of us that have been here since launch, have done this many times already.

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Because it was not done in the event timeframe.

It's like complaining that conquest goals are not awarded retroactively...


If they give us 8 free characters slots to participate...then perhaps, i would be more understanding.


Or even a character transfer so that i can move my legacy to a server I have never played on, so at least my time playing since early release counts


Im supposed to what? buy 8 slots or pay for character transfer, or delete a bunch of old maxed out characters that i have had for the last couple years.

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If they give us 8 free characters slots to participate...then perhaps, i would be more understanding.


Or even a character transfer so that i can move my legacy to a server I have never played on, so at least my time playing since early release counts


Im supposed to what? buy 8 slots or pay for character transfer, or delete a bunch of old maxed out characters that i have had for the last couple years.


You only need 2 character slots open...


Eric has already said once the character hits lv 50 you can delete it because it already counts as checked off. You can even do it with one open slot to. Get your facts straight before you start complaining. Like how people are complaining this is BW's fault. It's not biowares fault is EA's fault.


You don't need 8 character slots, you dont need to re-do story content on those 7 other characters you get to lv 50 on, you can trash them once they hit 50. because the achievement will have the check mark for that class.


Everyone is blowing this event out of proportion just like with level sync. At first with that i though that sucks and i was up and arms but you know what i did? I looked at the facts, and i don't mind the level sync at all it makes over leveling even easier because missions contort to your current level.


So all i ask is, look at the details then complain. It's like when a person gets shot by a cop, everyone is up in arms about police brutality, riot and destroy half of a city. Then the next day a video comes out showing the guy was pointing a gun at the cop and the rioters look like complete morons. I cant stress this enough look over everything... then riot...

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Problem is there will only be 1 gree event right when it starts, and then another hopefully right before it ends so basically only have 2 tries to get legendary


Even so its kill 50 mobs. once you hit lv 50 with a throw away (which will take like 3-4 hours) you can go to illum and kill mobs.

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The fact that L vs. D is not retroactive is a slap in the face to the veteran subscribers and CM buyers who have loyally supported this game over the past 3+ years. They need to reverse this boneheaded decision, and make it retroactive.
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When's the last time you earned A Revan reborn outfit or an arbiter's lightsaber for doing your Conquest? Bigger reward, more work involved. Granted, you don't know what you'll get in the pack, but the chance is there. And this isn't like a weekly thing. We have, hopefully, months to complete these goals.


And if you already have these rewards what good are they to you since you can't sell them even to vendors or give them to someone who doesn't have them?

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Even so its kill 50 mobs. once you hit lv 50 with a throw away (which will take like 3-4 hours) you can go to illum and kill mobs.


And the people who have a life outside the game that don't spend 8 to 10 hours a day on the game?

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And the people who have a life outside the game that don't spend 8 to 10 hours a day on the game?


Casirabit you are awesome! You're 100 percent right what about the rest of us who done this numerous times and actually have a life outside this game.This sorry excuse of recycling content is idiotic they need to make things retroactive. I'll be unsubbing and I'll get my friends and guild to leave as well.

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And the people who have a life outside the game that don't spend 8 to 10 hours a day on the game?


I spend 3-4 hours a day on the game (I have a life outside the game, including a girlfriend), 50 mobs will take less then 10 mins to do. Note the mobs can be any difficulty from weak to champion.

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Agreed, making it retroactive would only mean people will log on Tuesday and some will just finish off the last few they haven't done. Again I can see the idea for this event but in my opinion it could be done better and that is why I am preaching that Bioware need to communicate with its playerbase so that we all can enjoy this event in one way or another. Ultimately we will always have the crowd who will complain.

Which is why I think they shouldn't make it 100% retroactive. Like have the achievements available to characters who simply haven't done the content. I have 16 characters; only 2 of them have been taken through everything in KotFE. Make that achievement available to the rest of my characters.


Or even just my characters that haven't finished their class stories.

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Which is why I think they shouldn't make it 100% retroactive. Like have the achievements available to characters who simply haven't done the content. I have 16 characters; only 2 of them have been taken through everything in KotFE. Make that achievement available to the rest of my characters.


Or even just my characters that haven't finished their class stories.


Exactly. If they did something like this, it would silence a lot of us. Not all, as there are still plenty of people who have already maxed way too many characters. But it would certainly help.

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Exactly. If they did something like this, it would silence a lot of us. Not all, as there are still plenty of people who have already maxed way too many characters. But it would certainly help.

Very true but it wouldn't be much of an event if it's all done already. That and just the way it's logged that it's completed isn't connected to the Legacy system.


But redoing flashpoints and operations shouldn't be a problem right? We redo them anyway all the time.

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Even so its kill 50 mobs. once you hit lv 50 with a throw away (which will take like 3-4 hours) you can go to illum and kill mobs.


and the people screwing eachother over for every single respawn will be legendary. because bioware isnt smart enough to reduce respawn timers.

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This 'event' has been incredibly badly handled.


From the start when they first mentioned a special light vs dark event, people foolishly thought EAware would be bringing some repeatable style content to the game over the summer. Oh how foolish we were, but even the pessimists thought the worst it could be would be a metric counter for light vs dark choices in the game. Yes there are less for vets but you could run solo BT 20 times a day if you wanted to compete. But no where in any ones most warped and twisted mind did anyone think it would be an event only available to new characters.


So we have gone from New Content everyone could enjoy (possibly even repeatable to keep people happy through the summer) to repeating old content that the development team encouraged people to do previously with the 12 times XP and the 12 times XP before that and the double XP before that and the double XP before that. I remember the posts from the development team telling us what a good time to check out those other class stories. How stupid we were for listening back then.


And that leaves the customers looking for a compromise where previous achievements from playing and supporting the game for the past 5 years are credited. The situation is comical that it has gone from the dream of new content to asking not to need to repeat old content that people have already done is the summer event. How can a professional company possibly be run like this. Maybe it was too much to hope that a new event meant new content but did anyone honestly see the new event only being available to new characters and simply a long list of up to 5 year old content being the event?


Did anyone see this coming, cause it doesn't seem to be anything like what the customer base would want, aside from those that don't work and needed an excuse to reroll some characters rather than get a job or move out of their parents basement.

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I don't know that it will help, but..




It's not a matter that I don't want to rerun content. Well, that's part of it. But I don't want to redo achievements I've already done, especially for things like crafting and HM FPs. I already have almost all the classes in the game, and I've finished the crafting achievements for all of the professions (only counting the actual crafting skills, not the mission skills here). I know others have, too, and it's really ridiculous to force us to do it all over again just to complete this "event."

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This 'event' has been incredibly badly handled.


From the start when they first mentioned a special light vs dark event, people foolishly thought EAware would be bringing some repeatable style content to the game over the summer. Oh how foolish we were, but even the pessimists thought the worst it could be would be a metric counter for light vs dark choices in the game. Yes there are less for vets but you could run solo BT 20 times a day if you wanted to compete. But no where in any ones most warped and twisted mind did anyone think it would be an event only available to new characters.


So we have gone from New Content everyone could enjoy (possibly even repeatable to keep people happy through the summer) to repeating old content that the development team encouraged people to do previously with the 12 times XP and the 12 times XP before that and the double XP before that and the double XP before that. I remember the posts from the development team telling us what a good time to check out those other class stories. How stupid we were for listening back then.


And that leaves the customers looking for a compromise where previous achievements from playing and supporting the game for the past 5 years are credited. The situation is comical that it has gone from the dream of new content to asking not to need to repeat old content that people have already done is the summer event. How can a professional company possibly be run like this. Maybe it was too much to hope that a new event meant new content but did anyone honestly see the new event only being available to new characters and simply a long list of up to 5 year old content being the event?


Did anyone see this coming, cause it doesn't seem to be anything like what the customer base would want, aside from those that don't work and needed an excuse to reroll some characters rather than get a job or move out of their parents basement.


The first we heard of this was what? 3-4 weeks ago (that was the first I heard of it)? They never said or implied that there would be anything "new content-ish" about this event; we're still getting chapters. We didn't have time to build up huge expectations, right? Think of it as a 12x-xp-style event (people were calling 12xp an event even though that's not what BW was calling it at the time) with rewards, perks, window dressing and galactic consequences. If you don't want to participate, don't. If you do want to participate, don't think you're obliged to go for the final tier or that Shia Lebouf's pointing a gun at your head telling you to "do it". You've got months...

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