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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


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Just finished reading 10 pages. I saw a few arguing that op was just complaining and asking for free hand out rewards of rewards.....


The problem isn't so much about this event but again the lack of new content.


Someone may help to count the number of events content we had in swtor (and we did have some good ones). but what was the last one? When was the last one? My rough memory says more than two years ago.


Let the new players have the rewards. I don't mind. But just please produce real content.

Edited by Banegio
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This event is simple to defend; SWTOR needs it to work.


If you want SWTOR to get better, this event needs to work. If it fails, SWTOR will most likely have its plug pulled. If it is successful on a mediocre level, SWTOR may go on, but it probably won't improve. If you want SWTOR to get better then this event needs to be a smashing success. Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow but Light vs Dark may just be what makes or breaks this game. So love it or hate it you better at least hope it succeeds.



No. Just a simple and honest no, if you do not mind.

I do not care if the game dies or goes on. And if this "event" has shown anything apart from an astounding amount of ignorance on Bioware`s part; seriously, if they believe they can draw in enough new people to make up for those who picked every aspect of the game to its bones, who I see leaving the game for an unkown period of time, then someone at Bioware has lost their minds.

Just my own feelings about this event, when I first read the announcment I got a feeling of :


If this event is supposed to keep Swtor alive, let alone make it better for the future then let it burn. Or rather, I will gladly let it burn to the ground if this is how Bioware does buisness.

Talking about taking "notes" to see which side of the force is more popular? Granting titles and items that have little to no meaning because people already have them or too many of them? Serioulsy, a companion and CM items, the second already in the hands of loyal customers who waste real money on them?

This event screams of life support, especially the way it was "marketed" to its player base.


It is a shame for new players who can find enjoyment immmersing themselves in the Star Wars universe, even more so in the original 8 stories which have kept me entertained well enough to put up with a lot of crap, but recycling as blatantly devoid of customer experience as this event is not gonna encourage me to partake in it, let alone stick around long enough to see what Bioware has in store (snicker) for the future....

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Because an Operation or Flashpoint is on the same scale as relevelling a class from scratch... :confused:


So people only do one FP or Ops and don't do any more? You do know that not ever one does every class? If your confused you might want to take a break. Go for a walk. Kiss the dog and pat the wife/husband on the head.

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I do not care if the game dies or goes on.


Then why are you here arguing about it one way or the other?


For me, personally, whether this event is good or bad I see it as a last ditch effort to keep this game alive by the devs. Everything else is irrelevant in my eyes.


Though as some have suggested elsewhere the game could already be doomed and this event is just a set up to send it into the abyss in a blaze of glory.

Edited by Drachehexe
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Much like the OP I've been here since day one as a loyal player and payer. Purchased the classic game with the cool Darth Malgus statue, and as a loyal fan I've been faithful.


I've watched this saga go from eight *amazing* stories to two good stories to one decent story. I used to explore each new planet with my guild and friends, but now....


I also was excited about the Dark vs. Light event. And OK...I can understand wanting to breathe new life into the old game (even if the old game is on super "easy" button mode).... I even cleared two slots to make a new Imp and new Pub.....


But like the OP, I have lots of characters....I've played every class, every advanced class to the max..... I can understand wanting us to do a new character because the original story is the best place to rack up light and dark choices, I get that..... But you really want us to make eight new characters? Max them out....again? Seriously?


I can see asking us to make two new characters (one on each side) to get all the rewards.....but please don't tell us veterans that everything we did over the last few years was meaningless. Doesn't our exiting legacy 50 and "legendary" status count for *something*?


There is still time before the event launches, and I hope you see a number of us making very valid points here. We're not asking for something we haven't earned. Just don't make us earn it again, please.


You kind of touched on something here that I think needs to be explored deeper.


I've been playing this game for 4.5 years. I have completed 6 class stories. And that's only because I've recently started doing Pub stories. Why? Because not enough new content to keep things interesting.


But, more to the point... it takes a long time for many of us to level because we're enjoying the stories. If their goal is to get people to experience more story, they will fail because people will just space-bar it all.


Players who have done this umpteen times are best suited for this event... but they don't want to do it all again, again.


New players will not come close to picking up all the rewards because I bet most of them actually want to play the story... which is supposed to be the main draw if this game.


Back to the point I was trying to make. If they want people to experience the story, that takes a lot of time. Even to do everything they ask on just one Pub and one Imp takes quite a lot of time. Do they have no concept of this? If they looked at player data to determine leveling time, it's probably skewed by the people who have run 20+ characters to max and aren't even looking at the story anymore.


Their requirements for upper tiers are just ridiculous.

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This event is simple to defend; SWTOR needs it to work.


If you want SWTOR to get better, this event needs to work. If it fails, SWTOR will most likely have its plug pulled. If it is successful on a mediocre level, SWTOR may go on, but it probably won't improve. If you want SWTOR to get better then this event needs to be a smashing success. Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow but Light vs Dark may just be what makes or breaks this game. So love it or hate it you better at least hope it succeeds.


If they need this to work or pull the plug, if they have lost their path that much, then I say let it burn. The fact that your trying to guilt people into being force fed the same content x8 for the sake of the future of the game, then it is already to far gone.

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Then why are you here arguing about it one way or the other?


For me, personally, whether this event is good or bad I see it as a last ditch effort to keep this game alive by the devs. Everything else is irrelevant in my eyes.


Though as some have suggested elsewhere the game could already be doomed and this event is just a set up to send it into the abyss in a blaze of glory.


I do hope that you read past those few words I wrote. I am not arguing over anything, or even with or against someone.

I have not presented a conclusion to sway people for or against it, but have written down how I feel about the event. My feelings are not arguements, I have no interest in this game aside from my own and leave every one else to decide for themselves what is best for them..

Of course, you could say that my words written here are reason enough to show that I care. But I have no desire to argue over something I have no control over, except for deciding if I am part of it or not.


It does seem like this event was set up to draw in new players, as well as reward those who started playing not so long ago. And there might be a part of me debating why it would entice "veterans" to do the same things over and over, considering the initiative behind the event.

I can agree with you that this seems like the final straw from Bioware`s side, but I already wrote how I doubt that turning their backs on loyal customers in favor of new ones is a bad decision...but it still does not make an arguement, just a wild guess at best. ;)

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If they need this to work or pull the plug, if they have lost their path that much, then I say let it burn. The fact that your trying to guilt people into being force fed the same content x8 for the sake of the future of the game, then it is already to far gone.


I'm not trying to guilt anyone into anything. I'm not even suggesting that veterans participate in the event in the least. In fact, I think veteran participation in this event is irrelevant to its success so long as veteran subs stay somewhat level. A massive of exit of veteran subs may have an effect, but not lack of veteran participants who choose to maintain their subscriptions. In fact, if you have a standing subscription for the next 4 months or so then it doesn't matter what you do, your money has already been tallied.


And yes, if this is indeed an "all or nothing" scenario for the game then it most likely has come about because of mismanagement or mix/maxing the profit margins or some other shortsighted display of ineptitude. However, if you want to keep playing this game in the future what can you do other than hope this even does what it's setting out to do?

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And yes, if this is indeed an "all or nothing" scenario for the game then it most likely has come about because of mismanagement or mix/maxing the profit margins or some other shortsighted display of ineptitude. However, if you want to keep playing this game in the future what can you do other than hope this even does what it's setting out to do?

I don't see how encouraging the leveling of 8 characters is supposed to attract new players or returning players. Nor do I see how that will translate into a sudden massive income for Bioware.

I don't see that trend in other MMOs. They'd rather count on new content.

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In those posts I was "destroying" them with sarcasm not actually telling them to shut up it was playful and good banter. Sarcasm is nice tool and can be used effectively in making a point. :)


Yes, I believe I know the concept ... sort of how I wanted you to "destroy" me. ;)

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If we allow corporate EA to pass this off to their audience of using rehashed content as a event, it will continue to be used in the future. Look at DLCS and micro transactions, crappy mobile games, they all started off somewhere and we let them into the gaming industry today. That cancer persists because we allow it. We need to show SWTOR deserves more than a skeleton crew that can't fix bugs, can't make any good content, or please more than one part of their player base at a time.


If you're CD Projekt Red then DLC is a good thing, wish more devs were like these guys.

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But you really want us to make eight new characters? Max them out....again? Seriously?


Only if you want to be legendary in the eyes of the event, if you want the companion and a bunch of other fairly decent rewards you only need create 2 characters.

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Just finished reading 10 pages. I saw a few arguing that op was just complaining and asking for free hand out rewards of rewards.....


The problem isn't so much about this event but again the lack of new content.


Someone may help to count the number of events content we had in swtor (and we did have some good ones). but what was the last one? When was the last one? My rough memory says more than two years ago.


Let the new players have the rewards. I don't mind. But just please produce real content.


^^ This guy gets the REAL issue with the game. Fully agree.

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I don't see how encouraging the leveling of 8 characters is supposed to attract new players or returning players. Nor do I see how that will translate into a sudden massive income for Bioware.

I don't see that trend in other MMOs. They'd rather count on new content.


I'm assuming they have no new content to announce or add until late in the year so thus they thought this was better than nothing.

I hope we get 200 pages and numerous threads about the lack of actual content after chapter 16 drops because this "veterans should get it all retroactively" has seemingly buried the real issue imo.

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I don't see how encouraging the leveling of 8 characters is supposed to attract new players or returning players. Nor do I see how that will translate into a sudden massive income for Bioware.

I don't see that trend in other MMOs. They'd rather count on new content.




I do not see how this 'event' will encourage new players to try out ToR. Its a list of achievement and some of them like all the flashpoints isn't appealing to a new person, specially when they get some angry vet in their group telling them to f off and die for not tanking properly.


If bioware read this and they wont. a few cosmetic rewards wont bribe new players that aren't interested in this game to become subscribers, and the good rewards are far to far gated behind tactical flashpoints etc for them to see those as viable options.


There are a lot of dumb things done in this game over the last few years, but an event that drives players away as they learn Bioware doesn't care for VETs its chasing mythical new players (who don't exist) has to be up there with them. If they hadn't done anything it would have gone this bad.

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I don't see how encouraging the leveling of 8 characters is supposed to attract new players or returning players. Nor do I see how that will translate into a sudden massive income for Bioware.

I don't see that trend in other MMOs. They'd rather count on new content.


It isnt. This is a blatant metrics game, to buff their quarterly numbers. That is it.

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It isnt. This is a blatant metrics game, to buff their quarterly numbers. That is it.


That's probably not far from the truth. MMO player numbers drop in the summer (which is why WoW drops their expansions in the fall). This is a cost effective (or cheap if you prefer) way to do it. As I said before, Bioware has been all about numbers bumping and cost cutting pretty much before KotFE was released.

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That's probably not far from the truth. MMO player numbers drop in the summer (which is why WoW drops their expansions in the fall). This is a cost effective (or cheap if you prefer) way to do it. As I said before, Bioware has been all about numbers bumping and cost cutting pretty much before KotFE was released.


I agree with this, the game was releasing content slow before but now they have changed their design focus away from building the game...It's all recycle and cost cutting (Make more money for less effort).


It seems odd to me that an MMO would make an event focused on recycling old content...I have seen old content revivals tacked on to large end game content releases before in MMO's but never TA-DA! replay the game is the new content...../cheer /confetti /WHaaaaa?

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I think the point of this event is to skew their metrics in kotfe's favor. I think the most common thing I see people say about kotfe is "I did it twice but I'm not going to do it on all my alts".


The main draw will probably be the new companion which requires playing though all of kotfe. Then when season 2 starts, they can point to how many people have played through it.

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It seems odd to me that an MMO would make an event focused on recycling old content..


Call me out of the loop but I just saw that this LvD event is supposed to be the event to celebrate the 5th anniversary! I really have nothing against the event per se, it's not great but not the great veteran insult people make it out to be. But this for a 5th anniversary celebration? That is definitely a low.

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So people only do one FP or Ops and don't do any more? You do know that not ever one does every class? If your confused you might want to take a break. Go for a walk. Kiss the dog and pat the wife/husband on the head.


No confusion here.


People are defending the event requiring a massive repeat of old content by claiming that this is no different from redoing an Ops or FP multiple times -- which utterly ignores the total disconnect in scope and scale between redoing an FP or Ops that lasts less than an hour and gives an immediate loot payout of some kind... versus leveling multiple new characters across weeks of gameplay, just to get a pittance at the end.


It's not unusual, human beings are often terrible with scope and scale.

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No confusion here.


People are defending the event requiring a massive repeat of old content by claiming that this is no different from redoing an Ops or FP multiple times -- which utterly ignores the total disconnect in scope and scale between redoing an FP or Ops that lasts less than an hour and gives and immediate loot payout of some kind... versus leveling multiple new characters across weeks of gameplay, just to get a pittance at the end.


It's not unusually, human beings are often terrible with scope and scale.


This and FP's and OP's get old pretty fast and in theory you don't make it through the first try....OP's are supposed to be a progression not a steamroll. Once you conquer the entire OP you then only farm it to gear your friends....Most MMO's try to have a new OP ready to launch about the time the (Medium) skill level guilds have just put the last OP down...... So while you may go through OP's and FP's many times you should really only be farming them to gear people that were not in the first group to learn and beat it.


That said Bioware does not keep par with where there top guilds progression nor do they try to time OP and FP releases based on the communities progression rate....


AKA they have failed to keep adequate content for endgame PvE going for a very long time.


This event is just the Straw, the catalyst...well you get the point people are angry and this event made them type it out...a lot.

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I think this is worth a bump in light of BioWare's latest sleazy, underhanded actions -- the thread title says it all. How is BioWare able to get away with actively deceiving what's left of the player base? Why can't they just admit that they don't want to support the game anymore? Lying to the customer base to maintain whatever income is still coming in isn't a good plan -- this sort of practice is only going to hurt sales/subscription figures for future titles, and completely destroy the company's reputation.


I suppose these guys aren't worried about that though. They can wash their hands of accountability for their scams by shifting blame to the BioWare corporate entity, and probably plan on moving to different companies after they've squeezed every last penny out of BioWare and cast its lifeless, dried-out husk aside.


Dark Side Level MCMXVII - achievement for BioWare employees only.

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