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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


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There are several options in that case.


Mind you, I have a guild member with two separate accounts that he's maxed on character slots on our server. I was discussing the event with him, and he mentioned that he will be deleting some of his lower-level characters in order to participate in the event, for instance.


Deleting characters isn't really an option of many of us -- as previously and repeatedly noted by multiple posters.

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Deleting characters isn't really an option of many of us -- as previously and repeatedly noted by multiple posters.


It's an option. I didn't say it was a good option. Me, I'm in the market for additional character slots because I refuse to delete characters, too. Sometimes the characters I hang onto have crafting abilities I am determined to keep, for instance. Similarly, going to another server is an option.


All I meant to say, is to try looking over various options.

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You obviously don't have a clue what freedom of speech means then dude.


LOL that's rich coming from someone who justs wants people to shut up and tries to censor them. Please the hypocrisy here is downright hilarious. Try again. :D

Edited by squirrelballz
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LOL that's rich coming from someone who just wants people to shut up and tries to censor them. Please the hypocrisy here is downright hilarious. Try again. :D


Being a hypocrite doesn't automatically make you wrong.


There is no freedom of speech of any kind on a private board such as this save for what the owners of the board grant you. None of us have any rights to any of this, it is a privilege given to us (and that can be taken from us) at the sole discretion of the owner for any reason whatsoever so there is no hypocrisy here.


As for censoring? I merely demanded he keep his word and go silently protest as he said he would by ignoring everything that has to do with this event. I assumed he also meant all discussion of it on the forums.

Edited by Drachehexe
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Nice, now E/A is deleting posts that do not violate the TOS.


Lets see here... founding legendary veteran player, with no open character slots who has run almost everything at least 8 times before (actually close to 14 but who's counting) has to do everything again to become legendary once more. I only have to buy some new character slots to do it too! BTW Musco, how did you say that with a straight face during your podcast? Half priced character slots? Really? Geee thanks... I think. And I if I don't fall asleep regrinding everything once again for the grand finale I get a Turret Mount that looks like it was blown off the hull of a T-72 then painted white as my mega prize! Wow! :eek: My friends will be so impressed! You know, the ones who have all left in disgust over this brain damaged idea. :rolleyes:


As for the score for this cluster bang you call an event, lets try ZERO! Which is going to be the exact sum of what my wife and I are going to pay you after we cancel. We sure did love this game, but we cannot continue to support a company that operates in such an unethical manner. Nice job giving the finger to your veteran paying player base, I will give you a 10 for that. :(


You know, if you had just let the veteran players past achievements count, everyone would win. The vets would be happy, (yay no stupid regrind) and new players would be happy getting rewards that they have almost zero chance of being able to afford in your bot infected overpriced economy that you have let go straight to hell. It's such a shame you guys cannot seem to get your act together.

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Here we go again... why does everyone resort to straw man arguments. I thought the argument was that the event pertains to all players, whether new, old, or returning.


No where did I mention that we should get the reward without doing the work, veterans already put in the effort back then accomplishing the task, they should be rewarded as new players are, as its THE SAME THING. If the process was different, harder, or something more challenge, then fine, they put in harder work they should get a better reward, but that's not the case here.


How is it the same thing?

You did the content for the fun of the story or the rewards or whatever bloody reason you did it, you got what was offered.


NOW they are saying "here is an event, do this and get this". Why should you get something again for something you did ages ago?


Can I have full set piece 224's for previous NiM content I did before 4.0? I mean if you get credit/rewards for things you did in the past so should I right?


I could of course go and on with examples like this but I'm hoping you get the point ...


Also the event does pertain to all players as it is, all players can go do the content for the rewards equally ( except the slot issue ).

Speaking of the slot issue if Bioware would just come to the party and deal with that legitimate issue then that would pretty much make it for fair for everyone.

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How is it the same thing?

You did the content for the fun of the story or the rewards or whatever bloody reason you did it, you got what was offered.


NOW they are saying "here is an event, do this and get this". Why should you get something again for something you did ages ago?


Can I have full set piece 224's for previous NiM content I did before 4.0? I mean if you get credit/rewards for things you did in the past so should I right?


I could of course go and on with examples like this but I'm hoping you get the point ...


Also the event does pertain to all players as it is, all players can go do the content for the rewards equally ( except the slot issue ).

Speaking of the slot issue if Bioware would just come to the party and deal with that legitimate issue then that would pretty much make it for fair for everyone.


The same as in pertaining to difficulty, mechanics, gameplay, etc. etc.


The only difference now is that you get extra rewards. I could, hypothetically, run all 8 stories today, but in two days all of it meaningless for no reason other than to artificially inflate the time spent in the game running the same content because of skeleton crews.


As for the NIM difficulty... I don't like the whole hamster wheel grind either in terms of gear honestly, the whole homogeneous merging of operations each giving the same gear even though one could be vastly more difficulty than the other is stupid.


The event may pertain to all players, but not characters. I just... come on Menace... how could you defend such a garbage event like this. I normally try to take a look at both sides of the arguments here, trying to understand why they think like this and such, and then formulate my own opinion, but for this subject its just.... no me gusta.

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if you want us to leave just ask


I think this LS/DS event is a loud and clear message that the game is not for the "Veteran". Future "content" will target new players and likely recycle.

Edited by Banegio
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Being a hypocrite doesn't automatically make you wrong.


LOL thanks for the laugh. One thing a hypocrite will always be is dishonest no matter which way you look at it. :)


There is no freedom of speech of any kind on a private board such as this save for what the owners of the board grant you. None of us have any rights to any of this, it is a privilege given to us (and that can be taken from us) at the sole discretion of the owner for any reason whatsoever so there is no hypocrisy here.


Thanks for stating the obvious. I'm well aware of corporate censorship and the farce that is "discussion forums" so I'll tell you once more, try again. Also there is nothing to feel privileged about posting on a forum that is owned by EA a company known for being the worst company in America. :D


As for censoring? I merely demanded he keep his word and go silently protest as he said he would by ignoring everything that has to do with this event. I assumed he also meant all discussion of it on the forums.


Telling someone to shut up in any context is unacceptable so I'll repeat myself and say it's despicable of you to do so. However go on and put a spin on it if it makes you feel better about yourself.



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LOL thanks for the laugh. One thing a hypocrite will always be is dishonest no matter which way you look at it. :)




Thanks for stating the obvious. I'm well aware of corporate censorship and the farce that is "discussion forums" so I'll tell you once more, try again. Also there is nothing to feel privileged about posting on a forum that is owned by EA a company known for being the worst company in America two years in a row. :D



Telling someone to shut up in any context is unacceptable so I'll repeat myself and say it's despicable of you to do so. However go on and put a spin on it if it makes you feel better about yourself.




Just a small fix.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Ok, I've played a few MMOs, but I'm certainly not familiar with how all of the other games run their events. I'm far from being "hardcore" or whatever the kids are saying these days.


Yes, I think most of us understand that events in these games take time, are grindy, and can even have rewards that are difficult go get (at the top of the event). That's all good. That's exactly what I would expect.


What I would not expect, and what I think most people take exception to here is that this event cannot be played with our current character(s). I doubt anyone has ever been asked to create new characters specifically for an event. I highly doubt that any other company has had the audacity to tell players to delete characters that they spend who-knows-how-many hours on just to play the event. And I am almost completely certain that no company has told players that if they didn't delete characters to play the event, that they would have to buy their way in or move to a new server where they don't know anyone.


That is what is insulting about this.


Sure, we have the choice to participate or not. I choose not to, even though the first tier or two are very easy to achieve. I'm simply not willing to delete characters that I spent time and credits on in order to get a few pieces of new junk.


And I don't even say that anything should be retroactive. That wouldn't be any fun. But, BW is at fault for not designing a better so-called "event" that we could use our current characters on while still doing some of this same content. The fact that they apparently didn't even realize the massive chasm between their "brilliance" and the community's desires is what is most troubling of all.


I can answer that regarding the events on SWG. No we didn't have to create new toons to complete in the Ewok Valentines, The Life -Day or the Halloween Event. We could use any character we wanted or even serveral to participate in the events.

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Event 2017 predictions .... swtor subs will get free copy of kotor1&2. What great value for your monthly sub! We will also give away our award winning Origin client for free!


Completing the kotor stories for each class will grant you great rewards and achievements in swtor!

Edited by Banegio
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Event 2017 predictions .... swtor subs will get free copy kotor1&2. What great value! We will also give any our award winning Origin client for free!


Completing the kotor stories for each class will grant you great rewards and achievements in swtor!


Oh god... Origin... that website is so b- Star Wars The Old Republic forum.exe has stopped working.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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The same as in pertaining to difficulty, mechanics, gameplay, etc. etc.


The only difference now is that you get extra rewards. I could, hypothetically, run all 8 stories today, but in two days all of it meaningless for no reason other than to artificially inflate the time spent in the game running the same content because of skeleton crews.


As for the NIM difficulty... I don't like the whole hamster wheel grind either in terms of gear honestly, the whole homogeneous merging of operations each giving the same gear even though one could be vastly more difficulty than the other is stupid.


You don't get extra rewards though, you get rewards for doing the requirements of the tier during the event period.


Yes you could go and do 8 classes today but that would be stupid because you already know what is required and when it starts. Also one would wager if you think you can do 8 classes that fast you aren't doing it for fun so the question is what is your motivation to doing 8 classes?

Thus what was your motivation the first time you did it? Was it to see the story or the legend achievement? To get a certain class to take into PVP or OPs perhaps? Point is you had a reason to level up the 8 classes and you got whatever you wanted at the time out of it - why should you now get more?


Those OPs I did were more difficult, same mechanics, same gameplay etc. etc. so where is my 224 set piece gear? Plus interest ... I've missed out on it for months now since 4.0, maybe some free sub time to make up for all the grinding ops I've done to get new gear - yup that would be fair.


Even if we don't look at NIM, SM and HM too - everyone should have that gear since they had already done it.

Ooo heroics, I did those years ago I think I deserve some bonus crates etc. for each heroics I did in the past ... where are my crates damnit! I'm being literally punched in the face by Bioware by not giving me my crates!


THAT is how a lot of these arguments about "retroactive" are coming across. It's especially annoying that argument buries legit complaints around more character slots and BoP gear - those are actual issues with the event.


The event may pertain to all players, but not characters. I just... come on Menace... how could you defend such a garbage event like this. I normally try to take a look at both sides of the arguments here, trying to understand why they think like this and such, and then formulate my own opinion, but for this subject its just.... no me gusta.


I'm not defending the event, I want new content this isn't new content but then that's not the argument here.


I also like ole forum PVP so when I see people making arguments or posts I deem silly I'll argue them - retroactive achievements is one of those to me.


Also read over my post history though and see what I predicted for this event. We got a lot more than that so I'm actually surprised in that regard.


Do I think this event is awesome? Lollerskates no! Do I even it's good? Again nope. Do I think it's better than nothing considering people are doing this content day in and day out anyway? Yup sure do.

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The only reason I can see them wanting new characters is so they can show their investors "See all these new characters that were created over the summer. They ran through all these activities, of course failing to mention that everyone had to make a new character or characters to go through the event they decided to create. Edited by casirabit
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I think this LS/DS event is a loud and clear message that the game is not for the "Veteran". Future "content" will target new players and likely recycle.


That being the case and if I get bored of swtor economics ( one of the only things I enjoy now besides pugging ops when I can and when I can find a group ) I'll unsub and that'll be that until this game interest me again.


I've made a multitude of posts and arguments about the failure in direction I think KoTFE is, what they could do better, what content this game needs so at least I wouldn't be going out with putting forward constructive ideas to improve the game.

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Telling someone to shut up in any context is unacceptable so I'll repeat myself and say it's despicable of you to do so. However go on and put a spin on it if it makes you feel better about yourself.




I kind of thought similar sentiment to one of your posts going on about "destroying" people's posts that agreed with the event or defended ( something like that ).


I'm still waiting for my posts to be "destroyed" btw. ;)

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The only reason I can see them wanting new characters is so they can show their investors "See all these new characters that were created over the summer. They ran through all these activities, of course failing to mention that everyone had to make a new character or characters to go through the event they decided to create.


Or to give newer/casual players a more even footing in getting pug groups for some of the requirements.

Or as someone pointed out with the issues tracking legend status they found it's far more easier to do it this way.

Or your thoughts above.


Point is there could be a few reasons or a mix of all of them.

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how could you defend such a garbage event like this


This event is simple to defend; SWTOR needs it to work.


If you want SWTOR to get better, this event needs to work. If it fails, SWTOR will most likely have its plug pulled. If it is successful on a mediocre level, SWTOR may go on, but it probably won't improve. If you want SWTOR to get better then this event needs to be a smashing success. Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow but Light vs Dark may just be what makes or breaks this game. So love it or hate it you better at least hope it succeeds.

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I kind of thought similar sentiment to one of your posts going on about "destroying" people's posts that agreed with the event or defended ( something like that ).


In those posts I was "destroying" them with sarcasm not actually telling them to shut up it was playful and good banter. Sarcasm is nice tool and can be used effectively in making a point. :)


I'm still waiting for my posts to be "destroyed" btw. ;)


I've got no reason to "destroy" your posts Menace we may disagree on alot of things but believe it or not I actually enjoy reading your posts. I find that I learn alot more from people I disagree with and wouldn't want you to shut up just because I disagree with you. :)

Edited by squirrelballz
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This event is simple to defend; SWTOR needs it to work.


If you want SWTOR to get better, this event needs to work. If it fails, SWTOR will most likely have its plug pulled. If it is successful on a mediocre level, SWTOR may go on, but it probably won't improve. If you want SWTOR to get better then this event needs to be a smashing success. Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow but Light vs Dark may just be what makes or breaks this game. So love it or hate it you better at least hope it succeeds.


If we allow corporate EA to pass this off to their audience of using rehashed content as a event, it will continue to be used in the future. Look at DLCS and micro transactions, crappy mobile games, they all started off somewhere and we let them into the gaming industry today. That cancer persists because we allow it. We need to show SWTOR deserves more than a skeleton crew that can't fix bugs, can't make any good content, or please more than one part of their player base at a time.

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If we allow corporate EA to pass this off to their audience of using rehashed content as a event, it will continue to be used in the future. Look at DLCS and micro transactions, crappy mobile games, they all started off somewhere and we let them into the gaming industry today. That cancer persists because we allow it. We need to show SWTOR deserves more than a skeleton crew that can't fix bugs, can't make any good content, or please more than one part of their player base at a time.


Pretty much this.

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Much like the OP I've been here since day one as a loyal player and payer. Purchased the classic game with the cool Darth Malgus statue, and as a loyal fan I've been faithful.


I've watched this saga go from eight *amazing* stories to two good stories to one decent story. I used to explore each new planet with my guild and friends, but now....


I also was excited about the Dark vs. Light event. And OK...I can understand wanting to breathe new life into the old game (even if the old game is on super "easy" button mode).... I even cleared two slots to make a new Imp and new Pub.....


But like the OP, I have lots of characters....I've played every class, every advanced class to the max..... I can understand wanting us to do a new character because the original story is the best place to rack up light and dark choices, I get that..... But you really want us to make eight new characters? Max them out....again? Seriously?


I can see asking us to make two new characters (one on each side) to get all the rewards.....but please don't tell us veterans that everything we did over the last few years was meaningless. Doesn't our exiting legacy 50 and "legendary" status count for *something*?


There is still time before the event launches, and I hope you see a number of us making very valid points here. We're not asking for something we haven't earned. Just don't make us earn it again, please.

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