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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


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and INB4 someone claims they can simply read everone's achievements and get this for veterans.. um no.. not really. Yes. they could record the achievements.. but they could not record the day to day LS/DS choices within a specific time frame.. hence the need for players to actually play the event in the parameters they presented to us.


That isn't really accurate. All your choices are saved in a database. So yes they can actually do it with prior decisions.

I mean personally, I dont want credit for the WHOLE event because I am already legendary. But it would have been nice if they had done something like...


"And don't think we have forgotten about our existing legendary & veteran players...you will be pre-qualified for the 2nd tier of the event'


I mean a little bit.....goes a long way.

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Actually, the OP doesn't represent me. I've been here since day 1 too, be and I'm actually looking forward to the event because it gives me the opportunity to create new characters to role play, and replay class stories I never done before so it's fun to me.
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That isn't really accurate. All your choices are saved in a database. So yes they can actually do it with prior decisions.

I mean personally, I dont want credit for the WHOLE event because I am already legendary. But it would have been nice if they had done something like...


"And don't think we have forgotten about our existing legendary & veteran players...you will be pre-qualified for the 2nd tier of the event'


I mean a little bit.....goes a long way.


Two problems with your assumption on their in game databases.


1) I doubt that their database keeps a running table of all your choices in game. They would of course keep totals in a database entry for things like dark/light point balances, and record achievements. But that does not provide the data they are harvesting for the event.


2) None of the above documents what the event tracks ---> who did what between the start and end date of the event..... which is what they will use to decide which companion is given out as part of the event.


The studio and some players are simply on a different page here with respect to what should count as credit for the event. And no amount of reasonable discussion amongst us is likely to change anything. Since it is a special event (likely one time only) I can see why they would want to record and total only those points and achievements earned during the event. Taking totals retroactively from players over the last 4 years would completely nullify the reason for the event to begin with. Requiring us to roll new characters, which get tagged with a special tag for the event is the only accurate way to do the event. Some will say this is of course "lazy" on the part of the studio... but that meme is so over used as to be kind of meaningless now days IMO.

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Two problems with your assumption on their in game databases.


1) I doubt that their database keeps a running table of all your choices in game. They would of course keep totals in a database entry for things like dark/light point balances, and record achievements. But that does not provide the data they are harvesting for the event.


2) None of the above documents what the event tracks ---> who did what between the start and end date of the event..... which is what they will use to decide which companion is given out as part of the event.


The studio and some players are simply on a different page here with respect to what should count as credit for the event. And no amount of reasonable discussion amongst us is likely to change anything. Since it is a special event (likely one time only) I can see why they would want to record and total only those points and achievements earned during the event. Taking totals retroactively from players over the last 4 years would completely nullify the reason for the event to begin with. Requiring us to roll new characters, which get tagged with a special tag for the event is the only accurate way to do the event. Some will say this is of course "lazy" on the part of the studio... but that meme is so over used as to be kind of meaningless now days IMO.


Didn't you leave several months ago cause there was no new content? Now you're defending Bioware's "do it all over again" approach. I could be wrong, but didn't you leave because of this?

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Didn't you leave several months ago cause there was no new content? Now you're defending Bioware's "do it all over again" approach. I could be wrong, but didn't you leave because of this?


Nope. My departure had absolutely nothing to do with no new content.


I left in February of 2015 for about 6 months in protest of ALL the silly things they did, or did poorly, with the release of 3.0 and ham handed ways they backpedaled on things.


See... being a mature adult.. if I become disenchanted with an MMO.. I simply take a break. I always have 2-3 MMOs in active rotation so I simply ignored this one for a while and played the others.


Shall we get back on topic, or do you want to take another swing at me?

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Actually I wouldn't mind this event IF I could have done it with my existing characters.


make it something like > do FP \ PVP \ GSF \ OPS etc with our characters or do events and WB together.


the entire part which requires me to start fresh new character is very problematic.


Let's say we give in and do this event and nothing will change in between season 2 and 3 would we need NEW characters again for that new event as well? seriously, it's annoying as hell.


My single main major problem which for me is the red line is that I have to start new character for this event instead of using my existing ones.


And by retroactive I meant that if I have already let's say character level 50 it will count for the completion of that tier. Just so I will not need to create new character and I'll be able to use the existing ones which I've spent time and effort playing until now.

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And by retroactive I meant that if I have already let's say character level 50 it will count for the completion of that tier. Just so I will not need to create new character and I'll be able to use the existing ones which I've spent time and effort playing until now.


Same tired argument. Give me stuff for doing nothing. Just because they're going to give a bunch of rewards to people who do the requirements now does not mean you are entitled to those same rewards because you did the stuff back then.


They put the rewards out there and told you how to get them. You want 'em, go get 'em. Otherwise take your "time and effort" elsewhere.

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Same tired argument. Give me stuff for doing nothing. Just because they're going to give a bunch of rewards to people who do the requirements now does not mean you are entitled to those same rewards because you did the stuff back then.


They put the rewards out there and told you how to get them. You want 'em, go get 'em. Otherwise take your "time and effort" elsewhere.


Yeah... if people step back a bit and look at how events in general are done in MMOs.. they all have similar characteristics:


1) they are grindy grind fests to get the end rewards.


2) they are time consuming, sometimes obscenely so.


3) they are transitory in nature.. once the event ends.. the only thing you have to show for them is the rewards. ie: they have no persistence.


4) they are cleverly designed to offer enough reward for most players that they will do it even though they don't like the grind, or the time and effort, transitory nature.


The only difference with this event vs others I have played is that the grindy part is not some new throw away track, they are reusing existing tracks in the game.. which frankly is an efficient way to go about it IMO. Yet for some here.. this one is somehow declared a 1st degree felony assault against the players.


Like all events... most players are going to do some form of binge "speed run" to get through it. So why they actually care what the track is constructed from baffles me. I would think they would appreciate that it will be a track with lanes they already know and have Legacy and other perks to use to advantage.. and hence get the speed run done faster then if they dropped some unique new event on some backwater proto-world.. where people would be constantly tripping over fresh new bugs, and over each other... even though there might be 50+ proto-world instances running.

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Same tired argument. Give me stuff for doing nothing. Just because they're going to give a bunch of rewards to people who do the requirements now does not mean you are entitled to those same rewards because you did the stuff back then.


They put the rewards out there and told you how to get them. You want 'em, go get 'em. Otherwise take your "time and effort" elsewhere.


1. I've already done all of those crap assignment including the legendary tier ones and many times at that.

2. I want to participate using my existing character yet I'm blocked due to this event mechanic.


Event which makes me create new characters and even the Community team tells us to create new alts and then delete them is just counter productive and horrible design.


And I don't recall you own this game to tell people where to go and what to do. It's same around many game's forums this days bunch of apologists and "white knights" thinking everything is perfect.

As players we are not demanding anything but we are allowed to express our opinions and give feedback.

My feedback was simple > I can't take part in this event with my existing characters (and in general this event is horrible but alright we'll forgive them this time) and because I can't use my existing characters I'm disappointed and not going to take part in this event or any activity which counts towards this event as my personal way of showing my displeasure with this shenanigan.

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Yeah... if people step back a bit and look at how events in general are done in MMOs.. they all have similar characteristics:


1) they are grindy grind fests to get the end rewards.


2) they are time consuming, sometimes obscenely so.


3) they are transitory in nature.. once the event ends.. the only thing you have to show for them is the rewards. ie: they have no persistence.


4) they are cleverly designed to offer enough reward for most players that they will do it even though they don't like the grind, or the time and effort, transitory nature.


The only difference with this event vs others I have played is that the grindy part is not some new throw away track, they are reusing existing tracks in the game.. which frankly is an efficient way to go about it IMO. Yet for some here.. this one is somehow declared a 1st degree felony assault against the players.


Like all events... most players are going to do some form of binge "speed run" to get through it. So why they actually care what the track is constructed from baffles me. I would think they would appreciate that it will be a track with lanes they already know and have Legacy and other perks to use to advantage.. and hence get the speed run done faster then if they dropped some unique new event on some backwater proto-world.. where people would be constantly tripping fresh new bugs, and over each other... even though there might be 50+ proto-world instances running.


Ok, I've played a few MMOs, but I'm certainly not familiar with how all of the other games run their events. I'm far from being "hardcore" or whatever the kids are saying these days.


Yes, I think most of us understand that events in these games take time, are grindy, and can even have rewards that are difficult go get (at the top of the event). That's all good. That's exactly what I would expect.


What I would not expect, and what I think most people take exception to here is that this event cannot be played with our current character(s). I doubt anyone has ever been asked to create new characters specifically for an event. I highly doubt that any other company has had the audacity to tell players to delete characters that they spend who-knows-how-many hours on just to play the event. And I am almost completely certain that no company has told players that if they didn't delete characters to play the event, that they would have to buy their way in or move to a new server where they don't know anyone.


That is what is insulting about this.


Sure, we have the choice to participate or not. I choose not to, even though the first tier or two are very easy to achieve. I'm simply not willing to delete characters that I spent time and credits on in order to get a few pieces of new junk.


And I don't even say that anything should be retroactive. That wouldn't be any fun. But, BW is at fault for not designing a better so-called "event" that we could use our current characters on while still doing some of this same content. The fact that they apparently didn't even realize the massive chasm between their "brilliance" and the community's desires is what is most troubling of all.

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What I would not expect, and what I think most people take exception to here is that this event cannot be played with our current character(s). I doubt anyone has ever been asked to create new characters specifically for an event. I highly doubt that any other company has had the audacity to tell players to delete characters that they spend who-knows-how-many hours on just to play the event. And I am almost completely certain that no company has told players that if they didn't delete characters to play the event, that they would have to buy their way in or move to a new server where they don't know anyone.


That is what is insulting about this.


The point is about MMO events being transitory in nature --- they do not persist, nor do their results (beyond the actual rewards) persist, nor is future content progression dependent on events. Events in MMOs are a side attraction, with incentives to play them. So.. in this event you roll some fresh characters that act as the instrument of event progression. In other events.... it might be something different.. like scavenging for this, that, or the other thing, in order to assemble something to be able to progress.. etc. etc.


The goal of this event is not to create new characters for your stable of alts.. it's to use specific tools to track progression of the event at both the character and the server wide level. A fresh character makes perfect sense for the purpose of the event. In most events.. said tools are useless after the event is completed, as they were simply an instrument for playing the event. Same here with new rolled characters... though newer players and someone rolling an actual new alt can take advantage of the event (unlike most events in most MMOs).


I understand the mechanics behind why they do it this way with this event. They need to tag a start point (ie:characters) to track and collect data from, and since part of the event is leveling through the game on one or more characters... playing your capped level characters really would not work well at all. To do so, hey would have to setup a whole new data and collecting track over top of existing characters for what is a one time event. That's a lot work and a lot of potential for new bugs if they tried to make the event work with existing characters without bugs or errors. Causing unwanted bugs in veteran characters would be a disaster.. so why even go anywhere near the possibility?

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so why even go anywhere near the possibility?


They can use our legacy to track achievements they also in the past tracked each character progress from some legacy stuff when you logged in first time after the patch with each character.


It's not that hard really they should only make new legacy achievement tab for the event and if you log in with character which got certain crafting level | Dark\Light | Level | Completed a section of the story etc it will update the event part instantly. really simple.

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The point is about MMO events being transitory in nature --- they do not persist, nor do their results (beyond the actual rewards) persist, nor is future content progression dependent on events. Events in MMOs are a side attraction, with incentives to play them. So.. in this event you roll some fresh characters that act as the instrument of event progression. In other events.... it might be something different.. like scavenging for this, that, or the other thing, in order to assemble something to be able to progress.. etc. etc.


The goal of this event is not to create new characters for your stable of alts.. it's to use specific tools to track progression of the event at both the character and the server wide level. A fresh character makes perfect sense for the purpose of the event. In most events.. said tools are useless after the event is completed, as they were simply an instrument for playing the event. Same here with new rolled characters... though newer players and someone rolling an actual new alt can take advantage of the event (unlike most events in most MMOs).


I understand the mechanics behind why they do it this way with this event. They need to tag a start point (ie:characters) to track and collect data from, and since part of the event is leveling through the game on one or more characters... playing your capped level characters really would not work well at all. To do so, hey would have to setup a whole new data and collecting track over top of existing characters for what is a one time event. That's a lot work and a lot of potential for new bugs if they tried to make the event work with existing characters without bugs or errors. Causing unwanted bugs in veteran characters would be a disaster.. so why even go anywhere near the possibility?


With all the activity on this very forum since the announcement (way more than I've seen in a very long time!), you really feel the need to ask this question?


Look, I understand the design of the event. My issue is that they designed it this way and actually thought it was a good idea. That enough people there thought it was a good idea and that players would be excited about it. That's troubling.


So, is the event designed properly for what it is? Yes.


Should the event be what it is? Absolutely not.


A company has to be smart enough to look at things that just aren't turning out right and pull the plug rather than just throwing it at their paying customers. Customers that, by the way, they may want to consult a few of before unleashing things like this. There is no shame in saying, "Wow, the focus group brought up some great points. This really didn't go over well with them. Maybe we should make some changes. Perhaps even take these rewards and tie them to a completely different event. Let's have a meeting tomorrow to discuss this."

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Look, I understand the design of the event. My issue is that they designed it this way and actually thought it was a good idea. That enough people there thought it was a good idea and that players would be excited about it. That's troubling.


So, is the event designed properly for what it is? Yes.


Should the event be what it is? Absolutely not.


It is however an very efficient approach from the studios side of things, and minimizes introduction of any bugs. Further.. by making it contained within newly rolled characters.. there is no chance they accidentally introduce bugs that could negatively impact existing characters. Smart move IMO.. and frankly for this studio.. a good move given how bugs do escape into the live servers sometimes. Approach = risk mitigation + an event with rewards.


Pragmatic, and efficient in my view. And frankly, where MMOs are concerned.. I'll take that over fancy and clever any day. Imagine if they permitted players to use existing characters, and the event somehow corrupted the current progress and achievements of those characters... for a transitory one time event. What a mess that would be.. and the rage over that sort of thing would make the current rage in the forums look like mice parts.

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Pragmatic, and efficient in my view. And frankly, where MMOs are concerned.. I'll take that over fancy and clever any day. Imagine if they permitted players to use existing characters, and the event somehow corrupted the current progress and achievements of those characters... for a transitory one time event. What a mess that would be.. and the rage over that sort of thing would make the current rage in the forums look like mice parts.


So they shouldn't create any new content by your logic as it might break up the game, hell think what will happen if they scaled your level to the planet your are at? or increase levels\crafting rank? or.. oh oops they did all of those.


They could just break up the "tiers" into separate missions per sub-tier task and give those tasks as terminal mission instead hence allowing us to use our characters, instead we are forced to create new alts and redo most of the content we already did with new characters rather then our own.

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So they shouldn't create any new content by your logic as it might break up the game, hell think what will happen if they scaled your level to the planet your are at? or increase levels\crafting rank? or.. oh oops they did all of those.


They could just break up the "tiers" into separate missions per sub-tier task and give those tasks as terminal mission instead hence allowing us to use our characters, instead we are forced to create new alts and redo most of the content we already did with new characters rather then our own.


You mean they could have created actual missions, and put some sort of "story wrapper" around the event?



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Complain to EA to give Austin studio actual budget to develop the game properly.


To be honest, I think they did get a budget/do get a budget that is somewhat decent, but they were lazy and mismanaged their money and it got taken away. And even then, the amount of 'story' we got these past (6?) months is barely something people would pay 20euro's or so for if it was made by a small studio (we get what, with some luck maybe 3-4 hours of story dialogue padded with a lot of killing inbetween, the majority of the story even being the initial 9 chapters), and frankly speaking probably didn't even take them 2-3 months of proper work. Now they're doing an event to justify that they barely do any work by trying to use an event to leverage the statistics they can pull from the game to give them 'good results' on the reuse-ability of their content and the activity of players:


- Look people still make new characters to experience the content we have in place!

- Look people still go through KotFE with freshly made characters!

- Look people still do this endgame content and make new characters even to do it!

- Look people still ...


And all this so they can justify another end of year 2-3 month 'sabbath' like they pulled last time.

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It is however an very efficient approach from the studios side of things, and minimizes introduction of any bugs. Further.. by making it contained within newly rolled characters.. there is no chance they accidentally introduce bugs that could negatively impact existing characters. Smart move IMO.. and frankly for this studio.. a good move given how bugs do escape into the live servers sometimes. Approach = risk mitigation + an event with rewards.


Pragmatic, and efficient in my view. And frankly, where MMOs are concerned.. I'll take that over fancy and clever any day. Imagine if they permitted players to use existing characters, and the event somehow corrupted the current progress and achievements of those characters... for a transitory one time event. What a mess that would be.. and the rage over that sort of thing would make the current rage in the forums look like mice parts.


It's amusing that you think it will go smoothly as it is. Experience suggests otherwise.


You can try to paint this in a good light if you want. That's all good. I'm sure some people will love the so-called "event." Maybe you are one of those people. I hope you do enjoy it.


But, I think it's pretty obvious that an awful lot of people disagree. They just should have done something different and tried to be inclusive of their current players.

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And all this so they can justify another end of year 2-3 month 'sabbath' like they pulled last time.


Fool me once and such.

KOTFE Season 1 was a test, after season 1 I'm pretty sure if they'll continue with this new master plan they got people will just subscribe single month after entire season is out.

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Fool me once and such.

KOTFE Season 1 was a test, after season 1 I'm pretty sure if they'll continue with this new master plan they got people will just subscribe single month after entire season is out.


Personally, I like what they've done with KotFE (mostly). I don't like what they are doing, or rather NOT doing, otherwise. I hope they are taking all of this time that we are playing through old content (except for KotFE, what's left of Season 1) to develop new content to drop between seasons.


I doubt it will happen.


I have an optimistic outlook, but realistic expectations.

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It's amusing that you think it will go smoothly as it is. Experience suggests otherwise.


You can try to paint this in a good light if you want. That's all good. I'm sure some people will love the so-called "event." Maybe you are one of those people. I hope you do enjoy it.


But, I think it's pretty obvious that an awful lot of people disagree. They just should have done something different and tried to be inclusive of their current players.


Time will tell now.. won't it. As for experience... well .. many players poo pooed the level sync in advance, and yet it turned out better then most thought it would. Now.. if they cave to all the negative demands in the forum over this event.. then deja vu the CSM all over again.


Personally, I am neutral on events in general in MMOs. I'm not big on forced grinds.... but if they give me enough incentive I will do them. I just don't get wrapped around the axle over the fact that event progress recording is through new character rolls in this event. It's no worse then scavenger hunts to collect imaginary required parts in order to move to the next step or kill endless numbers and more of something like many events.. where the end is to gain faction. I am generally negative toward faction grinds.

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Time will tell now.. won't it.


Well, this game has been notorious for failing to acknowledge achievements in the past, no reason to expect otherwise now. It will be interesting to see if, at the end of the event, there are people who haven't been awarded a certain accomplishment or two they did and therefore don't initially get their proper rewards.


I mean, I'm STILL waiting for my Legendary Player acknowledgement even after two patches that "fixed" it.

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Well, this game has been notorious for failing to acknowledge achievements in the past, no reason to expect otherwise now. It will be interesting to see if, at the end of the event, there are people who haven't been awarded a certain accomplishment or two they did and therefore don't initially get their proper rewards.


I mean, I'm STILL waiting for my Legendary Player acknowledgement even after two patches that "fixed" it.


I actually think that all the continued issues they had with Legendary syncing across a legacy may very well be why they choose to do this event this way. Clean fresh characters with specific and unique tags ... and clearly they designed the event with the intent that players could throw away a character after it achieved it's purpose.


That said.. if there is some way they can screw it up.. they will find it. :p

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You know what? I don't like ranked PVP. I mean, I think the rewards for ranked PVP are pretty darn nifty-looking. But I just hate pvp enough, that I refuse to do any of it ranked. So I don't get the rewards; and I'm perfectly fine with that. To me, bottom line with ANY event or activity in a game, is that if you want the rewards and are willing to earn them then fine. But if not, don't complain.


I get plenty of pats on the back for being a player of this game for as long as I have been. I don't need or want to be someone screaming for more just for having sat here on my rear as long as I have, though. Basically, play or don't play. THIS veteran player is going to be fine through the event, regardless of any titles I earn, or not along the way.

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