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Dark vs. Light Event


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Unsure if this has been brought up or not, and seeing as there are 150 pages (148 of them trolls) of discussion that I'm not about to read through, my question is this: Will players who have previously completed the HK-51 mission have to start anew for the Legendary achievement? And what about those who have not done it? I remember it taking me months to finish due to the ridiculousness of having to find the various items on different planets. I know it will probably piss a lot of "founders" off, but I'm not too keen on re-starting that particular mission if it takes that long to complete, especially with the influx of people farming for the items. I am of the opinion that if they force a new start on the mission that they need to increase the find rate of the items for each planet.


Not sure if this was answered or not, but if you have hk, you can buy him for that toon and it counts after you kill x amount of enemies with him. Its in the description on the break down in spoiler tabs. Dulfy has the event broken down also if its easier for people to see it there. You only have to run it all if you've never done it before on that legacy. He's really not too bad to get with a group.

A lot of questions here, are actually listed in the spoiler tabs. hk is the last spoiler tab on this list. http://www.swtor.com/blog/legendary-level-guide

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So... I have to ask: How exactly does this event tie into the KOTFE storyline - if it does at al. And will we see any continuation of that storyline in the future?


I'll assume it'll relate to the end of Chap 16, and the start of the next arc of the series.

Which companion survives? What side of the force dominates?


At least, that's my hope.

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Is there a link where all of the dev's post and answers are for this event ?

Cause im not going to look thru all 173 pages here :eek:


so from what ive read they are wanting us to create a new character and im guessing playing thru the story again ?

If that is correct it doesn't sound fun at all

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Is there a link where all of the dev's post and answers are for this event ?

Cause im not going to look thru all 173 pages here :eek:


so from what ive read they are wanting us to create a new character and im guessing playing thru the story again ?

If that is correct it doesn't sound fun at all


They want you to play through the whole story on one alt, level to 65 on another alt, run those two alts through every flashpoint multiple times, several ops, etc.

Oh, and level up crew skills to 550 AND level up the other classes to 50.


It'll be a blast! :)

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Is there a link where all of the dev's post and answers are for this event ?

Cause im not going to look thru all 173 pages here :eek:


so from what ive read they are wanting us to create a new character and im guessing playing thru the story again ?

If that is correct it doesn't sound fun at all


They haven't answered since page 17, i believe Dulfy has the questions and answers so far listed on her page. You can also check the dev track or scroll to the top of this forum and click on "first bioware post" and in that post there will be a next button and it will take you to all their posts.

If you want the specifics of each tier, got to the swtor mainpage and click the light/dark event headline, it will show you the tiers and you can click each tier to see the specifics under spoiler tabs for space.

Edited by Krazhez
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Is there a link where all of the dev's post and answers are for this event ?

Cause im not going to look thru all 173 pages here :eek:


so from what ive read they are wanting us to create a new character and im guessing playing thru the story again ?

If that is correct it doesn't sound fun at all


Dev-tracker is one tool that can help. Moreso as it tracks beyond just this thread.

Would also check for any updates on siltes like; dulfy.com & torcommunity.com


Hope that helps.

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Tbh, I'm not even gonna bother with legacy gear if I go the "run it, delete, rinse, repeat" route. I'll just whip out my little Nico to get to 10, get to Fleet, and then rock the Heroics and use the gear I get from that as I go. Probably bring Treek along too to get the craft skills to 550.


Legacy gear only for the lv 65s and fp runs, the rinse repeat delete characters? same as you. :D

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So... I have to ask: How exactly does this event tie into the KOTFE storyline - if it does at all. And will we see any continuation of that storyline in the future?


It doesn't. It has no storyline at all. It's just random stuff we're being asked to repeat for random prizes.

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I think the 8 classes is why it's targeted at the legendary tier. Imo it's not really legendary if everyone can easily do it thus it's targeted at those hardcore completionists willing to put in 100's of hours for a mere title or the thrill of knowing they've achieved no matter how "monotonous" ( lol ) they find it because to them the ends justify the means.


To be honest and I've said it before I respect anyone willing to go through all that to get legendary, it's quite an achievement imo.


A lot of the complaints are over the legendary tier in fact ... people need to face it though ... we're just not legendary enough to get legendary in this particular event. :(


Sadly....the truth is the truth. I want the speeders and decos and weapons from the ranked pvp seasons, but I'm not cut out for it. (Stupid gear requirements, losing rank is BEYOND a stupid waste of time and the elite jerks that are there are even worse then the entire game combined.) So I accepted I will never get them and moved on. Now those stinking pesky 16m NIM achievements? Oh those are within my grasp! Just have to find 15 other elite people who will carry me. :D But he does have a point. It IS Legendary tier. Its made for those type of people who will grind the living day lights out of everything (the idiots (myself included) that go for 25 fps each, and 50 for Korriban and Tython), JUST to get a title to say "Hey look at me!" Its not ment for everyone. Sorry to say it. It is just like the nightmare power for DF and DP, you got a special title for beating them during those 2-3 months it was there. Did I want it? You sure bet I did, did I get it? Nope. Couldn't find a group to do it with. Are there people that did it get? Yes, in fact I know some. But not everyone got it. Same with ranked seasons, does everyone that do ranked pvp get the Champion title and the speeder at the end of the season? Nope. Does everyone even get the special title for the best the top 3 of each class across the ENTIRE game even other servers!?!? Nope, only 96 people in the ENTIRE game get those. Eternal is made for most if not all to get, hence that's why the companion is the reward for Eternal and not Legendary. The Legendary tier is made for those people that want to go a step further and REALLY show off. That's all it is. (Or AP hunters like me :D)

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Not happening. I want the Chiss Jedi not some Sith.


If there's actually a story attached, the Chiss would be far more interesting, a chiss force user, republic at that? I main imps and dark toons, but I hope light side wins over some generic zabrak.

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I've had time to think about and rethink about this. Forget my previous suggestion.


I won't be doing this event. I will stay subscribed until the last chapter of the current storyline/season/expansion is released (which should be another month) and then I will be letting my subscription lapse.


I won't be doing this event because I have been here since Early Access and I have 8 main characters, 1 of each class, that I play. Those 8 were created during the first week of this game's public existence. I have 7 other characters that I have created over the past 4 and a half years (basically to try out the other Advanced Class) but I never play those characters (however, they still exist).

Those 8 that I play forged the galaxy as I/we know it at this time.

They are my Havoc Commander, my Emperor's Wrath, my Hero of Tython, my Barsenthor, my Darth Nox, my Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, my Cipher Nine, my Voidhound and all of them are my Outlander.

Having to participate in an event where my main characters are locked out of the event is just not an option for me.


The reason I will be letting my subscription lapse is that I have finally come to the conclusion that apart from the current KOTFE storyline there really isn't anything new for me in this game. I really have seen and done it all.

Unfortunately, it took the announcement of this event for me to realize that. This event has taken the concept of "same old same old" to whole new heights.


The only thing that will/would change my mind is this new event not being limited to "new" characters. Since that won't happen......


Hey ZeroPlus? I have a question, its also the same one MeNaCe-NZ asked, though I hope you understand I'm just asking for clarification just so I can better understand you. It does kinda make no sense that you are understanding that you have got your fill of the game and now there is nothing left for you do it and so shall be leaving soon. But then at the end saying "If they change it to if my current characters can partake of the event, then I won't unsub." Totaling the tallys of the lightside/darkside points is the same no matter what for new characters or current ones. With no new content added (unless you count new armor, new pet, new speeders, new companion and new datacrons as new content.) its really the same thing, they just put the restriction on it for new characters only, which yes I am upset over also, but like I have said in previous posts, it most likely because of coding issues and not because they designed to screw us over. You can see through many times resently them trying to tie over achievements or old flagged choices into newer content, and...well it has not gone over well, in fact is has caused many a great bug issues and problems. The legendary status for completing all 8 class storylines for one, but the one I remember the most is the romance companion bug with the launch of KotFE. In fact there was a another forum post that was started that got somewhere to about 80+ or so pages because if it, and it took 4 months and many petitions till a dev post showed up that said "Hey we are fixing it next patch, but sadly it is not retroactive." (for the mail anyways, but if/when the companion shows back up in the storyline, just pick the flirt option and BOOM, like nothing ever happened.) So I'm thinking that in order to not cause another problem like that and protect the players achievements they have already, they are making it so only new characters count. Which if that is the case.....thanks Bioware for thinking of us. But a explanation would have smoothed a lot of anger and fears imo. So you can answer the question if you want, I'm just a curious and nosey person who likes knowing facts and reasons to things. :D

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Cool story, bro. Here's my server, lighter than yours. And yet my guild still has over 400 qualifying account holders in each faction, regularly trimming members inactive over a month. Don't blame Progenitor for your inability to find a group.


Yeah dude, you are sounding like a mean spirited person atm. I'm on JC and in multiple guilds with plenty of people that I can run the HM fps with and that part of the tier will be a no big problem for me. But that doesn't mean it wont for other people. Some people are not in the know with some people. Imo, try to see if you can find a guild that can help or is running a guild event for the "event" to help people get the achievements they need. Try to be helpful, not condescending. Its rude and is not helpful, nor kind.

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I think the net of what he was conveying is you are working a double standard. You play an MMO.. by definition MMOs include a lot of repeat, repetitive, and tedious replay of the same content. The event simply adds additional limited time incentives to do so with a range of content in this game. Yet the event is evil but normal content is OK?


I never said the event was "evil". And you call *me* out for being provocative? Ha! Good one.


The argument you and MeNaCe present is just not valid. An MMO is *not* tedious by definition. By definition it is simply massive, multiplayer and online. Many MMO games certainly have tedious game elements. But to argue that all MMO's are tedious, you play an MMO - therefore you should enjoy participating in a tedious MMO event is complete nonsense. I play aspects of one MMO that I enjoy playing. I skip the parts I don't enjoy playing. My opinion, and that is all it is, is that this event is more task than entertainment. More a payoff to boost metrics than anything fun and game-like. If you have nothing better to do - have at it. (Being deliberately provocative there....) I will be sitting on the sidelines during this event. And I don't think I will be alone.

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Personally, I don't buy any packs or crates... I don't get any enjoyment out of gambling.


^^ Same, I just buy everything I want off the GTN lol:D I know 100% if I run this amount of heroics I will have this amount of creds to spend on this amount of random items I want. Unlike with the cartel packs and hypercrates. I do not have a 100% knowledge I will get what I want. In fact when I did buy them for the rep, I almost never got what I wanted, sometimes but not nearly enough to justify buying more.

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You're right! It does read that way and to a certain extent it is true. But only to a certain extent.


If this event wasn't limited to "new" characters I probably wouldn't have realized (at this time) that the game has nothing new for me and I would have happily gone on logging on everyday doing the same old same old for a while yet.


That last line wasn't meant as "blackmail". It was an attempt to convey what I conveyed in the paragraph before this one. In other words, if this event wasn't limited to new characters I would have gone on playing.


I'm actually kinda sad that it has come to this...


Oh, well there is the answer right there. Thanks for answering! :)

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So... I have to ask: How exactly does this event tie into the KOTFE storyline - if it does at all. And will we see any continuation of that storyline in the future?


Imo and as far as I can see, it does not tie into anything storyline wise at all. Just doing content for rewards. That's it. If your talking about continuing the KotFE storyline? Yes there is at least a season 2 coming in the future. (At what time we do not know atm.) June 28th has the release of chapter 15, with the end of season 1 of KotFE and the release of chapter 16 at the end of July. Like I said before, how long after till the start of season 2, I do not know. But considering KotFE started in Oct of last year, I'm guessing its going to start anywhere from the end of Oct to the beginning of Feb (because chapter 10 was released in Feb of this year.) But until we get confirmation from the devs, anything after July is guess work atm. Hope that helps :D

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Is there a link where all of the dev's post and answers are for this event ?

Cause im not going to look thru all 173 pages here :eek:


so from what ive read they are wanting us to create a new character and im guessing playing thru the story again ?

If that is correct it doesn't sound fun at all




It keeps track of every dev post. A good go to for what they say. :)

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Not sure if this was answered or not, but if you have hk, you can buy him for that toon and it counts after you kill x amount of enemies with him. Its in the description on the break down in spoiler tabs. Dulfy has the event broken down also if its easier for people to see it there. You only have to run it all if you've never done it before on that legacy. He's really not too bad to get with a group.

A lot of questions here, are actually listed in the spoiler tabs. hk is the last spoiler tab on this list. http://www.swtor.com/blog/legendary-level-guide


Oh my gosh! I just noticed! I have been giving wrong info about HK-51 this entire time! I am so sorry everyone! It really is just get him and THEN get 50 kills with him. Not just unlock him. Sorry for misleading anyone who listened to me.:o


P.S. Someone needs to let dulfy know that her page needs to be updated with this info about 50 kills with HK-51, as of right now, it just states to unlock him as the only requirement.

Edited by Lakemine
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Eternal is made for most if not all to get, hence that's why the companion is the reward for Eternal and not Legendary. The Legendary tier is made for those people that want to go a step further and REALLY show off. That's all it is. (Or AP hunters like me :D)


Except it's not a challenge. It doesn't involve any particular kind of talent or skillset to achieve these things. Just the willingness and time to keep grinding it. It's a timesink, not a challenge.

As always having been an obsessive compulsive collector I've had half a mind already doing all this grinding...

But would I bear the title and rewards of my "achievement" as a banner of something to be proud about? Or rather as a sigil of shame. That I was willing to throw away my summer wasting more time on a pointless grindfest in a game than making shared time for arguably the most healthy season of the year.


And what message would I be sending towards BW, if I would sell my disagreements with them so easily over some cosmetic fluff. I'd feel like the obedient pet dog being thrown a cookie for performing the trick it's masters want it to do.

Only to then condescendingly being patted on the head and told "Good Boy, now do it again!"


If you feel otherwise about it still, then that is fine. If you really feel good about doing these activities and showing off with it, that's fine. Great for you even. I don't mean to talk you down from it.

I'm only conveying this is how it feels to me and perhaps to a great deal of other people.

I'm not at all a fan of the retro-active rewards demand as it doesn't seem anymore interesting as an event as the grindfest does. Instead I'd rather see them cancel this poor joke on their part and take their time to put a *real* event together. And forgive me for being blunt with the following. But, perhaps even an event that at least gives us the impression they strained a few braincells putting it together.

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They want you to play through the whole story on one alt, level to 65 on another alt, run those two alts through every flashpoint multiple times, several ops, etc.

Oh, and level up crew skills to 550 AND level up the other classes to 50.


It'll be a blast! :)


Well remember the crafting and leveling all classes to 50 is ONLY for the Legendary title, which is not required for the companion. So....it is just redoing some content with a new character. Which when we make new characters we do anyways. And before you ask why we cant do it with our characters now (Trust me I wish it was different) Its most likely a coding issue that if they tried, it would most likely screw up all or most of the achievements we already have now, and just think of the uproar for THAT mess.

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Except it's not a challenge. It doesn't involve any particular kind of talent or skillset to achieve these things. Just the willingness and time to keep grinding it. It's a timesink, not a challenge.

As always having been an obsessive compulsive collector I've had half a mind already doing all this grinding...

But would I bear the title and rewards of my "achievement" as a banner of something to be proud about? Or rather as a sigil of shame. That I was willing to throw away my summer wasting more time on a pointless grindfest in a game than making shared time for arguably the most healthy season of the year.


And what message would I be sending towards BW, if I would sell my disagreements with them so easily over some cosmetic fluff. I'd feel like the obedient pet dog being thrown a cookie for performing the trick it's masters want it to do.

Only to then condescendingly being patted on the head and told "Good Boy, now do it again!"


If you feel otherwise about it still, then that is fine. If you really feel good about doing these activities and showing off with it, that's fine. Great for you even. I don't mean to talk you down from it.

I'm only conveying this is how it feels to me and perhaps to a great deal of other people.

I'm not at all a fan of the retro-active rewards demand as it doesn't seem anymore interesting as an event as the grindfest does. Instead I'd rather see them cancel this poor joke on their part and take their time to put a *real* event together. And forgive me for being blunt with the following. But, perhaps even an event that at least gives us the impression they strained a few braincells putting it together.


None taken. I know I am a idiot in most respects:D But I agree with you, I would not feel short cutted nor unhappy if they scraped this event in the next 24-36 hours and threw it away for a new proper event with a storyline that is tied into....well something and new dailys or new event things to do, or new rewards to get.

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You're right! It does read that way and to a certain extent it is true. But only to a certain extent.


If this event wasn't limited to "new" characters I probably wouldn't have realized (at this time) that the game has nothing new for me and I would have happily gone on logging on everyday doing the same old same old for a while yet.


That last line wasn't meant as "blackmail". It was an attempt to convey what I conveyed in the paragraph before this one. In other words, if this event wasn't limited to new characters I would have gone on playing.


I'm actually kinda sad that it has come to this...


I wish more people would realize this sort of thing and post accordingly or vote with their wallets as you would do.


I mean we all have our differing views on what new content we want but I think it's safe to say that 1 hours story a month that is only really good as a once through isn't going to cut it long term.


New dailies or heroics is a good start for solo players.

Flashpoints too - both solo and group.

Operations for the PVE MMO players.

PVP - well they did just get 2 new maps this year.


Then add in grinds to that content with a mix of the old content so people aren't feeling like they are doing the same thing over and over ( or coming to this realization as you have ).

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None taken. I know I am a idiot in most respects:D


You shouldn't talk about yourself like that Lakemine, it is unbecoming and foremostly, untrue.

We all have our defficiencies and differences, that's one of those things that make us human.

People far wiser than I will ever be, have said there is wealth to be had in that, rather than just obstacles. ;)

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