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Dark vs. Light Event


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Oh! I have 80% OPs achievements (stinking 16m NIM), can I have BiS 224 gear handed to me for all my alts so I can raid with them too? Please? (Yes I'm a idiot who knows about the legacy gear system and doesn't care because I don't trust the outfit designer (have some items you cant get anymore because they were removed)


Well see for that to happen you are first going to have get REALLY angry and make some REALLY angry posts about Bioware are punishing you and screwing you over etc. for not giving you free gear when they leveled up the ops.



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Ok folks, take the event out of the equation. What was you guys planning on doing during the content gap between seasons?


Farm creds because I'm poor and have a GTN problem, raid with my guild on raid nights, play pvp with them, level the mara and agent I have to finish the storylines on them, finish all my 65s on the missions they reset on them from 4.0 (its slow going) and then take them through SoR, Ziost and into KotFE. And then maybe level some lowbies here and there. Play Battlefront with my lil bro. Play GW2 with my lil bro or play ranked pvp in GW2 (as ranked in there is ALOT more fun then here in SWTOR) Answer your question? So I have plenty to do :D:D:D

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People are rightly upset as they can't use their own characters they have played since the beginning. I understand the reasoning for creating 1 or 2 new ones but everything else should be able to be done on their toons they have played with for a long time.


So I don't see a problem asking them to let us use our original toons for some of this.


^^^ Yep

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Farm creds because I'm poor and have a GTN problem, raid with my guild on raid nights, play pvp with them, level the mara and agent I have to finish the storylines on them, finish all my 65s on the missions they reset on them from 4.0 (its slow going) and then take them through SoR, Ziost and into KotFE. And then maybe level some lowbies here and there. Play Battlefront with my lil bro. Play GW2 with my lil bro or play ranked pvp in GW2 (as ranked in there is ALOT more fun then here in SWTOR) Answer your question? So I have plenty to do :D:D:D


There you go. Enjoy.

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Challenge accepted.

I am willing to do it again. It's not like they expect everything on every character. Just everything on one - two characters. The rest they just expect basics. Lv 50, etc.


True, and I'm a AP hunter idiot who hates time based achievements. But making and planning a event that the answer is "Eh just level them to 50 and delete them."? That's poor planning. I don't play a lot of other games, but I doubt events in those games are planned like this. The design is flawed is SO many ways.

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This is the type of thing that had me scratching my head. Why bring out an event and then exclude us from participating on our mains? I get making new characters to run through things that you can't do on your main, but HM FPs, WZs, GSF, OPs, Datacron, HK could have all been done on existing characters. Double XP and 12 XP applied to every character, why is the LS/DS only applying on newly created?


Off the top of my head ...


By making people use the new toons for it they effectively drop the gear level many use to roll through content now. This means newer players doing the content for the event will have more players to do it with. Otherwise if it was use existing characters there is a fear that the established "must have this gear, speed run etc." would take over and make it much harder for newer players ( casual too - many vets who haven't done ops etc. and would find it tough to get in a pug with gearing restrictions ) to get into pugs to do the content.


Something along those lines anyway, if legendary always required you to do basically "do everything" in the game they wanted to ensure there was equal opportunity for everyone. By favoring people with existing toons it actually could be considered punishing those that don't.


Where as the way we have it now everyone is on a level playing field - the one issue I agree they need deal with is people with max slots. That issue needs addressing by Bioware. I'm yet to see anyone else put up any other "unfair, punishing" points that need addressing.

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You all better Dark Side the crap out your conversations, I want Darth Hexid not some silly Jedi! :csw_vader:


That's really the only bad part of the event, if you want one companion but the tallied points net you the other. Companion conversations to turn that Jedi whats-her-name to the dark side like Jaesa? :D

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This isn't an unreasonable request, and I'd like to see an explanation of why. I can think of two reasons, one technical (they either think or know that doing the things you can do on an existing character won't get recorded properly - see the ongoing issues with Legendary status), and one game-design-related (you have to do all the levelling on event characters, so you have to do the entire event on them). It's a question I'd like to see answered, for sure. Especially if it is the technical reason.


Same. Though like I have pointed out earlier, its either 1. Designed it to make sure us who have been playing for years don't get a headstart over the newbys so everyone is on the same starting line. or 2. Its because of the coding that's either preventing or its beyond stupid hard and would just cause more problems for us because it would probably end up removing the achievements we have already. (Remember all the Nar Shadda Nightlife event achievements getting removed and it took them 14 months to fix it?) So yes, I would very much love a response and answer also. But doubt we will, as they lose either way. Its a lose/lose situation for them. And after reading the post about one of their devs getting threatened in real life and even his family!?!? O.O I understand not wanting to talk more then that is bare needed. Yes I don't like it and wish for more communication, but if that is the reason for holding back, I understand completely and man do I feel sorry for them. :(

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Ikr? The companion nerf was bad but it was nothing compared to this. I was around when the companion nerf happened but it sure wasn't this bad.


I wasn't around for the slot machine uproar so I wasn't aware of that one but this event's uproar tops the cake...


Cake? Is it chocolate cake!??! I LOVE chocolate cake! :D:D:D

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I have read all the replies in this threaded discussion. Most agree on the substantive value of the "event" or more accurately the complete lack thereof. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple of people defending the event. Most of those reading will recognize them, they monopolize replies with asinine comments. Insulting those who are making valid points by challenging their intellectual aptitudes. Acting like they cannot understand how easy the requirements for the event are to accomplish. Calling it a speed run. Saying things like it will only require one free spot, two or three. Telling us that we don't have to compete if we don't want to, that recognizing what we have already done would be a hand out. (I'de be curious to see what those people have accomplished in the game)


In reality people like us, who have played in the drought of content hoping for something good down the line if we just waited, have kept this game going. Outside those two people who keep defending the event, in absentia of the EA representatives, the tone of the forums is strong. We feel let down. As for myself, well, I should say that I am one of EA's best targets. My mind won't let me stop until I have finished doing everything in a game. Being slower than most, I just only recently passed the cap of 51k achievements. Held off on GSF for years, only recently picking it up. The obsessive nature of my mind means a time and financial investment in my hobbies.


I say this only to give context to the following statements. I know what it is to grind. No one, other than myself, forced me to do them. And even though games like these are designed to reward players and make them want to keep playing, I will not and cannot blame them for my lack of restraint. Like everything I do, I spent time and effort into this game. So, you'll understand that from the perspective of someone who has earned most everything this game has to offer, I can say without the shadow of a doubt that the direction in which we are drifting is terrible.


This is where I get called a fool and a doom prophet. Who am I to say we are going in a bad way? Well... I own four flagships and half a dozen guilds that have died down while I was in them. Having played since the dawn of this game, everyone I have known over time has either stopped playing or only come back once every six to twelve months to see the state of the game. And though I have seen my share of people leaving, I can also tell from the servers that the player base is eroding fast and has been for a while. I am not a fatalist saying the game is dead, but for the first time in years, I am considering letting go of this sinking ship.


Let's face it, the purpose of next week going forward was and is to increase the character generation. Making dead servers seem alive again. Justifying the last breath of a beast no one wants to put out of its misery. I can't blame them for the choice they are making. What I can do is vote with my wallet. And that is what I shall do.


This isn't an angry reaction to having to replay the game. I have done it more than most combined and have a six piece legacy sets for every advanced class and spec in the game for pve and pvp fully augmented. It isn't a cry to get free stuff, this game has nothing that I don't already own in duplicates or more. This is about being taken for granted. Those that have supported the game are being told to earn everything once again. From the stem point of a man who has already done everything, it is both insulting and awe inspiring. You have the admire the kind of stupidity required to make this type of decision. It is the same that comes from people who think that the "complexity" of the event is what is making people angry. We do not require guides, this event is a joke.


To the Devs, don't listen to me, don't listen to those making suggestions. But at least take the time to see what the tone of the discussion is. You must have some unpaid interns, use them for this instead of whatever retarded task you set upon them. Because with this event, you have made history. You have united pvp'ers, pve'ers, rp'ers and trolls. They all say it sucks. You will obviously have some who will participate, but does it justify alienating this large a group of players for the sake of inflated statistics?

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What you are and were doing is unconstructive whinging - nothing more, nothing less.




You'll find I gave a plentiful amount of reasons why this comes across as whinging - all of which don't match your above assertion.




Per what you stated it punishes players who have max slots, a fair point and a constructive argument could be formed around that, it doesn't punish all older players as you elude to here though. Thus ... hyperbole - look it up.





Making ti retroactive ( the majority of players I refer to as whingers are whinging at this is what they want ) brings even less to the table - you then get to skip most of the EVENT whilst others have to do it.




How does it affect others? What affect exactly is it having? Sour grapes for not getting rewards for nothing, diddums *puts toys back in cot*.




Who is whinging? I'm blatantly attacking the whinging, not whinging about the whinging. ;)


Question about making things retro active. Most of the time when I have seen it being asked for (myself included) It is just for the crafting skills to 550 and the 8 classes to lv50. That's it. And that's only 2 requirements out of....33. So....that's not most of the event. People would still have to do the rest of it. So am I looking at it wrong then to think that leveling all those crafting skills back up to 550 and leveling all 8 classes to lv50 is not the entire or most of the event? Or are they? Just would like some clarity. :):ph_thank_you:

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Same. Though like I have pointed out earlier, its either 1. Designed it to make sure us who have been playing for years don't get a headstart over the newbys so everyone is on the same starting line. or 2. Its because of the coding that's either preventing or its beyond stupid hard and would just cause more problems for us because it would probably end up removing the achievements we have already. (Remember all the Nar Shadda Nightlife event achievements getting removed and it took them 14 months to fix it?) So yes, I would very much love a response and answer also. But doubt we will, as they lose either way. Its a lose/lose situation for them. And after reading the post about one of their devs getting threatened in real life and even his family!?!? O.O I understand not wanting to talk more then that is bare needed. Yes I don't like it and wish for more communication, but if that is the reason for holding back, I understand completely and man do I feel sorry for them. :(


In the end, of course, it doesn't matter. This is the event; and only one (ok, two) of the non-legendary-tier objectives is even possible to complete on a non-new-character, the ones having to do with the FPs. And the requirements for Legendary tier appear to be intended to be ludicrous. OTOH, the FP are a part of the "core reward" (the companion), and that's a pretty steep requirement.

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Well see for that to happen you are first going to have get REALLY angry and make some REALLY angry posts about Bioware are punishing you and screwing you over etc. for not giving you free gear when they leveled up the ops.




Oh wait! just checked I'm at 90%! WOOT!:D:D:D Still...those stinking 16m NIM *sigh* the people who can do them has gone down a lot.....oh well in 3 years when its nerfed again I shall get them!:D:D:D Well I am mad that they removed the Underworld gear (best gear for Trooper and Smugger EVER) And I know they added them in the alliance crates but...I HATE farming for RNG boxes, only to be told form a friend "Oh yeah I got like 10 of those chests pieces in a row." And I run through well over 400+ boxes and still only get 1. :( Still wish they could have added a token system for all those armors also, been saying and asking for them since day one of 4.0. Also on that, give us the Rakata Agent armor set in the alliance crates! (though hopefully they change it to a token system like the EC and not random, but whatever.)

Edited by Lakemine
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You all better Dark Side the crap out your conversations, I want Darth Hexid not some silly Jedi! :csw_vader:


That's really the only bad part of the event, if you want one companion but the tallied points net you the other. Companion conversations to turn that Jedi whats-her-name to the dark side like Jaesa? :D


Nope, extrememly doubtful they would put that much work into this type of companion unless its in the storyline, and even then....they still wouldn't. And yeah, when I first heard about this event, I knew at least half of the community would get bit by this because they didn't get the companion they wanted.

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It only took me a few hours to figure this one out.

This was bound to happen sooner or later and the reason in my opinion is because of player greed. Oh you think it's not well take a look in the GTN and think about the prices of items. Funny how people didn't seem to understand the very ideal of overpricing items on the GTN would not effect the population of this game. You say you love the game yet at the same time your greed is destroying the game. F2p and Preferred players could on day become sub characters yet this will not happen if they blocked out buying any items. Now if you come to me and stated that you never sold an item for over 1 million creds then I would call you a liar right to your face.

So here's what you are looking at when this event happens that lightsaber you thought you would be getting 60 million creds for.... usless, that items you thought you would make sure no Preferred or f2p would get by charging over 350k for...useless, that mount you thought you would get 3.5 million for....useless. You may as well bind it to your toon because this event is meant to bring all your prices in the GTN down. Also all those credit farming companies will feel the harsh and pretty soon they will become useless too.

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That's the lazy "go-to" insult for anything the insulter thinks is going to ruin the game. Got thrown around a lot shortly after 4.0 dropped


Well....I can agree it has declined (steadily not a bottom drops out) ever since then. Overall quality is down, bugs becoming more rampant then before and effecting more things, queues not popping as much (yes at peak times they still do, heck I still get some insta pops) most planets when I'm leveling have anywhere between 1 and 12 people. Sometimes there are odd ones where there are 45+ but that's getting rarer and rarer.

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It only took me a few hours to figure this one out.

This was bound to happen sooner or later and the reason in my opinion is because of player greed. Oh you think it's not well take a look in the GTN and think about the prices of items. Funny how people didn't seem to understand the very ideal of overpricing items on the GTN would not effect the population of this game. You say you love the game yet at the same time your greed is destroying the game. F2p and Preferred players could on day become sub characters yet this will not happen if they blocked out buying any items. Now if you come to me and stated that you never sold an item for over 1 million creds then I would call you a liar right to your face.

So here's what you are looking at when this event happens that lightsaber you thought you would be getting 60 million creds for.... usless, that items you thought you would make sure no Preferred or f2p would get by charging over 350k for...useless, that mount you thought you would get 3.5 million for....useless. You may as well bind it to your toon because this event is meant to bring all your prices in the GTN down. Also all those credit farming companies will feel the harsh and pretty soon they will become useless too.


Yes I have sold items for more then 1 mil creds, but I think the most is maybe 3.4 mil? (stack of isos) But I'm a poor because I have a GTN problem, took well over 3 years for me to get the 10 mil cred achievement because I kept buying stuff lol. So if this event will really bring prices down on things, I say BOOYAH!!!!:D:D:D

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Next time I need my employees to do boring and tedious work - I think I shall just call the day an EVENT!


Stopped reading there, there is so much nonsense in this thread.


It's a game not a job ... if you are finding this like "work" you're doing it wrong.

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You sure do love to attack other players for expressing thier opinions. Almost to the point where I have to wonder what kind of stake you have in this.


I'm a major EA share holder, I want everyone to spend a fortune on slot unlocks because apparently absolutely everyone has maxed theirs and that's the prime reason Bioware are doing this event. /sarcasm.


I have seen you do this in other topics time and again and while you do make an effort of making most of your posts seem rational, they are filled to the brim with belittling and close to insulting remarks on others that do not feel the way you do.


I return the tone others do. If people want to flagrantly go off on a raging tangent then I feel they should be treated like the children they are acting like.

Hyperbole is hyperbole and there is so much hyperbole in this thread ole hyper billy would be proud.


Likewise reasoned discussion ( as happens in many threads in recent times until the usual influx of whingers arrives anytime anything major happens ) is exactly that, far more reasoned. There is little reason to any of this and I'm happy for you to actually counter any point I've actually made but you can't really do that can you? Nope just posts about how I post because I'm a bit more forceful with the truth.



So which is it? Are you an employee trying to defend his own product under the guise of a player? A narcist who enjoys posting in ways that show how 'superior' his opinions (sorry those are facts to you) are?


Someone who is right until you can show me where I'm wrong? Posts like this certainly fail to do s.


For someone who acts superior to others you sure like to hide behind the word 'hyperbole' alot.


Sorry, should I go find another word to describe exactly what is occurring here?


There's a saying where I live counter to what hyperbole is;


"Where there is Smoke, There is Fire."


And while I do not believe this to always be the case;

Just how much Smoke do you need?


Cute saying, have you got anything of substance to back up your argument, anything at all? Oh wait, you're not even trying to make an argument here - you're just trying to have a go at my post style. How sad and pathetic. :(

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I've posted this before and will post it again...


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.


My problem with all this is still ... it's legendary level. It's not about just giving it to everyone, it's about doing something of a legendary difficulty to achieve the said reward or status.


Also your idea still punishes players who haven't done the content as I see it as it reduces the pool of experienced players who they can do the operations/flashpoint content with. If you take a large chunk of players out of the pool of players doing that content it actually makes it harder for others to achieve.


Where as having it as it does now punishes no one ( except the slot issue but one would hope BW comes to the party and offers a free slot to solve that issue ) - everyone is on the same playing field having to do the same content. You've done it before isn't an excuse because just about everything in this game the same players have done before yet they still keep paying their subs ... at least now there is something a little extra for repeating content.

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It only took me a few hours to figure this one out.

This was bound to happen sooner or later and the reason in my opinion is because of player greed. Oh you think it's not well take a look in the GTN and think about the prices of items. Funny how people didn't seem to understand the very ideal of overpricing items on the GTN would not effect the population of this game. You say you love the game yet at the same time your greed is destroying the game. F2p and Preferred players could on day become sub characters yet this will not happen if they blocked out buying any items. Now if you come to me and stated that you never sold an item for over 1 million creds then I would call you a liar right to your face.

So here's what you are looking at when this event happens that lightsaber you thought you would be getting 60 million creds for.... usless, that items you thought you would make sure no Preferred or f2p would get by charging over 350k for...useless, that mount you thought you would get 3.5 million for....useless. You may as well bind it to your toon because this event is meant to bring all your prices in the GTN down. Also all those credit farming companies will feel the harsh and pretty soon they will become useless too.


That same player greed is largely under influence and being cultivated by the decisions and marketing MO that Bioware continues to shove down our throats. If you do not see how the two are intricately related to eachother then perhaps understanding how marketing works might not be your strong point.

I mean no offense by saying that, but all I can ask in that case is that you take my word for it.


Personally, I do not condone or agree with the way things are going on the GTN's (Yes, I've been keeping an eye on several servers' GTN's). I do not agree with alot of the ridiculous limitations Set up by EA/BW on F2P/preffered players.


Not to mention that when with Kotfe there was clearly an inflation going on, that F2P/Preffered credit cap remained unchanged. As though trying to tell those players to sub or *Get The Smurf Off*, so to speak.


You can not blame "All the other players" oposed to yourself, when the Rot is able to spread itself because nothing is being done to counter it. Moreso, the whole gambling packs & ridiculous rarity situation (The latter also known as Unobtainium items) continue to entice the ridiculous pricings even further.


Back to your own statements though,... If you're trying to tell me that you can't buy any mounts or other items on GTN under 350k I'd urge you strongly to look again... That you can not afford all items as easily as someone that subscribes should still be quite logical however.


GTN has 2 extremes when it comes to cartel items. The items everyone already has and/or no one wants. GTN is cluttered to the brim with those at prices that almost give them away. And then the superrare and popular/wanted items. (Usually the same) . Those that get extravagant prices and often land in re-seller hands -> Supply and Demand.


The RNG gap (chance that they spawn from a pack) between those 2 types of items is so ludicrous at the moment that on the one hand you have pile of junk forming in cargo bays and on GTN that no one even really wants anymore,

and on the other hand items so rare that there's always some people willing to drop and ask absurd prices for them.


Now back to the LS/DS Fiasco...

Edited by Osgorion
You sensored my post. I'm making adjustments. ktnxbai.
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