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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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And someone forced you to do all that hard labor did they? Or was it because you actually enjoyed it? If you did it and didn't enjoy it then you're a fool imo. Games should be about having fun after all, not doing a job.


Now if the event doesn't sound like fun or you don't want to work to get the reward then just don't do it. Don't expect it to be handed to you on a silver platter simply because "Uh, I've already done that!". I've already done the ops numerous times, where is my free BiS gear when they leveled them up?




Lol what nonsense you speak. Where do you even get such a ridiculous notion from?


Ignoring the fact my member number is much smaller than yours thus I've been here longer ...


Account Creation Date: 09.30.09 - wow older than I thought ... now please don't compare yourself to me because clearly based on your own logic ... you have no idea being so nooby n all. ;)


Now even if you hadn't just made a complete fool of yourself with your misguided elitism ... what makes you so special that they should cater to veterans? We got tons of rewards etc. new players can NEVER get and we had the joy of actually doing the content itself ... why do we now need to be rewarded for enjoying a game?


Wow you did some extra content and had fun doing it ( or didn't in which case refer the fool comment ) ... best hand you it all on said silver platter. :rolleyes: It's pathetic arguments like this is why I can't take much of this whinging over the event seriously.


Oh! I have 80% OPs achievements (stinking 16m NIM), can I have BiS 224 gear handed to me for all my alts so I can raid with them too? Please? (Yes I'm a idiot who knows about the legacy gear system and doesn't care because I don't trust the outfit designer (have some items you cant get anymore because they were removed)

Edited by Lakemine
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^This is a good post. No whinging just a fair request to be able to use the rewards on his favorite character.


This is the type of thing that had me scratching my head. Why bring out an event and then exclude us from participating on our mains? I get making new characters to run through things that you can't do on your main, but HM FPs, WZs, GSF, OPs, Datacron, HK could have all been done on existing characters. Double XP and 12 XP applied to every character, why is the LS/DS only applying on newly created?

Edited by Jamtas
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This event is, basically, a speedrun challenge. How far can you get, from "the beginning" in the time allotted.

After reading over all the available information and pages of posts, I've come to see this as the "greatest loser challenge", but not like that weight loss TV show. This reminds me more of the Warcraft episode of South Park.


It's not how much work it takes, it's how quickly the grind must be done.


When I see people showing off their Legendary level rewards, in my mind, I'm going to picture them as pale, pock-faced. horrifically obese sad-sacks with no life whatsoever. They've "won" SWTOR and "lost" at life, while the folks at BioWare/EA laugh and count their money. (Does anyone remember the secretly filmed video of Blizzard staff making fun of their most hard-core WoW players? Same thing.)

Edited by Xina_LA
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After reading over all the available information and pages of posts, I've come to see this as the "greatest loser challenge", but not like that weight loss TV show. This reminds me more of the Warcraft episode of South Park.


It's not how much work it takes, it's how quickly the grind must be done.

When I see people showing off their Legendary level rewards, in my mind, I'm going to picture them as pale, pock-faced. horrifically obese sad-sacks with no life whatsoever. They've "won" SWTOR and "lost" at life, while the folks at BioWare/EA laugh and count their money. (Does anyone remember the secretly filmed video of Blizzard staff making fun of their most hard-core WoW players? Same thing.)


That says a lot more about you than the players reaching goals.

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i believe you are what we refer to as a drone ....you have no soul and it's people like you that allow dev's to even get away with this kind a crap ...the fact you accept such a disgustingly disrespectful move is whats wrong with game company's these days ....people allow dev's to get away with ****** content , badly planned things and overall the fact people like you openly say im fine with this shows you are a pushover and would rather be spat in the face and even ask for seconds while ya at it ..... as a community we NEVER NEED TO ACCEPT this kind of badly planned and disrespectfully setup events to the core players of a game...


There was no reason to attack her like this. She enjoys different things. Though I disagree with her about the event she has a right to enjoy what she likes without being attacked like this. It is one thing not to like something but quite another to jump on her for something she enjoys.

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Hang on a second. The part you are talking about is the LEGENDARY tier, their ain't nuttin legendary about giving it to players who did 8 classes over numerous years.


It's an EVENT thus you need to DO something during the EVENT to EARN something. Capiche?


Next time I need my employees to do boring and tedious work - I think I shall just call the day an EVENT! Folks, we're going to have a "Clean the Warehouse Event"!! Wear your party clothes!! At the end of the year we will have an "Inventory Event"!! Free calculators for all!! Work hard enough and you can earn "Legendary Status'!!


There are so many ways they could have made this really fun. And as a video game - this should be fun. Compensating us with packs and mounts so that we will boost low level content metrics - that's not fun. That's just a paycheck for work. If BW *really* needs us to crank through all these old flashpoints and such to help keep the game alive - well, then let me run the flashpoints I enjoy and do the game content I like doing. I could still crank out light side points in a way that wasn't so forced and ridiculously rigid in structure.


This should not be about "earning" stuff. The event should be entertaining in and of itself. A true battle between light side points and dark side points would be awesome. With freebies thrown in as frosting on the cake. I'm not going to work for Bioware 4-6 hours a day all summer and get paid a mount and companion for my efforts. That is laughable.


MeNaCe - I usually enjoy your posts. But you are on the wrong side of the fence here.

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Gonna throw my main complaints here


As some have said to defend this, if the event is not for you don't do it.

However, that to me means the event is a failure.

A big game wide event like this should be made for all players, Gree has stuff for RPers, PvPers, and PvErs, but this is just rehash, it isn't content, it doesn't provide something new or interesting for players to do, it's basically just a second list of achievements only attainable on what for most will be throw away characters that they will probably look at with spite or frustration once all is said and done.


I think most people here just want Bioware to respond to this, to address the concerns and provide insight into the decisions, so that we can understand what went wrong, and why they thought this was a good idea.

And no, this was not a good idea.

The fact there are over 140, likely 150 pages of replies within 48 hours is unprecedented. It means something is wrong and that there should be a discussion as to why. I'm not gonna bring up that Bioware are hiding when something goes haywire, it's been said dozens of times already by players far more eloquent than myself.


Now, for those of you replying to others and saying just move on, just don't do it, stop being angry or passionate, you don't share my views, etc, to you I want to impart understanding. As someone that's played the game for well over 4 years, competed in world progression for Nightmare operations tiers, given PvP a fair crack, enjoyed the stories, some more than once, and generally levelled a lot of characters, this event basically tells me that for the first time, I can't take my main along for the ride, or my second main, or my third, or even my 15th. It says I have to level a character, basically identical in playstyle, build, everything, to my current available, and do what I spent 4 years doing, again, within a limited timeframe. It doesn't provide anything interesting. There is nothing new here. Gree had new content, Chevin had new content, Rakghoul had new content, BBA had new content.

This does not.

This is the problem.


Respond to me and generalise what I'm saying to make this not sound like it's true, call me jaded and brush off my views as irrelevant, tell me to move on if I don't enjoy it, hell, rip me apart for having typos or bad syntax, I don't care.

Because I know what I'm saying is right, I know that this event has been conceived poorly, I know that for once players from all paths are angry, and that again, for once they are justified.

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i believe you are what we refer to as a drone ....you have no soul and it's people like you that allow dev's to even get away with this kind a crap ...the fact you accept such a disgustingly disrespectful move is whats wrong with game company's these days ....people allow dev's to get away with ****** content , badly planned things and overall the fact people like you openly say im fine with this shows you are a pushover and would rather be spat in the face and even ask for seconds while ya at it ..... as a community we NEVER NEED TO ACCEPT this kind of badly planned and disrespectfully setup events to the core players of a game...


I thought drones were non-animate? I mean I could be wrong because I do have the mental age of a 12 year old so.... For me, yes they have failed in the past and they continue to disappoint. But if some people are having fun doing the storylines because they have not finished them yet (Even me who has been here for 4 years still has one left to do), um...let them? They are paying for their play time, not you (Mind you if a scenario of that were to exist then you would have grounds), so let them play the way they want. Now yes, you are right about we should never sit by and just take the crud thrown in our face, But the way I have come to see it is, because EA gutted Bioware out over the past years, they don't have the staff to make and work on things at the pace we would like. (Yes me also) Plus I'm not 100% sure, but I doubt a lot of the people who originally worked on the game are even still there, so its newer people who don't know all the ins and outs of the coding. And yes I know next to nothing about coding, but I do know enough that is a lot more confusing and one wrong character or missing line of text can screw over the entire game, even places you didn't think it could effect. (ie: the GSF parts bug because of the changing of stats on pve and pvp gear.) So with that in mind, I don't raise my expectations to above the clouds. Would I like it if more people were working there? Yes very much so, because I want Hood Toggle and Back Handed Lightsaber stance. (And yes I know about the other project "Shadow Realms" last year being canceled and they moved all those people over and spilt between 3 games, The new Mass Effect Andromenda, Dragon Age: Inquisition and SWTOR, so not ALL of them went to SWTOR, and remember making a new games requires ALOT more people then upkeeping a existing one) But the truth is the truth. So raise or lower your expectations accordingly and you wont get burned.....as much anyways. Not white knighting, just a truth seeker is all. And I want the truth no matter what, even if I don't like it.

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He is but he wasn't even here since thuresday evining... They knew this socalled "event" will kick off a *****torm and they did it anyway. Massanger or not, if he knew "his" community he'll stop them from this...abomination.

Especially that this is the content EVERYONE is stuck with till 2017, until season 2...well besides 4.7 in july.


Well...to be fair when EVER anything "new" is added there is also some or a fair amount of people they are unhappy. So maybe they knew? But how do you know? I don't remember reading anywhere, where they knew it was going to be a firestorm and said "Eh, screw them." (Though I will agree it does look like that, but until we are 100% certain, please don't say it was fact. :)) Hmm...I wonder how hard it is to become a community manger? and what it REALLY involves. Because if its just doing what I have been doing for the past couple of days, dang I would LOVE to get paid for that!:D:D:D Then again.....I would probably be fired within 4 hours because I love the truth and nothing but the truth and truthfulness, honesty and caring for the people above making myself look good. :)

Edited by Lakemine
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So sorry for saying this, I'm actually a bit drunk today and it was quite hot, so maybe I'm getting a bit emotional about this.


But ***? Honestly, you guys have the metrics, you will see what will happen, but I can tell you this already, I won't get this tank. Maybe I will try to get the achievements, but I WILL NOT stand in line for f***ing World Boss kills and I won't suffer through messed up Raid Groups or HM FPs. I'm a loyal player, but I'm a PVP guy and you effectively locked me out from an event, because it would require me to do Endgame PVE. I wasn't always a PVP jerk, I did my share of HM Flashpoints, I even did them often enough to get most of the 25 times achievements. That's why I know how idiotic this MISSION sounds. There's no fun in grind like this.

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Hear hear, please elaborate on that. Never heard of it and now I'm curious.


Same. I am not doubting you.....well lets just say I have people who know people that have experienced the "dark side" of society and tell me stories all the time. So I know its real thing that happens, but I do not remember nor have seen anywhere about a SWTOR dev in this situation. Please let me now, or direct me to the link about it. (I just like reading lot lol)

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So sorry for saying this, I'm actually a bit drunk today and it was quite hot, so maybe I'm getting a bit emotional about this.


But ***? Honestly, you guys have the metrics, you will see what will happen, but I can tell you this already, I won't get this tank. Maybe I will try to get the achievements, but I WILL NOT stand in line for f***ing World Boss kills and I won't suffer through messed up Raid Groups or HM FPs. I'm a loyal player, but I'm a PVP guy and you effectively locked me out from an event, because it would require me to do Endgame PVE. I wasn't always a PVP jerk, I did my share of HM Flashpoints, I even did them often enough to get most of the 25 times achievements. That's why I know how idiotic this MISSION sounds. There's no fun in grind like this.


That's why I only drink chocolate milk, even at bars :D (but that's me, its fine for you though:p) And yeah, I wish there was more pvp and gsf requirements instead of WB kills and leveling 6 characters -_-. The fps and ops are...meh, I have a raiding guild so I can just use them.

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Same. I am not doubting you.....well lets just say I have people who know people that have experienced the "dark side" of society and tell me stories all the time. So I know its real thing that happens, but I do not remember nor have seen anywhere about a SWTOR dev in this situation. Please let me now, or direct me to the link about it. (I just like reading lot lol)


Links provided by another poster:


Well, here are just a couple of links. You'll find more if you do an internet search. I found these two by searching on:

swtor developer threatened





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Well, here are just a couple of links. You'll find more if you do an internet search. I found these two by searching on:

swtor developer threatened






Well ignore the previous post I asked, *smacks head* look first before adding a post you moron! Anyways....thank you find it, and dang.....people are worse then I thought, no wonder the CM or devs never respond, I wouldn't either if I knew my wife and kids were going to get tracked down and leered at or beat or worse JUST because I shared my opinion. See? This is why they stay silent. Its because of people like those that go out of their way to threaten them. We all need to show them that we can be respectful and yet disagree on many number of things, yet still be respectful because we are all humans. Yes I agree with a great many number of issues brought up with this "event" and disagree with most it, but just because I'm angry doesn't mean I wish ill will on the devs, in fact I wish EA would listen to feedback and add more staff to give us more of what we want. Trust me, I'm a pessimist most of the time, and the only way to keep going is to look and find the smallest sliver of hope and hang on to it. *sigh* Sadly this might fall on deaf or ignoring ears, but I hope the devs read this and hear me when I type "Yes you have failed in a number of things, but please learn from them and keep going so that you can give us what we would like and want." May the Force be with you.

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Links provided by another poster:


Well, here are just a couple of links. You'll find more if you do an internet search. I found these two by searching on:

swtor developer threatened






Yep just found it, me being stupid again -_- :o See? this is what happens when you have chocolate donuts all weekend and cinnamon bagels and have the mental age of 12 :p But thank you for correcting me :)

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Yep just found it, me being stupid again -_- :o See? this is what happens when you have chocolate donuts all weekend and cinnamon bagels and have the mental age of 12 :p But thank you for correcting me :)


You are welcome. Easy to miss in a forum moving fast.

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So anyone who isn't hysterical over an event is a soulless drone ruining gaming? Sounds to me like you have some major issues you need to work through. People enjoy different things. People are annoyed by different things. People have different opinions. That is life.


Sorry I don't let other players dictate what aspects of an event I should like or not like. I enjoy leveling alts. That is the main thing I like doing in games. This event will reward me handsomely for doing what I like. I don't like feeding chips into slot machines for a slim chance at a rancor. So I passed on that summer event and managed to not do it without insulting the players who liked it and wanted it to return this year. Similarly I think it was a very bad design to restrict the Gree event currency to group content only. I don't denigrate players who are content with Gree being pointless for solo players. Again, I manage to not do the Gree event eveytime it rolls around without insulting the people who enjoy the little raid.


Can I be hysterical because I ran out of chocolate milk? :eek::eek: And yeah, I like multiple parts of this game, its just figuring out what do it when I sign on that's the hard part:D I like leveling alts, but at my own pace, not a speed run challenge. Had to do the Nightlife event because I'm a idiot with OCD for achievements, but so glad I don't have any reason do it again (but for buying more Elara Dorne customizations, best one ever for her :D) And yes, I think its a very very VERY bad design to gate them behind ONLY the heroic and Xeno (even though I don't have issues with them, doesn't mean others don't) I think they should have made the Helixs and the rak DNA canisters drop from each and every daily, and then double or more with the heroic and WBs of those events. So that solo people can get them at a small pace, but if they want more they can group up with others for it. There everyone wins! :D

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You are welcome. Easy to miss in a forum moving fast.


Yeah and I'm the idiot who has been doing next to nothing but reading all 145+ pages since Thursday, this is WAY to much fun :D:D:D:D:D (maybe to much fun....I need to raid soon lol)

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This is the type of thing that had me scratching my head. Why bring out an event and then exclude us from participating on our mains? I get making new characters to run through things that you can't do on your main, but HM FPs, WZs, GSF, OPs, Datacron, HK could have all been done on existing characters. Double XP and 12 XP applied to every character, why is the LS/DS only applying on newly created?


We don't know for sure, but I suspect 2 reasons. 1. They did it so the people who have been playing for years don't have a head start or jump ahead of all the new people. (Which could be true but if is, that's just beyond a stupid reason) or 2. Because of all the issues with integrating all coding into new coding it causes issues,(ie: romance bug with the launch of KotFE, all of the old companions coming back with differing bugs ect ect) they cant count nor want to go near trying to because of they end of screwing up ALL of the stuff we have done over the past 5 years? Oh boy now THATS a storm. So its easier and less stressful to just put everyone on the same line and start there. Imo, wish it was 1 so I can yell at them and blame them for being selfish people, but in reality its most likely 2. Though I doubt we will ever get a answer to either, as its a lose/lose for Bioware.

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There was no reason to attack her like this. She enjoys different things. Though I disagree with her about the event she has a right to enjoy what she likes without being attacked like this. It is one thing not to like something but quite another to jump on her for something she enjoys.


*nod* hear hear!

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Gonna throw my main complaints here


As some have said to defend this, if the event is not for you don't do it.

However, that to me means the event is a failure.

A big game wide event like this should be made for all players, Gree has stuff for RPers, PvPers, and PvErs, but this is just rehash, it isn't content, it doesn't provide something new or interesting for players to do, it's basically just a second list of achievements only attainable on what for most will be throw away characters that they will probably look at with spite or frustration once all is said and done.


I think most people here just want Bioware to respond to this, to address the concerns and provide insight into the decisions, so that we can understand what went wrong, and why they thought this was a good idea.

And no, this was not a good idea.

The fact there are over 140, likely 150 pages of replies within 48 hours is unprecedented. It means something is wrong and that there should be a discussion as to why. I'm not gonna bring up that Bioware are hiding when something goes haywire, it's been said dozens of times already by players far more eloquent than myself.


Now, for those of you replying to others and saying just move on, just don't do it, stop being angry or passionate, you don't share my views, etc, to you I want to impart understanding. As someone that's played the game for well over 4 years, competed in world progression for Nightmare operations tiers, given PvP a fair crack, enjoyed the stories, some more than once, and generally levelled a lot of characters, this event basically tells me that for the first time, I can't take my main along for the ride, or my second main, or my third, or even my 15th. It says I have to level a character, basically identical in playstyle, build, everything, to my current available, and do what I spent 4 years doing, again, within a limited timeframe. It doesn't provide anything interesting. There is nothing new here. Gree had new content, Chevin had new content, Rakghoul had new content, BBA had new content.

This does not.

This is the problem.


Respond to me and generalise what I'm saying to make this not sound like it's true, call me jaded and brush off my views as irrelevant, tell me to move on if I don't enjoy it, hell, rip me apart for having typos or bad syntax, I don't care.

Because I know what I'm saying is right, I know that this event has been conceived poorly, I know that for once players from all paths are angry, and that again, for once they are justified.



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