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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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Can't we as a community (talking about the veteran players, which is I believe at least 80% of the community) just boycot this and start a petition against this ridiculous event? Maybe even with official votes for or against, so it becomes clear for Bioware how many people are actually positive about this and looking forward to it (no one).


Looking at the threads about the LS/DS event here and on other sources like reddit and dulfy there's no need for a petition.


I for myself will "boycot" this event by doing what I do all my time: playing pvp, leveling (already existing) alts and having fun with my guild mates. I will NOT contribute to their dubious metrics, which will, at the end of the event, tell them that all the players enjoy all the content so there's no need to change anythinig.


But I'm still hoping there will be a Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event in the near future.

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Wow, as a founder with all classes and advanced classes maxed, all flashpoints done, all events done, all operations done including world first nightmare runs I feel this 'content' is a real slap in the face.


I can understand if you wanted to make 1 new character to 65 in order to qualify but needing to do everything all over again on 8 characters to reach the goal........ just dumb.


My guild is already dead due to no new group content, this may well be my last sub if this is implemented as no way I'm grinding out what I've already done all over again. Seriously....great way to take a cool sounding idea and kill it dead.


The 8 chars need to be level 50, 1 needs to be 65. But then there is all the crafting, story's. events. Etc. Trying to get gear so you can do the HM FP's and the championship... it is just stupid. And they came out so late with the information about this event, that I doubt anything can be done with it. Now that they have seen how unhappy the community is about it. If they even would do something about it

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Wow this "Event" is by far the biggest Hustle I've ever seen in a Video Game.


You slap in the Faces of every loyal Subscriber you had in the past Years to force us to make everything that we did



How can you look in a Mirror?


Everything what you give us are things that are already in the game, the only thing whats new is Armorset with the Exp Boost and let me guess you get the Set AFTER the Event is over.

The Companion is absolutely useless we have already over 20 and can only use 6 of them for crafting.

The Mount is a Mount... boring. 110% speed doesn't matter how it look.


For over a Year now Players ask you or new Operation, you know SWTOR is a MMO after all and what did you gave us? Single player Story and now after the story is over you have nothing for us. So you bring this "Event" to spend our time with everything the Community has already done!


Shame such a shame

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Once you have completed the objective by receiving the achievement, that character no longer needs to be active. So you could level to 50 on a character, and then delete it.




This has to be the worst event idea in the world. Those who already grind out all the classes must now regrind out all the classes again. You know, Dev team should at least give everyone free character slot instead of saying we should buy them for your EVENT! Because this isn't for the community at all this is way for you to make us spend money on your crappy cartel system.

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i am one of those players who stoped sub after 3 years permanent beeing a sub.

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sad day for all the long term players :-(


Im also one of those players been playing since day 1! Good Bye SWTOR!

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Yes, I can actually see this event as having a positive reaction from me if the bugs were cut in half. I wouldn't say above a 3 or 4 on a scale of 10 but at least it would be positive.


Personally, I'm know for a fact that there's no way I can get the Legendary. Sorry but I don't like the game that much. I would like to get the light side companion but only because there have been many of us who have been asking and asking for companions that are playable races no one has access to. Chiss is the big example here. But there are a few others we don't have that would be interesting. Definitely more interesting than a houk or an ithorian or some of the other 'exotic' companions. What I find funny is still being able to complain... instead of a chiss agent, bounty hunter or smuggler, we get... a sentinel. I was hoping she would be a sage to bring the number of sages available to one (I guess I could include the ithorian if used as a healer). But as someone mentioned, I really hope she has a story and not just a tacked on attitude as if she had more important things to do.


I wouldn't hold your breath

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Agree with allot of the others here , over the years i have supported and even at times (regardless of how PATHETIC YOU ARE BIOWARE) defended this game ...against all of the retarded fails you have managed.... cause you are after all an incompetent bunch..... but this ? ....the level of disrespect to you're elder gamers is just amazing .....


Which inbred afterbirth of a human came up with this stupid ,despicable ,and INSULTING event and conditions?


The fact you even suggest to people delete characters ,play on a different server and such is find appalling... if you really want to watch this game die over the next few weeks go right ahead and push on this event as it is now.... i have never been this pissed at the dev's as now.....


you spitting in the face of everyone who has supported you since launch and it'll result in MASS DE-SUBSCRIPTION from the veteran player base.... Don't know how it even can this far to be honest bioware.....not one ...of the people on your team said ... "Hey guys i think this might enrage the community?"


If you *Bioware* as a company to not understand and listen to your players base after 4 years ...then i guess the game might as well go ahead and die already..... it went F2P and ya veterans kept it alive , now with this event you spit those last people that defend your product in the face.... Let the game burn i guess it's over and Bioware proves their a money whore like EA taught them to be....


Congratulation as you lose half your player base next week.

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you expect people that have tipped in countless hours into your game doing the achievements the flashpoints the ops the leveling the story content are you guys even aware of how long that will take even IF you are gifted to be playing at the right time to get group pops and ops groups? I am in Australia in the evenings when I play the game is DEAD as far as ops content is concerned there simply isnt the people ingame to run said content with. let alone GSF, flashpoints and PVP.


I have been a sub since before the AUSPAC servers went down and have invested countless hours into this game getting achievements and things done. I have oodles of toons at levelcap (around 25) at last count. I have levelled enough toons and experienced the story content numerous times already, not to mention the time spent running ops datacron hunting, GSI missions reputation farming of all the factions - VOSS, THORN etc... and you want me to repeat all that story content I have thrashed to death? I HAVE DONE ALL THIS STUFF as has the majority of your current playerbase. Losing your current playerbase and expecting others to appear out of nowhere to replace them simply isnt going to happen.


if you do this and it isnt at least partially retroactive I will take my sub money and spend it elsewhere as I imagine countless others will as well. I have been patiently waiting for new ops content with 5.0, I am not going to repeat all the content I have already thrashed to death MULTIPLE TIMES for some fancy new shiny ingame trinkets.


seems like a really easy way to avoid actually developing new content, just make everybody spin their wheels through all the old stuff (again).

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I got sixteen toons ( for the sixteen advanced classes ) and all six crafting professions. Rest are slicers. Not gonna make anymore alts, and certainly not for this particular event. Sixteen is more than plenty for me.


To me this "Dark vs Light" event doesn't exist. Didn't happen. An event like this should've happened around launch, not mid-2016.


Just gonna stick with my present toons, do what I've been doing, which is fun, and keep moving. Not gonna un-sub but I will not waste a ridiculous amount of time re-rolling new toons just to grind the same 1-50 content yet again, and for what? Titles? Mounts? How many titles and mounts does a toon really need? I'm sure even a completionist will find this event very trying.


I'd rather have brand new class content or an expansion like "Rise of the Hutt Cartel". But that isn't happening.

Edited by Tahirri
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Let me take a wild guess and say you are not a roleplayer. Deleting two characters for those of us that are roleplayers it is a big deal. I know for me my characters already have a back story and are tied to either my toons, my boyfriend's or both.


For roleplayers each character they create have a purpose and they are not just created and never used.


Creating new characters don't just happen for roleplayers. They create back stories and have to plan out how the new characters fit into the scheme of the other toons.


*high fives casirabit* Exactly. All of my toons are either related to each other and are one big huge happy family, or they are friends, associates, "college" roommates. (College meaning academy) My BH is my SW's sister, who has a jedi consular daughter with Torian, who has a kid with Tharan Cedrax and Iresso, who's son is Theron Shan's boyfriend, etc., etc.


I can't just make a toon and delete it willy nilly. It's the reason some classes I have 5 of (like Sith Warriors) and some I have 3 of (like Troopers). It's all RPing. I might not be on an actual RP server, but I still RP the **** out of my legacy on my main server.

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For a roleplayer they are all unique and for me alone all my toons have anywhere from 12-16 outfits on the outfit changer. while I can get them off my collections the cost of outfitting them and unlocking the tabs well would be expensive. I am a very picky person on what my characters wear (even brand new ones) It takes me over an hour to design one and then another hour or so to get the outfits right.


Same. I spend like 30 minutes deciding on facial features, hair color, skin color, eye color, make up, or facial hair. Then 10 minutes trying to choose a good name to go with that toon. Then trolling through GTN or my cargo looking for dyes, outfits, boots, etc to go with their personality, family colors if there is any, style, etc.

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A large part of all the frustration that we see here surely stems from the high expections many of us, me included, had when we first read about this event. I imagined getting a new companion with whom we could play and the global decisions of the playerbase determined in which way that companion evolved, more or less unaffected by our personal decisions. It would have felt like there was a living breathing person that made his/her decisions largely by himself/herself. As the story progressed we would have waited to see how the LS/DS points affected the behaviour of the companion again and again, slowly evolving into one direction or another.

This or any event that would have included a lot of companion interaction and companion development would have been super interesting.

Now we get a huge load of boring grind that large parts of the community abhor. And if you grind through at least 2 complete new alts you will get one of two possible companions. A part of the comunity will get a companion that they did not want. The amount of people even achieving this tier remains to be seen. And once we have the companion there is no guarantee that that character will actually live and breathe. Probably BW wanted to wait and see how many people actually get the companion before they decide if it is worth to do work intensive story writing, voice acting etc..

I expected some background story for the companion we would see evolve during the next months and got the invitation to a grind fest for a few new shinies. What a letdown. Please scrap this event and rethink it BW. It sounds horrible.

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Its atleast 2 chars you need to gear up, because its both the imp and rep FP's you need to do, for one of the achivements. it seems like there is alot/an insane amount of grinding/playing that needs to be done, to do this event. and the veterans will have done it all, if not many times....
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I am afraid that I have to agree with pretty much everyone else on the thread. I was expecting a nice event with a background story for the companion that we would be getting, one where our choices in a particular quest or series of quests meant that the new companion would be light or dark side...not one of each. And I really do not want to grind out everything that I have already done, I have at least 1 of each advanced class already up to about 50, they would be higher but I got tired of doing the same old thing again and again and again and AGAIN. This evert announcement has been a real let down. I will say this, you will be lucky if I do any of this on 1 new alt, extremely lucky if I do it on a second and it is pretty much near impossible that I will be creating 8 new toons for this. I have to say unless the devs come up with something better soon for end game you will be loosing another long time sub. This one was pretty much the final straw for myself, only reason I'm not cancelling my sub now is that I am planning on doing some things for Extra Life but once that it over it will be really hard for me to stay with how this game has changed. I get how you were trying to get new players to come in but you are pretty much going up to every veteran player and slapping them in the face and saying **** you, we do not care about you at all. I hope that you actually listen to what everyone has been saying in here and change how this is going to go.

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See, on one hand I understand their purpose in giving us this...thing, to do. It's giving us something to tide us over while they work on 5.0 for around the holidays, you know, season 2 of Kotfe. I DO understand this. So we're not bored and leave and they can work on something.


I'm all for filler things to keep us occupied until the main expansion/patch comes out.


But what kills me is, they didn't think about how many veterans they actually have, those of us who have been here a long time. Who have done all 8 stories at least twice in some regards. Who have spent hundreds of hours and millions of credits on skills (before they were free) on armor, weapons, companion affection, etc.


I know there are new players who have been here a few weeks to about a year. I know they want to give us basically busy work (which btw, stick your busy work up your kazoo, I'LL find stuff to do (that's includes jobs))


Seriously, out of all of us complaining about the heavy crack you all were smoking, maybe a tiny portion will actually happily do this.


You guys really need to make some of this retroactive. If you can't/don't want to make it all retroactive, fine, but LOOK at your own requirements and figure out what you can make retroactive cause a lot of us really do not want to grind the SAME OLD CONTENT another 8 times for some trinkets.


Come on, Bioware, you should know better than this by now.

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...Edit: Also assuming it ends october 1st, thats 14 weeks and 5 days totaling 2,472 hours, assuming u sleep 12 hours, thats 1236 hours, and say you play swtor 4 hours a day thats 309 hours... so ya... grinding central unless my calculations of completion are wrong.


ROFLMAO! I haven't slept 12hrs in a night since like 1991:D ....And seriously...How many adults actually have 4hrs every day to play video games? ;) I might get 10hrs a week.... on a good week. Maybe if I tell my teenagers they can't play football and run track, and tell my 5yr old twins no more swim lessons or basketball because "I gotta start over on SWTOR to "maybe" unlock an armor set or two. (Because chances are since the crates are BoP instead of B2L I'll have 8 new characters with random armor pieces and still won't be able to unlock em in collections. )


Those blasted kids and their dog :mad:;):D :D (and that Free loading dog needs a job. He eats a 50lb bag of food every week! ) :D


I'm not completely against the event. I already realize that because of my limited playtime, lack of desire to do things like PvP & OP's, & inability to make it past lvl 5 of the Eternal Championship even in mostly 208 gear.....:confused: I probably won't get more than a few armor pieces. I'm not about to cancel my sub. But I do hope Eric and team are paying attention to some of the valid concerns people are bringing up.

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I'm going to report this from a separate thread, because I want to make clear that while I think the mecahnics are OK, the way BW went about this is badly mishandled


The problem is the cheapening of the language, combined with Pokemon Syndrtome (Gotta catch them all), which the game has previous encouraged. Completing "legendary" anything ought to be a mighty feat. But they went and used the term for "doing all 8 class stories." So, naturally, the expectation is that "anyone can be legendary."


I like the concept behind the event - a speed run challenge of (almost) the entire game. I'm OK with them recycling the actual content, and I can accept that it's easier to measure progress by making everyone start at the same point (a new set of characters). But simply slapping "Dark vs Light: " in front of existing achievement names was a terrible idea, and not promoting it as "can you beat the clock!"


And, yes, Legendary Level should have been "broken off" and made painfully obvious that it is "bonus content." And, frankly, it shouldn't have had the lion's share of pack prizes. That's what makes it not just a "prestige" achievement.


In fact, there is not "Why are we doing this?" There is no "Story." Why does it matter, in-game, what the Galactic Karma Meter is? Why does it matter, in-game, that all-new heroes rise to the challenge, rather than existing ones? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, BW? Where's the @#$%$ story here? This is an entirely metagame event, in what's promoted as a story-based game? It doesn't have to be very serious or in-depth; previous events have had basically one-line story justifications. I know why I'm doing this. Why are my brand-new characters doing this?


BW, I am dissapoint.

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Seems to be the case

Champion level is gonna be a pain.


Thanks for posting that. That's the first time I've seen an official answer saying that the previous tier must be completed before completing the next one. Good to know.

Edited by Trynitris
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Has it been revealed yet if the Light and Dark side decisions are exclusive to each character or the collective decisions on the account? Like say, if you make a pub character who is all good, you'd get the Light Side Champion and if you make an imperial character who is all evil, you'd get the Dark Side Champion too. Has that been clarified yet?
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Has it been revealed yet if the Light and Dark side decisions are exclusive to each character or the collective decisions on the account? Like say, if you make a pub character who is all good, you'd get the Light Side Champion and if you make an imperial character who is all evil, you'd get the Dark Side Champion too. Has that been clarified yet?


Who cares? As long as its not made retroactive nothing is more important.

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