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  1. where is the schematic for this gone from my biochem crafter? I had it I know i had it pre 4.0, where can i get the schematic for it again iirc there was a vendor on black hole that sold this and some other schematics that seems to have been removed, what the hell - I want to craft and use more of these, can anybody craft them still? the GTN on ebon hawk doesnt have any, anybody know where to get the schematic and the others that were littered about the place in sec x and black hole and so on....
  2. firstly - in the past levelling toons was much much more difficult there was no 12x xp boost, there was no class story and you levelled enough to continue, there was alderaan a planetary level and gearcheck, story mode flashpoints actually were challenging and there was no planetary bolster/level sync. yes veteran players got things for being part of the game at certain points. that new gamers cant possibly get but this is no excuse to force veteran players into a achivement reset. lets say they did a patch and screwed it up and it and reset everybodies achievements and legacy rank to zero, the community would go into a meltdown. Achievements are just that achievements, to then disregard them and ask people to repeat them leaves people thinking - well that was pointless they want me to redo it - why did I even bother in the first place...
  3. signed x 10 - of course I thought the point to achievements is that they are achievements - you have achieved x objective and have an achievement. To then later say yea na that achievement you got isnt worth squat do it again is a major kick in the ... you get the idea
  4. the only useful thing this event will reward is an xp gain boost armorset, I highly doubt the drop rates will be generous on the rare and sought after items for obvious reasons.
  5. how about realizing the event is full retard and cancelling it. that would fix things right up.
  6. you expect people that have tipped in countless hours into your game doing the achievements the flashpoints the ops the leveling the story content are you guys even aware of how long that will take even IF you are gifted to be playing at the right time to get group pops and ops groups? I am in Australia in the evenings when I play the game is DEAD as far as ops content is concerned there simply isnt the people ingame to run said content with. let alone GSF, flashpoints and PVP. I have been a sub since before the AUSPAC servers went down and have invested countless hours into this game getting achievements and things done. I have oodles of toons at levelcap (around 25) at last count. I have levelled enough toons and experienced the story content numerous times already, not to mention the time spent running ops datacron hunting, GSI missions reputation farming of all the factions - VOSS, THORN etc... and you want me to repeat all that story content I have thrashed to death? I HAVE DONE ALL THIS STUFF as has the majority of your current playerbase. Losing your current playerbase and expecting others to appear out of nowhere to replace them simply isnt going to happen. if you do this and it isnt at least partially retroactive I will take my sub money and spend it elsewhere as I imagine countless others will as well. I have been patiently waiting for new ops content with 5.0, I am not going to repeat all the content I have already thrashed to death MULTIPLE TIMES for some fancy new shiny ingame trinkets. seems like a really easy way to avoid actually developing new content, just make everybody spin their wheels through all the old stuff (again).
  7. okay I dont post often but when i do - well 1. the slot machine - honestly you still havnt listened and still havnt fixed it? ignoring an issue such as this won't make it go away it will be here and people will be demanding you do something until it is done, I have an unbound slot machine and refuse to "bind" it until you fix it 2. the handling of exploiters - really a one week ban for the chair mistake (I say mistake because thats what it was a mistake) it wasn't an exploit you guys messed up when you implemented that and you then punish the community for taking advantage of your mistake, and I hear the punishments are weak sauce - uber weak sauce - try that **** in wow they will ban not only you but your children and their children. 3. the CONSTANT nerfing of classes because the tiny pvp community complains about balance issues - reducing a sin deeps from 30 meters to ten - with light armor and your hostile to melee tos/ravagers ops, furthermore what you have done to marauders is downright criminal - split the damned skill trees already make a pvp and a pve one that way your pvp "balancing" wont cluster**** pve and pve raiders. 4. the NERFING of content - really a "de bolster" - really remind me again why i need bother gearing at all with everything bolstered up or down so content can be run "as intended" i mean really why should we bother working to get geared at all? we can all just ride the bolster up and down like a rollercoaster. if thats the case then just remove levelling all together and give everybody the max level abilities and the like upon toon creation and remove all gear from the game besides vanity and then "tune" everything to that, you are heading in this direction anyway. 5. the ziost incident - well what do you expect that was easier to do than many of your datacrons you have scattered about - fleet and makeb to name two - that simply shouldnt have been possible to do what they did and the fact it was (and still is) possible is due to poor design and implementation of new content. Try testing things before setting them live 6. the dread nim soloable exploit - it is my understanding that this issue was reported as a bug when the content was on the PTS giving you time to investigate and fix it, but through outright pig headedness or incompetence you implemented glitchy cheesable content. 7. your in game "support" - heres an idea dont close tickets as soon as you respond to them maybe your copy-and-paste auto generated response didnt fix the issue the player (a paying customer) is having with your product. Furthermore a response such as "we only support story mode content at this time" is a cop out - I am paying a subscription for the entire friggin game, I would love to pick and choose what parts i am subscribed for and neglect the parts I don't want saving me money, but it doesnt work like that now does it? as far as I can see there are many MANY more mistakes than three OP but maybe you havnt been playing as long as I have and have seen fewer mistakes. <<EDIT>> - people who preordered SOR need a title given to them for the trauma they went through something like - "shadow of revan test dummy" cmon "resounding success" you said - clearly you arent listening to the community - yet again
  8. I have seen many exploits in my time in this game, from the cartel crystal r/e ing for mats, the ziost exploit, the oricon ops exploits, the list goes on and on and through it all i have kept my nose clean and avoided said exploits. Then i see the weak sauce bans handed out to exploiters the admins are a laughhing stock go bot in wow and see how fast your arse gets booted sub or not not this pissweak one week ban. I understand fully why people keep exploiting this game and abusing known exploits - the penalties are weak as piss. Add to that your "refer a friend system" which has increased spammy ingame chat with people trying to sell ref link clicks to get free cc's and other ****, the fact you seemingly are unable to eradicate credit sellers from your game they openly advertise on fleet and now friggin use in game mail to "sell credits" heres an idea drop the refer a friend garbage and actually attack and remove credit sellers and not for a week or a month - permanently. your current penalties are not a strong enough deterrent to prevent people from abusing exploits and until you fix this people will continue to exploit your game. Furthermore i come to this thread from the launcher in the derpy popup window and to reply I had to "login" and after I did I had to reload the page link from the launcher - which it then decided to load in my browser so I had to login again - that means I logged in THREE times to make this comment - what the actual F$#K once in the launcher once in the popup and again in my browser, and every time it doesnt return me to the page I am viewing like every other forum in existence. getting quite pissed off with your weak punishments for exploiters and what does the straight do everything right subber get for avoiding all the exploits? stuffall
  9. can you keybind the lucky 77 swoops' coin thing already??????????????
  10. Sorry man but I searched and was unable to find your post about it - seems everybody I talk to thinks this is a great idea but are too lazy to log onto the forum and post about it - but are quite happy to say they don't listen... Sigh
  11. Bump - cmon guys get behind this please
  12. Can these be added as stronghold decos so they can be used to go straight from stronghold to daily areas - oricon yavin 4 et cettera? Thanks
  13. so you condense all the agrevation into one thread, no actual answer. and I can see whats happening here you are burying it in a load of waffle - you ruined the slot machine and need to start refunding cartel coins to those that spent up big to get it on hypercrates. you finally put something useful in a pack to nerf it down to uselessness after everybody has bought up on crates. You think we are stupid you ruined it you shafted your subs and are now doing your utmost to bury the issue. If you treat your customers - you know the people that pay you money like trash they will take their money and give it to someone else who does care about them. How many threads did you prune from your forum posted by disgruntled customers about the overzealous nerf of the slot machine. All those threads and over a hundred pages on this one and you ignore us and bury the issue? I can assure you I will not forget this no matter what you do/give to placate the angry customers (me for one). I also will not be buying any more hypercrates as they are trash and as evidenced by this whole situation when somethings in there that isnt trash you then proceed to turn it into trash. GG just fix it already ffs. read this post while you can (it will likely be "pruned") we dont want any negativity on the forums do we
  14. for me the stronghold is all about convenience having everything I need in close proximity, all the pretties are nice but I am focusing on function and convenience - to that end I would really like the daily area priority mission terminal in my stronghold, the reason for this should be pretty clear and I am assuming the stronghold is a "rest area" giving rest xp to subs? I have been in and out of my stronghold many times watching carefully for the "you have entered/left a rest area" text - I am yet to see it. Great job with strongholds its a really really solid platform on which to build and expand upon.
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