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Dark vs. Light Event


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I haven't seen anywhere Bioware actually said that. The rewards info is ambiguous if they mean your individual choice, or the overall choice.

Rewards Blog spells it out fairly clearly:


"One of the big parts of the event is the dark and light decisions that players make throughout the game. We will be tracking each decision made across the galaxy during the event. By the end, players can earn either the Merciless Darth Hexid Companion or the Valiant Master Ranos Companion – depending if the majority of choices were light side or dark side."

Edited by DarthDymond
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So, basically hand the legendary Rewards to everyone?


I agree that running 8 new characters a bit of an overkill, but handing the rewards out for free is quite meaningless...


Its not handing them out to everyone for free, just those that have completed all the storylines or already have max level characters of all the classes, which shows they already have done it. Making people who have not done it to get the reward is fine. Giving people who have not done it a free reward is not. Which is not what most people are asking for it looks like. And on that note, if it is given to the people who have "Legendary" status already, what about the people who say have half of them to max level? Those should count also.

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Maybe I'm odd, but the event sounds pretty good. You can do it with one character slot. I grant if you do not have one that it is a bit expensive in credits or you got to pump in cartel coins. I just checked on Ebon Hawk and they are going for 8 million credits.


But let's be honest having one free character is not that hard or expensive really. Especially with how easy credits are to come by. If you are full up on a server with max toons, I feel for you. However, I expect you could spare one of them after all the limit is freaking what 40?


Getting 8 toons to level 50 with level sync means running them through Chapter 1 at most, if you it right (do all the side missions and heroics). Even if you take your time 1-50 is the best part of the game anyway. You can easily get Light or Dark V in that time. As to the rest, pick one toon and do it all. Easily done in a couple of months. This is seriously easy to do, especially if you been doing swtor awhile. Redoing the crafting bit would have been annoying before assembly component spam but now not even that is a big. Just hit your nodes as you go.


So basically for playing the game we get free stuff. It looks like if you do it all it adds up to 85 packs, 5 titles, 1 pet, 3 armor sets, 2 mounts, and a companion.


As to this feeling like a punishment, how is adding new achievements and rewards a punishments. It's not we didn't achievements and rewards for what we did before. This is just more. Sorry not buying it. No one is loosing anything. This is adding reward and not giving us legendary players a free pass. We got to earn it like the rest.


Edit: Is it a grind? Sure it is and believe it or not I find that refreshing. It feels like a nice dose of mmo elements amid all the story overload KotFE has been. I totally wish it was new content, however, at least it is new rewards for the old content.

Edited by divinecynic
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And why shouldn't they hand out the rewards to free for people who already completed the challenges? It would be a nice thankyou to the veterans and still be a good incentive to new players.


And it doesn't even change anything since they still have to earn the rewards.



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They must be trolling us, they can't be serious. I and most people have leveled enough characters from the starter planet to chapter 14 of KOTFE already and you want us to start it all over again.


It really goes to show that this game is in FULL maintenance mode, you can't create anything new, it's just a rehash of already exisiting content that you want us to run till our eyes bleed.

Edited by demotivator
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Rewards Blog spells it out fairly clearly:


"One of the big parts of the event is the dark and light decisions that players make throughout the game. We will be tracking each decision made across the galaxy during the event. By the end, players can earn either the Merciless Darth Hexid Companion or the Valiant Master Ranos Companion – depending if the majority of choices were light side or dark side."


Each character travels across the entire galaxy. It is still ambiguous.


I thought it would be cumulative for all players, but after today's announcement, I'm a bit confused myself.

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I don't want to read all 31 pages, so sorry if this already has been asked:

What if I created last week a few toons for name reservation reasons, and did literally nothing with them, i didn't even started the first quest - do they count for the event? :confused:

Because I already spent 1,5 million on each of them for legacy unlocks, designer outfit unlocks and personal inventory unlocks :(

the only thing i did, was activating the few titles which were sent via promo mail, so i levelled with all to level 2 because of the XP for the title activation - please tell me i don't have to create new toons, because the 4,5 million credits are quite much for me...


toon has to be created when event starts, not just a lvl 1 unfortunately.

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I haven't seen anywhere Bioware actually said that. The rewards info is ambiguous if they mean your individual choice, or the overall choice.

Every qualified player gets the same companion based on the total (from all participating players) of Light versus Dark side choices. More LS, Master Ranos is everyone's companion. More DS, Darth Hexid is everyone's companion.


Dark vs. Light Event and Rewards Blog


"Darth Hexid and Master Ranos

These two new Companions are embedded into the core of the Dark vs. Light event. As event characters are making dark and light decisions, they are tilting the scales towards Hexis or Ranos - ultimately determining which Companion players can earn at the conclusion of the event. "

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They are different Legendary titles though, as far as I can see you are not losing the existing Legendary nameplate thing.


If you are just a solo player, much like myself, you'd not be getting the OPs boss kills and probably not the full Eternal Champion run. I've only ever run the last half of Karraga's Palace and can't get past boss 6 of EC. I realise there will be linked achievements I can't get, I deal with it.


As for the head canon and fan fic, if you have that to fall back on why upset that the devs are throwing another disposable companion into the mix. If they'd really wanted to put some effort in they could have picked up on some of the old NPCs you brush against in the class stories. I'm sure there would have been a bit more discussion over Thana Vesh as a returning companion.


One thing that's always grated a little is how much a player has to fight against SWTOR to get their own story, but I guess that's part and parcel of the Bioware origins as a single playergame developer.


Nearly all of my characters are lightside and all the companions in the game I've always had an issue with the forced acceptance of darkside companions (yes Skadge I'm looking at you!) if Darkside win the event it means the companion will be next to useless for me.


I suppose I was unduly harsh and can empathise somewhat with you :)


No worries, I'm not mad at you or anything. :) Things like this can work people up. :o I do like my Legendary tag, so I hope you're right and they leave that be, at least. It sounds like we are quite similar in how we play, I get stuck right about there in the Eternal Championship too. I got the wookiee finally, but had to drag the hubby in to play. That will be harder now, because he unsubbed today. <.<


I love companions and doing the companion stories, I'm a romantic lol, so the romance-able ones are particularly fun for me. I had hoped we'd get another male force user...we have Lord Scourge, but more would be cool. Love the male force users ^^. And we already have so many female force using comps, that it's not really fair.


I agree that it would have been ALOT more fun if they'd brought in people we already knew as companions...Lord Praven would've been nice. Jonas Balkar! (I love him lol). And so many other great possibilities, and yet we get two generic dull female force comps. So my excitement was kind of like a balloon full of helium until they set out the details...then it was like that balloon was released without being tied off....pfffff and falls flat. :/


I do go the opposite way, in that most of my characters are dark side. I've played out all the light side stuff too, so I'm not missing out on that, but I have fun letting off steam in being a mean nasty *insert class here* LOL. And I don't care for Skadge either lol.


Aw well, guess it's just another one of those things, I should've known better than to get too excited.

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Exactly, we have so many female force using comps.


I'm a perfectly straight male in my mid twenties - the target audience for female companions. At least if you want to look at it from that specific point of view. ;)


I don't get the obession with female force using companions. I don't want it, and I certainly don't need it. A fatherly/brotheresque relationship has been shown as a root mentality behind a Padawan/Master traineeship. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan and Luke. Yoda and Luke. I really don't get why there's not a single male force using companion to fill this gap. It's been a recuring theme in the SW universe, meaning that a padawanship without secretly having an affair with your teacher is perfectly normal - it's the standard approach.


Did that just cause some weird images with the characters mentioned above? :cool:

Edited by Alssaran
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Maybe I'm odd, but the event sounds pretty good. You can do it with one character slot. I grant if you do not have one that it is a bit expensive in credits or you got to pump in cartel coins. I just checked on Ebon Hawk and they are going for 8 million credits.


But let's be honest having one free character is not that hard or expensive really. Especially with how easy credits are to come by. If you are full up on a server with max toons, I feel for you. However, I expect you could spare one of them after all the limit is freaking what 40?


Getting 8 toons to level 50 with level sync means running them through Chapter 1 at most, if you it right (do all the side missions and heroics). Even if you take your time 1-50 is the best part of the game anyway. You can easily get Light or Dark V in that time. As to the rest, pick one toon and do it all. Easily done in a couple of months. This is seriously easy to do, especially if you been doing swtor awhile. Redoing the crafting bit would have been annoying before assembly component spam but now not even that is a big. Just hit your nodes as you go.


So basically for playing the game we get free stuff. It looks like if you do it all it adds up to 85 packs, 5 titles, 1 pet, 3 armor sets, 2 mounts, and a companion.


As to this feeling like a punishment, how is adding new achievements and rewards a punishments. It's not we didn't achievements and rewards for what we did before. This is just more. Sorry not buying it. No one is loosing anything. This is adding reward and not giving us legendary players a free pass. We got to earn it like the rest.


The reason it feels like a punishment of veterans, is because most people have already done the stuff that is listed several times, and now we have no character slots remaining, some people here can't even buy more character slots because they are nerds! :p

On to the more serious note, the reasoning that people have to level a new character or 8 if you want everything is unreasonable, because people here, or most of them, have already created characters they are already leveling or have leveled to max, and now Bioware is basically saying: "Hey all your work so far has been pointless, start over!" that is why it feels like a punishment.

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This is what I really want to know as well, and it may be a deciding factor for me in whether I choose to participate in the event. I'm not too thrilled with the idea of a) getting a companion that I didn't choose, b) getting the same companion on every character, and c) having my light chars stuck with a dark companion or vice versa.


Scroll through the pages (which keeps getting more and more as the minutes go on) and there are plenty of answers. But you are watching for a response to yours, here it is. All 3 of those points you have are true and and correct. Example, even if ALL of the new characters you make (as only characters made on or after June 28th count) are all and fully lightside, if darkside wins, you will ONLY be able to get the darkside companion and vice versa. (You also must get the tier of the reward for the companion. Also some people are thinking that which ever the "losing" companion is, they might end up in a pack or on the CM, which would be lame either way.)

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Gawd its gonna be a pain going through shadow of revan and knights of the fallen empire AGAIN!


Yep, going along with the BW office:


BWE1: I've finished SoR.

BWE2: Oh great let's test it out.

BWE1: I did already. It works perfectly.

BWE2: I just assigned that to you this morning.

BWE1: Yep, I created it and by lunchtime I was playing it... that'll be overtime by the way...

BWE2: Oh, hmm... it's going to need some filler... Oh and go home early. We're not approved for overtime.

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I disagree. New players will probably not want to speed through the best part of the game. They shouldn't anyway.


But, I can imagine how this went down at BW:


BW1: We did great getting new players in by giving them a free 60 and letting them sample KotFE. Well done!


BW2: Ok, you're right. We did great. Good job team!


BW3: Yeah. Thanks. I worked really hard on on the OG game. Now no one even does the class story.


BW1: What's a class story?


BW3: You know, the story for each class when they start the game.


BW1: But they start at 60.


BW2: Yeah, and they play the new stuff. Hmm... do you think they'll leave after finishing KotFE?


BW1: I don't understand.


BW2: There used to be a lot more to do in the game. Class stories for level 1-50, a couple of expansions, Flash Points, Operations, War Zones...


BW1 & BW3: What's a War Zone?


BW2: ...er, Nevermind that.


BW2: My point is that BW3 is right. We put this game out 4.5 years ago and...


BW1: This game is 4.5 years old?!? NO WAY!!!


BW3: It's true. And people used to do a lot of different things. How can we get them to experience those things?


BW1: Man... I'd spacebar through tons of stuff to see how we randomly got frozen in carbonite. THAT IS SO COOL!


BW2: We need an event to get everyone excited about the game content.


BW3: It better include the stories I worked so hard on.


BW2: Let's make everyone start from scratch and play the game as though it was just released.


BW1: You mean it wasn't?


BW2: We told you, BW1, the game is 4.5 years old.


BW1: NO WAY!!!


BW3: *takes a drink from lower desk drawer. Empties bottle into stomach.*


BW2: Yeah, we'll give them some stuff if they play through all the content in the game up to... say... 8 times.


BW3: A lot of people have done that.


BW2: No, I told you, we make them start over.


BW3: You don't think that will bother some people?


BW1: What? Who would be bothered playing KotFE again?


BW2: I told you, there's more to the game than that.


BW1: What? Since when?


BW3: Since launch, you fool! Back in 2011.


BW1: *looks blankly at BW2*


BW2: *sigh* *nod*


BW1: How old IS this game?


BW2: 4.5 years.


BW1: NO WAY!!!


BW3: *sigh* I'm going to the bar. Are we done here?


BW2: So it's settled? Start from the beginning? Do everything again?


BW1: Again?


BW3: What about the veteran players who have been here for years?


BW1 & BW2: Who???


BW1, BW2, & BW3: *lol*


All three BWs head to The Oasis for margaritas at sunset. To kill time, they "hang out" at Hippie Hollow.*




*Feel free to Google it.

I got a good laugh out of this.

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I haven't seen anywhere Bioware actually said that. The rewards info is ambiguous if they mean your individual choice, or the overall choice.


That's a question they haven't answer and big problem if it is based on everyone's actions and not yours. Where you might get more to do this event if the choices were based only on you choices on the imp and rep but if it is based on all servers then nope.

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No one else wonders this?


To be honest....I think most people don't care at this point, because of all the other hot bed of issues. But I'm thinking that it will be like all the new KotFE companions (not being able to redo gear).

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't quite get what your answer means? Determining the companion is not based on faction but on the lightside or darkside total points at the end of the "event", which both lightside and darkside point can be got on both factions. So even if there are more imperial players, that does not mean more darkside points. (I mean if can because yes more people on the imperial side play darkside, I play full lightside but for a few choices here and there (Kira for JK, rak reactor on Taris, killing the cats over the humans on Corellia ect ect). Plus being the only lightside in a fp makes me SO happy, I LOVE ticking off to many NPCs and players :D

I was only trying to point out that faction choice does not represent force allegiance.

The original posat I was replying to is:

So I've read over the event info a few times, have been reading through this thread, and I have some concerns.


-Imperial players outnumber Republic by as much as three or four to one on almost every server. (The exception is Jedi Covenant, where the ratio is exactly reversed.) How do you plan on making this a fair contest, instead of a preordained and massive landslide victory for the Dark Side?

They make the mistake of thinking that because Imperial characters outnumber Republic there would be a landslide victory for darkside, but there will be many Imperial players that go Lightside and vice versa.

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ive got all those armor sets already lol


so i hope you guys have some other armor sets we have not seen yet in those packs xD





also the companion that we get... can we get both if i make one light and one dark character? or am i gonna have to end up choosing just one of the two forever? O.o


cause if just one chiss for the win lol tired of chicks with doublesabers lol!

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No worries, I'm not mad at you or anything. :) Things like this can work people up. :o I do like my Legendary tag, so I hope you're right and they leave that be, at least. It sounds like we are quite similar in how we play, I get stuck right about there in the Eternal Championship too. I got the wookiee finally, but had to drag the hubby in to play. That will be harder now, because he unsubbed today. <.<


I love companions and doing the companion stories, I'm a romantic lol, so the romance-able ones are particularly fun for me. I had hoped we'd get another male force user...we have Lord Scourge, but more would be cool. Love the male force users ^^. And we already have so many female force using comps, that it's not really fair.


I agree that it would have been ALOT more fun if they'd brought in people we already knew as companions...Lord Praven would've been nice. Jonas Balkar! (I love him lol). And so many other great possibilities, and yet we get two generic dull female force comps. So my excitement was kind of like a balloon full of helium until they set out the details...then it was like that balloon was released without being tied off....pfffff and falls flat. :/


I do go the opposite way, in that most of my characters are dark side. I've played out all the light side stuff too, so I'm not missing out on that, but I have fun letting off steam in being a mean nasty *insert class here* LOL. And I don't care for Skadge either lol.


Aw well, guess it's just another one of those things, I should've known better than to get too excited.

No worries. Hope you can channel the rage into some fan fic ;)

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Scroll through the pages (which keeps getting more and more as the minutes go on) and there are plenty of answers. But you are watching for a response to yours, here it is. All 3 of those points you have are true and and correct. Example, even if ALL of the new characters you make (as only characters made on or after June 28th count) are all and fully lightside, if darkside wins, you will ONLY be able to get the darkside companion and vice versa. (You also must get the tier of the reward for the companion. Also some people are thinking that which ever the "losing" companion is, they might end up in a pack or on the CM, which would be lame either way.)

Yay, yet another point that makes me cringe about the design process of this event :(

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The reason it feels like a punishment of veterans, is because most people have already done the stuff that is listed several times, and now we have no character slots remaining, some people here can't even buy more character slots because they are nerds! :p

On to the more serious note, the reasoning that people have to level a new character or 8 if you want everything is unreasonable, because people here, or most of them, have already created characters they are already leveling or have leveled to max, and now Bioware is basically saying: "Hey all your work so far has been pointless, start over!" that is why it feels like a punishment.


Hey I'm in the veterans camp (did the beta and came back in RotHC). Granted I don't have max level 65 toons on my server.


I could go along with that logic if you either lost something you earned or they were taking the old rewards away. We've gotten tons of rewards for leveling those toons, tons of achievements. Bioware is just adding rewards. Nobody looses here. You can skip it if you do not want to bother like most things in game.


To give a real world example, a guy hires you to mow his lawn and pays you for it. Later he asks you to do it again and he'll pay you again. He doesn't pay you for mowing his lawn earlier, you got to do it again. That's no more reasonable than what they are doing.

Edited by divinecynic
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That's a question they haven't answer and big problem if it is based on everyone's actions and not yours. Where you might get more to do this event if the choices were based only on you choices on the imp and rep but if it is based on all servers then nope.


There's a Dev Blog -> http://www.swtor.com/blog/dark-vs.-light-event-and-rewards-blog


Afraid you won't like the answer...

Darth Hexid and Master Ranos

These two new Companions are embedded into the core of the Dark vs. Light event. As event characters are making dark and light decisions, they are tilting the scales towards Hexis or Ranos - ultimately determining which Companion players can earn at the conclusion of the event.

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True but im just doing 2 slots because im making a jedi guardian (for the 4th time but whatever)

then on the 2nd slot i make everything else and and with the sith warrior im keeping. And im pretty sure people with 40/40 characters can spare 1 or 2 slots to reroll with the same name, class, and spec in the end, even the gear they can put them into legacy pierces for the mods and boom.


True, but what about titles and codex entries and gear bound to them, that you can no longer get because they have been removed at different stages of the game? And.....yes, I can see just having to use 2 character slots, which is ALOT better then 8 but....why bother having doing 5 WZ, 5 GSF matches, 50 kills from Gree and 50 kills from Rak event and 3 bountys and all 8 classes to lv50 and all content from Revan onward to chapter 16 in the same tier of requirements? Just seems....unbalanced.....which then again with the state of the galaxy in flux (storyline wise) maybe that's why? (And yes I have 41k+ AP and still have 40% of the FP achievements to do :D

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