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10 Good
  1. If bioware is planning to LOSE money, congratulations it certainly works xD
  2. Statement: Your solution is most satisfactory, and deserve praise, I would hand you a virtual cookie
  3. I agree completely, if they removed the leveling stuff or atleast made the leveling and crafting stuff retroactive, I would have no qualms.
  4. In my very own opinion if there wasn't a reason for a veteran player that have already done all this stuff Bioware wants us to do again, to quit, now there is... I am strongly considering quitting at this point and returning to WoW or any other MMO for that matter, this event has killed any desire for my continued sub for this game throughout the years since the beta. xD
  5. RIP indeed, may the game rest in peace.
  6. The fact of the matter is, many people we simply choose not to do this event, because its a waste of time doing something you have already done before, I am one of the people that will completely unsub until season 2 comes around, I will simply boycut this game until they craptastic stuff is over with xD
  7. You got a point, but the point is people don't want to keep being forced to start over to get stuff, people wants to do events with the people they have already made and worked so hard to get up to snuff, they don't want to start over to get this, they want to keep using their mains, and their current alts to do the event, forcing people to start over like this is like saying. "Hey we are out of ideas, what do we do?" I would have no problem deleting a toon and remaking it re-level it, though I would not do that because I already have 2 or 3 of all classes and cant be bothered to do it all again, this is just fueling the slowly dying faith I have in Swtor, I don't want my faith to die, I enjoy the heck out of this game, but this is just one of those things where the rewards does not take away the flaw that they are basically asking all to start over again, again, again.
  8. The reason it feels like a punishment of veterans, is because most people have already done the stuff that is listed several times, and now we have no character slots remaining, some people here can't even buy more character slots because they are nerds! On to the more serious note, the reasoning that people have to level a new character or 8 if you want everything is unreasonable, because people here, or most of them, have already created characters they are already leveling or have leveled to max, and now Bioware is basically saying: "Hey all your work so far has been pointless, start over!" that is why it feels like a punishment.
  9. This event is gonna do the flop harder than the music video of stick figures, unless they change a few things.
  10. Well I have been playing this game since release, I have no room for a new character let alone 8, I have legendary status, and now I Have to start all over on all 8 classes?, you know what, SKIP!, I have been a loyal sub for the longest time, and now I have to make more classes where I already have 2 of each, some even 3 now I have to make a 3 of more or a 4th of others, not only is the event only for new people, or people that don't have legendary status, this is a slap in the face of all the people that has already done this crap, I have rarely complained about Swtor, and I have endured through it, but this is simply unacceptable, I really don't mind that you have to do this stuff, but at least let people that have already done this crap so many times, that they already have it completed or something, I will never make 8 new characters, let alone 1, this will be an event I skip, and say f*ck the new comp to, not worth it, I even considered unsubbing now, I don't really care if people think I am childish because of that.
  11. Server is up guys, no this is not trolling, I wouldnt troll about this.
  12. Jokes on you I have been here since beta, come again.
  13. I just got a warning for something how do I check this out?
  14. "We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor (our undying Lord) and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of This Thread. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects."
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