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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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This was a lot of fun! So strange they never brought it back.


Additionally, I think DvsL event was BW super close to another interesting over arching mechanic. Tiny bit of adjusting, and DvsL could basically function like seasons in diablo, for example. Ie, rewarding large undertakings that are prolly relatively easy and cheap to produce and design. Yet, clearing through them can be fun and rewarding.


Its bit sad and ironic how it was ultimately nothing but some åre öaunch hype for the on -going DvsL background sim, which almost no1 cares about.

Edited by Stradlin
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This was a lot of fun! So strange they never brought it back.


Additionally, I think DvsL event was BW super close to another interesting over arching mechanic. Tiny bit of adjusting, and DvsL could basically function like seasons in diablo, for example. Ie, rewarding large undertakings that are prolly relatively easy and cheap to produce and design. Yet, clearing through them can be fun and rewarding.


Its bit sad how it was ultimately nothing but some..hype for the on gong background sim, which no1 cares about.



Dangit Stradlin, for a minute I thought this event was being re-run. :mad: Don't do that!!

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Dangit Stradlin, for a minute I thought this event was being re-run. :mad: Don't do that!!


Sorry for the false hope! I'm glad you like it well enough to be disappointed though. fwiw, I think they've vaguely hinted at direction of doing something similar in the future.


DvsL was -already- super close to being pretty valid " seasonal content", ie stuff Diablo 2/3, Path of Exile etc do to keep the game feeling alive through long dry spells between any legitimately "new" content. It is a pretty handy way to..replace end game with pretty manageable costs I think. It isn't as affordable logevity as stuff like new PvP and GSF things are for those liking them,but its stilll pretty affordable.


Don't worry. There's a special place in hell for necros like Stradlin. :D


He will be punished!


Dark enough necromancy is all about avoiding hell!:D But aye, it DvsL that must be arisen from grave, not just threads about it.

Edited by Stradlin
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During the last dark vs. light event did we earn those titles mentioned, because what i worried about is losing the titles we earned already? Like someone earlier mentioned I already have to many characters and probably won't participate.
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Don't worry. There's a special place in hell for necros like Stradlin. :D


He will be punished!

There's nothing wrong with a necro, as long as it's relevant and contributes to the discussion of the thread's subject. This is especially important with bug reports. For instance, nothing worse than duplicate threads of the same damn bug, when all the information could be contained in one thread for easy reference.

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There's nothing wrong with a necro, as long as it's relevant and contributes to the discussion of the thread's subject. This is especially important with bug reports. For instance, nothing worse than duplicate threads of the same damn bug, when all the information could be contained in one thread for easy reference.


this isn't a bug report, and has no relevance today, a new thread asking for a new version of DvL, might have been more relevant. Oh wait, we had one of those already......

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DvsL was -already- super close to being pretty valid " seasonal content", ie stuff Diablo 2/3, Path of Exile etc do to keep the game feeling alive


Well, that may be your opinion.


The single reason I don't play those games is "the season".


No actual new content just a few cosmetics; we already have far too much of that here, we don't need any more; except in "the season" style content it is even worse. No actual new content, just a few time-limited cosmetics, we definitely don't need that.


All The Best

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this isn't a bug report, and has no relevance today, a new thread asking for a new version of DvL, might have been more relevant. Oh wait, we had one of those already......

No, it's not a bug report. I just used that as an example.

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Well, that may be your opinion.


The single reason I don't play those games is "the season".


No actual new content just a few cosmetics; we already have far too much of that here, we don't need any more; except in "the season" style content it is even worse. No actual new content, just a few time-limited cosmetics, we definitely don't need that.





"It is what it is" sums it all up. We aren't gonnq see a 200 million dollar mega expansion with 600 hours of story content. I guess we aren't gonna see anything matching scale and ambition of KOTFE either. I guess we can agree it's nice if game had some occasional updates keeping some things feeling fresh, right? DvsL and seasonal approach it kinda flirts with is an affordable and pretty widely liked way of doing it. Don't need much VA or brand new zones or anything like that. ie, its pretty cheap and doesn't require tons of dev hours.

Edited by Stradlin
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Fair enough, since this is the original thread and the subject is now "bring it back." But I've seen valid necros shamed as well. I disagree that they need to be shamed down. A simple post redirecting the person to the relevant thread is appropriate. Shaming accomplishes nothing. People see enough posts redirecting, and they should get the message of where to go and that valid necros are acceptable.


Would you be so kind as to share the link to the new thread?

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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Fair enough, since this is the original thread and the subject is now "bring it back." But I've seen valid necros shamed as well. I disagree that they need to be shamed down. A simple post redirecting the person to the relevant thread is appropriate. Shaming accomplishes nothing. People see enough posts redirecting, and they should get the message of where to go and that valid necros are acceptable.


I actually find necroing fun, so when they started reinforcing the rule of no necros I was sad. I love to see a good necro fool people for 2-3 days before it's figured out to be a 5 year old thread!


So I am actually the opposite of many I suppose. I rather have more freedoms and allowance to be creative and fun on the forums.


Modding a necro seems a waste of time and manpower instead, why not put those active people in the game patrolling ranked matches or PVP matches in general?


Maybe the company could add ingame behavioral moderation as the forum moderators second responsibility.


As zealous as they are here modding the forums, they'd do a fine job in the game especially in ranked PVP where a lot more discipline is needed for all the kiddies who participate but w/e I digressed my bad.


On the topic of DvL, I took one extended break from the game, it was during this event haha. I'd be happy to see it up and running I'd probably play it too.

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"It is what it is" sums it all up. We aren't gonnq see a 200 million dollar mega expansion with 600 hours of story content. I guess we aren't gonna see anything matching scale and ambition of KOTFE either. I guess we can agree it's nice if game had some occasional updates keeping some things feeling fresh, right? DvsL and seasonal approach it kinda flirts with is an affordable and pretty widely liked way of doing it. Don't need much VA or brand new zones or anything like that. ie, its pretty cheap and doesn't require tons of dev hours.


We don't really need brand news zones anyway.

There's tons of assets that can be used in different combination to create new gameworld content.

So what we need is animation and VA, tied to story.


If the choice was, per year,

1) a new "season" with old content and new, time limited, cosmetics.

2) new story content lasting 1 to 2 hours.


I'd take 2 every time, and I'm guessing so would most of the remaining playerbase.

I see tons of praise for the story content in this game.


All The Best

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Plenty of people want this event to return, in some way shape or form - revamped, ideally, to fix the tons of complaints about the 1st D vs L event. Funny that a few are whining about necro, when they fail to realize that D vs L return is still very relevant to many.


Bring a revised D vs L event back, please, BioWare

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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Plenty of people want this event to return, in some way shape or form - revamped, ideally, to fix the tons of complaints about the 1st D vs L event. Funny that a few are whining about necro, when they fail to realize that D vs L return is still very relevant to many.


Bring a revised D vs L event back, please, BioWare


well said.

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I actually find necroing fun, so when they started reinforcing the rule of no necros I was sad. I love to see a good necro fool people for 2-3 days before it's figured out to be a 5 year old thread!


So I am actually the opposite of many I suppose. I rather have more freedoms and allowance to be creative and fun on the forums.


Modding a necro seems a waste of time and manpower instead, why not put those active people in the game patrolling ranked matches or PVP matches in general?


Maybe the company could add ingame behavioral moderation as the forum moderators second responsibility.


As zealous as they are here modding the forums, they'd do a fine job in the game especially in ranked PVP where a lot more discipline is needed for all the kiddies who participate but w/e I digressed my bad.


On the topic of DvL, I took one extended break from the game, it was during this event haha. I'd be happy to see it up and running I'd probably play it too.

Thank you for identifying yourself as a troll. Now everyone will know you are one immediately without having to question your motives.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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Plenty of people want this event to return, in some way shape or form - revamped, ideally, to fix the tons of complaints about the 1st D vs L event. Funny that a few are whining about necro, when they fail to realize that D vs L return is still very relevant to many.


Bring a revised D vs L event back, please, BioWare

OK, but revised how? It's a good idea, but it's the sort of idea that lives or dies by the details.


The way I see it, the revisions would have to include:

* Extending the "levelling up" target to include going all the way up to level 75 (the old event stopped at level 65).

* Including KotET, the Traitor Arc, JUS, Onslaught and the follow-ups to Onslaught in the "complete story" targets.

* Adding new rewards. Nobody wants *another* set of the low-tier cosmetic armour set (er, it was ugly and had weird dye zones), nor another one of the various mounts.

* A new set of +XP armour instead of the old one. Perhaps with a less horribly ugly appearance, and perhaps set up to be added to Collections.

* Extending the "all flashpoints" segments to include the Traitor Arc and Onslaught ones.

* Extending the Operations segments to include Gods, Hive Queen and Dxun.

* Eight dedicated character slots for participating characters.(1)


Companions. Oh dear, what to do about companions? Here's my idea.


DvL gave us a mechanism to choose between an LS companion, Master Ranos, and a DS companion, Darth Hexid, by cumulative vote among all the players, with votes being cast by taking light or dark decisions in mission conversations. The collective decision-making chose Ranos. Hexid was subsequently made available for an in-game achievement, while Ranos remains unavailable for new players and for longer-term players who didn't complete that tier of the event.


A new event should offer new companions. The DvL voting mechanism is a pretty good one, I think, but it should be run *again* rather than just taking the results of the old vote, and the companions on offer should be new ones.


That said, I propose that Ranos should be made available through an achievement, either a new one or by riding on the existing one that offers Hexid (my preferred option). In the latter case, people who've already completed the Hexid achievement but don't have Ranos would immediately get her on their existing characters, and people who haven't yet done it (and new characters for accounts that have) would get both.


(1) Some players are maxed out (or more) on characters on their main server and it's a bad idea to make it so that event participation requires a server move and/or the purchase of character slots as well. These eight slots, one per base class, would allow players to create characters on their existing main server.

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OK, but revised how? It's a good idea, but it's the sort of idea that lives or dies by the details.



I think they really could look at how Diablo, for example, has been doing its seasons. List could include challenge modes, time attacks. Hard mode KOTFE chapters, solo Star Fortress runs. Certain specific achis with ranked pvp or GSF. - Not just boxes to tick and facerolls to grind, but stuff that actually challenges those who wish to try tackling em. One could try to tie stuff together with some overreaching achis. Example: In order to get [Cool set here], you must earn Tough Guy McCoolkid -achi. In order to earn that achi, you must -either- Beat a specific hard master mode chapter, or earn X wins in ranked pvp, or manage 20 kills or 16 medals in GSF, or.." and so on. Then throw in some nice vanity achi for those who do -all.- the things listed. Just ensure it is Tough Guy McCoolkid- achi that has the most weight in terms of useful rewards.

Edited by Stradlin
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OK, but revised how? It's a good idea, but it's the sort of idea that lives or dies by the details.




Great idea, no need for me to quote it all :) But i especially like the idea of the 8 slots for the event. As I don't want to have to buy 8 new char slots...lol. Also would like to add, that if someone has hit the max chars on a server (not sure what it is), the event should increase the amount, so they can participate.

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Thank you for identifying yourself as a troll. Now everyone will know you are one immediately without having to question your motives.


I just want to point out sometimes necros are useful in that it shows you just how old a topic is. Personally, I forget that some of the things we complain about right now have been complained about for 5+ years.


So, yeah I find necros harmless and amusing sometimes. Especially if they go on for days and no one notices. That just shows how relevant the topic actually is imo.


Oh, I been called "troll" before I don't care btw. Hope that clears that part up too. :eek:

Edited by Lhancelot
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Great idea, no need for me to quote it all :) But i especially like the idea of the 8 slots for the event. As I don't want to have to buy 8 new char slots...lol. Also would like to add, that if someone has hit the max chars on a server (not sure what it is), the event should increase the amount, so they can participate.

My idea for the eight slots is that they would allow you to create event-participation characters even if you are already beyond maxed-out. If memory serves, the pre-merge max was 48 characters per server, or close to it, so the theoretical max someone might have on a post-merge server is around 240 characters, while the max unlockable slot count is 100. Someone in that situation would *still* be able to use those eight slots to create characters. (Otherwise, that person is blocked from participating in the event...)

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My idea for the eight slots is that they would allow you to create event-participation characters even if you are already beyond maxed-out. If memory serves, the pre-merge max was 48 characters per server, or close to it, so the theoretical max someone might have on a post-merge server is around 240 characters, while the max unlockable slot count is 100. Someone in that situation would *still* be able to use those eight slots to create characters. (Otherwise, that person is blocked from participating in the event...)

Why 8 slots? The old event only required 2 characters - one Rep, one Imp.

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