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Eternal Championship is too hard!


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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?

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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.

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In order to easily compete in Eternal Championship, your gear should be at 208 gear rating or better. For the most part, that's not difficult to get. Doing the Odessen heroic dailies/weekly should enable you to earn the lowest tier of gear by the end of the first week of farming.


I understand you are a casual player, but Eternal championship is quite possibly the only Solo experience in the game so far that was meant to be a "serious" challenge. It's meant to test how ready one is for Operations based on reactions to how the bosses are fought.


This guide linked here explains all the mechanics of each fight.


I sympathize with your disappointment that your particular avenue of enjoyment requires perusing avenues outside of it, but I cannot agree with lowering the difficulty. For more serious players, like myself, I enjoy something my character doesn't instantly faceroll over. :)

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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.


Your post is unnecessarily hostile. She explained she prefers the stronghold mechanics over the other functions of the game, and that her gear was not up to spec. Why attack her over things she readily admits? Would it not be more satisfying to encourage her to try and gear up, and really play the game? A little positivity, man.

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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?


You said you got thru fps and ops before, soo this style of content isnt exactly new to you. Its the same old story, move out of bad, interrupt this, kite that, etc.


If you spend a lot of time and/or money to buy decorations, you might consider now getting some gear too as they are pretty cheap (I am sure you can get a whole 208 rating set nowadays for less than 500k) so the gear factor shouldnt be too much of an issue here.


However, if you are dying nonstop on the second fight of the tournament, your problems lie beyond gear factor.


There is no shame to ask for help or to read some guides to complete them. You just cannot expect to faceroll everything in this game, despite how easily dumb most of the regular content is. The eternal championship was designed as a way to get people acquainted with the operation and flashpoint mechanics. It will only take practise if anything.

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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?





The EC is supposed to be an a training grounds into group content, which means that it is harder than basically all the other solo content in the game. While it is supposed to be for inexperienced players to beat, it is not supposed to be easy for them to beat, and it is supposed to be for inexperienced players who want to move into group content. Basically, the big thing that the EC brings to the table is that if you don't follow the mechanics, you won't be able to beat the fight; something that does not really exist prior to the EC.


If you are dying on the second fight, what are you doing? Are you just standing still the whole fight, even if you are in the red/yellow circle? That is bad, you'll die that way. Basically what you can do, is attack the boss, aoe the adds just a little (to get aggro), and then let the adds run to you, and have the adds stand in the red/yellow circle (but not you!), which will then kill them. You can keep killing the boss from that point.


If you tell me what your class/spec is, I can probably help more, but the bottom line is, the EC is supposed to be challenging for most players, especially those who don't do end game PVE (and PVP, most hardcore pvpers don't seem to have too much trouble with it either). Not every part of the game is for every person (for example, I definitely don't win the prestige game or best decorated stronghold game, but that's cause I haven't put the time or effort you have into that portion of the game. Would it be fair to just give me 5 billion prestige and the best decorated strongholds anyway?), so if this is something you want to do, you unfortunately need to bring your in game skills up to the level to be able to complete it.


If you are worried about gear, here is a video (that will probably give some good methods I used to avoid mechanics) of me in 190 unaugmented gear beating the EC with only one death (on my sentinel, my worst toon):

- showing that my companion was only level 11 during the whole thing (forgot to show it in original movie).
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I could go on explaing stuff but instead i can give you advice, there is a SOLO+ option, where you can go in with a friend, or 2 or 16 (not sure what the cap is).


The SOLO+ does not scale in difficulty, its the same as the solo option that means the more ppl you have the easier it will be. I tried the SOLO+ with a friend still on PTS and we just ripped through all bosses in seconds (i was a full 224 Mando and he a full 224 Slinger).


That might be easier for you, but not sure if you have friends to join, if you play solo.

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In order to easily compete in Eternal Championship, your gear should be at 208 gear rating or better. For the most part, that's not difficult to get. Doing the Odessen heroic dailies/weekly should enable you to earn the lowest tier of gear by the end of the first week of farming.


I understand you are a casual player, but Eternal championship is quite possibly the only Solo experience in the game so far that was meant to be a "serious" challenge. It's meant to test how ready one is for Operations based on reactions to how the bosses are fought.


This guide linked here explains all the mechanics of each fight.


I sympathize with your disappointment that your particular avenue of enjoyment requires perusing avenues outside of it, but I cannot agree with lowering the difficulty. For more serious players, like myself, I enjoy something my character doesn't instantly faceroll over. :)


Very well said thanks for delivering this in a non-condescending manner unlike other posts. OP you need to get better gear. The Eternal Championship takes a little time to get used to if you are a casual player. You can do it just keep trying and progress your gear and you should be able to clear it eventually. :)

Edited by squirrelballz
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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?


No, honestly, it does not mean it is hard, let alone too hard. First time I entered Eternal Championship I got all the way to the last round without my companion (because I thought you are not allowed to use one) and non-augmented gear. I am an avarage player.


Only doing weekly will give you crystals that you can use to obtain really good gear on Odessen. That is the exact gear I am using and used to complete Eternal Championship (no augments).

For girls (players) like you, there is an option to enter Championship with friends. You can bring anyone you like and complete it together. For other players, who like to try all aspects of the game or put minimal effort, there is an option to do it alone. Do not take it away from them by making threads where you assume something is too hard without even showing grain of interest to improve. :)


Edit: There is an entire thread devoted to Eternal Championship here. That is not the only one but it is the one I remembered. You can even find guides on Youtube and othere sites like Dulfy.


These days I am casual, too. I log maybe once per week to do some heroics. I am still missing my "under 15 minutes title", but I understand why. It is the way it should be.

Edited by Daex
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As others already replied, the key is to learn the mechanics of the boss. When you know what will happen when and how and you are prepared, the fights get much easier. Biggest problem for me is managing the companion.


Back in the days, games were always like that: You had to remember the patterns. Anyone remembers R-Type? That was such a nasty, difficult game. Your only chance was to remember every second of the levels and play with automatisms. You are in spot A at moment Z and you know you have to be in spot B when moment Y happens.


Games changed during the decades, so that skill of memorising games by the second is pretty much lost in modern day players. I can still play Wonder Boy on my Master System pretty well, although it is more than 20 years ago that I made it even through the secret additional 10th level. The levels are burned into my brain. ;)


Back to EC: Play a boss, study him, wipe a couple of times until you find an automatism to cope with him. Then do the same with the second boss. And the third... Eventually, you will be able to cope with all 10 bosses. Whether this is something you enjoy, is another question. My suggestion would also be to find a 2nd player to help out. If you play on The Progenitor, drop me a message.

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I read the preview announcements for Eternal Championship and knew there's know way the RAID elitists are going to allow this game made to be an easy solo way to get RAID gear. (back during the poll)


Because of the pressure from group raid snobs this would be too challenging for the people who really want to get better gear than the Basic Comm vendors.


It's the fans of KOTOR versus the "people" that World of Warcraft bred.


I did my 6 months in WoW, I enjoyed my Blood Elves in Burning Crusade and then quit that trash forever.


Overwatch is the only Blizzard product that convinced me to install battle.net

As a Warcraft 1, 2, and 3 RTS player

As a Starcraft 1 RTS player

It hurt to see what blizzard did to the warcraft lore with that wretched MMO. I have yet to see the movie but I'll judge it harshly for any mistake that doesn't match with the old RTS games.

Edited by Falensawino
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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?


Its level 65, you shouldnt be inexperienced, i think you can do it with a group i understand its not your thing but it might help to achieve your goal of getting decorations, on a side note "stuff" is/was meant to be hard to get, to keep people playing, also they must have a meaning or they become as worth a grain ofsand.

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I read the preview announcements for Eternal Championship and knew there's know way the RAID elitists are going to allow this game made to be an easy solo way to get RAID gear. (back during the poll)


Because of the pressure from group raid snobs this would be too challenging for the people who really want to get better gear than the Basic Comm vendors.


It's the fans of KOTOR versus the "people" that World of Warcraft bred.


I did my 6 months in WoW, I enjoyed my Blood Elves in Burning Crusade and then quit that trash forever.


As a raider I surely wouldn't have minded them giving out 220 gear from the Eternal Championship and if they buff the last boss in difficulty to drop a token once per week for a 224 piece. I think solo players deserve nice things too. However there still lies the problem of what would motivate new players to do OPS. Group content is in a severe drought right now and I'd see this long term of players refusing to ever engage in any group content and I don't think that is a good thing. OPS are very fun if you play with the right people and I'm ok with the best gear being for people who need that gear to clear the toughest content. I think Ian made a good point though about set bonuses a while back and I think they should have them in com gears as well and not just exclusive to token drops. Just my two cartel coins and remember not all of us raiders are elitist scumbags. :)

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Its level 65, you shouldnt be inexperienced, i think you can do it with a group i understand its not your thing but it might help to achieve your goal of getting decorations, on a side note "stuff" is/was meant to be hard to get, to keep people playing, also they must have a meaning or they become as worth a grain ofsand.

He's right. The quickest and easiest ways to have Any Digital Garbage Decoration to fill up the Conquest Bonus meter are the ones you get just by completing any flashpoint or operation for the first time. (so you can have +100% bonus to conquest)


For each time you complete a flashpoint or operation for the first time, You get 10 of each poster to spam in any random order in the strongholds.


In the Ootinicast, a long time ago, the hosts were joking about calling it "the musco decorating" method because that's what he did during a livestream to showcase the feature.


I've lived by that method ever since. No Regrets. :D

I'll get some screenshots Soon™

Edited by Falensawino
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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.


How rude.


You should be nice to people and not be like Trump.

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Two questions to the OP:


What is your advanced class and specialization tree?

On which server are you playing?


I suppose there would be a lot of people willing to help you and show you how it's done. Guides can be a bit overwhelming at first. If you play on The Progenitor I'll gladly help you myself.

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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.

That's why I like games with save files.

Save Editor for Mass Effect 1

Save Editor for Mass Effect 2

Save Editor for Borderlands

Save Editor for...


Wanna know how I play roguelikes?


I don't have the patience to play a game "The Way It's Meant to be Milked."

Edited by Falensawino
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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?


I completly agree with you.


I also play the game for collecting compaignions and decorations. My gear is not to bad because there are enough H2 to collect data crystals. But i also Play all 8 classes for the story and therefore i'm not perfect in playing one class and I dont want to do theorycrafting instead of gambling.


A nerf of this f..... bosses would be more than nice.

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Two questions to the OP:


What is your advanced class and specialization tree?

On which server are you playing?


I suppose there would be a lot of people willing to help you and show you how it's done. Guides can be a bit overwhelming at first. If you play on The Progenitor I'll gladly help you myself.


I'll happily duo it with anyone on Shadowlands.

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I've been playing for over three years, but I'm a casual player. I usually complete class stories, and though I got through the flashpoints and ops once, I only did it once for the achievements and to see the story cutscenes.


Mostly I play for the strongholds these days: I love decorating, I love prestige, and I keep buying new decorations via any means possible.


(and it really, REALLY upsets me that many, many decorations are not available to casual players unless they've completed certain achievements or group activities - if you're here just to play the stronghold game, you're missing out on many decos - and prestige)


I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?


Please don't play the 'casual' or 'girl' card to get sympathy you'll just invite attack.


What Eternal Championship has is specific tactics for each fight, I'd advise going to Dulfy.net to have a look and see what they are as it's not always obvious from the scouting notes.



Boss fights 1-5 should be no problem even with low end gear and an influence 10 companion (as long as it's not Treek, my influence 50 Treek performs worse than the generic inf 10 companions from the Starfortresses :( )


The next two weekly rewards are tougher (level 7 and level 10). I don't mind that, they are meant to be tough.

What they tend to remind me of is the reason I don't run Operations.

Here's the fight mechanic, now repeat it about 20 times to finish off the boss, knowing that sometime during that time frame you'll get a lag spike or the healer will D/C and you'll be back to stage one with a repair bill and nothing to show for it ;)


If you've got multiple alts and a need for the decorations I'd advise getting them to chapter 9.

Run some Heroics to earn the alliance crates, as you unlock the alliance specialist levels you get additional crystal rewards.

Get a suit of legacy gear and pooling the crystals across characters gear it up (if purple is too much you should be able to manage blue without too much effort). The bonus of mastery is that one DPS set of legacy gear is pretty much the same for all DPS specs. With the outfit panels it doesn't even effect how you appear.

All you have to gear up for individuals is implants, earpiece and relics.


Now run EC 1-5 on six characters to get the rewards and higher chance of drops.

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Companion influence (and probably presence, but I can't test that) is at least as important as gear rating.


Class and advanced class matters; too, but not as much. My Vigilance Guardian, an AC that I believe to be one of the best ACs for single-player play due to their strong defenses for a DPS class, and reasonable offensive output, and which character I have the most experience with, doesn't do as well for me as my token 60 Shadow Tank. The main difference is that my Shadow Tank has an Inf 30 comp, and my Vig Guardian has an L20.


The only thing I'm going to say bad about the mechanics is that they are far too melee-focused and maneuver-focused. I'd purely hate to have to take a sniper or a gunslinger through, as their play style is utterly opposed to certain boss mechanics, in addition to lacking a "secondary" role in their class. It obviously can be done by those ACs, but it's going to be a tough row to hoe.


These are tough fights. But they're supposed to be

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Companion influence (and probably presence, but I can't test that) is at least as important as gear rating


I would say its more important than gear rating. I was unable to finish with a lightning sorc at 216 gear level with a level 25 companion but breezed through it when i switched to a level 50 companion.

Edited by rklontz
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I'm not fond of Eternal Championship, but when I realized how many decorations were available through the weekly reward, I had to participate.


Now, since I'm a casual player, I have no gear - only green gear from Knights of the Fallen Empire, which is about the same as Yavin 192 legacy augmented gear (former companion suits).


So, I got killed in the second fight. And again. And again. With me using full legacy heroic moment and everything.


Well, okay, I thought. But that was supposed to be solo, right? For all players? Even for inexperienced ones? (I've got about 18 level 55/60/65 characters of all advanced classes, so I HOPE I'm kind of experienced).


... doesn't it mean that the Eternal Chamionship is MAYBE a little too hard? For girls like me, who only want to do the weekly and buy some decos to get that prestige and a few extra NPCs in the stronghold?


I feel your pain, Kulyok; I truly do! I have found myself more frustrated with this content than I care to admit. That said, I don't think it is "too hard." Rather, I think that I am not good enough at the mechanics yet. I'm still working on it - casually - and I think that, with enough practice, I'm going to get it.


Once I do, I can then expect that I will be able to do the weekly, buy some decos, etc. Until then, it remains one of few challenges this game has to offer me.


Also, this community has many fantastic members who are not only good at this sort of thing, but they are very pleasant individuals who are happy to share their expertise with casual players such as us. We still need to jump through the hoops, but them pointing the way makes it much less frustrating. ;)

Edited by -Wes-
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