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Sith Sorcerers In PVP


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Playing as a commando and also a sage i can only say i somewhat agree with OP, as we fill somewhat of the same functions. Both are RDpS, and can heal. The difference is however


- Commandos get one stun, the sage got 3.


- Commandos got one point blank snare for 4 seconds every 30 sec. Sages got waaay more.


- As commandos have no way to get out of a fight, the sage got force run to swoop around the corner to heal up.


- As troopers have one shield reducing damage by 25% every 2 min, the sage got a shield reducing damage by 100% every 20 sec.


- Sages got Dots, making them able to hitn run and keep stealthed players visible, commandos dont.


- Troopers wear heavy armor, sages light. The breakdown however is only 5% difference or so in damage taken due to sage evasion.


- The healing i cant complain too much on. As sage is way better pre 40, Ive seen level 50 medics do almost as good in healing as level 50 sages.


- Besides that damage is pretty much on par. Both classes can dish out much damage if left unchecked. However, commandos have few ways to finish off a running target as they have no consistent root/snare/CC, as a sage have all the tricks in the book.



All in all, I cant say I find these comparable ranged DpS/Healing classes balanced as of how many tricks and abilities they can pull up from their bag. There is currently a large disparity between two classes that should be comparable.




Sages/Sorcs have two stuns Commando/Merc have two stuns


Commando's get a AoE KB, same as sages,


Sages have a channeled power that slows and one slow power


Sages have a two second sprint , commando's have HEAVY ARMOR


Commando's get one shield plus the stacking shield from grav round, plus the armor pen.


Commando's/Mercs have MORE than one way to keep a player unstealthed, the fact you posted this nonsense is proof enough your not 50 and dont know how to play your class.


At 50 a commando/merc does MORE damage per cast than sage/sorc have more mobility, heals, same amount of stuns, AoE KB, heavy armor, and armor pen.


If you cant beat a sage as a commando or merc you suck..end story.

Edited by Sirolos
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People here are comparing classes to their non mirrors and probably comparing non-endgame pvp with endgame pvp;


The game is meant to be played in groups so the classes complement each other, if one class has many cc's and another doesn't then could it be that that class is meant to be the group cc'er...


In my opinion 1 v 1 should not be perfectly balanced, else this really will turn into a boring 1 player game!!!


Give it time, faaar too early to be calling for nerfs.

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Sage is the mirror and does just as much damage.


BH/Troop does as much damage.


Agent/Smug does as much damage.


Sent/Mar does has much damage


You need to rethink posting about saying a class is OP, cause all the classes are fine.



BH/Trooper does not do the same damage..... Here is some very large differences


Bounty Hunter bar builds up from 0 and the resources are much easier to manage and can even get off more abilities before they have too much heat compared to the trooper who is instantly out.


Bounty hunter has 2 weapons trooper has 1 the two weapons makes their Cylinders much more potent then Cells... Yes I played both classes I have taken note BH > Trooper.



SI is superior to JC, their animations to damage time works much quicker then the JC's animation to damage time. Making it a lot easier for a SI to weave abilities together to cause much larger damage compared to the JC who's abilities hit much later and could cause that heal to go un interupted.


I have not played the other 2 classes on both factions but Riddle me this.... If you truely believe both sides are 100% balanced around each other... Why does the empire win the majority of games on every server? I'm sorry I know a lot of people suck but the players who play republic can't all suck as bad as your implying this has to be a Design flaw think about it.

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The sith sorcerer's lightening is the same as the jedi consular's rocks you just can't see them as clearly. Not to mention that most of the inquisitor's casting abilities are lightening no suprise there! So which particular spell are you saying is used too quickly in succession? Because all of them have cooldowns just like the other classes. Do you want all the ranged abilities to take 20 seconds to cooldown? You know I see too much blaster fire and saber swinging from the melee and blaster classes... let's make it so they can't do that as quickly. While each class has its own strengths and weaknesses that may cause some aggrivation at least consider what you're saying first and try to point out a specific skill. Just saying lightening is over powered is too vague.


I've pvped as a juggernaut, sentinal, and inquisitor. I've played both as and against inquisitors and consulars, you just have to learn what to do to fight them. You can't win all the battles but you can certainly give it a good fight, not to mention as somebody posted before things balance out more as everyone gets all their skills.

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Okay if you have ever played Sage you would know it is not an EXACT mirror of Sorcerer. There are some differences which in PVP seem to elevate the Sorc over the sage. Most any other Sith class 1v1 is a match for a Sage. The same is probably true for a Sorc (but Ive never played one past lvl 15 or so) One thing I know is that if you can close to melee range or ambush then it is a very one sided battle that is not in the Sage's favor. The same can be said for the Sorc. Use your head and the tools that you have to keep them from overwhelming you. Know your class. If you are a tank then you need to be in their faces and interrupt them. You don't know how much we hate that. Run away, stay at a distance, and you will surely die. If you watch a good Sith team. They send their assassins and tanks after the Sages. It doesn't matter what level they are they will seriously disrupt my DPS if I have to deal with them which opens up a sorc or agent to hit me from afar while my attention is the threat in my face. If you duo a sorc like that you will drop him every time.


If you are republic then you have surely noticed that all the Sith have abilities that are a bit more tweaked for pvp in general.


Oh and the slicing nerf bat has been swinging for months now. This was not the first nerf to slicing. I fully expected it to be nerfed at launch so it was no surprise.

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just spent 5 mins trying to kill a 50 sorc, oh did i mention it was me a lvl 31 commando and a 47 jedi a 50 trooper and a 48 smuggler. and yes we actually got him 2 times in the entire match but any class that can take that kind of pounding and heal for over 400k and deal over 100k damage in the meantime while only dying twice needs a freakin nerf like no other. sheild heal kite heal los heal he rarely got below 50 percent life. and he managed to kill the 4 of us several times, all 4 of us! by all means nerf away.
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just spent 5 mins trying to kill a 50 sorc, oh did i mention it was me a lvl 31 commando and a 47 jedi a 50 trooper and a 48 smuggler. and yes we actually got him 2 times in the entire match but any class that can take that kind of pounding and heal for over 400k and deal over 100k damage in the meantime while only dying twice needs a freakin nerf like no other. sheild heal kite heal los heal he rarely got below 50 percent life. and he managed to kill the 4 of us several times, all 4 of us! by all means nerf away.


Man I really hope you did not actually take 5 minutes to kill a sorc with 4 people, 1 of which was a level 50.

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Honestly, this entire community is filled with the same QQ'ing/flaming/trolling/whining/spammers/ignorant people that filled up WoW, HoN, LoL, and any other blizzard game. ( hon and lol are not blizzard games, I know.) Most threads are just a bunch of QQ that contribute NOTHING to the game.


I'm glad BW doesn't respond to QQ'ers and I hope they never post on threads like this because you can NEVER please everyone. Ignore them. Ignore them well. Even post a thread that says, WE ARE DOING IT OUR WAY. YOU DONT LIKE IT, ****.


I would rather play with a 50,000 non-flaming, non-trolling, non-whining community then play with 13 million DIPSHTTS.





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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 to Sorcerors to be nerfed, absolutely. Same as an earlier poster, 4-5 of us level 50s trying to kill 2 of them and didnt even scrape any health off them at all, noone else healing them or anything like that. We eventually all died and they captured the flag! Still with full health.


Oh, unless they were hacking of course, but Bioware doesn't want to admit that that goes on of course. Since they can't fix it. Or won't. Or don't care. Still waiting for acknowledgement for a ticket 8 days ago, so not holding my breath.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Force lightening needs to be reduced in range by at least 30%. If they're going to push that kind of DPS then they need to have their ability to heal significantly reduced once spec'd for DPS. Its an unfair advantage to be so good at both abilities. I think they're balanced other than these two things.
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Force lightening needs to be reduced in range by at least 30%. If they're going to push that kind of DPS then they need to have their ability to heal significantly reduced once spec'd for DPS. Its an unfair advantage to be so good at both abilities. I think they're balanced other than these two things.


Even if you're running a hybrid build, you'll be lucky to get a 3k crit heal from a 3 second cast. If the other team lets a Sorc hardcast a 3 second cast then chances are they're just awful.

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Could it be because they're so many that people are exposed to the same spells over and over? I personally think the games balanced, everyone has a weakness and a class thats easy to kill.


I bet half the people that complain about classes ;


a) Not very good

b) Don't LoS

c) Go head to a head with a class that they shouldn't

d) Have no cooldowns when they engage


I just think that theres just way to many sorc/sage.

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Sage is the mirror and does just as much damage.


BH/Troop does as much damage.


Agent/Smug does as much damage.


Sent/Mar does has much damage


You need to rethink posting about saying a class is OP, cause all the classes are fine.


I wouldnt say it's about too much damage. Sorc/sage has bubble, heals, stuns, interrupts, knockbacks. slows....all mind you with a 30 meter range. Plus, they have ridiculous on demand damage and castable abilities that slow you while it's being CHAIN cast....


BH/Troop is out of control too, grav round/tracer missle hit ridiculously hard and stack armor recuction like a champ.


Sent/Mar...yeah they do a LOT of damage but holy crap can you cc/kite one like no body's business. You're just bad if you can't keep a sent/mara off of you, seriously.

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Could it be because they're so many that people are exposed to the same spells over and over? I personally think the games balanced, everyone has a weakness and a class thats easy to kill.


I bet half the people that complain about classes ;


a) Not very good

b) Don't LoS

c) Go head to a head with a class that they shouldn't

d) Have no cooldowns when they engage


I just think that theres just way to many sorc/sage.


Spoken like a true sorc fanboi.


You can only los a class for so long. With bubbles and knockbacks, ranged interrupts and stuns...come on, you're lying to yourself if you think this class isn't OP.

By your "B"...we're all just supposed to run and hide from sorc/sages? lol@that.


Also, when I am in wz's that have 4 sorcs, 3 mercs and an operative...yes, something is terribly wrong with people wanting to play the most OP classes in the game. Sorc/sage and commando/mercenary are obviously the two highest represented classes in this game....geeee, i wonder why?

Edited by revned
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