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Alignment doesn't make sense, BioLucas


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I think there should be no rewards at all for being neutral, you can't choose a side, why reward you for failing to play the game, you would abandon a lot of quests and quest lines trying to do that, because at the end, its either LS or DS point answer, make a stand


why bother at all, go play another game without this system in it, if you choose the empire, and then constantly choose LS points, you at LS 2, should be able to be killed at will by the dark side, you are obviously a traitor to the empire


why join the bad side and try to play a good toon, waste of time, go join the alliance

It's not 'doing nothing' to be neutral - you're racking up darkside and lightside points, you're just doing it on a slightly more equal level. You DO make a stand, rather often -- and rather often you'll get a good choice once and a bad choice as your very next one, or at least with me (I'm trying to play a character based on the first Doctor from Doctor Who's 2005 reboot. Righteous anger tends to be lightside or darkside depending on the mission, ugh.).


Although I am interested in how you'd get Neutral gear. I mean, you've got tiers for dark/lightside, and you really can't put tiers in neutral - it wouldn't make any sense. They'd have to remake the light/darkside system to put in a neutral sort of gear, I think.

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Here's a kicker for you guys to think on, if 10,000 points is the max you can get either way, and LS and DS points cancel each other out, then if you get 10,000 LS points, and then turn around and get 10,000 DS points, (Max for both), don't you technically end up neutral?
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Also as it's BioWare's dialogue wheel, the 1 option is usually "light", 2 is neutral, and 3 is "dark".


Ya, but only about 70% of the time. The dialogue wheel breaks this pattern frequently enough to screw you WAY to frequently.


There's only 1 thing I absolutely hate about this game and know for certain it won't be fixed... the stupid stupid dialogue wheel. It is too vague or just totally off WAY to frequently.

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it's like talking to a child. make some sense


I stated, before, several times, for RP, or because you decide you like the other sides gear better, you are correct, talking to you is like talking to a child, selective hearing.

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Here's a kicker for you guys to think on, if 10,000 points is the max you can get either way, and LS and DS points cancel each other out, then if you get 10,000 LS points, and then turn around and get 10,000 DS points, (Max for both), don't you technically end up neutral?


I personally think they should be independent of each other and not cancel one another out. That would solve the issue with certain levels of neutrality too.

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Here's a kicker for you guys to think on, if 10,000 points is the max you can get either way, and LS and DS points cancel each other out, then if you get 10,000 LS points, and then turn around and get 10,000 DS points, (Max for both), don't you technically end up neutral?


Where does it say 10k total is all you can get?

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I must agree with the OP. Aside from the fact that I must cancel each conversation multiple times (I wonder why?) to min-max my LS/DS AND companion affection, it destroys RP. The character I'm trying to play is rather akin to Darth Bane. I din't kill for the sake of killing. Rather, I do what furthers MY interest the most. If I want to get anything at all from the companion storylines and the alignment gear, I can't RP that character.
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I don't know... maybe the various threads of different people complaining that they are capped and upset with Bioware for pigeonholing everyone into one side or the other.


If that is the case then yes, it should not be capped, but you should not be able to be both light and dark at the same time.

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If that is the case then yes, it should not be capped, but you should not be able to be both light and dark at the same time.


why not? All jedi masters have a certain amount of dark in them. All sith have a certain amount of light in them. It makes total sense for you to be able to be dark and light at the same time.

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I think most of you do not understand what neutral is...neutral is not picking a dark side choice one time and then a light side choice the next time. Neutral is stance unto itself. You neither shoot the person or help the person...and those choices are not in the game. So the neutral argument is asinine. Or better yet, if anyone wants to argue with this logic then the only neutral choice in the game is "refuse quest." Until there is an actual choice that gives neutral points and a neutral vendor...there is NO NEUTRAL!


Neutral alignment is irrelevant because you have made no neutral choices what so ever. What you have done is made 1000 points worth of dark side choices and a 1000 points of light side choices...and that is not neutral, it's asinine.


Real life example: Switzerland doesn't fight 3 months with the Taliban and then fight 3 months with the coalition. What Switzerland does is not take sides at all. That's neutral.


There are currently no in game examples of being neutral.

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Well you see bud, they are still shoehorning me into making a certain decision because i have to constantly keep in mind how many dark or light side points i need and how many i had bud.


Well bud, that is different then what you said bud, and the only reason that would be, is if it is true you cap at 10k. If so they should remove the cap, if there is no cap then there is no problem.

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Basically, BW made everything black and white. You either kill everyone you SE. Or save everyone you see. And their dog. And their cousin's dog.


Don't you get it? EVERYONE HAS TO BE COMPLETELY EVIL OR CONLETELY GOOD. How does that make since?

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why not? All jedi masters have a certain amount of dark in them. All sith have a certain amount of light in them. It makes total sense for you to be able to be dark and light at the same time.


That is not the same as saying, well I am 10k dark and light so I should have be able to get both level 5 items, those jedi's who have dark had to redeem themselves, so to get back to level 5 they had to go past that 10k.


How does it make sense for someone who abhors the dark, or light to use the dark or light, it actually makes no sense at all.

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Someone in another thread said it best... this is a matter of absolutes. If you strive to be Light Side, you are rewarded. If you aim to be Dark Side, you are rewarded. The rewards in either case are not game-breakingly fantastic... they're perks. If you go Full Neutral, you go without them.


You can still RP and occasionally make an occasional DS or LS choice while altogether remaining primarily LS or DS for points. I know my Trooper has been largely LS, but recently made a DS choice to kill a war criminal... he simply had to do it. That's RP. I'll live with the slight "hit" I take to my LS points.


If you must, pick up Diplomacy to 'fix' any reputation snafus.

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why would neutral need a special vendor? if i have 1000 lightside points and 1000 darkside points i should be able to buy rank 1 from either vendor :|


They're NOT points. It's a sliding scale between light and dark. Did the indicator in the character window not give that away?

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I stated, before, several times, for RP, or because you decide you like the other sides gear better, you are correct, talking to you is like talking to a child, selective hearing.


so you're punished for roleplaying in a role playing game.


this is what you're saying with a straight face. "the benefit you get is, you're roleplaying"


no. when you're playing a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and you're forgoing rewards in order "to roleplay" that's not a benefit.


you're trying to sell ice-cream to eskimos. quit grasping for straws and admit there is no earthly reason why anyone should be playing neutral in this system

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so you're punished for roleplaying in a role playing game.


this is what you're saying with a straight face. "the benefit you get is, you're roleplaying"


no. when you're playing a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and you're forgoing rewards in order "to roleplay" that's not a benefit.


you're trying to sell ice-cream to eskimos. quit grasping for straws and admit there is no earthly reason why anyone should be playing neutral in this system


so you are trying to say making an illogical rp choice, by letting light sided jedi use dark sided items, increases your enjoyment of rping, that is illogical my friend, I really do think you are a troll.

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