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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alignment doesn't make sense, BioLucas


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why should you get paid nothing if you work for both mcdonalds and burgerking?


your time investment is what should be rewarded in the game, not your moral choices because as i have said it takes no skill to select the choice to be 100% light or 100% dark.


why are you defending this as if you have some pride in an accomplishment "ha ha you didn't pick the right options, i get cake and you don't!!!"


this is a game first and foremost. there should never be an option for "invest time, get nothing". regardless of how you view it, that's bad design. simple as that.


Because the game is based around 2 sides fighting each other...You're either A or B. You can't be a C.

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Burger king and McDonald are not enemies, they are competitors, that is apples to oranges. Again, if I pay you to dig a hole, and you immediately fill it in, do you think you deserve to be paid to dig a hole?


if you paid me to dig a hole. i dug it. you pay me


then someone else pays me to fill it. he pays me.


that's how it works. i did twice the amount of work, i got twice the pay

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The only way an alignment system makes any sense is if, for instance, you are a Jedi Knight who chooses Dark Side options. Said Jedi, once acquiring a certain amount of Dark Side points, should eventually become a Sith Warrior and start working for the Empire, and this would flow both ways for all classes with the exception of Smuggler and Bounty Hunter. Personally I believe that the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter classes should not be tied to either faction, Republic or Empire, but be allowed to work for either or both as a player chooses. Because if you think about it, Han Solo has done work for the Empire, pre-episode IV, and also for the Alliance, and I'm sure Boba Fett or Bosk have done work for the Alliance as well as the Empire. But that's a topic for another time.
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Because the game is based around 2 sides fighting each other...You're either A or B. You can't be a C.


then they need to take out the choices that create "C" because it only punishes people for no reason at all.


none whatsoever.

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why should you get paid nothing if you work for both mcdonalds and burgerking?
Because it is a game and not real life just like you said.


your time investment is what should be rewarded in the game, not your moral choices because as i have said it takes no skill to select the choice to be 100% light or 100% dark.
No your time investment shouldn't be awarded. If time was just to be awarded then I could log into a Cantina and I should be rewarded for being logged in and doing nothing. It does take skill to get to the points where you make decisions. It does take skill to reverse your mistakes by doing Diplomacy or Flashpoints. There are consequences for choices.


this is a game first and foremost. there should never be an option for "invest time, get nothing". regardless of how you view it, that's bad design. simple as that.
Technically this is a game, you invest time to get nothing all the time. But you technically you haven't invested time to get nothing. You raid, do flashpoiints and get drops to get something. The little extra is from the choices you make, the reward for them or not for them.
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if you paid me to dig a hole. i dug it. you pay me


then someone else pays me to fill it. he pays me.


that's how it works. i did twice the amount of work, i got twice the pay


Yes, and then I would never hire you again, see, that is how the reward system works. In this system you got the rewards while you leveled up the dark side and light side, but you dont get additional benefits because no one trusts you to that level.

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Yes, and then I would never hire you again, see, that is how the reward system works. In this system you got the rewards while you leveled up the dark side and light side, but you dont get additional benefits because no one trusts you to that level.


this is not life this is a GAME. keep repeating that until it sinks in.


there's no point at all to mimicking REAL LIFE and trying to hold people to moral choices in the GAME when said choices aren't even significant to the storyline, loot-rewards, or eventual character progression.


it. is. a. game.



as a game it's a terrible system.


why are you still arguing that it's GREAT because IT'S JUST LIKE REAL LIFE!!!111

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if you paid me to dig a hole. i dug it. you pay me


then someone else pays me to fill it. he pays me.


that's how it works. i did twice the amount of work, i got twice the pay

Again it isn't a drop or reward because for doing something. That is what drops are for and commendations, etc. It is something extra for choosing a certain path, a faction, similar to factions that WoW has. You can choose to grind them to get something or you could choose to not too.
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Again it isn't a drop or reward because for doing something. That is what drops are for and commendations, etc. It is something extra for choosing a certain path, a faction, similar to factions that WoW has. You can choose to grind them to get something or you could choose to not too.


you're not worth talking to, has anyone ever told you that?

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wikimon, do you not realize that this is a Role Playing Game, it's should be designed to be as fully immersive as real life, as i said in my earlier post, the only way alignment choices make sense is if it was used as a way to change factions for Jedi, Troopers, Sith, and Imperial Agents.
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I can relate to the OP.


Many a time I found myself wanting to punch an NPC in the face for being a weak coward and also stop that other NPC from threatening or killing someone that I believed he did not deserve it.


But you know what? I always choose the only real option the game provides me with, because some guy in the developing department decided to add stupid alignment requirements to items. Items. Reqirements for Light/Dark side. What a stupid choice.


You rob people of a way to enjoy the game like they did with the SP games you created, which are largely responsible for your fame as a software house.


Instead you should have gone with storyline twists and unraveling plots for alignment choices. Consequences even. ANything would be immensely better than restricting gear to alignment.


Items for alignment choice. How shortsighted and lazy of you BW. I am thoroughly dissapointed by this.

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Why would you get rewards for not choosing a side? Who gives you the reward, the not-Republic or the not-Empire? By


As someone who plays neutral, I tend to agree. Our reward is getting more credits as quest reward by demanding them.


I understand the complaint but I don't see an RP or in-story rationale.

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BW has made a fundamental mistake by shoving the LS/DS choices into everything you do. The worst offenders being the "Push button, receive points" terminals in various FPs. It makes people feel the need to grind for them. It might have been a better idea to restrict LS/DS gains to your class quests and make the decisions there more meaningful.
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this is not life this is a GAME. keep repeating that until it sinks in.


there's no point at all to mimicking REAL LIFE and trying to hold people to moral choices in the GAME when said choices aren't even significant to the storyline, loot-rewards, or eventual character progression.


it. is. a. game.



as a game it's a terrible system.


why are you still arguing that it's GREAT because IT'S JUST LIKE REAL LIFE!!!111



A) you need to read, I never said it is great because it is based on real life, the OP brought real life into it to show some of his illogic.

B) to immerse yourself it has to have aspects of real life, and in a story driven game this is one of them, and it is a great system.


The system is only terrible for the people who dont want to be playing an RPG.

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if you paid me to dig a hole. i dug it. you pay me


then someone else pays me to fill it. he pays me.


that's how it works. i did twice the amount of work, i got twice the pay



and then I, as Employer 1, will demand my 5 dollars back or just relieve you of duty for filling back the hole I just asked you to dig.



Its been said numerous times that there will be Neutral gear.


Also, what you want makes no sense. Its a Game mechanic for a Morality Slider. If you have 1000 Dark side points and 1000 Light Side points, it makes sense from a game mechanic and lore standpoint that they will cancel each other out.


EDIT for mistakes

Edited by Mormack
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In my opinion...


First thought - remember, there is a subtle but important difference between the moral good/evil and the Force Light/Dark.


There should be more neutral aligned gear for Non-Force users. For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


There should not be much neutral gear for Force users. The Jedi and Sith are both, in their own ways, guided by the force, and are generally averse to doing anything that touches the opposed aspect of the force. Being pure light or pure dark is important to them, as there are long-term consequences (especially for Jedi, since the dark side seemes awfully self-reinforcing).


Does the current system seem to force certain choices in RP? Only if you're concerned about your "alignment". And from what I've seen so far, my Sith hasn't had many situations where I'd want to take that light-side choice (take the renegade general captive? No, no, he dies now, and painfully, as much for offending me as because he is a traitor).

Edited by Pythagoreas
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why give us options if the only way to get rewarded in the game for your choices is to pick ALL THE GOOD ONES, or ALL THE BAD ONES?


why make it so you shoot yourself in the knee by answering the questions as you think your character would?


alignment rewards should not be lightpoints - darkpoints = reward level. this makes no sense. if i've painstakingly accrued 1000 lightpoints and 1000 darkpoints i should be able to choose lightrank I and darkrank I rewards.


the system makes no sense at all as it stands. you're only rewarded for making the correct side choice every time, and you don't even make it a challenge by allowing UI to turn on gain displayed in the conversation choices.


tldr: go light 100% or dark 100% because being different means you get nothing


You can pick whatever you want just use diplomacy or repeatables in order to get the status you want for the gear peice. Thsi is Star Wars there was very little Neutral ground in those films. Sure Han started out neutral but by the end his choices led him to the light side. Same thing with Bobba Fett seeing his father murdered by the jedi led him down the dark side path. Etc etc. I suspect whatever neutral gear they come up with will still pale in comparision to the chosing a side.


Just choose what you want so stories play out the way you want but on the repeatables, diplomacy, and I think there's one other crew skill that does it use those to put you on the side you want. I've done well with it and I'm half way through to Dark Side 2.

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In my opinion...


First thought - remember, there is a subtle but important difference between the moral good/evil and the Force Light/Dark.


There should be more neutral aligned gear for Non-Force users. For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


There should not be much neutral gear for Force users. The Jedi and Sith are both, in their own ways, guided by the force, and are generally averse to doing anything that touches the opposed aspect of the force. Being pure light or pure dark is important to them, as there are long-term consequences (especially for Jedi, since the dark side seemes awfully self-reinforcing).


Does the current system seem to force certain choices in RP? Only if you're concerned about your "alignment". And from what I've seen so far, my Sith hasn't had many situations where I'd want to take that light-side choice (take the renegade general captive? No, no, he dies now, and painfully, as much for offending me as because he is a traitor).



You are a gentleman and a scholar. This is something I can get behind. Bioware, hire this man now.

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